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Chamber of commerce (inventory)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 376-15 · Fonds · 1865-1936
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: In article 93 of the constitution of the Free and Hanseatic City of Hamburg, published on 28.9.1860 (Hamb.VO, p.79), it had been determined that the tradesmen should elect a committee for the promotion of the business enterprise. The details should be determined by law. This edition fulfilled the Gewerbegesetz of 7.11.1864 (Hamb.VO, p.161). On the basis of this law, an interim trade committee consisting of 15 members was initially set up, which met for its constituent meeting on 27.1.1865. Its members had been elected five each by the elders of the former guild trades (offices), by the Senate and by the citizens. The committee in turn sent five members as representatives of the trades to the citizenship, where they replaced the deputies departing by law from the former older people. Its task was to prepare the conditions for the future final committee. Soon the interim trade committee presented a bill, which was not approved by the Senate. After long negotiations between senate and citizenship the "Gesetz betr. die Gewerbekammer" (Hamb.Ges.Slg.I, p.119) could finally be published on 18.12.1872. Herewith the committee required by the constitution received the designation "Chamber of Commerce". He was subject to the administrative department for trade and commerce (§ 1). Like its provisional predecessor, the Trade Chamber also consisted of 15 members, five of whom were seconded to the citizenship. Only those tradesmen were to be represented in the Chamber of Commerce who operated their business within the boundaries of the then Hamburg Free Port Area, including the Zollverein defeat. For the purpose of the election, the trades were divided into 15 groups, each of which had to elect a representative, for a period of five years. Three of the members should resign each year. Every self-employed businessman who had the right to participate in the elections for citizenship was entitled to vote and eligible for election. Each year, the members of the Chamber elected a chairman and his deputy from among their number. The Chamber's duties, as outlined in § 11 of the Act, included representing the interests of Hamburg trade, providing expert opinions in trade matters for the Senate, the courts and private individuals, and also participating in the administration of commercial schools. The costs of the Chamber's business operations were borne by the State Treasury. The first elections to the trade chamber took place after preparation by the interim trade committee on 31.3.1875. On 21.4.1875 the newly elected chamber met for its constituent meeting and took over the business and files of the interim committee, which dissolved at the same time. The Reichsgesetz of 26.7.1897 (RGBl., p.665) brought about drastic changes to the Gewerbeordnung. Section 105 of the new Rules of Procedure stipulated that chambers of craftsmen were to be set up to represent the interests of the crafts of their district. § 103q left it to the Land central authorities to determine that existing institutions could be entrusted with the exercise of the rights and duties of the Chamber of Crafts. The new law was gradually enacted by imperial decrees. The provisions on the formation of chambers of crafts entered into force on 1.4.1900 through the VO of 12.5.1900 (RGBl., p.127). In accordance with this, the Senate issued the notice of 2.4.1900 (Official Gazette, p. 487), which transferred the rights and duties of a Chamber of Crafts to the Chamber of Commerce for the entire territory of Hamburg. The requirements of the new trade regulations now also required a reorganisation of the Trade Chamber Act. The focus was on the question of representation of the many new industrial companies that have emerged in recent decades. While a minority of large industrialists were in favour of joining the Chamber of Commerce, the majority of smaller manufacturers decided to remain in the Chamber of Commerce. The area of competence of the Chamber also urgently needed to be revised. Section 3 of the old law had defined the free port area as the scope of the business area, which, however, had shrunk considerably as a result of the customs connection on 15 October 1888. Therefore, the chamber elections were tacitly held for all those tradesmen who were resident in the urban area and in the suburbs. After long negotiations the "Act on the Chamber of Commerce" of 4.10.1907 (Official Gazette p.589) was finally passed. From now on, the chamber was divided into a craft department and an industrial department, each with 12 members. The jurisdiction extended over the entire territory of Hamburg. The members were to be elected for a term of six years. At the end of each year, four members (2 each from each department) resigned. Replacement elections were held for members who resigned early. The Chamber sent representatives from among its members to the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry, to the Advisory Authority for Customs, to the Administration of Trade Education and to the Supervisory Authority for Guilds. Parallel to the reorganization of the Chamber of Commerce, an Industrial Commission was formed at the Chamber of Commerce (Official Gazette 1907 p.600). The "Bekanntmachung betr. die Errichtung der Gewerbekammer und die Industriekommission der Handelskammer" of 23.12. 1907 (Official Gazette p.757) brought both changes into force on 1.1.1908. This solution was a compromise between the two conflicting aspirations in industry circles which emerged during the long negotiations. The new version of the Trade Chamber Act of 20.11.1922 (HGVBl. p.645) essentially brought changes in the election procedure, which were partly due to the discontinuation of Hamburg citizenship. The number of members for trade and industry was increased to 20 each. The election continued for six years, but with the proviso that half of the members should resign every three years. An additional important innovation was the raising of funds for the Chamber, which had previously been paid for from the State Treasury. Now § 27 of the law gave the possibility to raise a contribution graduated after the height of the taxable conversion. The new elections were to be held within 3 months of the promulgation of the law. The new law was brought into force by the announcement of 20.11.1922 (HGVBl. S.657) on 23.11.1922. In the following years, only minor changes were made to the law in force: on 4 June 1924 (HGVBl. p. 375), on 7 February 1927 (HGVBl. p. 84), on 6 April 1927 (HGVBl. p. 173) and most recently by the "Third Ordinance on the Implementation of the Act on the Structure of Administration" of 30 March 1928 (HGVBl. p. 136). A new task fell to the trade chamber with effect from 1.4.1930 by the mechanism and establishment of the handicraft roll with regulations of the Reich Minister of Economics of 25.4.1929 (RGBl. I S.87) and of 4.3.1930 (RGBl. I S.35). The Chambers of Crafts (Gewerbekammern) were required to keep a register of all craftsmen who were engaged in a standing trade on their own. The National Socialist seizure of power brought a complete break in the history of the trade chamber. On 31.5.1933 (Senate Protocol I 1933, p.272), the Senate approved a joint motion of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Commerce of 18.5.1933 to form an "Industry Committee" at the Chamber of Commerce consisting of representatives of both chambers. However, this state of affairs was only of short duration, because on 26.1.1934 (Senate Protocol p.27 and printed matter no.1) the Senate enacted the "Law on the Formation of a Unified Industrial Division at the Chamber of Commerce". The Chamber of Commerce took over the sole representation of Hamburg's industry after the dissolution of the industrial department of the Chamber of Commerce. The Reich legislation now brought about drastic changes: On 29.11.1933 the "Gesetz über den vorläufigen Aufbau des deutschen Handwerks" (RGBl. I p. 1015) was passed with the three implementing ordinances of 15.6.1934 (RGBl.I p.493) and 18.1.1935 (RGBl.I p.14 and p.15). The 2nd regulation of 18.1.1935 determined in § 1 the management of the chambers of crafts according to the Führergrundsatz. The Reich Minister of Economics was in charge of supervision. The 3rd Ordinance of 18.1.1935 tightened up the provisions concerning the register of craftsmen, in which from then on only self-employed persons who had also passed the master craftsman's examination were entered. Only those who were entered in the trade register were allowed to operate an independent trade as a standing trade. The management of the handicraft register was transferred to the trade chamber by the ordinance of the senate of 26.4.1935 (HGVBl. p.119). The Gewerbekammer ceased to exist as a result of the "Gesetz zur Aufhebung des Gesetzes über die Gewerbekammer" in the form of an announcement of the Reich Governor dated 30.9.1936 (HGVBl. p.227) with effect from 1.10.1936. It was replaced by the new Chamber of Crafts. Delivery and order The files of the Chamber of Commerce were delivered in four deliveries (1957,1965,1976) from the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts to the State Archives. During a preliminary examination in 1963, mainly journeyman and master craftsman examination files were collected, except for examples, because the Chamber of Crafts has master craftsman directories with information on the examination date. The file size before the beginning of the order work was approx. 13 linear metres. After cassation of already printed annual reports, concepts, cash audit cases and duplicate documents, the volume now amounts to 11.8 linear metres of shelving. The file classification used by the Chamber of Commerce proved to be unusable because of its group designations, which were mostly too general, and was not adopted. The reorganization was based on a classification according to factual aspects with partial reference to the earlier scheme - as far as possible and necessary for understanding the connections. The demarcation of the Gewerbekammer from the Handwerkskammer resulted from the design of the Handwerkvertretung in the National Socialist period. With 1.10.1936, the effective date of the new legislation, the existence of the Chamber of Commerce ends. The files of the supervisory authority for the guilds also delivered by the Chamber of Crafts form an independent collection (376-15). July 1978 Inventory description: The Hamburg Constitution of 28.09.1860 stipulated that tradesmen should elect a committee to promote the trade. A law should determine the details. The Trade Act of 1864 created the basis for the establishment of an interim trade committee at the beginning of 1865 to prepare a final committee. It was not until the end of 1872 that a Trade Chamber Act was published, with the result that the committee required by the Constitution was given the designation Trade Chamber. The Chamber of Commerce consisted of 15 members and was subordinate to the Administrative Department for Trade and Commerce. The tasks of the Chamber of Commerce included representing the interests of Hamburg's trade, providing expert opinions on trade matters for the Senate, courts and private individuals, and participating in the administration of commercial schools. Changes in the trade regulations led to the Senate of the Chamber of Commerce in 1900 also transferring the rights and duties of a Chamber of Crafts. The trade chamber law of 04.10.1907 divided this into a crafts department and an industrial department. The NS era brought drastic changes. In 1934 the Chamber of Commerce took over the sole representation of the Hamburg industry after the dissolution of the industrial department of the Chamber of Commerce. With effect from 01.10.1936 the activity of the trade chamber ended. It was replaced by the new Chamber of Crafts. The order comprises documents on the following areas of activity of the Chamber of Commerce: Internal affairs of the Chamber (organisation, elections, reporting), participation of the Chamber in authorities and administrations, relations with other organisations and institutions, conferences, economic promotion, trade regulations and labour law, training and examination, insurance, job creation, market economy, transport, taxation and customs, money and credit, calibration, administration of justice, construction, health, sport and statistics. (Ga)

