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Deersheim Manor Archive (holdings)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, H 51 (Benutzungsort: Wernigerode) · Bestand · (9. Jh.) 1516 - 2010
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Find book from 1951 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: Deersheim belongs to the city of Osterwieck, Lkr. Harz, Saxony-Anhalt. In the late Middle Ages, Deersheim belonged to the Halberstadt monastery, which fell to the Electors of Brandenburg in 1650 as the principality of Halberstadt, and in 1816 was absorbed into the Prussian province of Saxony, which existed until 1945. Rechte in Deersheim also owned the Westerburg office. The Westerburg was already awarded in 1180 by the bishops of Halberstadt to the Counts of Regenstein. After the extinction of the Regensteiner in 1599, the dukes of Braunschweig-Wolfenbüttel inherited the office of Westerburg, but the Elector of Brandenburg was able to move in the fief as Prince of Halberstadt in 1670. The von Gustedt family was probably already resident in the parish of Deersheim and neighbouring Bexheim in 1406. In 1538 Cardinal Albrecht of Brandenburg, as administrator of the diocese of Halberstadt, enfeoffed it with jurisdiction in both villages. In the 18th century the jurisdiction was divided between the manor and the Westerburg office, in 1842 it was completely in the office. In 1706 von Gustedt acquired the parish patronage of the Braunschweig monastery St. Blasius, after they already had the patronage of the chapel in Bexheim. The estate remained in family ownership until its expropriation in the course of the land reform in 1945. Inventory information: The manor archive of the von Gustedt family from Deersheim has an older order, as old signatures on the files and an old repertory from the 2nd decade of the 19th century prove. In addition, there seems to have been a land registry that was not passed through much later. A final order of the entire file and document material was planned for the period after the end of the Second World War by the Archive Advisory Office of the Province of Saxony. In the course of the land reform, however, the manor archive was salvaged by the state main archive and first transferred to Wernigerode, then to the Magdeburg archive. In this phase there were probably losses in the portfolio. For the archival new order, the old registry structure, which could be restored except for a few gaps, offered itself as a structuring system. The holdings of the old manor archive and a lot of loose and partly disordered files had to be distributed into this system. There is no denying that there are shortcomings in this division of the registry. Their disintegration, however, would have led to the dissolution of the collection, especially as the construction of the old manor archive had been severely disrupted. The numerous loose sheets were divided into the individual chapters and placed in folders at the end of each chapter. On the basis of a contract concluded in 2000, the holdings are kept as a deposit in the Saxony-Anhalt State Archives. The main index of the Deersheim manor archive was transferred from an access file to the present archive information system in January 2014. The documents handed over in connection with the conclusion of the deposit agreement by the von Gustedt family as a supplement to the deposit were already listed under the item "Annex" in 2013. Additional information: Literature: aristocratic archives in the Saxony-Anhalt state archives. Overview of the holdings, edited by Jörg Brückner, Andreas Erb and Christoph Volkmar (Sources on the History of Saxony-Anhalt; 20), Magdeburg 2012.

District administration Blankenburg (inventory)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, K 13 Blankenburg (Benutzungsort: Magdeburg) · Bestand · (1925, 1932 -) 1945 - 1950 (- 1953)
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Note: The holdings contain archival material that is subject to personal protection periods in accordance with § 10 Para. 3 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA and until their expiration is only accessible by shortening the protection period in accordance with § 10 Para. 4 Sentence 2 ArchG LSA or by accessing information in accordance with § 10 Para. 4a ArchG LSA. This also includes files containing documents on cases of expropriation as well as property and asset matters. Find aids: Find index of registry formers: In implementation of the administrative reform of 1950, the district of Blankenburg was dissolved and its municipalities assigned to the districts of Quedlinburg and Wernigerode (see corresponding district administrations). The district of Quedlinburg became the legal successor of the district of Blankenburg. (Source: The holdings of the State Archives of Saxony-Anhalt 1945-1952. Brief overview, State Archives of Saxony-Anhalt 1995.)

