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MPG 1/1022/2 · Objekt · 1910
Teil von The National Archives

Karte des Schutzgebietes Togo in Wirkungsbereich der geplanten Bahn Lome-Atakpame-Banjeli wirtschaftlich beleuchtet. 1:1,000,000. Compiled by P Sprigade. Lithographed and printed by Dietrich Reimer (E. Vohsen), Berlin. MS addition shows proposed railway; blue MS addition shows boundary of an area north of 8°N described in MPG 1/1022/3 as a prohibition area. The map covers Togo and part of the Gold Coast (now Ghana). It was originally sub-enclosure 2 to enclosure (iii) in Gold Coast Confidential despatch of 25 February 1910.

FO 925/92 · Objekt · 1886
Teil von The National Archives

Karte von Afrika, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der deutschen Kolonien; von W. Liebenow. 1:10,000,000. Insets: Nil-Gebiet bei Chartum, Massana und Östliche Abessinien, Assab und Tadschurra Bai, Das Suaheli oder Witoland und der Untere Tana, Das Gebiet von Angra Pequena, Das Kamerun-gebiet, Tunis und Umgegend, Das Deutsche Togo-gebiet. Berlin, Lithographisches Institut.

CO 1047/220 · Objekt · 1911
Teil von The National Archives

Karte von Kamerun, beabeitet von M Moisel. G1 Buea. Copy of 219/80 [see Co 1047/219] with addition of a district boundary in S E Nigeria and omission of Cameroon tribal boundaries. Printed, with MS additions of English translations to reference table showing companies owning plantations. MS note on reverse:Return to A1 Harding. Duala Buea (no red tribal boundary lines hereon). 1:300,000. D Reimer, Berlin.

CO 96/361/46 · Objekt · 1900 July 28
Teil von The National Archives

Liquor Traffic Convention and spirit duties in the Trans Volta District: reports that an Ordinance raising duties on spirits districts to the East of the Volta has been passed; it is in accordance with the resolution of the Brussels Conference and will take effect immediately; the Governor of Togo has been informed. Sir Frederick Hodgson, Governor. Unnumbered Telegram, folios 329-331.