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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 114 · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1 History of the authorities In the course of the wars of liberation, the Wroclaw Convention of 19 March 1813 formed a Board of Directors consisting of two German and two Russian members. This committee was headed by the baron from and to the stone, who is in Russian service. He was to take over the administration of the areas to be conquered in northern Germany, but his activities were effectively limited to Mecklenburg, Saxony and for a short time to some small Thuringian states. Since the Allied Powers had defined the tasks only without obligation and hardly supported his activities, he was unable to meet the expectations placed in him. For this reason, renewed negotiations took place between the Allies, which resulted in a new agreement. On 21.10.1813 the Leipzig Convention was concluded by the allied powers Austria, Russia, Prussia, Great Britain and Sweden. This agreement created the Central Administrative Department and dissolved the Central Administrative Council. Stein was again appointed head of the Central Department. The headquarters of the administration was located at the headquarters of the Allied Powers, first in Frankfurt am Main and later in Paris. The Central Administrative Department was responsible for the administration of the Kingdom of Saxony and the territories of the conquered Napoleonic satellite states (Kingdom of Westphalia, Grand Duchy of Berg, Grand Duchy of Frankfurt). Other Rhine Confederation states remained outside the authority's sphere of influence, as the princes concerned moved to the Allied camp in good time. The main tasks of the Central Administrative Department included: - Ensuring the supply of the troops of the Allied Powers in the administered territories - Contributions to the war costs of the Allied Powers through cash payments and supplies from the administered territories - Implementation of the national armament and installation of the land storm - Supervision of the national administration by the authorities of the administered territories during the transitional period. To carry out these tasks at regional level, several Generalgouvernements have been set up in the administered areas. The Generalgouvernements were subordinate to the Central Administrative Department and bound by Stein's instructions. To support the governors-general, councils were set up in the individual provinces to which nationals of the areas concerned, as well as some non-national civil servants, belonged. Existing administrations and authorities were largely used to carry out the administrative tasks. The following Generalgouvernements were formed: - Generalgouvernement Sachsen o Headquarters: Dresden o Governor General: initially Nikolai Grigorjewitsch Repnin-Wolkonski (1778-1845), Russian General - Generalgouvernement Berg o Headquarters: Düsseldorf o Governor General: first Justus von Gruner (1770-1820), then Prince Alexander von Solms-Lich - Generalgouvernement Frankfurt o Administrative seat: Frankfurt/Main - Generalgouvernement between Weser and Rhine o Administrative seat: Münster o Governor General: Ludwig von Vincke (1774-1844) - Generalgouvernement Mittelrhein (from 1814) o Administrative seat: Trier (later Koblenz, respectively. Mainz) o Governor General: Justus von Gruner - Generalgouvernement Niederrhein (from 1814) o Headquarters: Aachen o Governor General: Johann August Sack (1764-1831). In a position as head of the Central Department, Stein tried to work towards the political transformation of Germany. A number of draft constitutions and correspondence on various constitutional and constitutional issues bear witness to these efforts, which, however, did not lead to any tangible results due to the Allies' incipient restoration policy. After the conclusion of the First Paris Peace on 30.05.1814 the tasks of the Central Administrative Department were fulfilled and its dissolution followed. The managed areas have been handed over to the civilian administrative authorities. As late as 1814, one of Stein's closest associates, Johann Albrecht Friedrich von Eichhorn, wrote a publication that can be regarded as an account of the activities of the Central Administrative Department. 2 History of the holdings Unfortunately it is not possible to provide more detailed information on the history of the holdings, e.g. the time when the documents were taken over by the Secret State Archives of the PK. The original find book was recorded and compiled by the archivist Robert Arnold, who worked in the Secret State Archives from 1884-1891 and 1901-1910. After the Second World War, the holdings returned to the German Central Archive in Merseburg as a result of outsourcing and German division and, after reunification, to the Secret State Archive PK. The holdings search book was retroconverted in 2011 and 2012 by the archive employee Guido Behnke. The classification has been recreated. In addition, the existing file titles were reviewed and revised. In some cases, individual files had to be redrawn. As part of the distortion, the inventory was re-signed (conversion of the signature schema to Numerus currens). In order to make it easier to use the old signatures, which are no longer in use, a concordance was added to the search book. 3 References to other holdings and literature references 3.1 Holdings in the Secret State Archive PK 3.1.1 Generalgouvernement Sachsen - GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 172 Allied or Prussian Gouvernement for the Kingdom or Duchy of Saxony 3.1.2 Estates of Stein and his employees in the Central Department - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Squirrel - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Gruner I (M) - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Gruner - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Johann August Sack - GStA PK, VI. HA, Nl Karl vom Stein 3.2 Collections in other archives - Archive Schloss Cappenberg, Cap.C.I, Freiherr vom Stein's estate (cf. Der Freiherrn vom Stein im Archiv des Grafen von Kanitz auf Schloss Cappenberg / ed. by Norbert Reimann, edited by Annekatrin Schaller and Norbert Reimann. - 2 volumes. - Münster, 2009 - 1324 p.) 3.3 Literature (selection) - Botzenhart, Erich; Hubatsch, Walther (ed.): Freiherr vom Stein - Briefe und amtliche Schriften, Vol. 4: Preußens Erhebung - Stein als Chef der Zentralverwaltung - Napoleons Sturz (January 1813 - June 1814), Stuttgart 1963, 893 p. - Botzenhart, Erich; Hubatsch, Walther (ed.): Freiherr vom Stein - Briefe und amtliche Schriften, Vol. 5: Der Wiener Kongress - Rücktritt ins Privatleben - Stein und die ständischen Strstreben des westfälischen Adels (June 1814 - December 1818), Stuttgart 1964, 895 pp. - [Eichhorn, Johann Albrecht Friedrich:] The Central Administration of the Allies under the Baron of Stein, Berlin 1814, 140 p. - Hubatsch, Walther: The Stein-Hardenberg Reforms, Darmstadt 1977, 242 p. - Huber, Ernst Rudolf: German Constitutional History since 1789, Vol. 1, Stuttgart 1957, pp. 499-510 - Just, Wilhelm: Administration and Armament in Western Germany after the Battle of Leipzig in 1813 and 1814, Göttingen 1911, 118 pp. - Kielmansegg, Peter Earl of: Stein and the Central Administration 1813/14, Stuttgart 1964, 203 p. - Neigebaur, Johann Daniel Ferdinand: Presentation of the Provisional Administrations on the Rhine from 1813 to 1819, Cologne 1821, 345 p. - Vollheim, Fritz: The provisional administration on the Lower and Middle Rhine during the years 1814 - 1816, Bonn 1912, 256 p. - Wetzel, Paul: The Genesis of the Central Administrative Board appointed on 4 April 1813 and its effectiveness until the autumn of this year, Greifswald 1907, 110 p. 4 Notes, order signature and method of citation Scope of holdings: 149 SU (2.0 running metres) Duration: 1812 - 1815 Last issued signature: The files must be ordered: I. HA, Rep. 114, No. () The files are to be quoted: GStA PK, I. HA, Rep. 114 Central Administrative Council of the Allied Powers, No. () Berlin, December 2012 (Guido Behnke) finding aids: database; finding guide, 1 vol.