Dröschkau Manor Archive (holdings)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, H 60 (Benutzungsort: Wernigerode) · Bestand · (1418, 1455) 1510 - 1933
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Find book from 1962 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: Dröschkau belongs to the city of Belgern, Lkr. Nordsachsen, Freistaat Sachsen. Dröschkau was mentioned in 1130 as Burgward im Gau Belgern and belonged in the late Middle Ages to the Stiftsamt Wurzen of the Hochstifts Meißen. The Wettin claim to sovereignty over the Hochstift, manifested as early as 1485, was recognised by Bishop Johann IX of Meissen in 1581. Nevertheless, the Stiftsamt Wurzen, as a neighbouring state of Saxony, retained its own monastery government until 1818. In 1815 Dröschkau with parts of the monastery office came to Prussia and belonged there 1816-1945 to the province Saxony. 1489 in Dröschkau a outwork of the nunnery Mühlberg is documented. In 1582 Stellan von Holtzendorf was pardoned by Elector August. In 1669 the estate was transferred to the von Heynitz family as a result of a marriage. The manor, designated in 1815 as written manor, held the patrimonial jurisdiction over the place at the latest in the 18th century and was subject to the office of Torgau. The Pietzsch Vorwerk and the Schäferei Neusorge belonged to the property complex. The von Heynitz family sat on Dröschkau until the expropriation in the course of the land reform in 1945. Inventory information: The holdings were transferred to the Saxony-Anhalt State Main Archive on 27.06.1949 via the Halle/S. State Library. A repertory was not available, a continuous archive order does not seem to have existed, so that the archival records, which were mostly unbound, had to be rearranged and listed anew. If one compares the information provided by O. Steinecke (Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, vol. 15, 1902, p. 421) on the holdings of the Heynitz family archive in Dröschkau with the archive records that have been transferred to the Saxony-Anhalt state archives, it is regrettable to note that significant losses have occurred. The 41 diaries of Friedrich Anton von Heynitz from the years 1747 to 1783 and 1792 to 1802, mentioned by Steinecke, are missing, among others. The collection was arranged and recorded in 1962 and provided with a registry and inventory history. Additional information: Literature: aristocratic archives in the Saxony-Anhalt state archives. Overview of the holdings, edited by Jörg Brückner, Andreas Erb and Christoph Volkmar (Sources on the History of Saxony-Anhalt; 20), Magdeburg 2012 - Schumann: Post-Lexikon von Sachsen, vol. 2, 1815, p. 286 Schumann-Schiffner: Post-Lexikon von Sachsen, vol. 15, 1828, p. 428-430 Kneschke: Deutsches Adels-Lexikon, vol. 4, 1863, p. 364-365, 462-O. Steinecke: Frierich Anton von Heynitz. A life picture. In: Research on Brandenburg and Prussian History, Vol. 15, 1902, pp. 421-470.

Estate archive Eichenbarleben
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, H 61 (Benutzungsort: Wernigerode) · Bestand · (1578) 1593 - 1927
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Find book from 1987 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: Eichenbarleben belongs to the municipality Hohe Börde, Lkr. Börde, Saxony-Anhalt. In the late Middle Ages, Eichenbarleben was a fief of the Archbishopric of Magdeburg, which fell to the Electors of Brandenburg in 1680 as the Duchy of Magdeburg and merged in 1816 into the Prussian province of Saxony, which existed until 1945. 1140 a count Hoyer created the basis for a noble seat in oak bar life by the acquisition of 12 hooves. Since 1283 ministerials of Eichenbarleben are provable. In 1452 the castle, known as the Magdeburg fief, which belonged to the von Wanzleben family, passed to the von Alvensleben black line at Hundisburg. Since 1565 Eichenbarleben has been the seat of its own family branch. In 1813 he had to sell the estate, but it remained in family hands and belonged to the line Erxleben II since 1821. After the death of the Prussian Minister of State Count Albrecht von Alvensleben in 1858, Eichenbarleben moved to the von Krosigk family, who owned the estate until its expropriation in the course of the land reform in 1945. The manor, which was described in 1842 as fit for state parliament, included the parish patronage and the patrimonial jurisdiction over Eichenbarleben and Süplingen. Inventory information: The holdings seized in the course of the land reform were handed over to the then State Archives of Magdeburg in October 1949. An incomplete distortion list did not show any inner order. As a result, the inventory was redrawn. Additional information: Literature: aristocratic archives in the Saxony-Anhalt state archives. Overview of the holdings, edited by Jörg Brückner, Andreas Erb and Christoph Volkmar (Sources on the History of Saxony-Anhalt; 20), Magdeburg 2012.