Citizenship I
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 121-3 I · Fonds · 1580-1948
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: In 1859 the citizenship replaced the inherited citizenship and the college of the upper aged as the state parliament. It existed continuously until 1933, although the right to vote was subject to several changes. Their dissolution took place on 14.10.1933 together with that of the Reichstag. Archiving history: The retroconversion of the data took place in the years 2010-2012. The inventory is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 121-3 I Citizenship I, No. ... . Description of the existing stock: In 1859, the citizenship replaced the inherited citizenship and the college of the Upper Ages as the state parliament. It existed continuously until 1933, although the right to vote was subject to several changes. Their dissolution took place on 14.10.1933 together with that of the Reichstag. The Best. is divided into 3 groups: Presidential and Registry Affairs, Plenary and Committee Activities. The core of the collection is formed by the minutes of the citizens' meetings with their annexes, which were preserved from December 1859 to June 1933. They are supplemented by the minutes of the executive committee of the citizenship and files on the activities of the parliamentary groups from 1880 onwards. A further focal point is the correspondence between the Senate and the citizens. There is also a list of all citizenship members. The largest part of the stock is taken up by the traditions of the committees. They are structured according to subject matter and cover all areas of legislation and administration.

Commercial register (inventory)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 231-3 · Fonds · 1836-1908
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: In order to prevent the misuse of company names and to be able to determine who is entitled to act on behalf of a company, the obligation for merchants to register the legal relationships of their companies with the commercial court in a register accessible to everyone was introduced on 1 January 1836. However, until 1 August 1866, when the relevant provisions of the Introductory Act to the General German Commercial Code entered into force, the obligation existed only for newly established companies and for them only if the company name and the name of the owner were not identical. The possibility of voluntary registration was given. The company protocol initially established for all entries except procurations was later replaced by registers for each legal form. Special registers were added as cooperative registers (from 1869), sign registers (from 1875), design protection registers (from 1876) and stock exchange registers for goods and securities (from 1896). For each register number, a file was kept which contained documents filed in addition to a copy of the register entry. From 1 October 1879 the registers were kept at the regional court, from 1 January 1900 at the district court in Hamburg. The district courts of Bergedorf and Ritzebüttel kept their own registers for their sprinkles. The registers of companies, societies and cooperatives were closed on 31 December 1904, their still valid contents transferred to the commercial registers and a new cooperative register. Preliminary Remark Legal Foundations The "Ordinance of 28.12.1835 (Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.14, p.307-316) on the Notification to the Commercial Courts of the Establishment, Change and Repeal of Commercial Societies, Commercial Firms, Anonymous Companies and Procurants to be Made in Commercial Courts, which became Popular by the Council and Citizen's Conclusion of 15.October 1835" of 28.12.1835 (Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.14, p.307-316) introduced in Hamburg for the first time an obligation for merchants to have the legal relationships of their companies entered in a register at the Commercial Court which is accessible to everyone. It entered into force on 1 January 1836. This regulation had come into being on the initiative of Commerzdeputation, which from 1823 constantly tried to persuade the Council to adopt a regulation which prevented the misuse of company names and created an opportunity to establish who was the actual owner of a company and who was entitled to act on its behalf. Initially, however, not all commercial enterprises were required to be entered in the register. Excluded were all already existing companies, however to the common sense of the owners it was appealed to to be registered voluntarily for the promotion of the thing (Publicandum of 28.12.1835, Hamburgische Verordnung Bd.14, S.317). In addition, registration was waived where the name of the trading company was identical to the name of the sole proprietor. Accordingly, the obligation existed only for 1. acting-Societäten (§ 1 of the regulation) 2. the action of the sole owner of a acting firm, which either did not contain its own full name or was not limited to its own name (§ 3 Abs.2) 3. granting of procurations (§ 4-8) 4. anonymous companies (§ 9-10) 5. agents and representatives of foreign insurance and similar companies (§ 11) 6. Hamb. insurance companies and other public limited companies (§ 12). The aforementioned had to report every establishment, change and cancellation of a company and submit all circulars to the Commercial Court - Company and Procurator's Office, partly also called Company Office. With the "Bekanntmachung betr. die Anmeldung im Firmen-Bureau vom 1.2.1844 (Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.18, S.7)" (Announcement concerning the registration in the firm's office of 1.2.1844, Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.18, p.7), the obligation arising from the 1835 ordinance was once again made public and in some cases specified in more detail. In 1865, the deposition of trademarks, labels and packaging provided for in Art. 24 of the Hanseatic-French Commercial and Shipping Treaty of 4 March 1865 (published on 30 June 1865, Hamburg Ordinances Vol. 33, pp. 233-234) was transferred to the Office for Business and Procuration. The introduction of the General German Commercial Code by law of 22.12.1865 (Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.33, p.533-561) brought a substantial extension of the obligation to register in the registers. The Commercial Code and the Introductory Act came into force in Hamburg on 1 May 1966. According to Article 19 of the Commercial Code, every businessman was now obliged to have his company entered in the Commercial Register. Paragraph 6 of the Hamburg Introductory Act also introduced the obligation to register the circle of traders to whom, under Article 10 of the Commercial Code, the rules for merchants were not to apply, such as traders from small businesses, hoekers, carters, ordinary skippers, etc., if they appointed an authorised signatory or if they wished to enter into an open partnership to operate their trade. In contrast to the Regulation of 1835, the transitional provisions (§§ 1-5) of the Introductory Act stipulated that the new provisions were also binding on all existing undertakings. It was imposed on these companies to register within 3 months, so that from 1.8.1866 all commercial enterprises in the Hamburg area, with the exception of Ritzebüttel, would have to be entered in the registers of the Commercial Court. In addition, Article 13 of the Commercial Code provides for the publication of all entries in the registers. So far, since October 1847 only the applications provided for in §§ 1 and 3 (2) of the Regulation of 1835 had apparently been published on the basis of an order of the Commercial Court. - In detail and on the other extensions and changes in the tasks of the company office under the Commercial Code see: The Commission reports and further negotiations on the introduction of the General German Commercial Code in Hamburg, p.3-5 (Library A 913/9). The special protocol for cooperatives to be established in accordance with the Genossenschaftsgesetz (Cooperatives Act) was also kept at the Commercial Court in accordance with § 1 of the "Ausführungsverordnung zum Norddeutschen Bundesgesetze betreffend die privatrechtliche Stellung der Erwerbs- und Wirtschaftsgenossenschaften vom 4.Juli 1868" (Implementation Ordinance on the North German Federal Laws concerning the Private Law Status of Acquisition and Economic Cooperatives of 4 July 1868) of 30 November 1868 (Hamburgische Gesetzsammlung Bd.III, p.86-88) from 1 January 1869. In Bergedorf, a separate commercial register was created at the local court from 1.1.1873 (announcement of 29.12.1872, Hamburgische Gesetzsammlung Bd.VIII, p.249-251). With the entry into force of the Reich Law on Trademark Protection of 4.12.1874 on 1.5.1875, the "entry of the trademark of goods" in a register of signs was transferred to the Commercial Court (Announcement of 26.4.1875, Hamburgische Gesetzsammlung Bd.XI, p.52-54). In the following year, due to § 9 of the Reichsgesetz regarding the copyright on designs and models of 11.1.1876 (Reichsgesetzblatt, p.12), the keeping of the design register was added. The Court Constitution Act of 27.1.1877 (Reichsgesetzblatt, p.41) ended the old Hamburg Court Constitution on 1.10.1879. For the tasks of the "Handelsgerichts-Bureau für das Firmen- und Procurenwesen" (Commercial Court Bureau for Companies and Procurators), i.e. keeping the commercial, cooperative, design and trademark registers, the district court was responsible for the Hamburg territory with the exception of the Ritzebüttel and Bergedorf district authorities; for the aforementioned district authorities, the district court concerned was responsible (§ 5 of the Act concerning the non-contentious jurisdiction of 25 July 1879, HamburgischeGesetzsammlung Bd.XV, pp. 253-255). On 1.10.1894 the jurisdiction for the protection of trademarks ended. It was transferred to the Reich Patent Office (Law for the Protection of Waaren Designations of 12.5.1894, Reichegesetzblatt, p.441-448). The Stock Exchange Act of 22.6.1896 (Reichsgesetzblatt, p.157-176) added the maintenance of two stock exchange registers, one for goods and one for securities. For the district courts of Bergedorf and Ritzebüttel, no stock exchange registers were established, but jurisdiction was transferred to the regional court. The registers were kept until the amendment of the Stock Exchange Act in 1908. On 1.1.1900 the "Bureau für die Handels-, Genossenschafts-, Markenschutz- und Mustererschutz-Register" (Bureau for the Commercial, Cooperative, Trademark and Design Protection Registers) transferred its