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Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, G 13 (Benutzungsort: Dessau) · Fonds · 1824-1969
Part of State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Findbuch 2014 (online searchable) Registraturbildner: In the course of the reorganization of the postal system in 1850 due to a cabinet order of King Friedrich Wilhelm IV of 19 September 1849, 26 Royal Postal Directorates were formed: Aachen, Arnsberg, Berlin, Breslau, Bromberg, Coblenz, Cologne, Cöslin, Danzig, Düsseldorf, Erfurt, Frankfurt, Gumbinnen, Königsberg, Liegnitz, Magdeburg, Marienwerder, Merseburg, Minden, Münster, Oppeln, Posen, Potsdam, Stettin, Stralsund and Trier. The Merseburg Regional Postal Directorate was established for the Merseburg administrative district. The Chief Postal Officers managed the administration of their postal districts independently and under their own responsibility. The supervision of the railway postal service established on 1 May 1849 was carried out by a special railway postal inspector. His business was transferred from 1854 onwards to the district postal inspectors. Since the post office building in Halle offered more favourable conditions than the building in Merseburg, the Oberpostdirektion Merseburg had to move its official seat to Halle on 1 October 1852. By decree of 22 December 1875, the telegraph system was transferred to the Postal Directorates from January 1876. From this time on, the postal institutions were known as post offices and telegraph offices. In November 1881 the construction of a telephone station was started in Magdeburg. This was put into operation in January 1882. The post office cheque offices established in 1909 were responsible for several regional post offices. Telegraph offices were established in 1920. The local services, as the lowest level of the postal services, were the post offices. The local offices at the lowest level also included the postal agencies, postal auxiliaries, railway post offices, telegraph and telephone offices as well as public pay telephones in the municipalities. With the law of 27 February 1934 on simplifying and reducing the cost of administration, it was decided that, among other things, the Oberpostdirektion Halle was to be dissolved by 1 April 1934. The area of the Oberpostdirektion Halle is integrated into the Reichspostdirektion Leipzig (as a kind of compensation for the integration of the Reichsbahndirektion Leipzig into the Reichsbahndirektionsbezirk Halle). The Halle (Leipzig) district of the Reich Postal Administration included: Oberpostdirektion Halle, Telegraphenzeugamt Halle; Telegraphenbauämter Halle, Naumburg, Torgau; Verstärkeramt Bitterfeld; larger offices: Halle 2, Bitterfeld, Eisleben, Merseburg, Naumburg, Sangerhausen, Weißenfels, Wittenberg, Zeitz Delitzsch, Eisenburg, Falkenberg, Torgau; medium-sized offices: Ammendorf, Corbetha, Elsterwerda, Hettstedt, Klostermansfeld, Könnern, Schkeuditz, Allstedt, Alsleben, Artern, Bad Dürrenberg, Bad Kösen, Bad Liebenwerda, Bad Schmiedeberg, Düben, Freyburg, Gräfenhainichen, Herzberg, Hohenmölsen, Jessen, Kölleda, Leuna, Mücheln, Querfurt, Roßla, Teuchern, Zahna; offices of small extent: Annaburg, Bad Bibra, Bad Lauchstädt, Belgern, Bockwitz, Crensitz, Crossen, Diemitz, Dölau, Dommitzsch, Droyßig, Eckartsberga, Ermsleben, Gerbstedt, Gröbers, Heldrungen, Heringen, Kelbra, Kemberg, Kleinwittenberg, Landsberg, Laucha, Lauchhammer, Lützen, Mansfeld, Mückenberg, Mühlberg, Nauendorf, Nebra, Niemberg, Oberröblingen, Ortrand, Osterfeld, Prettin, Pretzsch, Roitzsch, Roßleben, Schafstädt, Schildau, Schkölen, Schönewalde, Stößen, Stolberg, Teutschenthal, Tisza, Wallhausen, Wettin, Wiehe, Wippra, Wolfen, Zörbig, Zschornewitz. Inventory information: In the period from 1989 to 1991, several visits to the administrative archive of the Deutsche Bundespost in Halle were carried out by staff members of the Magdeburg State Archives. Here, the archival material was viewed, evaluated and prepared for transfer to the state main archive (as the final archive). In the course of the location profiling between the individual locations of the Landeshauptarchiv, the postal archives were transferred in several steps to Department 4 (Dessau) of the Landeshauptarchiv. In May 2008, approximately 100 linear metres of postal archives were taken over from the Magdeburg site. In December 2009, approx. 