Langenapel Manor Archive (holdings)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, H 135 (Benutzungsort: Wernigerode) · Bestand · (1443, 1522) 1543 - 1933
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Find book from 1952 (online searchable) Filing form: Langenapel belongs to the Hanseatic city of Salzwedel, Altmarkkreis Salzwedel, Saxony-Anhalt. The Langenapel, founded in the course of the eastern colonisation of the 12th/13th century, was located in the Altmark, which developed into a territory in the 13th/14th century and finally came under the sovereignty of the Electors of Brandenburg in 1449. In 1816 the Altmark became part of the Prussian province of Saxony, which existed until 1945. For 1375 a Brandenburg castle in the possession of the von Crucemann family is documented in Langenapel. In the early 15th century, the castle fief of Salzwedel Castle passed to the Knesebeck family (black line), who, in 1425/33, brought the entire village to themselves through exchange contracts with the Schulenburg family. A storming by the citizens of Salzwedel in 1443 and an opening treaty of 1469 deprived the castle of its military significance. However, in the late 15th century the Chancellery of Kurbrandenburg counted the Knesebecks on Langenapel among the exclusive circle of the feudatories of the castle. The manor, which had been converted from a castle into a state manor, remained in family ownership until its expropriation in the course of the land reform in 1945. In 1842, the manor included patrimonial jurisdiction and the church patronage over Langenapel, which was parsed after Easter Sole. The property complex also included a manor in Dähre, acquired in 1544, and a fortification in Lagendorf that was documented in 1616. Around 1897, the Knesebeck family acquired the Deutschhorst manor from the von Meding family, the manor archive of which was incorporated into the collection. Inventory information: The archive of the Langenapel estate of Knesebeck was seized by the priest Dr. Nötzel in Osterwohle and taken over by the Saxony-Anhalt state archives in Magdeburg in 1948. As the holdings had signatures, the old structure was restored according to the signatures. The order and recording of the archive records as well as the creation of a register took place in 1952. The retroconversion of the present finding aid register was carried out in October 2013. On the basis of a contract concluded in 2008, the holdings will be deposited in the Saxony-Anhalt State Archives. Additional information: Literature: aristocratic archives in the Saxony-Anhalt state archives. Overview of the holdings, edited by Jörg Brückner, Andreas Erb and Christoph Volkmar (Sources on the History of Saxony-Anhalt; 20), Magdeburg 2012.

Walbeck Manor Archive (holdings)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, H 242 (Benutzungsort: Wernigerode) · Bestand · (985) 1495 - 2010
Teil von State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Find book from 1990 (online searchable); partly unexcavated registry formers: Walbeck belongs to the city of Hettstedt, Lkr. Mansfeld-Südharz, Saxony-Anhalt. In 992 Otto III from Wittum transferred the royal court of Walbeck to Empress Adelheid of Quedlinburg to establish a Benedictine monastery consecrated in 997. In 1540/42 the Counts of Mansfeld secularised the monastery over which they had exercised the bailiwick since 1387. During the sequestration in 1570/73, Walbeck was placed under the administration of the Electorate of Saxony as part of the county of Mansfeld-Vorderort. In 1815, it passed to Prussia, where it was assigned to the province of Saxony in 1816-1945. In 1563 Count Hans Albrecht von Mansfeld-Vorderort pledged the Walbeck office, consisting of the monastery estate and the villages Ritterode and Meisberg, to Ludolf von Bortfeld. His descendants ceded the pledge in 1661 to Count Johann Albrecht von Ronoff, who in 1663 compared himself with the Mansfeldern on resale acquisition. In 1677 he sold it to Friedrich Casimir zu Eltz. In 1727 the estate passed from his descendants by inheritance to Philipp Wilhelm and Johann Clamor von dem Bussche. The latter acquired it in 1742 as a hereditary purchase, in 1745 achieved the status of a knight's manor with old written records, and in 1743/50 had the baroque palace built. In 1845 Walbeck fell to Friedrich August Tellemann, who had married Anna von dem Bussche, by buying out the remaining heirs. Through her daughter Anna's marriage to Heinrich Friedrich Remigius Bartels, the manor was transferred to his family, who owned it until it was expropriated in the course of the land reform in 1945. In 1827 the patrimonial jurisdiction over Walbeck, Ritterode, Meisberg (partly) and Quenstedt belonged to the manor called Rittergut. The Quenstedt manor, formed from several hereditary properties, was acquired in 1726/27 and separated again in 1843 when it was divided, and the Kupferberg manor, which had belonged to Walbeck since 1667, before Hettstedt, was temporarily co-administered. The church of Walbeck was supplied by the parish of Bräunrode. Inventory information: On the basis of a contract concluded in 2014, the holdings will be deposited in the Saxony-Anhalt State Archives. Additional information: Literature: aristocratic archives in the Saxony-Anhalt state archives. Overview of the holdings, edited by Jörg Brückner, Andreas Erb and Christoph Volkmar (Sources on the History of Saxony-Anhalt; 20), Magdeburg 2012.