duties to the District Court at the Regional Court (§ 125 of the Reichsgesetz über die freiwillige Gerichtsbarkeit vom 17.5.1898, Reichsgesetzblatt, p.189). Register maintenance Two registers were created on 2.1.1836, the Company Protocol (A 6) and the Procuration Protocol (A 7), on the grounds of the company office. In the company protocol, all registrations provided for by the law, with the exception of procurations, were recorded. This remained essentially the case until the entry into force of the General German Commercial Code. From 1843 to 1856, a special "protocol of foreign companies" (A 8) was kept, in which foreign companies whose owners were temporarily in Hamburg were registered. Parallel to this, from 1843 to 1847 there was a "protocol for procurations by foreign companies" (A 9). The Protocol on Powers of Attorney (A 10), which ran from 1957 until the entry into force of the General German Commercial Code (Allgemeines Deutscher Handelsgesetzbuch), was considerably more comprehensive than the two aforementioned protocols. In contrast to authorised signatories, the persons entered in these minutes were only entitled to represent a company in accordance with the deposited power of attorney. After the entry into force of the General German Commercial Code (Allgemeines Deutscher Handelsgesetzbuch), the company and proxy protocols were declared commercial registers within the meaning of the Code (§ 1 of the transitional provisions to the Introductory Act, Hamburgische Verordnungen Bd.33, p.559). They continued to be guided. A protocol for public limited companies (A 11) has been newly established. In this register, in addition to the joint-stock companies registered so far in the company minutes, the proxies of foreign companies registered so far in the power of attorney minutes were also recorded. Furthermore, until the creation of a special protocol for cooperatives (A 18) on 1 January 1869, "associations" of craftsmen were entered in this protocol. As there had been repeated difficulties with the neighbouring states because of the recognition of extracts from the "Protocols", "Registers" were established on 1.1.1876. The older entries were not transferred. The company register (A 12) for sole traders and the company register (A 13) for open commercial companies and limited partnerships were created as a continuation of the company protocol, as well as the shareholder register II (A 14) for joint stock companies and limited partnerships on shares and the company register III (A 15) for authorised representatives and agents of foreign anonymous companies as a continuation of the company protocol. The protocol of the cooperatives became the register of cooperatives (A 19). Only the Prokura protocol continued to exist under the old name. Until 31.12.1875 15129 numbers had been assigned in the company minutes, 407 numbers in the minutes of the joint-stock companies. For the Company Register and the Company Register I a common numbering was made starting with no. 15130 up to 31.12.1889. From 1.1.1890 onwards, each register beginning with No. 27401 has sequential numbers. The registers of companies resulting from the minutes of joint-stock companies also have a common numbering - beginning with No. 408 - which was maintained until 1904. From 1.6.1885, the Company Register IV (A 16) was created for the branches of foreign companies that had previously been entered in the Company Register II. Finally, in 1895, the Company Register V (A 17) was established for limited liability companies. Until then, they had also been entered in the Company Register II. With the 31.12.1899 the Prokurprotokolle end. The authorized signatories were now entered in the corresponding company register or company register I, as was already the case with anonymous companies. Following the entry into force of the new Commercial Code, the entries previously made in Company Register III (A 15) for authorised representatives of foreign companies were no longer permissible. From now on, the legal entities whose obligation to register is determined in § 33 et seq. of the new Commercial Code of 10 May 1897 (Reichsgesetzblatt, p. 219) were included in this register. (in: Senate Commission for the Administration of Justice, II C d 3 a 1 Vol. 1) the closure of the registers of companies, partnerships and cooperatives was determined. The commercial registers A, B and C and a new cooperative register took their place from 1.1.1905. The contents of the old registers, which were still valid, were gradually transferred to the new registers. The stock exchange and model registers remained unaffected. Delivery, loss of records and order Since 1902, the files due for destruction at the end of the retention periods have been delivered annually to the various registers by the Local Court. The files for all registers were filed by the court after deletion of the entries according to a common Repositioning number sequence - The first delivery of registers (protocols) and lists of names apparently took place in 1910. Further registers and protocols of general content were delivered on 4.1.1933 (G.A. H 2 a 54). The large series reached the State Archives on 11.2.1950. In the years 1951, 1953, 1961 and 1967 smaller subsequent deliveries took place. Losses of records have occurred both at the Local Court and in the State Archives. No registers have yet been delivered to the State Archives: Company Protocol No. 15084 to 15129, Procuration Protocol No. 11767-12016, and Protocol for Joint Stock Companies (No. 1-407). In the State Archives, Volume 2 of the Protocol on Interrogation and Volume 3 of the Protocol on Powers of Attorney were probably destroyed by water damage during the Second World War. The files relating to the registers are also incomplete. Losses occurred due to cassations at the district court and water damage at the state archives. The administrative work now being carried out concerns only the protocols and registers for which delivery directories were previously only partially available. A review of the files and possible cassation of those containing only extracts from the registers was initially postponed. Notes on use 1. running time information The running time information for the registers only takes into account the date on which the respective register sheet was set up. They have therefore been placed in parentheses. However, almost every sheet also contains later entries. 2) Mutual references In the case of entries for a company in different register series, as well as in the case of the creation of new pages (if the old ones were fully written), mutual references have always been made, as far as established. 3. company register II to V The individual volumes frequently also contain entries for shareholders with lower register numbers than can be assumed from the title. Reference is made to such entries in the previous section. 4. directories of names A complete directory of names for all entries is not available, but almost all series are indexed by alphabetical or rough alphabetical directories. An attempt has been made to determine the existing name directories as precisely as possible. Finding the register numbers for corporations is particularly difficult. These companies have been listed very differently in the individual name directories, partly under the company name, partly according to sectors or - without taking the company name into account - under A (joint-stock company). V List of Abbreviations The following abbreviations are used in the protocols and registers: A - Commercial register A (after 1904) AG - Protocol for public limited companies B - Commercial register B (after 1904) C - Commercial register C (after 1904) Cons.Prot. - Consensual Protocol (Protocol on Consent to Continuation of the Company in the Event of Change of Owners) P - Company Protocol or Company Register PF - Protocol of External Companies PF - Company Protocol FR - Company Register G - Company Register or Cooperative Register or Protocol of Cooperatives GR - Company Register HR A - Commercial register A (after 1904) HR B - Commercial register B (after 1904) HR 0 - Commercial register C (after 1904) KP - Collective power of attorney MR - Model register P - Procuration protocol PF - Procuration protocol UB - Judgment book UP - Judgment protocol - Judgment book V - Power of attorney protocol VP - Interrogation protocol Z - (goods) sign register July 1967, Stukenbrock Archival History: The Best. contains the registers kept before 1905 and the files of companies that ceased to exist before 1905, if the content goes substantially beyond the entry in the register. The documents were delivered to the State Archives by the Local Court in 1902, 1933, 1950-1953, 1961 and 1967. The indexing took place successively after the non-archival register files had been sorted out. The retroconversion of the data took place in 2011. The inventory is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg 231-3 Commercial Register, No. ... Inventory description: In order to prevent the misuse of company names and to be able to determine who is entitled to act on behalf of a company, the obligation for merchants to register the legal relationships of their companies with the commercial court in a register accessible to everyone was introduced on 1 January 1836. However, until 1 August 1866, when the relevant provisions of the Introductory Act to the General German Commercial Code entered into force, the obligation existed only for newly established companies and for them only if the company name and the name of the owner were not identical. The possibility of voluntary registration was given. The company protocol initially established for all entries except procurations was later replaced by registers for each legal form. Special registers were added as cooperative registers (from 1869), sign registers (from 1875), design protection registers (from 1876) and stock exchange registers for goods and securities (from 1896). For each register number, a file was kept which contained documents filed in addition to a copy of the register entry. From 1 October 1879 the registers were kept at the regional court, from 1 January 1900 at the district court in Hamburg. The district courts of Bergedorf and Ritzebüttel kept their own registers for their sprinkles. The registers of companies, societies and cooperatives were closed on 31 December 1904, their still valid contents transferred to the commercial registers and a new cooperative register. The Best. contains the registers kept before 1905 and the files before 1905 of extinct enterprises, if the contents go substantially beyond the register entry.

