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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 7/2 · Fonds · (1714-1719), 1853-1987
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

The Order of St John, which came into being with the crusade movement at the end of the 11th century, fell victim to secularisation at the beginning of the 19th century, as did all religious institutions. The German Grand Priory in Heitersheim (in the Breisgau region) was dissolved in 1805/6 with its subordinates, including those in the new Grand Duchy of Baden and the Kingdom of Württemberg. The Brandenburg Bailiwick, which since the 14th century enjoyed a special position within the Grand Priorate of Germany strengthened by the conversion to Protestantism around 1540, was not secularised until 1811, but remained in existence in the form of an Order of Merit for persons of Protestant and Russian Orthodox denomination who deserved to serve the Prussian king, the royal house and the monarchy. In 1852 King Friedrich Wilhalm IV of Prussia restored the Ballei Brandenburg of the Order of St. John. The initiative for the revival of the Order and for the foundation of "cooperatives" in the Prussian provinces and in southern Germany also proceeded from it. The development in Württemberg was concluded in June 1858 with the award of corporate law, i.e. the status of a legal entity, to the "Cooperative of Knights of the Bailiwick Brandenburg of the Order of St John of Wuerttemberg in the Kingdom of Württemberg" residing in Stuttgart. It was joined by knights from Baden and - until the foundation of a cooperative society in the Kingdom of Bavaria in 1888 - also by Bavarian knights. There was no intention to found a cooperative of its own for Baden several times, so in 1906 the cooperative was renamed "Württembergisch-Badensche Genossenschaft des Johanniterordens". Since 1978 it has been called "Baden-Württembergische Kommende des Johanniterordens". It was originally a legal person by royal Württemberg sovereign act and is now a non-profit registered association of civil law. The Baden-Württemberg Kommende of the Order of St John is subordinated to the Ballei Brandenburg, which is subdivided into a total of 20 cooperatives or Kommende. At the head of the Order, which also includes Johanniter groups in Belgium, Austria, the USA and South Africa, is the Master of Masters, who is elected by the Chapter, the supreme decision-making body. His deputy is the governor of the order. The members of the order are classified as honorary knights, legal knights, commentators, honorary comedians or honorary members, depending on their activity or their probation. The Baden-Württemberg Kommende is headed by a "Governing Commentator", who exercises his office together with the board (convention) of the cooperative. On the knight days, which are held annually, pending questions are discussed. As tasks of the order the statute of the Ballei Brandenburg of 24.6.1853, also binding for the Württemberg cooperative, specifies above all the "defence of the Christian religion in particular of the Protestant confession", the "fight against unbelief", as well as the "service and (the) care of the sick" as tasks of the order. An expansion of the tasks took place with the statute of the Baden-Württembergische Kommende of 30 September 1978 § 2 (2): "The purpose of the association is the promotion of the general public through care and assistance for the sick, the elderly, the physically and economically weak, as well as young people and children. The Association carries out this activity in hospitals, old people's homes and other social institutions, as well as through affiliated working and auxiliary communities. In times of external and internal danger, the Association is particularly dedicated to "the wounded, the sick and other injured". In addition to their historically founded, intensive diaconal commitment, the Kommende is characterised by a pronounced cultural commitment. It is supported by three pillars: the archive, the library and the museum. The Archive of the Order has been located in the Main State Archive in Stuttgart since 1969. The Johanniter Library was founded after World War II. It contains valuable bibliophile works from six centuries, especially from the history of the order. Since 2007, the library has been housed as a deposit in the Badische Landesbibliothek Karlsruhe. The