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Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, IX. HA, SPAE, VII Nr. 2154 · Akt(e) · [ca. 1900 - 1902]
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Temple of Heaven; Summer Palace; Cathedral of Tianjin; Gesandschafstviertel; Zongli Yamen; Shan Hai Guan; quarters of the German troops in Tianjin; city fortifications and city gates in Beijing; soldiers of various colonial powers; German officers in their quarters and on excursions to the environs of Beijing; French envoy Also contains: 1 picture negative; each approx. 9 x 13 cm; photographs (without named author: Officer of the German Naval Battalions), black and white

Collection of various military matters, vol. 1
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32123 · Akt(e) · 1892 - 1908
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

529 sheet, Contains and others: - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the subdirector of the insurance company "Thuringia" Ernst Ritter in Friedenau, 1908 - Award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the centenary celebrations of the field artillery regiment "von Peucker" (1st Silesian) no. 6, the Grenadier regiment "King Frederick William II". (1. Silesian) No. 10, the Hussar Regiment 'Graf Goetzen' (2. Silesian) No. 6, the Field Artillery Regiment No. 6, the 1st Pomeranian Field Artillery Regiment No. 2, the Hunter Battalion 'von Neumann' (1. Silesian) No. 5, the Grenadier Regiment 'King Frederick William III' (1. Silesian) No. 5. (2nd Silesian) No. 11, the 2nd Silesian Hunter Battalion No. 6, the Colberg Grenadier Regiment "Count Gneisenau" (2nd Pomeranian) No. 9, the 2nd Nassau Infantry Regiment No. 88 as well as the Leib Grenadier Regiment "King Frederick William III? (1. Brandenburgisches) Nr. 8, 1908 - liberation of the son of the merchant Heinrich Koch in Genoa from military service, 1908 - execution of the festivities on the occasion of the laying of the foundation stone for the new service building of the Reich Military Court, 1908 - award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the centenary of the Leib-Husaren-Brigade, 1908 - award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the Hussaren regiment "Fürst Blücher von Wahlstatt" (Pommersches) Nr. 5, 1908 - Supply of high-quality newspapers and books to the troops in D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a, 1907 - Celebration of the laying of the foundation stone for the new building of the Kaiser Wilhelms Academy for Military Medical Education, 1905 - Award of the Military Badge of Honour for the 2nd World War. Class to the former sergeant in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika [...] Lange in Frankfurt (Oder), 1905 - Allocation of allowances from the Allerhöchsten Dispositionsfonds at the Reichshauptkasse to the officers, civil servants and non-commissioned officers garrisoned in Wreschen and Schrimm, 1904-1905 - Admission of the German Army's "Bundeswehr" (German Army) on 28. April 1905. April 1889 in Santiago de Chile born member of the Reich Albert Körner to the spring examination for one-year volunteers, 1905 - liberation of the son of the member of the Reich Robert Schaefer in Omsk from the military service, 1904 - acknowledgment of the railway chance list 1. Class Karl Keil in Hanover as war invalids, 1903 - Cyril von Jerin is employed as ensign in the 1st Guard Regiment on foot, 1903 - Approval of the occupations for the East Asian Occupation Brigade (until May 1901 East Asian Expeditionary Corps), 1900-1902 - Award of the 4th Crown Order Class to the captain of the transport steamer "Palatia" [...] Reesing and to the captain of the steamer "Nuentung" [...] Gosewisch, 1902 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class with swords to the Captain a. D. Otto Dannhauer in Berlin, 1901 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class with swords to the Captain a. D. Otto Dannhauer in Berlin, 1901 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class with swords to the Captain a. D. Otto Dannhauer in Berlin, 1901 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class with swords to the Captain a. D. Otto Dannhauer in Berlin, 1901 - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class with swords to the Captain of the Red Eagle Order 4th class with swords to the Captain of the Red Eagle Order 4th class with swords to the Captain. Class to the NDL captain Constantin Pius Aloysius of Borell du Vernay in Gdansk as well as award of the Crown Order Medal to the Supreme Steward Heinrich Mindermann in Bassen and to the Oberkoch Julius Eduard Hermann Hänseroth in Bremerhaven, 1901 - Overview of the manoeuvres with the Guard Corps, the I. to XI. and XIV. to XVIII. Army Corps (including special cavalry exercises) for 1907 - Overview of manoeuvres in the Guard Corps, I to XI and XIV to XVIII. Army Corps (including special cavalry exercises) for 1902 - Organisation of the voyage of Wilhelm II to the great manoeuvres of the III. and V. Army Corps in September 1902 (1st draft of the rice plan) - Organisation of the voyage of Wilhelm II. to the great manoeuvres of the I. and XVII. army corps and the fleet in September 1901 - Ceremoniel to the feast service on the occasion of the two hundredth anniversary of the Kingdom of Prussia on 8 September 1901 in the castle church to Königsberg in Prussia. Berlin [1901] (print) - Ordnung des Festgottesdienstes in der Schloßkirche zu Königsberg in Preußen am 8. September 1901. Berlin [1901] (print) - Journey of His Majesty the Emperor and King to the great maneuvers of the I. and XVII. Army Corps and the Fleet in September 1901. Berlin [1901] (print) - Awarding of the Great Golden Medal for Science to Prof. Dr. Peter B. Berlin [1901] (print) - Awarding of the Great Golden Medal for Science to Prof. Dr. Dr. Peter B. Berlin [1901] (print) Dr. Ferdinand von Richthofen in Berlin and award of the Crown Order 3rd Class to Prof. Carl Arendt in Berlin, 1901 - Award of Orders and Decorations to members of the Reich resident in Tientsin (Tianjin), 1901 - Overview of the manoeuvres of the Guard Corps, the I. to XI. and XIV. to XVIII. Army Corps (including special cavalry exercises) for 1901 - Overview of manoeuvres in the Guard Corps, I to XI and XIV to XVIII. Army Corps (including the special cavalry exercises) for 1899 - Award of orders and decorations on the occasion of the reopening of the renewed Garrison Church in the Neue Friedrichstraße in Berlin, 1900 - Celebration on the occasion of the return of the East Asian squadron of cruisers, 1900 - Grant of support to Erich Glaeser in Köpenick to obtain the "one-year certificate", 1900 - Permission to perform one-year voluntary military service for the pupil of the Königliche Maschinenbauschule in Chemnitz Richard Luban, 1900 - Award of the right of expropriation to the Reichsmilitärfiskus for the acquisition of the military training area near Neuhammer, 1900 - Acceptance and use of monetary donations from Johann Heinrich Prierstorff and Wilhelm Paarmann in St. Petersburg, Germany Petersburg in support of German "Chinese fighters" and their relatives, 1900 - transcripts of Wilhelm II's speech to the Field Marshal Alfred von Waldersee on the occasion of his appointment as commander-in-chief of a multinational contingent of troops to suppress the "Boxer Uprising" in China as well as transcripts of the Field Marshal's objection, 1900 - grant of a free space in the cadet corps for the son of Ordinarius at the Gymnasium in Kreuzburg O.S. Prof. Dr. Max With, 1900 - Recognition of the certificates for one-year voluntary military service issued by the grammar school in Offenbach am Main for Gottlieb Enders, 1899 - Recognition of the certificates for one-year voluntary military service issued by the municipal grammar school in Utrecht for Wilhelm Engelmann, a member of the Reich, 1899 - Liberation of the son of the widow Bertha Gessler (née Vennewitz) in Berlin from military service, 1899 - celebrations on the occasion of the dedication of the second Protestant and Catholic garrison churches in Berlin, 1897 - liberation of the son of the missionary E. Feige [in Batavia] from military service, 1897 - Granting of a concession for a bar for the soldiers' home built in Koblenz, 1894 - Transfer of captured French cannons for the bells of the new garrison church in Berlin, 1894 - Recruitment of Lieutenant [...] von Perponcher from the Ulanen Regiment Prince Eugene of Württemberg into the Imperial Schutztruppe of Deutsch-Ostafrika, 1892.