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 314-1 · Fonds · 1814-1932
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: The customs and excise deputation was used to supervise the entire customs and excise system in 1814. It monitored customs duties on goods, ship customs duties and consumption excise duties (excise duty). In 1844 the Trade Statistics Office (from 1912 Trade Statistics Office) was established in the main customs office as an administrative branch. In 1863, the deputation was merged with the stamp duty for the deputation of indirect taxes and duties, which in 1874 received three departments responsible for stamp paper, declaration of goods and consumption duty. When the deputation was abolished in 1920, the Trade Statistics and Freeport Office was formed. The Best. comprises essentially protocols and disposal books as well as files to the following ranges: General administration (organisation, accounting, personnel matters, buildings and inventory), Hamburg taxes and levies, Hamburg statistics (import and export of goods, shipping), trade and transport matters, prices and cost of living, non-Hamburg customs duties and taxes; the acts of war concerning goods and shipping in the First World War are of particular importance. (LS)

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 371-8 II · Fonds · 1844-1947
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: Preliminary remark The Deputation for Trade and Shipping replaced the Shipping and Port Deputation in 1863, from which it assumed the following tasks: shipping affairs, port administration, pilotage, light and buoyage, quarantine, rescue, general average, seamanship, examination for seafarers (navigation school). Other tasks included the business of the previous commission for ship documents (ship registration), the previous deputation to the Brokers' Rules (brokers and auctioneers), the Grain Rules and the Kempe (supervision of grain sizes), as well as the supervision of public cranes and scales. The hydraulic engineering (electricity and port construction), which was formerly subject to the shipping and port deputation, was at the same time transferred to the building deputation. Another new task was the handling of trade matters that had previously been handled by Commerzdeputation. This also included the appointment and swearing in of various experts. In 1866 the Commerzdeputation was converted into the Chamber of Commerce and determined that it had to address its applications to the Deputation für Handel und Schiffahrt and to issue expert opinions to this authority. The opinions of the Chamber of Commerce, other interest groups and individual companies in most of the files of this stock give this stock particular value. Later the deputation took over the newly created quay administration as further tasks in 1866, in 1868 the North German naval observatory, which was taken over by the Reich in 1875 as the German naval observatory, in 1870 the calibration system, in 1875 the supervision of the beach dams, in 1882 the supervision of the petroleum port as successor of the Teerhof deputation and in 1897 the mint after the abolition of the commission for the mint. In 1907 the deputation was expanded by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Detailists and renamed Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce. The deputation was taken over in 1907 by the fishing industry (Fisheries Directorate) - inland fishing matters remained with the Landherrenschaft -' 1915 the newly created Price Inspection Office (for the city area), 1918 the State Price Inspection Office superior to the three local Price Inspection Offices. After the transition of the customs system to the Reich Administration, the Deputation took over in 1920 the tasks remaining in Hamburg in the field of customs and excise duties (previously the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties and the Senate Commission for Customs), the Trade Statistics Office (previously the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties), the handling of the war measures against enemy enterprises and enemy property (compensation and refunds) processed since 1914 by the Deputation for Indirect Taxes and Duties, as well as the newly established Freeport Office. In 1921 the administration of waterways and navigation marks was transferred to the Reich, and in 1926 the newly created Waterway Directorate (Reichswasserstraßenverwaltung) took over the tasks in the field of waterway management still carried out by the Deputation. The deputation, on the other hand, in 1926 left the administration of the so-called "Hafenelbe" from Orthkaten to Blankenese and the port piloting. In 1928, the Deputation took over the Emigration Office (previously the Emigration Authority), the Guild Inspectorate (previously the Guild Inspectorate), the Slaughterhouse and Livestock Market Administration (previously the Slaughterhouse Deputation), the tasks of the Senate Commission for Railway Affairs and Mining (previously the Mining Inspectorate). In addition to the slaughterhouse and livestock market administration, the dyke market administration and the administration of the annual and weekly markets were added later. At the same time the nautical school was handed over to the vocational school authority. In 1930, the deputation also took over the construction of the river and port (previously the building authority) and in 1933 the World Economic Archives (previously the university authority). In 1933 the Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe was renamed Behörde für Wirtschaft; it was under the authority of the Verwaltung für Wirtschaft, Technik und Arbeit. In 1933, electricity and port construction was transferred to the Department of Technology and Labour. New tasks in 1935 were the job creation system (previously directly subordinated to the Administration for Economy, Technology and Labor) and the price formation and monitoring office. In 1936-1937 the job creation system was temporarily independent as a "job creation office", from 1958 onwards it was a department within the department "Special representative for economic development and four-year plan", which in turn formed a department of the administration for trade, shipping and industry at the time and was an independent department within the municipal administration of Hamburg from 1939 onwards. During the war, the business of this office was continued by the "Department Four-Year Plan" of the Administration for Trade, Shipping and Industry. This name has been used by the former Authority for Economic Affairs since 1938 and was again subordinated to it in 1941 for electricity and port construction. The Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry and its successor authorities delivered to the State Archives: 1927: files of the main groups I - XXX and XXXII, war files, files of the transitional economy and files of the 10th Commission of the Workers' and Soldiers' Council; 18.12.1929: files of the main group XVI customs, tax and stamp matters (together with files of the Senate Commission for the Customs Administration); 15. 3.1935: files of the main group XXVIII on personnel matters of the Imperial Administration; 11. 8.1937: the largest part of the files now combined in the holdings Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe III; 20.10.1937: Secret files from the years 1882-1919; 25. 4.1938: Files of the accounting department (RA files) and war files on the administration of hostile property; 16. 5.1938: Files with objections of individual companies against the predisposition to contributions to the Chamber of Detailists 1935-1936 with the file reference 250-02 No.1-63 (all cashed); 29. 3.1940: files on epidemic control on ships and in ports (P files); 21.10.1943 secret files from the years 1922-1935; 10. 3.1954 and 8. 5.1957: the remains of the deputation files for trade, shipping and industry still existing at the Office for Port and Shipping in 142 packages. The delivery lists from 1927-1943 are now in the attachment to H 9780/58, those from 1954 and 1957 in the business file 2112-0/2 Mat. A delivery probably already before 1914 as a special stock "Eichwesen" was put up under the - original - signature IV A, the protocols registered before as Senate files (Cl.VIII No. XLIII) under III C into this stock. The records were delivered as follows: 23. 4.1892: records of the deputation 1886-1891, 12. 7.1892: records of the deputation 1867-1872 and records of the section for shipping 1864-1866, 26. 4.1902: records of the deputation 1863-1866, 1873-1885 and records of the section for trade 1864-1866. From 1892-1929 the records were delivered annually. A total of about 100 running metres have been delivered. The 65 linear metres remaining after the cassations have now been set up as Registratures I, II Special Acts, II General Acts and III. The oldest registry, only from 1863-1867, is now 371-8 I Deputation for Trade, Shipping and. Industry I (see special preliminary remark). This is followed by the extensive and most important registry, which was established after the abolition of the two sections for trade and shipping in 1867. It's falling into general and special files. General Files This registry was established at about the same time as the Special Files, around 1868, and consisted of the same main groups I-XXIV, to which the main groups XXV to XXXII were added over time. The most recent main group XXXIII "Port and Shipping Agreements with Prussia" only exists in the General Acts. A list of authorities established after 1920, which does not yet contain the main group XXXIII, was classified under the signature III B 5.40 in the holdings Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe II Spezialakten. The older General Acts mostly consisted only of laws, ordinances, etc. in print; most of these could be cashed. Another part of the files contained only references to special files. Special files The Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce II Special files portfolio initially consisted of the main groups I-XXIV, to which the main groups XXV-XXXII were added over time. The only official register, which was sent to the State Archives in 1954, was apparently created only after customs had been taken over in 1920. As it stands, it contains only the groups of files dealing with port and maritime matters. The remaining main groups have been stapled. With the help of this directory and a collection of the associated subdirectories, an overview can be gained of the original scope of these groups of files, the war losses that occurred, the cassations that were carried out, and the files continued by the Reich Waterways Administration and the Department of Economics and Transport. Under the signature III B 5.40.1. it was classified into this stock. The files of the "Special Representative for Economic Development and the Four-Year Plan" were removed from main groups VI and XXI and now form main group XXXIII. The special registries: war files, files of Commission 10 of the Workers' and Soldiers' Council, of the Transition Economy and secret files were added to this inventory as main groups XXXIV to XXXVIII. Groups XXVII "Information" and XXVIII "Personal data" were dissolved and divided into subgroups, some of which were newly established. With the ordinal numbers 100 ff. or 200 ff. only so-called "collective files" provided with group signatures and files formed from disordered documents were appended to the subgroups. The collection Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe III (Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry III) is a compilation of various series of files that were created in addition to the main registry (Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe II Spezialakten und II Generalakten) - see special preliminary remark. 29.XI.1960 Homann Inventory Description: Volume 1: General Files Volumes 2-4: Special Files Volumes 5-6: Information Collection In addition to the tasks assumed by the Schiffahrts- und Hafendeputation in 1863 (see 371-8 I), the following were added: 1866 the handling of trade matters and the quay administration, 1868 the Norddeutsche Seewarte, 1870 the Eichwesen, 1875 the supervision of the Strandämter, 1882 the supervision of the Petroleumhafen, 1897 the Münzstätte. In 1907 the deputation was expanded by representatives of the Chamber of Commerce and the Chamber of Detailists and renamed Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce. In 1907 the fishing industry took over the deputation, in 1915 and 1918 the price inspection offices, in 1920 the tasks remaining after the transfer of the customs system to the Reich Administration near Hamburg in the area of customs and excise duties, the Trade Statistics Office and the Free Port Office, 1926 the administration of the so-called "port Elbe" from Orthkaten to Blankenese and the port piloting, 1928 the emigration office, the guild supervisory office, the slaughterhouse and livestock market administration, the tasks of the senate commission for railway affairs and mining. In 1933 the deputation was renamed the Authority for Economy and placed under the authority of the Administration for Economy, Technology and Labour. 1935 saw the addition of new tasks such as job creation and the price formation and monitoring office. In 1938 the authority for economy was renamed in administration for trade, shipping and trade. In 1938 and then again during the war, the business of the office "Special Representative for Economic Development and Four-Year Plan" was carried out. After the end of the war in 1945, in the course of the merging of state and municipal administration, the responsibilities in the business area of administration for trade, shipping and industry were newly regulated. The successor authority in 1946 was the Administration for Economics and Transport, which was renamed the Authority for Economics and Transport in 1947 (see 371-16 I). The order comprises the main registry established after the abolition of the sections in 1867 and forms the core of the economic-historical tradition of the years 1868-1946/47. It is divided into general and special files. Both file groups are organized according to the same registry plan and are divided into more than 30 main groups (partly identical with areas of responsibility). Note: 371-6, 371-9, 371-16 I, 373-4, 373-7 I, 326-2 I (Ga)