Johanniter Museum Krautheim a. d. Jagst is a joint institution of the town and the Kommende. The historical building, which was originally owned by the Order of St John and then by the Teutonic Order, now belongs to the city, the exhibits of the Kommende. The museum was opened in 1978 and was given a new appearance in 2006 on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of the city. The Commentators of the Baden-Württemberg Commentaries: 1858-1868 Frhr. Wilhelm vom Holtz 1868-1888 Graf Wilhelm von Taubenheim 1888-1908 Prince Hermann zu Hohenlohe.Langenburg 1908-1947 Prince Ernst zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1948-1952 Wilhelm Volrad von Rauchhaupt 1952-1958 Rudolf von Bünau 1958-1960 Prince Gottfried zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg 1960-1961 Wilhelm Volrad von Rauchhaupt 1961-1973 Frhr. Reinhard von Gemmingen-Hornberg since 1973 Knight Friedrich von Molo Content and evaluation History, order and indexing of the holdings The tradition of the Baden-Württemberg Commendary of the Order of St John is kept in the Main State Archives in Stuttgart as a deposit. For the documents received in 1969, there is already a completed find book available which was produced in 1970 by the inspector candidate Renate Pruschek. The since then existing taxes of June 1983, May 1984, August and September 1988, which were made by the Commentator of the Baden-Württembergische Kommende Friedrich Ritter von Molo and by the Hohenlohe-Zentralarchiv Neuenstein, have been combined to a partial stock and are indexed in the present find book. The recording initially took place as part of the training of the archive inspector candidates Corinna Pfisterer, Regina Keyler, Bettina Herrmann under the guidance of archive assessor Dr. Peter Schiffer from July to September 1988. From October 1988 to March 1989, archive inspector Sabine Schnell, among others, made the remaining title recordings and carried out the final work. Since the stock was recorded by several editors, it was not always possible to design the title recordings uniformly. A pre-archival order of the files is not recognizable, therefore the structure of the find book of Pruschek served as basis for the present find book. However, a modification was necessary. In order to avoid overlaps in the order numbers, order number 401 was used for the distortion of the present partial stock. In particular, the inventory contains files on the organisation and administration of the cooperative. Insights into the tasks of the cooperative are rather provided by the publications and journals received, the existing books provide information above all about the general history of the order. Personal documents of the commentators on membership and function in the Order remained in the private estates of the Hohenlohe Central Archives in Neuenstein. The listed documents have a total duration from (1714-1719) 1853 to 1987. Since the stock is property of the Johanniterorden, no cassations were made. The partial stock P 7/2 comprises 293 units with 8.3 m running time. The finding aid was created with the help of data processing on the basis of the MIDOSA program package of the State Archive Administration of Baden-Württemberg.

Knorr, Eduard von
BArch, N 578 · Fonds · 1855 - 1919, 1944
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: born 8.3.1840 in Saarlouis; died 17.2.1920 in Berlin; last position: Kdr. Admiral and Chief of the Imperial OKM Processing note: Search index Inventory description: Personalia: Curriculum vitae; Patents and transport documents, 1859 - 1893; Commandments and appointments, 1871 - 1903; Acknowledgements, rebukes, instructions, complaints, 1870 - 1896; Farewell petition by Knorr and replies from Kaiser Wilhelm II, 1898 - 1899; Award and ownership documents, 1864 - 1913; 5 volumes of memoirs, 1840 - 1889; Correspondence and appointments, 1871 - 1903; Acknowledgements, rebukes, instructions, complaints, 1870 - 1899; Award and ownership documents, 1864 - 1913; 5 volumes of memoirs, 1840 - 1889; Correspondence and appointments, 1871 - 1903a. with associations and as secular third class canon of the cathedral Brandenburg/Havel; Appendix: Awards for the wife Luise Viktoria von Knorr, 1870 - 1898; Press article on naval matters, 1855 - 1915; Plans for a sanatorium ship, 1904; Letter with list about estate of the admiral E.v.Knorr, 1944 citation: BArch, N 578/...

