Affichage de 9 résultats

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Arch. Smith to W.M. Badger, arriving Apr 29, to house prepared by Sultan; Walter sharing; road-surface instructions passed to Mayes. Unable to use heavy carts as keeping open through shortage of trained bullocks. Aden steamer takings down because of opposition from Br. India & Union, a steamer chartered Bombay-Zanzibar by Tana Topan, free-lancing French vessal. Missionary attempt to replace coolie transportation by bullock-cart failure through tse-tse fly. Comments on photos of Dar-es-Salaam em-closed (inside the envelope).

E.M. Barttelot Yambuya Camp W.M. 14p Attached to letter (total 19p) A List of loads taken or sold B List of loads left & receipt for same C Agreements with Muni Somai D Letters to Belgian officers (Capt. Van Gele, Lt. G.F. Van Kerckhoven & Lt. Liebriechts) E Letters of instruction to Mr. Ward F Troups certificate, orders, application letters to M.Fontain G Papers concerning Assad Farran, Alexander Hadad, Soudanese soldiers, Consul General Cairo H Agreement & guarantees with Tippoo Tib I Parade state up to 2 June 1888 Expenditure up to 2 June 1888

G.A. Portal (Zanzibar) to Marquis of Salisbury Enclosing 2 papers from Baron von Soden negotiated by C.S. Latrobe-Bateman, Superintendent District (IBEA Co.) and Carl Peters, Imperial Commissioner, Kilimanjaro Station, of a provisional agreement defining British-German territories around Kilimanjaro

Smith Mackenzie & Co Zanzibar Gray Dawes & Co 1p enclosing following: 1. Letter from Barttelot to Mr. Holmwood, dated Yambuya Camp 9 June 1888 2. List of sick men left at Yambuya (This is the only item actually enclosed and also next letter) 3. Agreement between Sheik Hamed bin Mohamed, Major Barttelot & Mr. Jameson 4. Agreement between Sheik Muni Somai & Major Barttelot

Wm. McKinnon sent to F.T. Fellow, deplores difficulties with co-manager re swearing, bullying workers & F.T.F. in building road from Dar-es-Salaam to interior; demands detailed work abstracts re road, not literary reports; no more leaks to the press, even evangelical; two more long letters to write re this project same evening