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Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Rheinland, 212.01.01 · Bestand · 1669-1932
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Rhineland Department (Archivtektonik)

Introduction The holdings comprise the documents of the "Präsidialregistratur" (list of files = No. 1672 I, II, see footnote 1) which were handed over in a small accession (= No. 1619-1671, formerly Reg. Düsseldorf 1-52) in 1879, mainly to the Hauptstaatsarchiv in 1931/32. The presidential registry grew out of the "presidialia" or "presidential pieces" that had arisen in the Council of State from the direct administrative activities of the President of the Government. On the one hand, they referred to special personal responsibilities of the RP such as personnel matters, recommendations and information, representation, regular reports ("newspaper reports"), the Board of Trustees of the Mint and the Art Academy (both in Düsseldorf). On the other hand, the presidential office dealt with matters that were the responsibility of the individual departments of the government, provided that the RP had reserved the execution or at least the signature for itself (cf. the overview in No. 1672 I pp. 8 f.). The holdings of "Präsidialbüro" are thus to be used in addition to almost all the individual holdings groups of the Düsseldorf government until the end of their term (1927/29, cf. below). The presidential office is not to be confused with the "presidential department" existing from 1888 to 1932, which basically only represented a renaming of Abbot I (Abbot of the Interior). From 1897 to 1927 the presidential office bore the name "Centralbureau" (registry C.B., from 1905 C.B. I). The subjects "Social Democracy and Anarchism" (subject 35a of the file index) were summarized from 1905 in an own registry (C.B. II: political police), the subject "Mobilisation" (subject 47 No. 44-285 of the file index) from 1914 likewise (registry "Mob.", therein also First World War altogether including consequences) (see footnote 2). In 1928 the central office was followed by the "Geschäftskreis Pr.". In 1932 this was incorporated in the Dept. l = General Department (see footnote 3). The structure of the present finding aid book was drawn up largely freely, loosely based on the classification of files in file directory No 1672 (see footnote 4). The holdings comprise 1638 archive units (1672 warehouse numbers plus a-numbers minus unused numbers and losses). The total duration of the stock ranges from 1816 to 1927 (in only a few exceptional cases until 1932). In the case of multi-volume files, the volume count in the finding aid book occasionally deviates from the volume count on the file covers, since number jumps and double counts occur there. For small files, the number of sheets (usually l0 or less) was given. The files are to be ordered and quoted with BR 4 warehouse number. The stock was newly recorded from 1980 to 1984 with interruptions by OStAR Dr. Lück. Footnotes: 1) Copy produced in the archive thereof: old find book M 93; 2) On the separation of the registries C.B. II and Mob. cf. No. 1672 II Bl. 113 e-h, 148 a. The files are listed in the find book 212.03.1,2 (Reg. Düsseldorf, political files), there also further groups of files from the business area of the presidential office/central office: public calm and atmosphere, forbidden connections, suspicious individuals (compartments 35 and 36 of the list of files); cf. the introduction to find book 212.03.1; 3) cf. business overview and business distribution plan of the government of Düsseldorf of 1.4.1934, p. III and 1. 4) cf. there Part I, pp. 8 f. The old file signatures of the government, consisting of subject no. and serial no. within the subject, are also indicated in this find book. Introduction The holdings comprise the documents of the "Präsidialregistratur" (list of files = No. 1672 I, II, see footnote 1) which were handed over in a small accession (= No. 1619-1671, formerly Reg. Düsseldorf 1-52) in 1879, mainly to the Hauptstaatsarchiv in 1931/32.The presidential registry grew out of the "presidialia" or "presidential pieces" that had arisen in the Council of State from the direct administrative activities of the President of the Government. On the one hand, they referred to special personal responsibilities of the RP such as personnel matters, recommendations and information, representation, regular reports ("newspaper reports"), the Board of Trustees of the Mint and the Art Academy (both in Düsseldorf). On the other hand, the presidential office dealt with matters that were the responsibility of the individual departments of the government, provided that the RP had reserved the execution or at least the signature for itself (cf. the overview in No. 1672 I pp. 8 f.). The holdings of "Präsidialbüro" are thus to be used in addition to almost all the individual holdings groups of the Düsseldorf government until the end of their term (1927/29, cf. below). The presidential office is not to be confused with the "presidential department" existing from 1888 to 1932, which basically only represented a renaming of Abbot I (Abbot of the Interior). From 1897 to 1927 the presidential office bore the name "Centralbureau" (registry C.B., from 1905 C.B. I). The subjects "Social Democracy and Anarchism" (subject 35a of the file index) were summarized from 1905 in an own registry (C.B. II: political police), the subject "Mobilisation" (subject 47 No. 44-285 of the file index) from 1914 likewise (registry "Mob.", therein also First World War altogether including consequences) (see footnote 2). In 1928 the central office was followed by the "Geschäftskreis Pr.". In 1932 this was incorporated in the Dept. l = General Department (see footnote 3). The structure of the present finding aid book was drawn up largely freely, loosely based on the classification of files in file directory No 1672 (see footnote 4). The holdings comprise 1638 archive units (1672 warehouse numbers plus a-numbers minus unused numbers and losses). The total duration of the stock ranges from 1816 to 1927 (in only a few exceptional cases until 1932). In the case of multi-volume files, the volume count in the finding aid book occasionally deviates from the volume count on the file covers, since number jumps and double counts occur there. For small files, the number of sheets (usually l0 or less) was given. The files are to be ordered and quoted with BR 4 warehouse number. Footnotes: 1) Copy of it produced in the archive: old find book M 93; 2) On the spin-off of the registries C.B. II and Mob. see No. 1672 II Bl. 113 e-h, 148 a. The files are listed in the find book 212.03.1,2 (Reg. Düsseldorf, political files), there also further groups of files from the business area of the presidential office/central office: public calm and atmosphere, forbidden connections, suspicious individuals (compartments 35 and 36 of the list of files); cf. the introduction to find book 212.03.1; 3) cf. business overview and business distribution plan of the government of Düsseldorf of 1.4.1934, p. III and 1. 4) cf. there Part I, pp. 8 f. The old file signatures of the government, consisting of subject no. and serial no. within the subject, are also indicated in this find book.