Knorr, Eduard von
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, EA 6/001 · Fonds · 1945-1970, Vorakten ab 1869
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

I: With the Law of 6 November 1926 on the State Ministry and the Ministries, the Ministry of Economy replaced the Ministry of Labour and Food, which had been established in 1918. Since then it has been - under changing names - the supreme state authority for state economic management. In December 1946, the areas of responsibility of agriculture and food were spun off and merged into an independent Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry (EA/7). In 1947, the Price Supervision Office, which had previously been integrated into the Ministry of Economics itself, was also spun off and became an independent authority within the Economic Administration. As of 1 June 1948, the tasks of the Ministry of Economics were divided into the following business units:1. General, Organization and Chancellery Directorate2. Economic recording and economic organisation3. Commercial law4. Craft and other trades5. Foreign trade, inter-zone traffic6. Industry7. Planning, raw material and production control8. Pricing9. Economic statistics (for the business divisions see also Büschel 139 No.244)Josef André (CDU) from September 1945 to May 1946, Heinrich Köhler (CDU) from May to November 1946 and Hermann Veit (SPD) from December 1946 to June 1960 were the ministers in charge of the Ministry of Economic Affairs: II: The present file EA 6/001 (former signature EA 6/3) was handed over by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises and Transport to the Main State Archives in February 1975. These are general administrative files that have been stored according to a decimal file plan. However, this file plan could neither be found nor reconstructed. The subsequent structuring therefore took place according to the above-mentioned business parts; since, however, not all files could be integrated meaningfully into this order scheme, the order according to business parts was modified and supplemented during the processing. The pre-files in the inventory that were created before May 1945 were pulled out - as far as whole tufts were concerned - and assigned to inventory E 384 (Ministry of Economics 1926-1945). Individual documents dating from before 1945 were, however, left in the inventory. The majority of the files date from the period 1945-1952, with pre-files from 1869 and post-files up to 1970. ten tufts of files (the numbers 300, 301, 306, 312, 317 and 329 = 0.2 m) from the Ministry of Economic Affairs Württemberg-Hohenzollern were handed over to the Sigmaringen State Archives during the current indexing and rearrangement of the holdings. A total of 0.8 linear metres of files, mainly containing copies and hectographs, were collected, so that the stock now comprises 10.6 linear metres. The new indexing and structuring took place between September 1990 and March 1991 by the undersigned. The packing of the tufts in archive boxes provided archive of employed Fröhlich. The index was created with the help of data processing on the basis of the MIDOSA program package of the State Archive Administration of Baden-Württemberg.Stuttgart, August 1992Sabine Schnell

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 151/41 · Fonds · 1814, 1820-1945, mit vereinzelten Na
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

The history of the authorities: Within the Ministry of the Interior established in Stuttgart in 1806, Department IV was responsible for local government matters. In the course of the dissolution of the four district governments (established in 1817/18), in June 1924 the Ministerial Department for District and Corporation Administration was established as a middle instance affiliated to the Ministry of the Interior, which existed until 1934 parallel to Department IV within the Ministry (cf. holdings E 180 I-VII in the State Archives Ludwigsburg). After 1934 the ministerial department was only a department of the interior ministry. In 1945, responsibilities were divided regionally between the newly established state administrations of the interior in Stuttgart and Tübingen. From 1952, the newly established regional councils of Stuttgart and Tübingen were given the same responsibilities to a large extent as had previously been assigned to the ministerial department as the central authority of the interior administration. The eleven