Estate of Georg and Barbara Freed (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 170/02 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 170/2 estate Georg and Barbara Freed Scope: 819 units of description (= 23 linear metres of archive cartons and 9 linear metres of rolled plans) = add. 32 m Running time: 1792 - 1941 Family and foundation In the course of establishing a foundation to the City of Worms, which was decreed in the will, the Worms architect Georg Ludwig Freed (1858-1936) and his sister Barbara (Babette 1855-1941) bequeathed documents to the then museum and the municipal cultural institutes, which were taken over by Dr. Illert in 1942 (cf. Der Wormsgau 2, p. 99). Members of the Freed family had been resident in Worms since the beginning of the 19th century as master painters and whitewashers. They already held important positions in bourgeois associations in the pre-March period, including the Schützengesellschaft, the gymnastics community of 1846 Worms and the fire brigade. Both siblings remained unmarried throughout their lives, their sister Anna Maria (1854) was the wife of the museum director and since 1898 city archivist August Weckerling. The material of the 'Stiftung Freed' includes personal letters, postcards and papers, diaries, documents as well as artisan, artistic and family history documents in a large variety (especially about 1850 to 1935), without any documents obviously being collected after the death of the siblings. A large part of the estate is occupied by the actual architect Freed (numerous sketches, drawings, maps, plans, newspapers, etc.), whose temporal focus lies in his Mannheim years between 1889/93 and 1914. In addition, there are association documents from the entire Protestant-national-liberal milieu, including militaria and national teams or academic associations of the TH Darmstadt. In addition to the documents of his father Georg Fr. Freed from the time since approx. 1840, the closed file tradition of the house Wollstr. 28, which has been inhabited since 1800 and bequeathed to the city of Worms in 1941/42 and later sold privately by the latter (house preserved, part of a monument zone) is also relevant. Family grandfather of G. Freed: Johann Ph. Freed 1794-1845 married with Johanna Friederika Uswald 1798-1823 (daughter of:) Carl Ernst Ußwald from Oelsnitz/Vogtland 1754, from 1796 in Worms, 1818 (= great-grandfather of G. Freed), married Anna Katharina Köhler née. Völcker (1776-1846), was a painter and master draughtsman (family book: no. 87, description Reuter 1968, p. 204 no. 3), three other family books described on p. 212. Elisabeth Margareta Freed, Stiefenkelin of C.E. U.., born 1826 sister: Katharina Anna, 1825-1912 disproportionate stepbrother: Georg Friedrich F., born 1823 Worms (= grandson of C. E. Uswald) learned the painting and whitewashing trade, journeyman years Wiesbaden 1843/44, Dresden 1844, Vienna 1845; in Worms marriage 1851 with Elisabeth Müller (1825-1899), ev, City councillor 1874-1892; 1837-1851 pedigree book (description Reuter 1968 p. 212); died 1896 = father of Georg, Babette and Anna Maria Freed (Anna M. Freed (*1854) married with August Weckerling, who was thus the brother-in-law of the two Freeds, this certainly justified the willingness to donate the collection to the museum run by Weckerling, whose successor Illert acted as executor of the will after Barbara's death in 1941), Son of the pensioner, master whitewasher and town councillor Georg Friedrich Freed (1823-1896, married to Elisabeth Freed née. Müller), 1865-1869 attends preschool, 1869-1875 secondary school in Worms; takes private lessons in higher mathematics and languages in 1875, passed entrance examination, eight semesters as a regular student of the building school enrolled at the TH Darmstadt; also occupies the subjects prescribed for civil service, final examination in autumn 1879 together with the civil service aspirants, participation in study trips and excursions, etc.a. 1878 World Exhibition Paris, 1.4.1880 One-year volunteer reg. 118 Worms, from summer 1881 to summer 1885 for further mainly artistic education in Munich in the studio of Prof. Hauberrisser, there collaboration on large building projects, 1885-1887 active in Berlin in studios of architect Kayser u. v. Großheim, Erdmann

Faecke, Peter (inventory)

Best. 1825 contains files from the estate of Peter Faecke (born 1940) - writer, editor, composer, journalist, reporter, screenwriter, editor and publisher - which form the basis of his work as an author, especially manuscripts and material collections. The estate covers a term from 1961 to 2010.I. Takeover and useThe Peter Faecke of Cologne, who was elected, handed over his estate together with the list of papers to the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne on 29 November 2009. This was acquired under inventory number 2009/52. On 30.06.2010 he added further documents, which were registered under the access number 2010/20. Further taxes remain to be seen. In the tectonics of the archives, the estate is classified under the inventory number 1825 in the department of bequests and collections. six moving boxes filled with standing files, which contained perforated and stapled documents, were taken over. The files showed only minimal damage such as slight wrinkles, compression and dusting. After order and distortion at the end of 2011, the material worthy of archiving was removed from the standing files, cleaned, demetallized, re-bedded for archiving purposes and provided with the assigned signatures. Since January 2012, the original version of the Writers' Legacy has been available in the analogue reading room of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne and is not subject to any restrictions on use. When citing, the form HAStK, order 1825, no. [] must be observed.II. Order and DistortionFirst of all, the stock was roughly sifted and compared with the list. Accordingly, with a few exceptions, the existing order of files was retained and only repealed where it was possible to create independent contexts or where it could be clearly seen that there had been an erroneous sorting on the part of the predecessor. Following the Bärschen principle, each standing folder and each extracted unit was then assigned a temporary number. After a thorough examination, a comprehensive description of the contents of each file unit was then made. As a result of this and in accordance with the rules for the indexing of estates and autographs, a basic thematic division of the holdings into general documents and documents relating to the work was carried out. In addition, a more specific subdivision of the manuscripts and material collections was made, oriented to the genre, and the units were pre-sorted accordingly. Afterwards an order was operated according to chronological principle and the order after final, sequential numbers was added. Subsequently the data base distortion took place in the archive software ActaPro. The two overarching classification points General, Correspondence and Criticism as well as Works and Collections of Materials were compiled, and the latter was subdivided into novels, radio contributions, screenplays and non-fiction texts. The units were then