290 running metres were transported from the Merseburg site to the Dessau site. A caesura was set for the postal stocks in May 1945. The continuation of some file units with the registry administrator beyond this caesura could not avoid overlaps in the duration of the stocks. For the archives of the Post Halle, the G 13 Deutsche Reichspost. Reichspostdirektion Halle and M 403 Deutsche Post. District Directorate Halle. When the archive records were taken over from the Merseburg location in 1945, the caesura - separation of the archives of the Reichspost and the Deutsche Post - had not yet taken place. For the personnel files, a list of names (probably compiled by a project manager) was available. The personnel files with a volume of 50.0 running meters were assigned to the G 13 Deutsche Reichspost. Reichspostdirektion Halle. For the rest of the postal files taken over from the Merseburg location, an inventory allocation with a caesura in 1945 and then the indexing/drawing of the individual files via scopeArchiv took place. Within the scope of the indexing work, the technical processing of the individual archival records was carried out at the same time. They were cleaned, demetallized, smoothed, repackaged, labeled and cardboarded.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 23-24 · Fonds · (1775-) 1852 - 1945 (-1946)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition For information on the history of the authorities, see Preface Ho 235 T 3 Report of the editor In Division I Section IX Medical Affairs, files were produced in the following areas: General regulations, examinations, employments, instructions of and for medical persons; physics certificates and/or senior physicians and/or district physicians; midwives; personal data of the senior physicians and/or district physicians and/or district physicians and/or district physicians and/or district physicians and/or district physicians County Veterinary Councils; Medical Police: prevention of diseases among humans, prevention of diseases among animals, supervision of pharmacies, cure-brushes; medical clinics; mineral springs and baths; forensic medicine; treatment of apparent deaths and casualties; periodic medical reports and visits. The present repertory is the revised version of the two official finding aids of the Prussian Government Section IX Medical Section IX of 1852 (see No. 478) and of 1927 (see No. 479). The repertories of the authorities partly agree, partly disagree. Occasionally, file numbers that had previously been regarded as order signatures were assigned twice. As the funds were used to locate authorities, amendments were made and not always in the expected places, which led to a great deal of confusion. The various entries about destruction or transfer to other registries and authorities also created confusion about the existence or location of the files. The NVA numbers behind the individual title records (if at all clearly assignable) gave a certain indication that the file must already have been in the archive. - The NVA number was the first signature to be assigned in the archive, regardless of the stock to which it belonged. Later, the Prussian files were removed from the NVA inventory and stored according to the old authority signature. - However, not every file with an NVA number could be found. The lack of clarity, the poor manageability and the state of conservation of the old finding aids have led to the necessity of simplifying the old signatures as well as to the present index. The first processing of the inventory took place only on the basis of the finding aids and not on the basis of the files. The content of the titles was not checked against the files, but only carefully normalised. The actual existence of the files and their duration was determined in the inventory in the magazine. In the process, files from the previously unallocated Prussian Government Sigmaringen had to be incorporated into the present partial stock. In the course of the work step of file control, notes describing physical anomalies were included in the present repertory. In addition, pre-proveniences have been demonstrated. The following preliminary provinces appear: "Fürstentum Hohenzollern Hechingen", "Geheime Konferenz Sigmaringen", "Geheime Konferenz Hechingen", "Fürstliche Landesregierung Sigmaringen", "Fürstliche Landesregierung Hechingen", "Preußische Übergangsregierung Sigmaringen", "Preußische Übergangsregierung Hechingen" and "Preußischer Kommissarius". One file was left as it was, despite free providence - namely "Prussian Government of Trier" - because it was a preliminary file. In addition, the provenance "President of Hohenzollern - settlement agency" appears. The task of this authority was to complete the business of the Prussian government of Sigmaringen, which had been dissolved in 1945. The repertory now has a place and person index. The problem with the creation of the place index was that some places in the east of the former German Empire are now on Polish territory. In order to facilitate the understanding of contemporary administrative contexts, these places were identified according to their administrative affiliation at the time. The present repertory lists all files that are listed in the list of authorities. If they could not be found, the note "not available" appears in the repertory. The state of conservation of the files is questionable, as the Prussian-stitched files were lying loose and unpacked on the shelf until recently. A further deterioration of the condition is not to be expected, however, since the files will soon be packed for archiving. The recording of the title recordings was carried out by the undersigned with the archival indexing program Midosa 95 in 2006. Corinna Knobloch and the undersigned checked the files in the magazine. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present inventory comprises 479 units of description and 16,5 linear metres (unpackaged) and is quoted as follows: Ho 235 T 23-24 Nr. Sigmaringen, December 2006 Birgit Meyenberg Content and evaluation Includes above all..: General regulations, examinations, employment of medical personnel, general; budget of medical administration; state examinations of medical personnel; establishment of physicians; establishment of foreign physicians; state examination of medical personnel; powers of wound physicians; taxes for medical personnel; Medical and health police; tax regulations for medical court practice; surgical instruments and instruments for obstetrics; doctors; homeopathic doctors; dentists; veterinarians; training of nurses; medical-statistical recording; list of diseases and causes of death; Statistics on illnesses; titles awarded to physicians; professional representation of pharmacists; examination of medical assistants and nurses; bacteriological examination centre; decisions of honorary medical courts; commercial physicians; service instructions for physics; post-mortem examination; register of the dead; scale of fees for physicians and dentists; Fee schedule for the court practice; establishment of a nursing school at the Sigmaringen Regional Hospital; railway doctor's offices; doctors' association; decline in births; veterinary councils; medical association, veterinary association; school medical examinations - Physikate, Kreisärzte Verwaltung der Physikate und der Oberamtsarzt- bzw. District doctor's offices; district assistant doctor's offices; Oberamtswundarztstellen - midwives - midwife teaching courses and examinations; midwife school; election, establishment and dismissal; salaries and fees; administration of the midwife fund in Donaueschingen; Medical examination of midwives in the Frauenklinik Tübingen - personal data of the district medical and veterinary councils List of medical persons; personnel files of doctors, medical and medical councils as well as of wound surgeons; examinations against doctors; examination of surgical candidates; Disciplinary proceedings - Medical police - Prevention of diseases among humans Treatment of infectious diseases; orders on physical education; vaccinations; childhood diseases; sexually transmitted diseases; cancer; rural hospitals; marriage counselling centres; meat poisoning; sewage from the Heuberg military training area; stopping sheep washing in the Schmeie; site visits by doctors; nutrition; medical orders; tuberculosis care; public hygiene; goitre diseases; poisoning; Inspection of dairies; purification of waste water - prevention of diseases among animals Treatment of infectious diseases; implementation of the German Animal Diseases Act; wildlife diseases; insurance of animals for slaughter; meat inspection; animal welfare; control of Dassel flies; epidemic regulations for Prussia; transport of livestock by rail; animal disease law; supervision of livestock and horse markets; transit of animals for zoological gardens and animal parks; implementation of the Foodstuffs Act; disease police; Agreement on epizootic diseases with foreign countries; public slaughterhouses; meat poisoning; cover-ups; Reichsgesundheitsblatt; war measures - supervision of pharmacies, pharmacies in general; state examination of pharmacists; visits to pharmacies; supervision; Pharmacopoeia; drug stores; Arzneitaxe; pharmacies; examination of pharmacist's assistants; revision of pharmacies - medical botchery Prohibition of sale of medicines by non-pharmacists; fight against Kurpfuschertum - medical institutions Establishment of mental health institutions Irrenverwahrungsanstalten; admission and discharge of mentally ill patients; leprosaries of the Middle Ages; construction of hospitals - mineral springs, spas, medicinal and mineral springs; spas; source protection law of 1908 - judicial medicine collection of judicial medical reports; Autopsy and state of mind negotiations - Treatment of the seemingly dead and casualties Medical rescue apparatuses - Periodic medical reports Medical reports of the physicists; Veterinary medical reports; Medical visits; Health reports - Final conclusions of the medical administration Nothing left

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen, Ho 235 T 26-28 · Fonds · (1629-) 1850-1945 (-2003)
Part of State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Sigmaringen State Archives Department (Archivtektonik)