to thirteen business units or Division IV's papers essentially covered the main areas of responsibility: church and corporate matters:Membership of local authorities, changes in regional, district and municipal authorities, national emblems, municipal names; representation and administration of official bodies and municipalities, supervision of administration, visits, state supervisory municipalities; legal relationships of civil servants and employees of official bodies and municipalities, salaries, pensions, accident and health care;Supervision of the asset management of municipalities and official bodies, budget matters, foundations, accounting; municipal uses, real community rights; publications of municipalities and official bodies; savings banks; taxation, finance statistics; water matters general and individual, division into three ("technical") business divisions or The three regionally defined districts I, II and III have departments for the organisation and distribution of responsibilities. The files E 151/01 (Chancellery Directorate of the Ministry of the Interior) Bü 284, 285, 289, 753, 774 contain information on the organisation and distribution of responsibilities. Processor's report: The records of Department IV - Municipal Affairs of the Ministry of the Interior were previously available in the partial inventories: E 151 d I : Handover register from 1956 with a special register from 1966 for the files concerning the State contributions to the water supply of the municipalities (both now part of inventory E 151/41);E 151 d II : Handover register of 1958 (now part of inventory E 151/41) with a special register of the files of the Ministry of the Interior on municipal finance statistics received via the State Statistical Office (now inventory E 151/44);E 151 d III: Handover register from 1981, partly with files, which have entered the Main State Archives via the Regierungspräsidium (now part of the holdings E 151/41);E 151 d IV : Documents concerning the Sparkassenwesen (now part of the stock E 151/41), received with the files of the stock E 151 d III; a special list of personnel files of the municipal and corporate officials of 1966 (now stock E 151/42) and a special list of job files of the local heads of 1966 (now stock E 151/43). as the overview shows, the files concerning the state contributions to the municipal water supply were included in the files of the same subject from the delivery of 1958 (AZ. IV 2499), arranged according to counties, arranged in the same subject from the delivery of 1958 (AZ. IV 2499) (AZ. IV 2499). These documents comprise 2.8 linear metres and can now be found under the signature E 151/41 Bü 1110-1144. The provisionally formed part of the savings banks sector was also dissolved. The file group was added to the main holdings E 151/41, and a separation of provenance was also carried out between files of the Ministry of the Interior (4.6 linear metres) and files of the Ministerial Department for District and Corporation Administration (2.9 linear metres). m) ClassificationSince it was no longer possible to determine a file plan of the municipal department of the Ministry of the Interior from the time before 1945, the order and classification of the holdings was established on the basis of the file numbers assigned throughout (from department number IV and a file number of up to four digits, recorded in the Findbuch as the first preliminary signature). This procedure proved to be useful insofar as after 1945 the files continued to be filed according to this registry plan and were thus also transferred to the Main State Archives in 1956, 1958, 1962 and 1981 ( cf. the holdings EA 2/401-404 ).The structure of the holdings attempts a reconstruction of the file plan. In addition, some older files still have a box/special signature, which was not taken into account, however, as a presignature in the recording. The few tufts on school matters within the Ministry of the Interior are, however, to be found in fonds E 151/02 (Ministry of the Interior Department II). The order of tufts of files within individual series according to districts is based on the administrative division according to the Law on the Division of the Land of 25 April 1938 ( Reg.Bl. für Württemberg vom 3.5.1938). In general, provenance separations as well as a separation of pre- and post-files (cut-off date 8 May 1945) were made in the indexing, provided that it was not only a matter of individual