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 371-8 III · Fonds · 1906-1938
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Archiving history: The retroconversion of the data took place in 2009. The inventory is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 371-8 III Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce III, No. ... Inventory description: The inventory contains files from the years 1923-1937 which were created as Senate Commission files or Senate files and which were not incorporated into the main registry when the deputation took over the business, as well as documents from the war, transitional and post-war economy (price inspection office) from the years 1914-1928. The content of the Best. in files of the Senate Commissioner for the Hamburg Freihafen-Lagerhaus-Gesellschaft, files on trade with plant and animal products, animal and plant diseases, trade contracts, coal industry, meat supply, state customs matters, disease control, slaughterhouse, wine legislation and wine control as well as files of the accounting department 1923-1925.

Emigration Office I
373-7 I · Fonds · 1840-1944
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

To supervise the entire business operations of the emigrant expedition, a deputation for emigration was set up in 1855. This was taken over by a proof office for emigrants run by the Association for the Protection of Emigrants founded in 1850, whose employees henceforth acted as police officers for emigration (emigration police). The tasks performed by the police authority before 1855 (receiving the emigrant lists, allowing the emigrant ships to leave) remained there. In 1887, the deputation was renamed the Authority for Emigration. It was also entrusted with the essential tasks of the police authority in the field of emigration. In 1918, the authority also took over the remaining emigrant affairs handled by the police authority (supervision of emigrants at railway stations, care of returnees and supervision of emigrant halls). The police office at the Emigrant Halls was renamed the Überseeheim Office and dissolved in 1934. In 1928, the Emigration Office was given the name Emigration Office and was now subject to the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce, which consisted of the lists of emigrants kept by the police authority, the series of protocols with deputation appendices kept until 1877, the files of the official registration office established after 1887 and a special police office registration at the emigration halls. Supplements were made from the tradition of the Department of Economics, Transport and Agriculture - Port and Shipping Office. The lists of emigrants (1850-1934) and returnees (1920-1935) form the actual core of the Best. For conservation reasons, they can only be used as microfilms. The lists from 1935 onwards (lists of returnees from 1936 onwards) were lost due to the war. The Best. also contains information on the activities of the services involved in emigration (annual reports, statistics), on emigration legislation, emigration policy, emigration and immigration abroad, emigration support and protection, emigration experts and agents, accommodation facilities, emigration ships and other emigration matters.

Hamburg Consulate General in Batavia
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 132-6/6 · Fonds · 1839-1868
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: After the first consul Theodor Edmund Vidal followed in 1839 his brother Camille Vidal as consul general for Dutch India. His successors were Christian Martin Metzendorf (1846-1856), Herman Christoph Wilmans (1856-1860), William Ebbs (1860-1862) and Wilhelm Frederick Mathieu (1862-1867). Archiving history: The retroconversion of the data took place in 2010. The inventory is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 132-6/6 Consulate General in Batavia, No. ...

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 132-5/4 · Fonds · 1858-1919
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

History of administration: Mayor Kirchenpauer, who as Hamburg's representative was commissioned with the negotiations in Berlin leading to the establishment of the North German Confederation, was also appointed as the first authorised representative to the Bundesrat of the North German Confederation. After the creation of the German Reich it became customary to appoint deputies (substitutes); later 2 senators and the Hanseatic envoy in Berlin were always commissioned with the permanent representation of the authorized representative. For the period in question there were the following authorised representatives and substitutes: Years Authorised representative 1.Substitute 2.Substitute 3.Substitute 1868-1871 Kirchenpauer --- --- --- 1872-1873 Kirchenpauer Schroeder --- --- 1874-1880 Kirchenpauer Schroeder Krüger, Min.-Resident --- 1881-1887 Versmann Schroeder Krüger, Min.---Resident --- 1888-1896 Versmann Schroeder Burchard Krüger, Envoy 1897-1899 Versmann Schroeder Burchard Klügmann, Envoy 1900-1903 Burchard Schroeder Lappenberg Klügmann, Envoy 1904-1907 Burchard Lappenberg Klügmann, Envoy --- 1908-1909 Burchard Lappenberg Sthamer and Schäfer Klügmann, Minister 1910-1912 Burchard Sthamer Schäfer Klügmann, Minister 1913-1915 Sthamer Predöhl Schäfer Sieveking, Minister Waren initially the authorized senators still present at all negotiations of the Bundesrat and the Ministerresident Dr. Krüger only exceptionally once entrusted with the perception of the Hamburg interests, so the picture shifted more and more, until finally the presence of an authorized representative of the Senate was limited only to particularly important matters. In the same way, the emphasis of the federal negotiations shifted from the archive of the Plenipotentiary to that of the Hanseatic Legation in Berlin (cf. I 5 g). This contains more and more all the material that is produced, which in terms of quantity far exceeds the actual records of the legation. Since 1894, however, the archive of the Plenipotentiary has gradually been incorporated into the registry of the Senate Commission for Reich and Foreign Affairs. In 1901 the last special files of the authorized representative were created, the series of the reports partially still reach up to 1913. Archiving history: The authorized representative, who owned 2 living rooms and an archive room in the Hotel Royal in Berlin, had at his disposal a clerk for the chancellery and registry, who accompanied him from Hamburg to Berlin and back. The files, however, only partly took part in these journeys, the rest remained in the administration of the Embassy Registrar. While most of them have reached the State Archives or the registries of other authorities via the estates of the authorized senators, the latter forms the core of the archive listed below. An older part of the order dating back to the time of the mayor Kirchenpauer in the order of the Chancellor's lists Ernst already reached the State Archives in the 80's, where he was published in Cl.I Lit. No. 3 of the Senate Acts was drawn up as Vol. 3 and combined with some of the files taken from the estates of various proxies as well as the convolutes (in particular reports, instructions, etc.) later handed over to the State Archives by the archives of the proxies. A more recent part, predominantly from the time of the plenipotentiaries Versmann and Burchard, was first kept at the Senate Commission for Reich and Foreign Affairs, apart from the pieces already mentioned, which were handed over to the State Archives, and then delivered to the State Archives with their files. He remained there separately in his original order. In this case, which the chancellor list Hertel had newly created in 1880 without including or even observing older procedures, each question newly opened by a Bundesrat printed matter received a consecutive number in chronological order, regardless of whether a file already existed for the same procedure. Only paragraphs 1 - 5, which were intended for general matters such as reports, etc., covered all the material belonging here. In the reorganization, which took place according to factual aspects, the part contained in the Senate acts and the last part mentioned were united. In addition, a number of files belonging to this archive, which had previously been kept at the estate of the mayor Versmann, were incorporated into the archive. The history of these holdings makes it understandable that the present "Archive of the Hamburg Plenipotentiary to the Bundesrat" is in no way a closed archive. Rather, we are dealing with a fund compiled from fragments of the handfiles of the various proxies that arose on the Hamburg side during the negotiations of the Federal Council, which, together with the similar holdings of the Hanseatic Legation in Berlin, can only supplement the Senate files and, from 1894, the files of the Senate Commission for Reich and Foreign Affairs. The inventory shall be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 132-5/4 Hamburg Authorized Representative to the Bundesrat, Nos. ... Description of the existing situation: Mayor Kirchenpauer, who as the representative of Hamburg was commissioned with the negotiations in Berlin to establish the North German Confederation, was appointed as the first authorised representative to the Bundesrat of the North German Confederation. After the foundation of the German Reich, it became customary to appoint substitutes. 2 senators and the Hanseatic envoy in Berlin were always commissioned with the permanent representation of the commissioner. In practice, it became established that the Plenipotentiary was only present on very important occasions, while the envoy, who was always present in Berlin, visited the Bundesrat negotiations. Accordingly, the records increasingly shifted to the Gesandtschaftsarchiv. Since 1894, the archive of the Plenipotentiary was gradually transferred to the registry of the Senate Commission for Reich and Foreign Affairs. In 1901 the last special files of the authorized representative were created, the series of reports partly reach up to 1913. The present order contains among other things the concepts of the reports of the Plenipotentiary (1866-1911,1913), copies of the reports of the Hanseatic Envoy in Federal Council matters (1880-1907), instructions for the Plenipotentiary (1868-1901) and correspondence in general affairs of the Reich, of the Bundesrat and the Reichstag (1866-1907) as well as fact files in consular matters (1867-1899) and other factually structured matters, which originate predominantly from the hand files of the various proxies.