recorded and assigned to the respective classification points in the same way as the presorting, with the title field usually corresponding to the specific publication title and the exact content being made accessible by means of content and thesaurus notes. The formulation deliberately did not distinguish between manuscripts and typoscripts in the literal sense of the word, but referred to any draft text or concept, whether handwritten or typewritten, as manuscripts. Finally, cross-continuance indexes of objects, locations and persons were carried out and the inventory information was displayed on the meta level. Via an EAD-compliant interface, the data records of the holdings were exported to the archive portal of North Rhine-Westphalia, which guarantees Internet research.The indexing of Peter Faecke's estate was carried out as part of a practical indexing work for the master's degree in archive science at the Potsdam University of Applied Sciences in November and December 2011 in the indexing rooms of the Restoration and Digitisation Centre of the Historical Archive of the City of Cologne by the editor Nancy Nowik under the guidance of Dr. Gisela Fleckenstein, Head of Department 3 - Bequests and Collections.III. BiographyPeter Faecke was born on 3 October 1940 in Grundwald in Silesia. In the course of his expulsion from his homeland, the family moved to Hannoversch Münden in Lower Saxony in 1946. From 1961 to 1965 he studied Romance Languages, German and Philosophy in Göttingen, Berlin, Hamburg and Paris. In 1965 Faecke became the youngest editor to date of Westdeutscher Rundfunk in Cologne and remained loyal to WDR until 1990 as an editor in the Department of Culture and Science. His main role was that of rapporteur on Third World culture. He was significantly involved in the development and expansion of the literary program in radio at all. From 1982 to 1985, he also managed a media development project for German Development Aid in Peru, which was intended to serve the expansion of the state broadcasting system there, but had to be discontinued prematurely due to a worsening civil war. Peter Faecke also worked as a novelist during his studies and continues to do so successfully today. Since 1969 he has been a member of the Writers' Association P.E.N. Centre Germany and the Association of German Writers (VS). In 1971 he was even appointed guest lecturer for German literature at the University of Texas/USA in Austin. 1991 to 2003 he worked as a freelance journalist and writer at the WDR, travelled to Latin America and Africa for longer periods of time for research purposes and took action as a reporter from crisis areas.a. 1965 the Lower Saxony Prize for the Promotion of Literature for Young Artists, 1966 the NRW Prize, 1967 the City of Cologne Prize, 1978 a Villa Massimo Scholarship in Rome and 1991 as well as 1994 scholarships from the German Literature Fund e. V. Darmstadt. At the turn of the millennium he began publishing his own books within the BoD Norderstedt publishing house. With the founding of his publishing house Edition Köln in 2002/2003, Faecke established himself as a publisher of German and international fiction, crime literature and non-fiction. Edition Köln also serves its readers with eBooks.IV, among other things. Bibliography in selection (partly unpublished)The following list is intended to provide an overview of Peter Faecke's audio, literary and editorial oeuvre and thus of the diversity of his media work:a) Novels:1963 Die Brandstifter (former: Die Muschel), first published by Walter-Verlag, Olten und Freiburg;1965 Der rote Milan, first published by Walter-Verlag, Olten und Freiburg;1970-1973 Postversand-Roman - 11 regelmäßige Lieferungen, mit Wolf Vostell, first published by Luchterhand-Verlag, Neuwied/Darmstadt/Berlin;1982 Das unaufstostoppame Glück der Kowalskis. Prehistory, first published by Claassen Verlag, Düsseldorf;1988 Flug ins Leben, first published by Unionsverlag, Zurich;1991 Der Mann mit den besonderen Eigenschaften, unpublished (the manuscript was later completely discarded); after a new beginning this led to the novel Hochzeitvorbereitungen auf dem Lande, in the final version the second volume of the Kowalski project);1995 When Elizabeth Arden was nineteen, first published by Elster-Verlag, Baden-Baden and Zurich (revised version appeared as Landschaft mit Gärtner, first volume of the definitive Kowalski tetralogy);Die Zwei Bücher von der Heimat: I The lost years, and II The livestock dealer, the fool and the writer, publication unclear (precursor of the arrival of a shy man in heaven);2000 Arrival of a shy man in heaven, first published by Edition Köln at BoD, Norderstedt;2003 Wedding preparations in the countryside. The Kowalski Project II, Schelmenroman, first published by Edition Köln, Cologne (revised version of Arrival of a Shy One in Heaven); 2004 The Secret Videos of Mr. Vladimiro. Criminal pictures. The Kowalski Project (third volume of the Kowalski tetralogy), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2007 Die Geschichte meiner schönen Mama. The Kowalski Project IV, first published by Edition Köln, Cologne; 2007 Landschaft mit Gärtner. The Kowalski Project I, published by Edition Köln, Cologne (revised version of Als Elizabeth Arden neunzehn war);2007 Der Kardinal, ganz in Rot und frischbügelt (Kommissar Kleefisch-Serie I), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2008 Die Tango-Sängerin (Kommissar Kleefisch-Serie II), first published by Edition Köln, Cologne;2010 Fragment Wer getötete Kiki Diamant? (Der dritte Fall für Kleefisch), ebook reading sample published;b) Radio contributions:1965 Preface to the reading Der rote Milan (production: DLF);1966 Book criticism of Dieter Wellershof's Ein schöner Tag (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1966 Criticism of Jacov Lind's Post Scriptum (production: WDR, Literarisches Studio);1966-1967 Kulturkommentare (production: WDR);1967 Erlebte Zeit - Die goldenen Jahre, aus der Sendereihe Wissenschaft und Bildung (Production: WDR);1967 Die Wiener Gruppe: Texte, Gemeinschaftsarbeiten und Chansons vorgestellt von Gerhard Rühm (Production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1968 Beitrag Kritisches Tagebuch (Production: WDR);1969 Hörspiel lesen sehen (Produktion: WDR);1969 Sendereihe Dokumente und Collagen (Production: WDR III. Programme, main department radio play);1970 programme Deutsche Wochenschau (production: SWF/SDR);1972 radio play Köln, Hohe Straße (production: WDR);1972 programme Literatur und Wahlkampf: Berichte und Analysen zur Beteiligung von Autoren am Bundestagswahllkampf 1972 mit Jürgen Alberts (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1972 Lang-Gedicht Sätze für zwei und mehr, aus der Sendereihe Literarisches Studio (production: German long poem, sentences for two and more, from the series Literarisches Studio (production: German literary studio): WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1972 Moderationtext Deutsch in Texas - Berichte, Texte, Tonbänder zu einem Arbeitsauf Aufenthalt in den USA (Production: WDR3);1973 Radio play Hier ist das Deutsche Fernsehen mit der Tagessschau mit Rainer Ostendorf und Hein Brühl - Versuch einer alternativen Tagesschau in Zusammenarbeit