documents whose removal from the present set of files would not have made sense (see list following the preface).Larger cassations were not carried out, only duplicates, other duplicates and a few tufts were sorted out (0.4 m). In November 1990, Dorothee Breucker, an archivist, began the cataloguing of the holdings. She was in charge of the main part of the order and indexing work (indexing of tufts 1 to 997 and 1101 to 1256 as well as separation of provenances and pre- and post-production work). Within the framework of the practical training of participants of the 26th and 27th semesters of the Second World War, the Commission has developed a new training programme. The students of the second Fachhochschule course worked on the drawing with Daniela Deckwart (Bü 1110-1144, drawing and classification), Nicole Röck (Bü 1257-1265), Thomas Schreiner (Bü 1266-1268), 1317-1330), Katja Hoffmann (Bü 1269-1301, 1315, 1316), Edith Holzer (Bü 1302a-1314, 1285a), Armin Braun (Bü 1331-1356, 1358, 1359), Andrea Rößler (Bü 1360-1379), Hartmut Obst (Bü 1380-1391). Working student Ulrike Kirchberger (Bü 1392-1413) and Archivoberinspektorin Sabine Schnell (Bü 1424-1557) finished the indexing; the latter also took over the final editing of the find book. Archivist Wilhelmine Kovacs took care of the demetallization of the files as well as smaller repairs and the packing of the tufts in archive boxes.The title entries were recorded on MIDETIT forms, the find book was created with the help of the MIDOSA program package of the Baden-Württemberg State Archive Administration. The E 151/41 collection now contains 48.5 linear metres of files with a running time of (1814) 1820-1945, with a few follow-up files up to 1955 (1965). The majority of the files date from around 1900. the partial holdings E 151/42 comprise 1.7 linear metres, E 151/43 2.3 linear metres and E 151/44 14 linear metres of written records. Stuttgart, November 1992Sabine Schnell Provenienztrennungen: Old signature EA 2/401:New signature E 151/41: No.59 (AZ: IV 201)Bü 983 No.74 (AZ: IV 347)Bü 984 No.79 (AZ: IV 370)Bü 985 No.117 (AZ: IV 986)Bü 986 No.152 (AZ: IV 1518)Bü 987 No.158 (AZ: IV 1710)Bü 988 No.161 (AZ: IV 1760)Bü 989 No.162 (AZ: IV 1775)Bü 990 No.164 (AZ: IV 1850)Bü 991 Old signature EA 2/404:New signature E 151/41: No.589 (AZ: IV 290)Bü 992 No.609 (AZ: IV 330)Bü 993 No.683 (AZ: IV 444)Bü 994 No.684 (AZ: IV 445)Bü 995 No.694 (AZ: IV 447)Bü 996 No.791 (AZ: IV 601)Bü 538 No.1273 (AZ: IV 4020)Bü 997 Old Signature E 151 d I:New Signature: No.186 (AZ: IV 1450)E 151/02 Bü 903a No.189 (AZ: IV 1471)E 151/02 Bü 915e No.194 (AZ: IV 1525)E 151/02 Bü 915c No.195 (AZ: IV 1530)E 151/02 Bü 915b No.196 (AZ: IV 1533)E 151/02 Bü 910a No.197 (AZ: IV 1534)E 151/02 Bü 915a No.201 (AZ: IV 1544)E 151/02 Bü 918a No.300 (AZ: IV 5015)E 150 Old signature E 151 d II:New signature: serial no. 37, 40-44, 48-50A 39, Supplements serial no. 38, 39, 45-47, 52E 175 serial no. 51J 251 b no. 304-307 Old signature E 151 d III:New signature: serial no. 499 (AZ: IV 5005)E 151/02 Bü 1174 serial no. 1174 503 (AZ: IV 5020)E 151/02 Bü 1175 serial no. 506 (AZ: IV 5035)E 151/02 Bü 1176 Old signature E 151 d III (serial no.)/New signature: New signature E 151/41 (Bü): Serial no. 506 (AZ: IV 5035)/New signature: New signature E 151/41 (Bü): Serial no. 506 No. 1 (AZ: IV 2)E 180 running No. 14 / Bü 623 (AZ: IV 33)EA 2/404 No. 250 running No. 41 / Bü 625 (AZ: IV 41)EA 2/404 No. 250a current no. 26, 22 / Bü 643, 644, 667 (AZ: IV 50) EA 2/404 current no. 253a No. 37 / Bü 685 (AZ: IV 85)EA 2/404 current no. 302a No. 302a 38 / Bü 686 (AZ: IV 87)EA 2/404 No. 304 current No. 42 / Bü 690 (AZ: IV 95)EA 2/404 No. 308 current No. 51 / Bü 701 (AZ: IV 118d)EA 2/401 Bü 35a current No. 35 / Bü 690 (AZ: IV 95)EA 2/404 Current No. 51 / Bü 701 (AZ: IV 118d)EA 2/401 Bü 35a current No. 70 / Bü 718 (AZ: IV 129)EA 2/404 No. 430 current No. 75 / Bü 723 (AZ: IV 142)EA 2/404 No. 444 current No. 85 / Bü 732 (AZ: IV 162)EA 2/404 No. 452 serial no. 98, 99 / Bü 741-743, 746-748EA 2/404 serial no. 476a (AZ: IV 181) serial no. 97 / Bü 752 (AZ: IV 181)EA 2/404 serial no. 2/404 476a current no. 99 / Bü 754 (AZ: IV 181)EA 2/404 no. 476a current no. 96 / Bü 762 (AZ: IV 181)EA 2/404 no. 476a current no. 476a 103 / Bü 768 (AZ: IV 186)EA 2/404 No. 487 current No. 110 / Bü 776 (AZ: IV 191)EA 2/404 No. 491 current No. 119 / Bü 788 (AZ: IV 198)EA 2/404 No. 515 serial no. 121 / Bü 790 (AZ: IV 200)EA 2/404 no. 516 serial no. 123 / Bü 798 (AZ: IV 211)EA 2/404 no. 538 serial no. 140 / Bü 812 (AZ: IV 250)EA 2/404 No. 553 current No. 153 / Bü 825 (AZ: IV 305)EA 2/404 No. 602a current No. 157 / Bü 830 (AZ: IV 325)EA 2/404 No. 607 Old signature E 151 d III (serial no.)