Hanseatic Legation Berlin (existing)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 132-5/2 · Fonds · 1859-1919
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: At the suggestion of Dr. jur. Friedrich Geffcken, Hamburg's business bearer in Berlin, the Hamburg Residence (cf. 132-5/1) was converted into a Hanseatic residence in 1859. Geffcken was appointed Hanseatic Prime Minister. When he took over the residence in London in 1866, he was replaced by the former Hanseatic envoy to the Bundestag and envoy on extraordinary mission in Copenhagen, Dr. Daniel Christian Friedrich Krüger (see co-owner of the company Lüb. GmbH 12/1906 page 119 - Estate in the archive Hansestadt Lübeck (list p. 745) G. Fink, Dr. Friedrich Krüger / Der Wagen, 1937, page 163 following with illustrations) as Ministerresident. At the same time, he was Lübeck's authorized representative and deputy authorized representative of Hamburg and Bremen to the Federal Council. In 1888 he received the title of extraordinary envoy and authorized minister. He was represented on various occasions by the Brunswick business bearer, Legation Councillor Dr. v. Liebe, who used to represent the Hamburg business bearer in the past, and later by the Lübeck Senator Dr. Karl Peter Klügmann, who was succeeded by Krüger after his death in 1896 in the same position he held last. He retired in 1913; he was replaced by Dr. Karl Sieveking, Senior Government Councillor and Deputy Representative of Alsace-Lorraine to the Federal Council. In contrast to his predecessors, he was only deputy representative to the Federal Council for all three cities. He was retired when the Hanseatic Legation was dissolved on 30 June 1920. Hamburg (cf. I 5 h) and Lübeck have since maintained their own legations in Berlin. With the conversion of his Hamburg residence into a Hanseatic residence, Geffcken ordered his registry in such a way that the files concerning group A before 1859, the files concerning more recent Hamburg matters concerning group B, the Bremen C files, the Lübecker D files and the files concerning Community matters concerning group E formed group A. Under Krüger, who also brought his archives from Copenhagen and Frankfurt with him to Berlin, the registry was reorganized according to factual aspects. Within the subject groups, a distinction was sometimes made between the three cities and those things which were common to all of them; do was an exception, and overall this plan of order did not include such an external division, which was also difficult to carry out in practice. From the Geffcke registry only a little was taken over into the new one, the rest was left as a reduced registry in its form. When Krüger died in 1896, it turned out that the registry, which had grown considerably in the meantime, had already become very confusing and had sometimes become disorganized. Heins, the registrar of the legation, was commissioned to conduct the sifting. He arranged them according to the existing directory and distinguished between Lübecker, Bremer, Hamburger and common things for each file title. The Lübeckers (parts from E III e, F III g 3, F VIII, J 35, M 4 and N 1) were then sent to the Lübeck archive, the Bremeners (parts from E III c, F III g 3, F VIII, J 35, N 1, O I f 1 and 2) to the Bremen archive, all the rest to Hamburg (Geffcken registry with expiration). of 02.05.1896, common things with expiration. of 29.05.1896, Hamburg things with expiration. of 01.06.1896), after Klügmann's suggestion to transfer the common things to Lübeck had not penetrated. In Hamburg, the latter should be carefully reviewed once again and distributed among the cities. But only the Lübeck archivist insisted on it, and so the common things were divided by Dr. Becker once again into the following groups: Hamburg, Hamburg and Lübeck, Hamburg and Bremen, Lübeck, Lübeck and Bremen, Bremen, common things, and in 1902 everything that Lübeck also concerned was sent to Lübeck. While the first splitting by Heins had already led to a rupture of the registry contexts, which was all the more absurd as much was obviously classified incorrectly, the second splitting carried out in Hamburg finally led to practically every second subject being searchable in both the Lübeck and Hamburg archives. Some fragments of this registry that remained in Berlin came to the Hamburg archives with the delivery of 26.09. and October 1913. The files still needed by Klügmann for the ongoing administration, on the other hand, formed the basis of a new registry set up by Heins in 1897, which was in use until the end of the legation. The main department "Reichs- und Bundesratssachen" (I) was divided into subject groups A-Z, the main department "Gesandtschaftssachen" (II) into the groups HG I-VII (I-XII originally planned), of which I-IV comprised common affairs of the legation, V Lübecker, VI Bremer and VII Hamburger. Apart from the groups HG V-VII, which were handed over to the respective cities, a system cannot be discerned in the delivery of the files of this registry to the three Hanseatic archives. The Hamburg State Archives received the following deliveries: 1. 22.07.1902, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 2. 02.09.1904, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 3. 20.10.1909, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 4. 25.10.1910, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 5. 11.02.1913, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 6. 26.09.1913, contains files of Hauptabteilung I (in addition some pieces from the delivery of October 1913), 7. 22.07.1902, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 2. 02.09.1904, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 3. 20.10.1909, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 4. 25.10.1910, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 5. 11.02.1913, contains files of Hauptabteilung I, 6. 26.09.1913, contains files of Hauptabteilung I (in addition some pieces from the delivery of October 1913), 7. 07.01.1915, contains files from Department I, 8. 09.06.1916, contains files from Department I and II, 9. 07.07.1916, contains files from Department I, 10. 12.10.1916, contains files from Department I, 11. 28.09.1918, contains files from Department I and II, 12. 20.11.1919, contains files from Department I and II, 13. 29.06.1916. contains unsigned files. In the reorganisation of the archive, in the interest of easy usability of the torn holdings, the old registry scheme had to be retained, both for the older (until 1896) and for the newer registry (from 1896), as had been the case in Lübeck, where a complete repositioning under the signature "ad B 11 a 3 c 1" was carried out in Bremen. Until 1859, the Geffckenschen Registratur set up the files as an archive of the Hamburgische Residentur (I 5 f), the rest of the "Älteren Registratur" were incorporated. Occasionally necessary reassignments and rearrangements within the Older Registry are noted in the last column. There is also indicated, if there is something in the two other Hanseatic archives for the same process. (Bremen, however, only if it could be recognized despite the reorganization). The file titles not available in Hamburg are also listed; the consecutive number is then placed in brackets. The groups A II and J from the delivery of 01.06.1896 concerning Hamburg were missing in the reorganization of the Older Registry. Inventory description: The conversion of the Hamburg Residency into a Hanseatic Legation was carried out on the proposal of the Hamburg business bearer Dr. Geffcken 1859. The Hanseatic Legation was dissolved on 30.06.1920. Hamburg and Lübeck have since maintained their own agencies in Berlin. The present collection consists of two parts. The older registry essentially comprises the files kept until the death of Minister President Dr. Krüger in 1896. The registry in use in the Legation from 1897-1920 forms the core of the Newer Registry, which is divided into Reich and Federal Council matters and legation matters. The registry property was divided among the participating Hanseatic towns according to the issues involved. Common things have reached Hamburg and Lübeck. Therefore a strong fragmentation of the registry connections is given. The inventory shows which files or parts of files are located in Lübeck. (Ga)