mit Schülern der Hauptschule Köln-Kalk (Production: WDR III. Programme, main department radio play);1973 programme Die Biographie der Dinge - das Handschuhfach mit Rainer Ostendorf, from the series Literarisches Studio (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1973-1974 radio series Die Fred Kowalski-Show (production: WDR, Kulturelles Wort);1976 radio play 48 PS - Zur Biografie der Autos mit Rainer Ostendorf (production: WDR);1976 programme Kein Fressen für die Banken! - The citizens' initiative Rheinpreußen-Siedlung in Duisburg-Homberg (3), from the series Bürger- und Arbeiterinitiativen in Nordrhein-Westfalen (Production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft, published as audio book in the Studio für Strategische Kommunikation, Reithofen [1980]); 1977 Broadcast "Mit Prozessen überziehen... - Peter Faecke on proceedings against the citizens' initiative Rheinpreußen-Siedlung in Duisburg-Homberg Part 2 (9), from the series Autoren als Gerichtsreporter (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft);[1977-1979] Langzeit-Reihe Landprojekt (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft, as editor);[1978] Das Gummersbacher Testament - Zur Geschichte des Niedergangs der oberbergischen Textilindustrie. Materials, Memories, Conversations with Gerd Haag;1979 reportage by Klaus Wildenhahn and Gerd Haag "Da wo die Kamine smäu, da müssen später hin (1), aus der Reihe Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Gerd Haag and Heiner Taubert Every cow I put more in the stable has to be abolished by another farmer (2), from the series Life and work in South Westphalia - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report Komm her, was brauchst Du die Gewerkschaft, ein Bier kriest Du von mir (6), from the series Life and work in South Westphalia - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Friedhelm Melder Komm schon mal zum Wochenende - Die Bedeutung der Region als Naherholungsgebiet am Beispiel des Biggeseeses (8), from the series Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Report by Dirk Gerhard Das Vergangene ist nicht tot, es ist nicht einmal vergangen (10), from the series Leben und Arbeiten in Südwestfalen - ten approaches to the province;1979 Resolut, with headscarf, basket, red cheeks, and something stupid in his head? - Women in the country. Prejudices - judgments, worked out with rural women from the Olpe/Sauerland district in encounter with women from Cologne and Gummersbach, recording and compilation by Mechthild Buschmann and Peter Faecke;1981 Patria o Muerte - Eine Westdeutsche Journalistengruppe in Kuba (production: RB/WDR/SFB);1981 show Guantanamera;1981 We say so openly, the bourgeoisie does not ...- radio stations in Cuba or Radio Reloj: Das Radio mit der Uhr;1983 series Leben und Arbeiten in Dortmund - nine approaches to the Ruhr area with Lothar Romain (production: WDR, Kultur und Wissenschaft);1985 reportage Lima die Schreckliche - report about a working stay in Peru (production: WDR/RB/SFB);1985 Report Lima the Terrible - II Report about a little man with a hat;1985 Report Lima the Terrible - III Report about Presidents;1985 About the Overflowing of the Andes;1985 The Long March of the Miners - Self Testimony of a Peruvian Miner's Woman (Production: WDR, Culture and Science);1986 Living you took her from us... - The Teatro Vivo from Guatemala. Reports on and from Central America on the occasion of a theatre performance (production: RB);1987 Report Das Kreuz des Südens (production: RB/SFB/SWF);1987 Programme Back to the Rio de la Plata - Zur Lage exilierter Rückkehrer nach Lateinamerika mit Hein Bruehl;1988 Report Nicht ich bin der Fremde, die Fremden sind die anderen - Portrait of the songwriter Daniel Viglietti from Uruguay (production: WDR3/RB);1989 reportage Chapinlandia - Ein Reisebericht aus Mittelamerika (Production: WDR1, Kultur und Wissenschaft);1993 broadcast Comrade Führer - Baghdad, two years after the 'Operation Desert Storm': Monitored Observations in Iraq (Production: SFB);1994 reportage Welcome, by my Eyes! - Journey through the autonomous region Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) (Production: SFB/WDR/SWF);1995 Documentation Petrified Forests, Dry Water - Journey through the Republic of Namibia (Southwest Africa) in the 5th Year of Independence (Production: SFB3);1996 Report The Elephant Bull and the Writers - Comments on Cocoa Land in Namibia, the Dying Himba Tribe and the German-Born Romancier Giselher W. Hoffmann, taking into account my own bias as an author (production: WDR/SFB);2000 broadcast Wenn bei uns ein Greis stirbt, dann burnt an entire library, from the series Forum Literatur, a.o. episode Amadou Hampaté Ba, the narrator and cultural archivist of the Sahel countries (production: WDR);2001 radio play Die geheimen Videos des Herrn Vladimiro (production: WDR);o. D. Funkerzählung Ein Fisch zuiel;c) Screenplays:1994 Documentary film screenplay Fritz lebt. Secret offender and Viehlosoph (production: Tiger TV GmbH, director: Elke Baur);1994 feature film script Eine Liebe zum Land (working title);d) factual texts:1964 Krebs und Katze;1967 essay clatch as clatch can;1971 text For example Cologne: Hohe Straße;1972 Excerpt from Als Elizabeth Arden neunzehn war, in: Akzente;Essay Köln: Bahnhofsvorplatz;Article Arbeiterpathos und literarische Sonntagsmalerei;1973 Gefahr ging eigentlich nur von Linksaußen Volkert aus dem Arbeitstitel: About the chancellor election '72 in the FRG;1974 essay Hohe Straße, in: Notebook - Neun Autoren, Wohnsitz Köln, Kiepenheuer

Heylsche Lederwerke Liebenau (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 180/01 · Bestand
Teil von City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 180/1 Heylsche Lederwerke Liebenau Scope: 260 archive boxes and 7 linear metres of books/standing (= 1104 units of registration = 40 linear metres) Duration: 1879 - 1975 Acquisition, history of the inventory Dept. 180/1 comprises the most complete company archive within the archive holdings of the Worms municipal archive. It represents the development of the Worms leather industry, especially in the period from about 1922 to the end of production after its discontinuation at the factory in Worms-Neuhausen in 1974. There are no losses during the war, cassations of the material, of which nothing is known in detail, were obviously limited. After the end of production in the Liebenau plant (Neuhausen, area Kurfürstenstraße, today the workshops and administration of Lebenshilfe Worms are located there), the inventory, initially operating as Abt. 169 (until its renaming in 1996), was taken over by the Worms municipal archives in 1974 in consultation with Mr Ludwig Frhr. v. Heyl, born in 1920. Until 2008, it was stored in a standing position (mainly file folders, cf. fig.) in the Adenauerring office building, Oberer Keller, with a circumference of 49 linear metres. When the files were selected for submission to the archives, a considerable part of the documents relating to the work (which in turn were mixed with Heyl's family archives) was separated from the parts handed over to the archives; this part was transferred to the municipal archives in 1997 as Dept. 185. The latter, a very rich and extensive collection, has been listed since 2007 and contains both company and private documents of the von Heyl family. It is essential to use the inventory to supplement the source material available here (cf. in future the preface to the finding aid book). The archive holdings of Dept. 180/1 did not have a clear internal structure at the time of its transfer and were first opened up or provisionally in 1993/94 by the student Mr Burkhard Herd in preparation for his diploma thesis on the leather industry, written at the University of Mannheim in 1994, from 1933 to 1945 (using Heyl-Liebenau as an example). Herd numbered the folders and staplers (approx. 