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MPII 1/86/9 · Objekt · 1880
Teil von The National Archives

Albania and Greece. Map of the Turco-Greek Frontier Reduced and Compiled from the Austrian Staff and Kieperts maps showing the Old Frontier [1832] and the Berlin Conference boundary of 1880. Reference table. Compiled and lithographed at the Intelligence Branch, Quarter Master Generals Department, July 1880. Certified by Major J C Ardagh RE to be a true copy of the Turkish map attached to annex of Convention signed at Constantinople 24 May 1881. Coloured, MS additions show the division of the territory to be ceded to Greece.

CO 96/361/6 · Objekt · 1900 July 17
Teil von The National Archives

Ashanti affairs: reports the information supplied to Colonel Wilcocks by a Catechist of the Basel Mission which refers to the King of Insuta; the inclusion of Bompata in Ashanti; the action taken regarding Obuabasa and the proceedings of the Kings of Kumawu and Nkoranza. Sir Frederick Hodgson, Governor. Confidential despatch, folios 29-32.

FO 383/116 · Objekt · 1916
Teil von The National Archives

Austria-Hungary: Prisoners, including: Requests for release of individuals from detention, including: Alfred Boedtker, Austrian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. Ferdinand Vukusich, Austrian subject. Repatriation of Austrian seamen. Austro-Hungarian subjects captured on board American vessels before declaration of war on Austria-Hungary. Max Gelburg, Austrian subject, interned at Wakefield, Yorkshire. Frederick Edwards, meerschaum pipe manufacturer, Austrian subject, interned at Alexandra Palace, London. Dr Robert Janowsky, Austrian subject. Count Stephen Zichy, Hungarian subject, interned at Douglas Camp, Isle of Man. Joseph Kovarik, interned at Stratford, London. Luciano Sandrin, Austrian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India, then at Dagshai, India. Henry William Crispin, clerk, interned at Brünn, Austria: father petitions for his exchange. Henry Butcher, opera and concert singer, British subject: petitions for exchange. Repatriation of Austro-Hungarian seamen from Malta: Anton Talatin, Max Palmic, Francesco Kersul and Giacomo Zaninich. Hans Bleich, Austrian subject, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. Dr August Hesser, Hungarian subject, interned at Douglas Camp, Isle of Man. Leopold Blaha, Austro-Hungarian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. H Wirtl, Austro-Hungarian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. Dr Desiderius Bruck, planter in German East Africa, Hungarian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. Oskar Huber, Austro-Hungarian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. Otto Spitzauer, Austro-Hungarian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. W Winter, Austro-Hungarian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. Dr August K Waldner, Austro-Hungarian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. Bernhard Brandes, Austrian subject, interned at Ahmednagar Camp, India. Leo Zuker, Austrian subject, interned at Malta: representation on his behalf from the Vatican. Gustav Krebs, Austrian subject, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man. Karl Wurm, Austrian subject: repatriated via Gravesend, Kent, and Flushing, Netherlands. Johann Franovitch, Austrian subject, interned at Alexandra Palace, London. John Cooke, Austrian subject. Abraham Bodea, Austrian subject, interned at Knockaloe Camp. Terentie Toader, Austrian subject, interned at Knockaloe Camp. Heinrich Jacobson, interned at Trial Bay, New South Wales, Australia. Giovanni Rella, Austrian subject, formerly prisoner: repatriated with crew of Austrian steamship Alfa , but alleged to be serving in Austrian Navy despite having given parole not to serve in any military capacity. Code 1203 File 890 (papers 152246-end).