Higher Appellate Court (Stock)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 211-3 · Fonds · 1820-1880
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: The Oberappellationsgericht (OAG) of the four free German cities was established in Lübeck in 1820 as the joint supreme court of the cities of Frankfurt, Bremen, Hamburg and Lübeck. After the annexation of Frankfurt by Prussia, the court remained the OAG of the free Hanseatic cities from 1867. With the establishment of the Federal Higher Commercial Court in Leipzig, it lost a substantial part of its competences. It was dissolved in 1879 and found its successor in the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg. The OAG was the general court of third instance for the cities involved. It also negotiated matters of exit between princes of the German Confederation. In addition, it was the examination commission for the lawyer candidates from Bremen since 1821, from Lübeck since 1826, from Frankfurt since 1858 and from Hamburg since 1870. Archiving history: The trial files and the examination files for the lawyer candidates were distributed to the four participating cities in 1952, after Lübeck had already received the administrative files in 1936. The retroconversion of the data took place in 2012. The inventory is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 211-3 Higher Appeal Court, No. ... . Description of the holdings: The Oberappellationsgericht (OAG) of the four free cities of Germany was established in Lübeck in 1820 as the joint supreme court of the cities of Frankfurt, Bremen, Hamburg and Lübeck. After the annexation of Frankfurt by Prussia, the court remained the OAG of the free Hanseatic cities from 1867. With the establishment of the Federal Higher Commercial Court in Leipzig, it lost a substantial part of its competences. It was dissolved in 1879 and found its successor in the Hanseatic Higher Regional Court of Hamburg. The OAG was the general court of third instance for the cities involved. It also negotiated matters of exit between princes of the German Confederation. Besides it was examination commission for the candidates for the bar from Bremen since 1821, from Lübeck since 1826, from Frankfurt since 1858 and from Hamburg since 1870. The trial files and the examination files for the candidates for the bar were distributed 1952 to the four cities involved, after Lübeck had received the administrative files already 1936. The Hamburg Best. contains 2182 trial files in civil matters and 133 in criminal matters. In civil law, the area of commercial law is dominant. In contrast to the trial files of the Reichskammergericht, the files of the OAG are not very productive, except from a legal point of view, due to the return of the evidence documents.

Higher education I (stock)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 361-5 I · Fonds · 1841-1940
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: Two years after the foundation of the Hamburg University in 1921, the university authority was established. She supervised the University, Adult Education Centre, Technical Lectures, General Lectures and Scientific Institutions. In 1933, the Higher Education Authority was merged with the State Education Authority to form the State Education Authority, which consisted of two departments: General Administration and Education, and Higher Education. The supervision of the Kunsthalle, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, the Hansische Hochschule für bildende Künste and the Volkshochschule was transferred to the Authority for Church and Art Affairs in 1934. Both authorities were subject to the newly formed Cultural Affairs Administration. In 1936 the State Education Authority and the Authority for Church and Art Affairs were merged to form the Culture and School Authority, which thus took over the tasks of the Administration for Cultural Affairs. In 1938, the higher education system and parts of the school system were formed into the school and higher education department of the state administration and the other tasks were transferred to the municipal administration. In 1945 the school administration was established, in 1947 the school authority with the following structure was founded: General Department, University Department, School Department. In 1971, the University Office was created in the Authority for Science and the Arts, which since 1978 has been called the Authority for Science and Research. Archival history: The registry of the 1st section of the secondary school authority forms the order 361-5 I. First it consisted of the two main groups General and Special Files concerning the scientific institutions, later special registries for lectures, for exhibition and congress matters and for general administration were created. These were completed in 1914/15; a new central registry was created, the files of which are in order 361-5 II. This is divided into general administration, finances, buildings, personal data, teaching and scientific tasks. In 1952, a registry cut was made, introducing decimal classification. These files form the still growing Best. 361-5 III. The retroconversion of the data took place in 2008-2011. The stock is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 361-5 I Higher Education I, No. ...

Higher education II (stock)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 361-5 II · Fonds · 1880-1953
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: Two years after the foundation of the Hamburg University in 1921, the university authority was established. She supervised the University, Adult Education Centre, Technical Lectures, General Lectures and Scientific Institutions. In 1933, the Higher Education Authority was merged with the State Education Authority to form the State Education Authority, which consisted of two departments: General Administration and Education, and Higher Education. The supervision of the Kunsthalle, the Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, the Hansische Hochschule für bildende Künste and the Volkshochschule was transferred to the Authority for Church and Art Affairs in 1934. Both authorities were subject to the newly formed Cultural Affairs Administration. In 1936 the State Education Authority and the Authority for Church and Art Affairs were merged to form the Culture and School Authority, which thus took over the tasks of the Administration for Cultural Affairs. In 1938, the higher education system and parts of the school system were formed into the school and higher education department of the state administration and the other tasks were transferred to the municipal administration. In 1945 the school administration was established, in 1947 the school authority with the following structure was founded: General Department, University Department, School Department. In 1971, the University Office was created in the Authority for Science and the Arts, which since 1978 has been called the Authority for Science and Research. Archival history: The registry of the 1st section of the secondary school authority forms the order 361-5 I. First it consisted of the two main groups General and Special Files concerning the scientific institutions, later special registries for lectures, for exhibition and congress matters and for general administration were created. These were completed in 1914/15; a new central registry was created, the files of which are in order 361-5 II. This is divided into general administration, finances, buildings, personal data, teaching and scientific tasks. In 1952, a registry cut was made, introducing decimal classification. These files form the still growing Best. 361-1 III. The retroconversion of the data took place in 2012. Each archival unit is to be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 361-5 II Higher Education II, No. ...

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 416-1/1 · Fonds · (1556-) 1798-1940
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Description: The registries of the landowners' associations were merged in 1898-1902. The overall registry took over numerous previous files from the regional administration, as a rule from 1878. This registry was also retained by the Association of Rural Owners in 1928; a separate registry for the new Rural Owners was added. In 1938 it was replaced by a different registry of the district administration. The extensive Best. is divided into 28 departments: Administrative organisation, personnel, cash and accounts, state and administration, finance, military, judiciary, land registers, guardianship, inheritance, prisons, fire cash registers, fire brigade, police, commercial police, health, veterinary services, poor affairs, trade and transport, construction and dike services, building supervision, hunting and fishing, agriculture and forestry, social security, other insurance, civil status, school and popular education, municipal administration and statistics. (LS)

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 342-1 II · Fonds · 1867-1922
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Due to the military convention with Prussia of 23.07.1867, the military commission of the Senate replaced the military deputation. It regulated the relations between the garrison and the Hamburg authorities, and in particular, in agreement with the General Command of the IXth Army Corps, the military replacement system. She was responsible for the respective military substitute commissions. It ceased to exist in 1921. The order, consisting of two registry layers with clearly differentiated structures, is structured as follows: In the Best. 342-1 I become Generalia (Military Commission of the Senate, General Correspondence, mobilization, military transport, march routes, quartering and catering, military budgets, service instructions, taxation of military personnel, military candidate system, personnel changes in the army, Postage freedom and the war with France (1870-1871) separated from Specialia (county replacement, replacement and landwehr, compulsory service, garrison matters, troop exercises, marches through, quarters, soldiers and officials of the former Hamburg contingent and pension and disability matters). The second layer (newer registry) forms the order 342-1 II and knows the following groups: Military commission of the Senate, mobilization, benefits in kind, transport, postage and franking, Reich budgets, service regulations, personnel changes in the army and navy, military and army affairs, garrison affairs, troop exercises and quarters, pensions, navy, acts of war (World War I) and post-war acts. (LS)

Oberschulbehörde I (inventory)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 361-2 I · Fonds · 1837-1939
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: In connection with the separation of state and church, a state school system with general compulsory schooling was created in Hamburg relatively late. The basis was the "Law on Education" of 11. 11. 1870. In 1863 the Interim High School Authority was established, which replaced the Scholarchate and from 1871 was called the High School Authority. It was divided into four sections: 1. section for scientific institutions, 2. section for higher education and from 1874 also for private education, 3. section for elementary education including teacher seminars, 4. section for rural education (until 1874 for private education), which was dissolved around 1920; only individual files were continued until 1938. From 1865 to 1914 the Oberschulbehörde was also responsible for the trade school system, which was taken over in 1914 by the Behörde für das Gewerbe und Fortbildungsschulwesen and in 1922 by the Berufsschulbehörde. In 1921, the 1st Section was spun off and integrated into the newly founded higher education authority. In 1927, in the course of an administrative reform, the main registry was merged with the administrative registries. In 1931, the Oberschulbehörde and the Berufsschulbehörde were united to form the Landesschulbehörde, which from 01.06.1933, together with the Hochschulbehörde, formed the Landesunterrichtsbehörde, which consisted of the two departments General Administration and Education and Higher Education. On 24.09.1936, the State Teaching Authority and the Authority for Church and Art Affairs were merged to form the Culture and School Authority, which thus took over the tasks of the Administration for Cultural Affairs. On 01.04.1938, the higher education system and parts of the school system were formed into the 4th (school and university) department of the state administration and the other tasks were transferred to the municipal administration. In 1945 the school administration was established, in 1947 the school authority was founded with the three departments 1. general department, 2. university department, 3. school department. From 01.01.1971 to 29.02.1980 the school administration belonged to the authority for school, youth and vocational training, from 01.03.1980 to 28.02.1989 to the authority for school and vocational training and since 01.03.1989 to the authority for school, youth and vocational training. History of Archiving: The Best. Secondary School Authority I contains the remains of the older main registry: general affairs, war records of the First World War, foundations, the minutes of the plenum and the individual sections, office buildings and registers of teachers. Each archival unit shall be quoted as follows: State Archives Hamburg, 361-2 I Oberschulbehörde I, No. ...