650 units) and entered them (without running times and closer registration according to the usually available back titles) into an alphabetical list of topics, which was able to convey a very compressed first impression of the material with twelve pages. Herd's subsequent work (masch. 144 p.) includes a partial evaluation of questions of Nazi economic history using the example of the leather industry. In this form the stock was always to be used only very limitedly. In 1993, Volker Brecher last evaluated the documents for his study on working conditions in the leather industry during the Second World War as well as for the question of the use of forced labourers. In 2007, Christoph Hartmann presented an analysis of selected aspects of company development in the 1920s. Apart from that, the value of the rich source material for the economic history of Worms and the entire development of the leather industry has remained unused to this day, even nationwide, due to the fact that it has not been developed. From December 2007 to the end of February 2009, the entire holdings were completely listed by the signatory and entered into 'Augias'. In the process, a classification was developed which attempts to take into account the essential overdelivery characteristics and structures of the material. The material was successively brought to the Raschi House and is mainly stored here. The classification reaches its limits where (how often) the documents mix family-private affairs with company matters, where foreign business and domestic activities are intertwined (this applies to the entire field of correspondence) and the like. There have been relatively clear distinctions in the area of personnel and the activities of the company director in committees, chambers and associations since 1942 and 1949, respectively. Main focus and significance About half of the documents are divided between the time before and after 1945; there were probably no war losses. The value of the stock for economic historical research is to be estimated very highly. The main focus in terms of time was between 1922/23 (independence of the company) and 1962 (death of Ludwig C. v. Heyl sen.) or the end of production in 1974. At the end of the 60s the factory still employed about 400 people. Heyl'schen Lederwerke Liebenau in Neuhausen was taken over in 1901 by Cornelius Wilhelm v. Heyl through the acquisition of the shares and integrated into Heyl'sche Gesamtunternehmen. The goatskin factory, which has existed since the end of the 19th century (formerly Schlösser

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Radowitz, J. M. v., d. J. · Bestand
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

This reference book is a slightly modified and, if necessary, corrected transcript of the distortion (including preliminary remarks) made by Dr. Renate Endler in 1957. The estate of the envoy Joseph Maria von Radowitz came to the Prussian Secret State Archives through two accessions (acc. 112/1933 and 339/1936). According to the deposit agreement, it was not allowed to be arranged and listed. It is therefore not possible to determine exactly what losses have been incurred as a result of the outsourcing and relocation caused by the war. There are certainly gaps in diaries and personal records. The stock, whose signatures were completely new, is structured as follows: It began with Radowitz's diaries and personal notes. The diaries begin with the year 1853 and are available with interruptions until 1909. Two copies of the memoirs are available. One is the concept of Radowitz's hand, the other one is a re-examined clean copy from another hand. Next comes correspondence, divided into correspondence with the family, alphabetical and chronological correspondence. The large number of available newspapers and newspaper clippings have also been sorted chronologically. These were mainly newspaper reports on the Algeciras Conference, which was held from January to April 1906. The estate of the father Joseph Maria von Radowitz (the Elder), which is kept here, may also be used for research. The estate was used by Hajo Holborn to publish the "Notes and Memories from the Life of Ambassador Joseph Maria von Radowitz", 1925. In the course of the current database entry by Ms. Pistiolis, the register entries for the chronologically ordered exchange of letters (B III No. 1-10) and the newspaper volumes (C No. 1 Vol. 1-3 and C No. 2 Vol. 1-3) were adopted as notes in the corresponding archive units. Box 44 also contains unordered items. Duration: 1839 - 1912 and without date Volume: 2.2 running metres To order: HA VI, Nl Joseph Maria of Radowitz (the year), No..... To quote: GStA PK, VI. HA Family Archives and Bequests, Nl Joseph Maria von Radowitz (the year) (Dep.), No.... Berlin, November 2013 (Chief Inspector Sylvia Rose) Biographical data: Joseph Maria von Radowitz was born on 19.5.1839 in Frankfurt/Main, where his father worked as Prussian military representative for the German Confederation. His mother, Maria von Radowitz, was a born Countess von Voß. Radowitz attended grammar schools in Berlin and Erfurt, where the family took up permanent residence after his father retired. After studying at the universities of Berlin and Bonn and completing his military service, Radowitz became an auscultator at the Court of Appeal on 25 April 1860. He was first employed at the City Court in Berlin in the Department of Investigative Matters and later at the District Court in Erfurt. In 1861 Radowitz, supported by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Baron of Schleinitz, and other friends of the family, entered the diplomatic career. He became attaché to the Prussian legation in Constantinople. In 1862, when he returned to Berlin, Radowitz passed the Legation Secretary Examination. After a mission led by Count Eulenburg concluded contracts with China, Japan and Siam in 1859, a Prussian Consulate General was to be established in China in 1862. Radowitz applied to be employed as a delegation secretary at this consulate and was accepted because the other candidates for the position of delegation secretary refused the mission to China. He served in Shanghai until November 1864, and in May 1865 Radowitz was appointed 2nd Legation Secretary in Paris, a post he held until 1867, with an interruption due to his participation in the war of 1866. The next stations in Radowitz's career were Munich and Bucharest, where he served as Consul General. In Munich he married Nadine von Ozerow, the daughter of the Russian envoy to Bavaria (1868). From 1872 to 1880, Radowitz was employed in the Federal Foreign Office, with appointments as ambassador in Athens (25 June 1874), the mission to Petersburg (1875), the Berlin Congress (1878) and the mission to Paris (1880). After his stay in Athens, Radowitz was appointed ambassador of the German Reich in Constantinople in 1882 (until 1892) and subsequently in Madrid, where he remained until 1908, when he retired from diplomatic service. In 1906, together with Count von Tattenbach, he was the German representative at the Algeciras Conference, which was held from January to April 1906. Joseph Maria von Radowitz died in Berlin on January 16, 1912. Literature: " H. Holborn (ed.), notes and memories from the life of Ambassador Joseph Maria von Radowitz. 