/New signature: New signature E 151/41 (Bü): Serial no. 164a (AZ: IV 371)E 180 serial no. 171 (AZ: IV 374)E 180 running no. 173 / Bü 836 (AZ: IV 390)EA 2/404 no. 650 running no. 174 / Bü 844 (AZ: IV 391)EA 2/404 no. 651 running no. 178 / Bü 863 (AZ: IV 405)EA 2/404 No. 657 current No. 182 / Bü 867 (AZ: IV 410)EA 2/404 No. 660 current No. 185 / Bü 885 (AZ: IV 416)EA 2/404 No. 662 current no. 203 (AZ: IV 443b)E 180 current no. 210 / Bü 922 (AZ: IV 520)EA 2/404 current no. 743 current no. 217 / Bü 929 (AZ: IV 560)EA 2/404 current no. 771 No. 221 / Bü 933 (AZ: IV 575)EA 2/404 No. 756 current No. 263 / Bü 956 (AZ: IV 770)EA 2/404 No. 850 current No. 264 (AZ: IV 777)EA 2/404 Current No. 264 (AZ: IV 777)EA 2/404 878a serial no. 266 / Bü 958-959 (AZ: IV 781) EA 2/404 no. 888/04 serial no. 275 (AZ: IV 829)E 151/01 Bü 3171 serial no. 3171 277 / Bü 967 (AZ: IV 830)EA 2/404 No. 893a current No. 278 (AZ: IV 831)E 151/01 Bü 3165 current No. 279 (AZ: IV 831)E 151/01 Bü 3166 current No. 279 (AZ: IV 831)E 151/01 Bü 3166 current No. 280 (AZ: IV 834)E 151/01 Bü 3168 current No. 284 (AZ: IV 837)E 151/01 Bü 3167 current No. 284 (AZ: IV 837)EA 2/404 No. 905 current No. 905 current No. 284a (AZ: IV 841)E 151/01 Bü 3169, 3170 serial no. 284a (AZ: IV 841)EA 2/ 404 No. 907a serial no. 285 (AZ: IV 853)E 151/01 Bü 3172 serial no. 3172 301 / Bü 980 (AZ: IV 900)EA 2/404 No. 920 current no. 306 / Bü 1361 (AZ: IV 1130)EA 2/404 No. 921 current no. 309 / Bü 1362 (AZ: IV 1140)EA 2/404 No. 937 serial no. 315 / Bü 1367 (AZ: IV 1148)EA 2/404 no. 938a serial no. 342 / Bü 1379 (AZ: IV 1270)EA 2/404 no. 955 serial no. 348 / Bü 1382 (AZ: IV 1365)EA 2/404 No. 1028 current No. 348b / Bü 1384 (AZ: IV 1365)EA 2/404 No. 1035 current No. 353 / Bü 1389 (AZ: IV 1374)EA 2/404 No. 1068 current no. 354 / Bü 1390 (AZ: IV 1380)EA 2/404 no. 1077 current no. 364 / Bü 1392 (AZ: IV 1530)EA 2/404 no. 1096 current no. 366 / Bü 1394 (AZ: IV 1550)EA 2/404 No. 1097 current No. 367 / Bü 1395 (AZ: IV 1555)EA 2/404 No. 1098 Old signature E 151 d III (current No.)/New signature: New signature E 151/41 (Bü): serial no. 387 / Bü 1404 (AZ: IV 1665)EA 2/404 no. 1117 serial no. 391 / Bü 1408 (AZ: IV 1700)EA 2/404 no. 1148 current no. 393 / Bü 1410 (AZ: IV 1702)EA 2/404 no. 1149 current no. 395 / Bü 1412 (AZ: IV 1708)EA 2/404 no. 1160 current no. 399 / Bü 1426 (AZ: IV 1730)EA 2/404 No. 1174 current No. 401 / Bü 1428 (AZ: IV 1740)EA 2/404 No. 1189 current No. 412 / Bü 1437 (AZ: IV 1830)EA 2/404 No. 1198 linear no. 413 / Bü 1438 (AZ: IV 1835)EA 2/404 linear no. 1206a linear no. 421 / Bü 1444 (AZ: IV 1890)EA 2/404 linear no. 1219 linear no. 1219. No. 438 / Bü 1457 (AZ: IV 2038)EA 2/404 No. 1228 current No. 498 / Bü 1549 (AZ: IV 4021)J 121 / J 122 current No. 499 / Bü 1551 (AZ: IV 5000)EA 2/404 No. 1275 Old signature E 151 d IV:New signature serial no. 1-58 (AZ: IV 237-IV 490)E 180 serial no. 142 (AZ: IV 1618)E 180

BArch, R 8133 · Fonds · 1884-1936
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: In 1885, the New Guinea Company was formed in Berlin from the consortium that had undertaken numerous voyages of discovery in New Guinea between 1884 and 1885 under the direction of Adolph von Hansemann. The aim was to establish a state in the South Seas with its own sovereign rights under the protection of the German Reich; in May 1889, the German Reich temporarily took over bisSept. In 1892 the administration of the protectorate, the costs continued to be borne by the company; when the investments in 1893 increased to 7 million. In April 1895 the administration was transferred to the German Reich; the company thus became a purely private acquisition company, which in 1900 was transformed into a German colonial company; its headquarters became Rabaul; after the ownership of the New Guinea company had been confiscated by Australia in 1920, it sought a new field of activity in Venetzuela and Cameroon. Characterization of the content: Takeover of New Guinea and the Solomon Islands by the German Reich with the help of the New Guinea Company (Imperial Protection Letters); annual reports of the management and business correspondence. State of development: Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2003 Citation method: BArch, R 8133/...

German New Guinea Company