Senate Commission for Railway Affairs
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 374-10 · Fonds · 1876-1934
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: Preliminary remark A former Senate deputation for postal, railway and telegraph services was replaced in 1867 by the Railway Commissariat for railway matters in connection with the reorganization of the distribution of tasks required by the constitution of the North German Confederation. This was replaced by the Organic Law of 1896 by the Senate Commission for Railway Matters. Technical matters were also the responsibility of a department of building deputation (Order 321-7; Ing. Dept. IV c of Section 1, Dept. for Railways of Section 1, Ing. Dept. for Transportation and Railways, Ing. Dept. for Transportation, finally Dept. for Civil Engineering). Further railway matters were dealt with by the Deputation für Handel, Schiffahrt und Gewerbe (see there Best. 371-8 Abt.XVIII as well as the police authority and 374-2 Hamburgisches Post- und Telegrafenwesen). From 1906 to 1921, there was a special Senate Commission for Urban and Suburban Railways (374-12), whose tasks and files were transferred back to the Senate Commission for Railway Matters in 1921, which in part continued to use the registry. In 1928, the Senate Commission was dissolved. It was replaced by the Department for Railway Matters in the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Trade, later combined with Motor and Road Transport to form a Transport Department. The registry of the Senate Commission was continued at the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry until the 1930s. Deliveries were made by them on 27.4. and 27.5.1929 (business file II 1087/29) and on 21.3.1940 (business file H 3345/40). The files were newly prepared by Mr. Köhlert in 1955/56 according to the old scheme of the Senate Commission, which apparently was created soon after its establishment, and subsequently recorded. The few personnel files handed over on 10.5.1928 could be destroyed. The old delivery lists lie under II 1087/29. 1.6.1956 Inventory description: The railway commission responsible for railway matters since 1867 in connection with the reorganization caused by the constitution of the North German Federation was replaced in 1896 by the senate commission for railway matters. Technical matters were also dealt with by a department of building deputation; the deputation for trade, shipping and industry and the police authority also dealt with railways. From 1906 to 1921, there was a special Senate Commission for Urban and Suburban Railways (see 374-12), whose tasks and files were transferred to the Senate Commission for Railway Matters in 1921. In 1928, the Senate Commission was dissolved. It was replaced by the Department of Railway Affairs in the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Industry. The registry of the Senate Commission was continued at the Deputation for Trade, Shipping and Commerce until the 1930s and then delivered to the State Archives. The files were left in the registry context and form the order, which is divided into three parts: General railway matters, Hamburg railway matters as well as the creation of a central station and a freight bypass. (Ga)

Senate War Records (Inventory)
Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 111-2 · Fonds · (1907) 1888-1940, (-1940)
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Administrative history: The holdings of "Senate war files" consist mainly of the files that were created separately in the course of the war 1914-1918 next to the Senate registry (cf. 111-1 Senate) and most probably initially filed according to numerus currens. This is indicated by the old signatures, which consisted of the abbreviation K or Krg and a continuous Arabic numerical sequence. With the introduction of this new registry principle, which was intended to make the complex allocations to the complicatedly encrypted subjects of the old Senate registry superfluous, those responsible could not overlook the fact that the war would not end quickly. The choice of the numerus currens for the structure of the collection, although it represented the simplest method of filing, soon had to prove to be disastrous for the recourse to subject matters. This is probably also the reason why different files were created on the same subjects and why topics that were factually close to each other were filed far apart. It is no longer possible today to reconstruct how the registry was restructured in individual cases as a result of the war - and this meant above all that it was determined by the loss of the majority of the previous registrar's employees - due to the lack of tradition. After the end of the war and the expiry of the war-related measures, some of which lasted until the end of the 1920s, the Senate's war registry was enriched with individual registries of commissioners and commissioners. Because some of them had their own registries growing. Thus, for example, the files of the "Senate Commissioner for the Trust Commission for the Provision of Funds for the Tasks Arising from the War" as well as those of the "Central Commission for War Support" or the "Reich Commissioner at the Higher Committee for the Determination of War Damages" reached the old registry. All these registries or parts of registries were probably still united and structured in the Senate registry. The new structure was presumably based on models that can no longer be reconstructed at present. It placed upper groups with capital letters (A to Z - whereby one did not get along with the 25 characters and had to designate the last three groups as Z I, Z II and Z III) over groups with Roman numbers (I, II and III), if this appeared necessary or directly over subgroups with lower case letters (a to z - whereby one did not get along with the 25 alphabet characters also here and then extended with z1, z2, z3 and so on). A deeper structuring could then be done again with lower case letters, the next structuring step again with Arabic numerals, so that in the outermost case signatures of considerable length resulted ( e.g. B II b 121 z 4). Archival history: In this order the registry was handed over to the State Archives at the beginning of the 1930s in a volume of approx. 60 running metres and was kept here until August 1986 without re-drawing and cassation interventions. At this time, H.-P. Plaß, the student councillor temporarily seconded to the State Archives, was commissioned to redraw the holdings. He was told not to change the signatures in the inventory, since the war records had already been used and evaluated scientifically on various occasions. From him was registered up to signature B II b 633 a. In April 1989, the undersigned took care of the larger rest and completed the registration and cassation work by February 1990. In contrast to his predecessor, the undersigned has decided to collect a considerable part of the acts of war according to the following criteria. - files which exclusively dealt with the execution of decisions of the Bundesrat or other orders of the Zentralgewalt and at most documented the instructions for publication in the Gesetz- und Verordnungsblatt or Amtsblatt as an independent administrative act; - files which had no connection whatsoever with Hamburg or which did not include any formative political or administrative contribution from Hamburg; - files which arose for the Senate from all sorts of mailings, but which did not lead to any political or administrative activities; - individual case files, if they were only petitions and rejections due to lack of competence. Thus, attempts were made to document the specific Hamburg conditions, activities and special features. Since the auxiliary registrars at the Senate 1914-1918 could not know which subject matters would lead to actual document growth, they created numerous files, which in the end were occupied only with very few, in very many cases Hamburg not touching documents. On the other hand, other fact files simply expanded so much due to the amount of written material that even the creation of subfiles could not be dispensed with when new files were created, in order to subsequently achieve the necessary differentiation. The cassation from signature B II b 634 onwards concerned approx. 2/3 of the previous holdings. The total circumference was thus reduced from approx. 60 running metres to 36 running metres. The signatures were retained. Only at one point, in the files from the former registry of the Central Commission for War Support, there was a deviation from this. All files of the Central Commission were systematically included in Group C II d 11; they had their own two to four-unit registration numbers from capital letters A to M, Arabic numerals and possibly lower case letters and again Arabic numerals - e.g. B 1 g 2. This would have resulted in signatures of considerable length. Therefore a short signature C II d 11 - 1 ff. was used. A concordance at the end of the directory allows the old numbers to be found. The title formation in the war registry obviously took place quite predominantly after the first document to be filed. Only very few changes were made to titles, even if the focus of the content of the respective file changed as a result of the addition of documents. Only rarely did this necessitate the creation of a new file title; however, both H.-P. Plaß and the undersigned have ample knowledge of the possibility of adapting file titles to the content of the file by means of changes (at about 80
ller files). Since the files on the same or similar subjects reached very different locations not only in the original numerus currens procedure, but also in the newly created classification system, it was necessary from the outset to work with numerous references. These were noted on the files with the numerus currens signatures and were not adapted during the reworking into the new structure. References could therefore only be identified and verified via the provisional repertory, which contained both the original and the new numbers. H.-P. Plaß tried to take all references as references to the individual file titles. Since this led to a whole series of complicated reference signatures for almost every file title, the undersigned has reversed this procedure by replacing individual references with subject, name and place indices. This is probably the easiest way to find relatives. As a rule, the index terms were taken from the titles of the files, only in a few cases was an approximation carried out. (For example, the term "food" is always recorded as "food".) Signed July 1992. Lorenzen-Schmidt Description of the inventory: The inventory consists mainly of the files that were created separately from the Senate registry during the war of 1914-1918 and which reflect the civil needs of warfare in particular. After the end of the war and the expiry of the war-related measures, some of which extended until the end of the 1920s, the Senate's war registry was enriched with individual registries of commissioners and commissioners. Thus, for example, the files of the "Senate Commissioner for the Trust Commission for the Provision of Funds for the Tasks Arising from the War" as well as those of the "Central Commission for War Support" or the "Reich Commissioner at the Higher Committee for the Determination of War Damages" reached the old registry. All these registries or parts of registries were probably still united and structured in the Senate registry. In terms of content, the following main groups are to be named: A. The military readiness for war, B. The bourgeois readiness for war (therein dominating: b. Economic measures), C. The war welfare care, F. Measures for the implementation of the people's nutrition, X. The political conditions after the revolution and its reorganization, Z.I. The demobilization. In addition, material from almost all areas of Hamburg's supreme administrative activity during the war years is included. (LS)