2 Bde, Stuttgart, Berlin and Leipzig 1925 " H. Philippi, The Ambassadors of the European Powers at the Berlin Court 1871-1914 In: Lectures and Studies on Prussian-German History... Edited by O. Hauser. Cologne and Vienna 1983, pp. 159-250 (New Research on Brandenburg-Prussian History, vol. 2) " D. M. Krethlow-Benziger, Glanz und Elend der Diplomie. Continuity and change in the everyday life of the German diplomat at his posts abroad as reflected in the Memoirs 1871-1914. 2001, Bern, Berlin et al., pp. 554-555 (European Hochschulschriften: Reihe 3, Geschichte und ihre Hilfswissenschaften, vol. 899) " J. C. Struckmann in collaboration with E. Henning, Preußische Diplomaten im 19. Jahrhundert. Biographies and appointments of foreign posts 1815-1870. Berlin 2003, p. 193 u. ö. " H. Spenkuch, Radowitz, Joseph Maria. In: New German Biography (NDB). Volume 21, Duncker

Reich Security Main Office (inventory)
BArch, R 58 · Bestand · Ca. 17. Jh. - 1945 (1946, 1957-1960)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: On October 1, 1939, summary of the (Prussian) Secret State Police Office (Ge‧stapa), the office of the Political Police Commander of the (non-Prussian) Länder, the Reich Criminal Police Office, the Security Police Main Office, and the Sicherheits‧haupt‧amtes (SD Main Office) of the SS in the newly erected Security Police Main Office, which was established by the Chief of Security Police and SD, Reinhard Heydrich (since October 30, 1939). January 1943 Ernst Kaltenbrunner) Reichssi‧cher‧heits‧hauptamt (RSHA); in October 1943 the RSHA was established as follows: Amt I Per‧sonal, Training and Organisation of the Security Police and the SD, Amt II Haushalt und Wirtschaft, Amt III Deutsche Lebensgebiete, Amt IV Gegner-Erforschung und -Be‧kämp‧fung (Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt), Amt V Verbrechensbekämpfung (Reichskriminal‧poli‧zei‧amt), Amt VI Auslandsnachrichtendienst, Amt VII Weltanschauliche Forschung und Aus‧wer‧tung Content characterisation: Part 1 (formerly: ZStA, 17.03): 1917-1945 (138): Personnel, organisation, business administration of various SS and SD offices 1917-1919, 1933-1945 (12), political situation (with reports), labour movement, communist and social democratic actions, church affairs (both domestic and foreign) 1921-1945 (22), training activity (also church political training) 1936-1944 (13), Literaturnach‧weise (historical and contemporary documents) 1927-1943 (9), lecture directories, Seme‧ster and seminar papers, various records 1923-1945 (15), Hexenwesen, Zauberei (with references) 1932-1942 (36), Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt, Berlin 1933-1943 (14), Geheime Staatspolizei Bremen 1934 (1), Staatspolizei(leit)stellen - mit verschiedenen Außen(dienst)stellen und Grenz(polizei)kommissariaten - Düsseldorf, Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Königsberg (Prussia), Munich, Saarbrücken, Prague 1933-1944 (15), Commander of the Security Police and the SD in the Be‧reich of the Military Commander in France, Paris 1944 (1) Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 58): 1920-1945 (1.670): Administration: Central authorities of the Security Police and SD 1933-1945 (21), Central and Unterbehör‧den 1933-1945 (6), Reichsstiftung für Länderkunde 1943-1944 (5), Correspondence and administration of written records 1933-1945 (20), Procurement, in particular Weapons and equipment 1933-1945 (15), vehicles 1936-1944 (10), literature 1941-1944 (9), budget, cash and accounting 1933-1945 (13), personnel affairs in general 1933-1945 (10), affairs of individual departments and persons 1936-1945 (97), Involvement of university teachers by the Orient Research Centre 1944-1945 (3), Ein‧stellung, education and training 1930-1945 (22), disciplinary measures 1934-1944 (4) Monitoring and prosecution of political opponents: Principles and guidelines 1933-1945 (6), status reports and overviews from the gesam‧ten Reichsgebiet 1931-1944 (34), status reports, v.a. individual state police officers 1933-1939 (68), imposition of protective custody and "special treatment" 1933-1945 (5), Über‧wachung and persecution of the labor movement in general 1928-1944 (27), popular front, united front 1925-1940 (15), German united party 1937-1940 (3), Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) and socialist splinter groups 1931-1943 (23), Communist Party of Germany (KPD) and communist splinter groups 1932-1942 (41), individual social democratic, socialist or communist political organizations 1926-1942 (17), socialist and communist youth and sports organizations 1931-1941 (26), "Red Aid" 1930-1939 (16), cultural political organizations, free thinkers 1927-1941 (12), socio-political, professional and other organizations 1920-1941 (7), Ge‧werkschaftsbewegung 1922-1944 (20), anarcho-syndicalist movement 1930-1940 (5), Catholic and Protestant churches 1933-1945 (16), sects and freemasons 1933-1943 (10), Jews in the "Old Empire" 1933-1944 (16), Jews in integrated and occupied territories 1937-1944 (4), Zionist movement 1933-1944 (5), anti-Semitic propaganda 1936-1941 (6), national, liberal, conservative and monarchist opponents 1931-1945 (11) Surveillance of the NSDAP, its branches and the Wehrmacht: NSDAP and Wehrmacht in General 1933-1943 (1), Ribbentrop Office 1937 (1), German Labour Front 1933-1940 (2), Foreign National Socialist and Fascist Groups and Foreign Emigrants in Germany 1934-1942 (1), 20. July 1944, 1944 (1) Supervision of non-political organizations and economic enterprises: non-political organizations 1929-1941 (3), sports, youth and social associations 1930-1942 (2), consumer cooperatives 1934-1941 (6), artificial language organizations (Esperanto and others) 1933-1943 (10), economic enterprises, v.a. Insurances 1933-1942 (13) Defense against and fight against espionage and sabotage: Defense against espionage, treason and sabotage in general 1933-1945 (22), Lan‧desverrat and espionage 1933-1945 (9), sabotage and assassinations 1933-1945 (13) Measures against foreigners and in the integrated, affiliated and occupied Gebie‧ten: Treatment of foreigners in general 1933-1944 (3), foreign workers 1934-1944 (3), prisoners of war 1938-1945 (4), national minorities in Reich territory and in incorporated, affiliated and occupied territories 1934-1944 (1), state police measures in Austria 1938-1943 (7), daily reports of the state police headquarters Vienna 1938-1940 (11), mood and situation reports from Austria 1939-1944 (6), Sudetenland, Protectorate Bohemia and Moravia 1938-1945 (4), incorporated eastern territories and Generalgou‧vernement for the occupied Polish territories 1939-1945 (3), Denmark and Norway 1940-1945 (14), Eupen-Malmedy, associated western territories (Alsace, Lorraine, Luxem‧burg) 1940-1943, occupied western territories (Netherlands, Belgium, France) 1940-1944 (8), Occupied Eastern Territories (Baltic States, USSR) 1941-1945 (24), Yugoslavia, Hungary, Siebenbür‧gen, Macedonia, Operation Zone Adriatic Coastal Country 1941-1945 (6) Persecution and fight against non-political crime: Remainders of the criminal police 1935-1944 (3) Surveillance of public opinion and mood of the people: Principles of reporting by the SS Security Service (SD) 1937-1945 (2), Be‧richte on the 1939 domestic political situation (2), reports from the Reich: General, opponents, cultural areas, folklore and public health, administration and law, economics, Luft‧krieg 1939-1943 (39), SD reports on domestic issues 1943-1944 (10), regional Stimmungs‧berichte 1943-1945 (2), propaganda against foreign reports and "anti-state" influencing of public opinion 1933-1944 (3), combating antinationalsozialisti‧schen Literature 1933-1944 (11), Review and prohibition of books and brochures 1933-1943 (66), monitoring of the press 1933-1945 (55), broadcasting 1933-1945 (20), music, theatre, film, art 1935-1943 (2), science, education and popular education 1939-1945 (1), folklore 1939-1944 (1), situation of the general administration 1939-1945 (4), administration of justice 1939-1942 (1), economy 1939-1943 (1) procurement and evaluation of news from abroad: Foreign news in general 1938-1945 (16), monitoring of trips abroad 1936-1939 (10), German citizens and emigrants abroad 1933-1943 (6), German minorities abroad 1933-1943, news about individual countries: Abyssinia, Afghanistan, Egypt, Albania, Algeria, Arabia, Argentina, Australia, Bel‧gien, Brazil, Bulgaria, Burma, Canada, Chile, China, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Iran, Italy, Japan, Korea, Lebanon, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Morocco, United Kingdom, Yugoslavia, Mexico, New Zealand, Nie‧derlande, Norway, Austria, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Rhodesia, Romania, Schwe‧den, Switzerland, Soviet Union, Spain, South Africa, Syria, Transjordan, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, Hungary, Uruguay, Venezuela, United States of America, Cyprus 1931-1945 (188) Individual cases of persecution and surveillance: Lists, files and collective files, v.a. about political opponents from the Weimar Republic 1934-1944 (7), card index about clergy retired from church service, Or‧densangehörige and civil servants 1940-1944 (5), card index of the SD to files about individual Perso‧nen also outside of Germany with personal data and information about the reason of the file keeping, a.o. Emigrants, diplomats, foreign legionnaires, lodge membership, political activity, Spionage‧verdacht, loss of service card 1936-1938 (157), SD file on persons in individual places, especially in northern Germany with a focus on Lower Saxony, including information on profession, organization (including KPD, Freemasons, denominational associations, companies, Be‧hörden), with additional stamp "Jude" o.Dat. if necessary. (223), SD card indexes on Germans and foreigners, especially Ireland, Austria, Poland, Switzerland, Slovakia, Spain, Tsche‧chen and Hungary 1933-1943 (22) Annex: Personal documents 1883-1945, 1957-1960 (73) Part 3a (formerly: ZPA, PSt 3): 1913-1946 (616): Amt IV Geheimes Staatspolizeiamt (Office IV): political surveillance in the area of various state police (leading) positions 1929-1942 (135), Lage‧berichte 1938-1941 (4), KPD, SPD 1920-1944 (115), political emigration, directories of fugitive political opponents 1931-1944 (34), Distribution of illegal pamphlets 1927-1940 (43), jurisdiction against political opponents and interrogation practice 1933-1943 (21), various areas of surveillance 1913-1946 (27), internals, supplements 1933-1944 (16) Main Security Office of the RFSS: Monthly and situation reports, daily reports 1933-1939 (34), KPD, SPD, Red Massen‧selbstschutz, Red Frontkämpferbund 1924-1940 (50), Rheinischer Separatismus 1919-1940 (7), distribution of illegal pamphlets 1931-1941 (23), jurisdiction against politi‧sche opponents 1931-1938 (9), various areas of surveillance 1931-1939 (23), Perso‧nalangelegenheit Professor Dr. Scheidt 1936-1944 (1) Various offices of the RSHA, including state police (leit)stellen Berlin, Leipzig, Magdeburg, Stettin, Vienna 1920-1945 (73) Supplement: Structure of the main offices and offices of the Reichsführer of the SS o.Dat. (1) Part 3b (formerly: ZStA, 17.01 St 3): 1919-1946 (1.344): Office IV Secret State Police Office: printed reports of the Secret State Police and memorandums 1923-1942 (29), situation reports of the Secret State Police Office 1933-1942 (63), statistical reports of the State Police Offices 1938-1942 (30), reports of the State Police Offices in Germany and the occupied territories 1941-1943 (23), Anwei‧sungen, ordinances, orders and search lists of the Secret State Police, etc. Personal data and reports on doctors and guards in concentration camps 1928-1946 (42), materials of the Secret State Police Office on the dissemination of illegal writings, arrests, investigations, trials and the Tätig‧keit of the party organizations of the KPD 1928-1945 (81), various materials 1930-1945 (33), German, foreign and international organizations, parties and projects vor‧nehmlich of the labor movement 1919-1945 (291); various departments (RSHA and others) 1929-1945 (58); reports and notifications of the state police departments 1921-1945 (417); font collection: Illegal writings with reports and reports of the Secret State Police on their distribution and registration 1926-1945 (203); Supplements: various offices (RSHA and others) 1930-1946 (74) Part 4 (taken over by the Polish archive administration): approx. 17th century - 1945 (771): various agencies (RSHA and others; focus: RSHA Office VII Weltanschauli‧che Research and evaluation, with illegal and confiscated materials), approx. 17th century - approx. 1945 (771) Part 5 (Boberach/Muregger project): approx. 1782 - approx. 1946 (approx. 3,902): SD-Hauptamt and agencies III, VI and VII - Control and prosecution of ideological opponents: Jews, members of Christian denominations, Freemason lodges (with illegal and confiscated materials), ca. 1782 - ca. 1946 (ca. 3,902) State of development: Part 1 (former: ZStA, 17th century)03): Database/Find Index Part 2 (formerly: BArch, R 58): Database/Publication Findbuch: Boberach, Heinz: Reichssicherheitshauptamt (fonds R 58) (Findbücher zu Bestände des Bundesarchivs, Bd. 22), Koblenz 1982, reprint 1992 u. 2000 Annex - Personnel documents: database Part 3a (formerly: ZPA, PSt 3): database/findbuch (1967) Part 3b (formerly: ZStA, 17.01 St 3): database/findbuch, vol. 1-3 (1968) Part 4 (taken over by the Polish archive administration): Provisional directory Part 5 (Boberach/Muregger project): Database/Preliminary Findbuch Reichssicherheitshauptamt R 58 Part I: SD-Hauptamt und Ämter III, VI und VII, edited by Heinz Boberach and Dietrich Muregger Subsequent developments in database citation style: BArch, R 58/...