The present repertory is the revised version of the two official finding aids of the Prussian Government Department I Section XI Education of 1852 (see No. 2180) and of 1927 (see No. 2181). The repertories of the authorities partly agree, partly disagree. Occasionally, file numbers that had previously been regarded as order signatures were assigned twice. As the funds were used to locate authorities, amendments were made and not always in the expected places, which led to a great deal of confusion. The various entries about destruction or transfer to other registries and authorities also created confusion about the existence or location of the files. The NVA (=Newly recorded file) numbers behind the individual title entries (if at all clearly to assign) gave a certain hint that the file must have already been in the archive. - The NVA number was the first signature to be assigned in the archive, regardless of the stock to which it belonged. Later, the Prussian files were removed from the NVA inventory and stored according to the old authority signature. - However, not every file with an NVA number could be found. In addition, teacher personnel files were handed over to the following authorities: Kultministerium Württemberg-Hohenzollern and Oberschulamt Tübingen. The personal files, which did not grow there, were delivered in three deliveries (Acc. 23/1956, 1/1969 and 17/1969) from the Oberschulamt Tübingen to the Staatsarchiv Sigmaringen. The deliveries were previously separate and have only now been returned to their original place. The lack of clarity, the poor manageability and the state of conservation of the old finding aids have led to the necessity of simplifying the old signatures as well as to the present index. The first processing of the inventory took place only on the basis of the finding aids and not on the basis of the files. The content of the titles was not checked against the files, but only carefully normalised. The actual existence of the files and their duration was determined in the inventory in the magazine. Files from the hitherto unallocated part of the total holdings of the Prussian Government of Sigmaringen had to be incorporated into the present partial holdings. The personnel files from the deliveries of the Oberschulamt Tübingen were integrated. In the course of the work step of file control, notes describing physical anomalies were included in the present repertory. In addition, pre-proveniences have been demonstrated. The following pre-proveniences appear: "Principality of Hohenzollern-Hechingen", "Principality of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen", "Secret Conference Sigmaringen", "Secret Conference Hechingen", "Princely Government Sigmaringen", "Princely Government Hechingen", "Prussian Interim Government Sigmaringen", "Prussian Interim Government Hechingen" and "Prussian Commissarius", "Kreisschulinspektion Beuthen", "Kreisschulinspektion Xanten", "Oberamt Hechingen", "Oberschulkommission Hechingen", "Preußische Regierung Aachen", "Preußische Regierung Arnsberg", "Preußische Regierung Danzig", "Preußische Regierung Düsseldorf", "Preußische Regierung Frankfurt an der Oder", "Prussian Government Kassel", Prussian Government Koblenz", Prussian Government Cologne", Prussian Government Königsberg", Prussian Government Köslin", Prussian Government Marienwerder", Prussian Government Münster", Prussian Government Oppeln", Prussian Government Posen", Prussian Government Trier", "Preußische Regierung Wiesbaden", "Provinzschulkollegium Berli n", "Provinzschulkollegium Berlin-Lichterfeld", "Provinzschulkollegium Koblenz", "Provinzschulkollegium Münster", "Bezirkspräsidium des Oberelsass", "Schulkommissariat Haigerloch", "Schulkommissariat Hechingen", "Schulkommission Hechingen" and "Schulkommission Sigmaringen". Post-proveniences include "Kultusministerium Württemberg-Hohenzollern", "Oberschulamt Tübingen" and "Schulamt Sigmaringen". In addition, the provenance "President of Hohenzollern - settlement agency" appears. The task of this authority was to complete the business of the Prussian government of Sigmaringen, which had been dissolved in 1945. The repertory now has a place and person index. The problem with the creation of the place index was that some places in the east of the former German Empire are now on Polish territory. In order to facilitate the understanding of contemporary administrative contexts, these places were identified according to their administrative affiliation at the time. This repertory lists all files that are listed in the list of authorities. If they could not be found, the note "not available" appears in the repertory. The state of conservation of the files is questionable, as the Prussian-stitched files were lying loose and unpacked on the shelf until recently. A further deterioration of the condition is not to be expected, however, as the files have recently been packed in an archive-compatible manner. The recording of the title recordings was carried out by the undersigned with the archival indexing program Midosa 95 in 2007. Corinna Knobloch and the undersigned checked the files in the magazine. Holger Fleischer completed the final EDP work. The present holdings comprise 1759 units of description and 40.3 linear metres and are quoted as follows: Ho 235 T 26-248 No. Sigmaringen, July 2009 Birgit Meyenberg