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FO 608/218/4 · Objekt · 1919
Teil von The National Archives

Belgium: Aspirations in Africa, including: Belgian claims to territory in German East Africa; With map. Compensation to Belgium in Africa: Possible cession of Lado enclave. Note dated 6 April 1919, by Sir Reginald Wingate (former Governor General of the Sudan and High Commissioner of Egypt), giving historical summary of international questions connected with the Lado region.

FO 383/257 · Objekt · 1917
Teil von The National Archives

Belgium: Prisoners, including: Pensions: Receipts from British subjects in Brussels. Payment of British pensions: irregularities in certain payments from British Relief Funds; includes some signed copies of receipts. British loan and charitable funds: irregularities in accounts. Mrs Catherine Pauline Hermans, divorced wife of William Read, living in The Hague with a German soldier: questions of British passport application and grant of relief to her and her son, G M Read. Miss Ann Welby Butt (or Miss L W Butt), deceased in Lubbeck near Louvain: questions regarding death and her estate. Mrs Maria Virginia Geddes, widow of British subject John H Geddes, at Antwerp: application for relief from British funds; indenture for recovery of advances. Miss Jane ONeill (or Miss Jeannie ONeill), in Louvain: includes British emergency passport application, with photograph (in docket no.68691). Mrs Sarah Little, at Braine-lAlleud: request for news of her family; receipt of relief funds from her daughter, Mrs F J Ison, living in Cairo, Egypt. Mrs Marie Constance Barrat-Vinck, widow of British subject William Barrat, at Hoeylaert: includes British emergency passport application, with photograph (in docket no.68784). Mrs John Wiggin, at Uccle, Brussels: deposit of money intended for her husband interned in Germany. Committee of War Relief in Belgium. Relief of British subjects in Belgium. Mr E R Hodson, and his wife Mrs Annie Hodson, in Brussels. German civilians captured by Belgian troops on Africa. German women, prisoners and civilians brought to UK from German East Africa. Ada von Schnee, wife of the Governor of German East Africa: residence in London. Internment and deportation of Belgians as reprisal for allegedill-treatment of Germans transported from German East Africa. Exchange of German and Belgian civilian prisoners through intervention of King of Spain. James Absolom Hughes, in Brussels: request for information about his sons in England; includes British emergency passport application, with photograph (in docket no.92501). Code 1204 Files 47333-92501.

PRO 30/57/64/127-128 · Objekt · 1915 Nov 27-28
Teil von The National Archives

Birdwood to Kitchener. His pleasure at Kitcheners visit to Gallipoli. Regrets giving up Anzac command. Evacuation plans. Urges that Sir I Hamilton should receive an honour. To Fitzgerald. The evacuation. Difficulties regarding Helles. French troops togo first. 2 letters. Sent from: MEF.