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, D 29 · Bestand · 1810-1812 (Na bis 1816)
Teil von State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

On the history of the authorities: From the Reichsdeputationshauptschluß of 1803, the territory of Württemberg up to the Treaties of Compiegne and Paris was subject to constant transformation and expansion. On May 1810, Württemberg concluded a treaty with Bavaria in Paris, which reorganized the course of the border between the two states and established a related exchange of territories. A new border line was drawn from Lake Constance to the Waldmannshofen (SHA) marking line, which ran along the rivers Iller and Tauber as far as possible. In addition to the former imperial cities of Bopfingen, Buchhorn and Ulm, Württemberg received from Bavaria all Bavarian regional courts or parts of regional courts located west of the new border (e.g. the "Landgerichtsteile"): Tettnang, Wangen, Ravensburg, Leutkirch, Söflingen, Albeck and Crailsheim). The eastern offices of Gebsattel and Weiltingen were transferred to Bavaria. On 28 October 1810, King Frederick I appointed a three-member commission to take possession of the newly acquired parts of the country and to record and clear up the course of the border. This commission consisted of the Privy Councillor Count Ferdinand von Zeppelin, the Privy Legation Councillor Johann Peter von Feuerbach and the Privy Chief Finance Councillor Ferdinand August von Weckherlin. In cooperation with the commissioners appointed by Bavaria, it was to take care of the ownership and organisational business in the new areas. Local officials were added to the Commissioners to assist them. The Commission was urged to forward reports and complaints to the higher authority in Stuttgart, the Committee for the Implementation of the latest State Treaties - consisting of the State Ministers Graf von Mandelslohe, Graf von Taube and von Reischach - (see D 29 Bü 1). Ulm, the main acquisition of the state treaty, was chosen as the main administrative seat. In November and December 1810, the commissioners were active on site except in Ulm to take possession. From March 1811, border clearing commissioners were appointed. The focus of the commission's work in 1810 was on the formal occupation of the new villages: Application of patents, swearing-in of subjects, etc. At the beginning of 1811, the Commission's activities focused on the organisation of the parts of the territory, the takeover of the servants and civil servants and the recording of assets and debts for the purpose of reconciliation with Bavaria. At the same time, under the leadership of Major General Heinrich von Theobald and the Privy Legation Council of Feuerbach, border cleaning business began in the upper offices. In April 1811, he was recalled from Feuerbach to Ulm to take over the debt and servant department. The Privy Legation Council of Wucherer replaced him for a short time. From March to mid-July, the commission in Ulm included the Landvogteisteuerrat Tafel and the registrar Kappoll Oberrechnungsrat Carl Eberhardt Weissmann, von Feuerbach, Rechnungsrat Vetter and, at times, Graf von Zeppelin, while von Weckherlin was in Stuttgart. With the return of Weckherlin to Ulm in July 1811 von Feuerbach again took over the clearing of the border. In Ulm, only Weckherlin and Weissmann were left behind, because the Commission's business increasingly shifted to the division of debts between Bavaria and Württemberg. The recording of assets and liabilities and the establishment of asset and liability capital of the cities and camera offices now determined the commission transactions. In March/April 1812, the entry and exit journals of the Commission end in Ulm (cf. D 29 Bü 5 - 6). In June 1812, the commissioner von Feuerbach, who was responsible for border clearance, went to Munich to clarify the questions still open at the new border (cf. D 29 Bü 157). Following this conference, the Main Execution Treaty of Munich was signed in September 1812. This marked the beginning of the second stage of border cleaning (cf. D 29 Bü 158). The questions of the distribution of debts with Bavaria, which were also still open, were taken over by Weissmann's Upper Council of Account, who travelled to Augsburg in April 1813 to the Debt Redemption Fund. Subsequently, this task was taken over by the Section of State Accounts, the predecessor authority of the Upper Chamber of Accounts, and the Section of Crown Domains. On the history of the holdings: The files of the royal Property Seizure Commission, which were created in Ulm between 1810 and 1812, were transferred by the Upper Chamber of Accounts to the Ludwigsburg Financial Archive in 1835 (cf. StAL E 224a Bü 75). In the case of the files, two lists of files presumably compiled by the Oberrechnungskammer with an index of facts, persons and places were appended. Until 1949 the file directories served as finding aids, the registry numbers I - CXXXIII already assigned by the Ulm authority and the fascicle numbers CXXXIV No. 1 - 28 presumably added later at the Oberrechnungskammer were retained as archive signatures (= presignature 2). Already when the files were taken over in 1835, 18 fascicles were registered as missing. In 1847 a revision took place in which the missing fascicles were marked again. The stock was relocated for several years. The files originally stored at the beginning of inventory D 21, Central Organizing Commission, have now been placed at its end. In 1908, the files of the Take-over Commission were transferred from the Financial Archive to the Ludwigsburg State Branch Archive. Before the year 1949 4 more tufts were added, which, listed by K. O. Müller, received the signature CXXXIV No. 29 - 32. In 1949 another revision took place, in which all existing files were signed through according to numerus currens; the numbering resulted in 146 tufts of files (= presignature 3). In 1987, 14 tufts from the HStA Stuttgart arrived in Ludwigsburg, which were sorted out when the inventory E 36, 2 Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was indexed and divided (= presignature 1). The files concerning the foundation system partly had file numbers of the Ulm registry, among them were 6 fascicles of the files already noted as missing when they were taken over into the archive. These files were added to the inventory and were given the numbers 147 - 161. In 1990, 37 tufts from the inventory E 36, 2 (Fasz. 23 - 33) 37 were again delivered from the main state archive Stuttgart. In 1994, 3 more tufts were added. On the occasion of the distortion and allocation of the tufts which arrived in 1990, it was decided to register and order the entire stock anew. The collection is divided into two large parts according to the development of the registry and the place where the files were created. Part 1 consists of the files that have grown and been filed with the Besitzergreifungskommission in Ulm. The files, most of which came from Stuttgart, form part 2 of the collection. These are the official files of the Commissioner von Feuerbach which arose outside Ulm during the settlement of the border clearance transaction. It is likely that von Feuerbach, who worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs during and after his commission activities, took the files with him to this location, from where they then reached the old registry there. The Commissioner and Privy Legation Council of Feuerbach's area of responsibility did not only extend to border cleaning; at times he was also assigned the debt and servant department (cf. history of the authorities).the relatively small file units of the two registries were retained in the records; only in a few cases were files merged. Only old envelopes were collected. Especially in the case of the files presumably filed with the upper arithmetic chamber, foreign provenances were found. These altogether eight tufts or parts of tufts were inserted into the corresponding stocks (cf. concordance). Within these groups, a breakdown has been made by business and function of the Commission. An attempt was made to structure both parts equally. A comparison of the existing files with the find book presumably produced at the Oberrechnungskammer (cf. D 29 Bü 9) shows that the inventory is no longer complete. The re-drawing was carried out in 1994 by Mrs Sibylle Kraiss under the direction of the undersigned. The collection comprises 191 Bü = 2, 7 m.Ludwigsburg, in March 1995(Dr. Hofmann) Literature: Königlich Württembergisches Hof- und Staatshandbuch auf das Jahr 1812, Stuttgart 1812The Kingdom of Württemberg. A Description of Land, People and State, edited by the Royal Statistical Topographical Bureau, Stuttgart 1863