Domestic and foreign policy, vol. 1
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 666 · Akt(e) · 1890-1906
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

113 sheets, Contains and others: - Proposals of Baroness Thecla von Felsentorff, née Ekenstam, a relative of the Minister Langerheim in Berlin, for the evening leisure activities during Wilhelm II's next stay in Rome, Handschreiben, Rome, 14 April 1893 - Reflections of Wilhelm II on the development of English and German industry, on the exploitation of the workforce (can die on the dung) and on its needs (security, precautions, etc.)) and participation, the formation of trade unions in England, the far-reaching rejection of this civilizing task in Germany (good examples Krupp, Stinnes), the relationship of the working class to social democracy and then to anarchy, about the demand for and deficit of German industry in perceiving the needs of the working class. Comparison with the troop, the care of the captain for the wishes and thoughts in relation to the surrender to the sergeant and non-commissioned officer (13 points, handwritten, no D.) - Selection of the president of the consort Ernst von Weyrauch in Kassel as the undersecretary of state in the ministry of education and cultural affairs, by Wilhelm II. as President of the Protestant Upper Church Council, April 20, 1890 [with Wilhelms II's marginal remarks: "Right! shows once again that first of all I am not as stupid as the Ministers sometimes hold me, secondly that I always take a good look at my people beforehand"]. - Submission of naval tables by Freiherr von Senden, Jan. 1895 - Schiffbau 1893/1894 nach der Statistik von Lloyds. Comparison Handeschiffe/Kriegsschiffe Deutschland, Russland, Frankreich, Vereinigte Staaten, handwritten Wilhelm II - New construction and requirements for 1895 of battleships, armoured ships, cruisers, torpedo boats in England and France - Names of battleships in England, Russia, France and Italy, 1895. Schiffsbau 1893 - Handzeichnung des Schlachtschiffs Hannibal, 14900 tons. Armor, orders, concern in England about conditions in East Asia. Hand-drawn drawing and explanations by Wilhelm II - Statements by Georg Cardinal von Kopp, Beslau, on the Pope's rejection of a congratulatory telegram to Bismarck (April 1, 1895), March 1895 - Request for support from a wife of Sarlaghy by the Nationalgalerie for the purchase of a painting (large self-portrait with palette) by the Nationalgalerie due to the financial claims of her husband on the occasion of her intended divorce, 7th ed. Nov. 1895 - Statements by Georg Cardinal von Kopp, Beslau, about the forthcoming reoccupation of the archbishop's chair in Freiburg in Baden and the possibility of influence by the emperor, 14th century. April 1897 - Project for a federation to combat social democratic tendencies, proposals of the Prussian envoy in Stuttgart, Theodor von Holleben, 21 April 1897, possible meeting on the occasion of the emperor's trip to Wiesbaden, 29 April 1897. April 1897 - Communications and reporting on the Greek-Turkish war, Larissa, 2 May 1897 - Announcement of the incognito stay of Theodor von Holleben in the Hotel Taunus at Wiesbaden railway station, 14 May 1897 - Statements of the envoy in Stuttgart, Theodor von Holleben, about his diplomatic use. Changes in the Reich offices, replacement of the post in Stuttgart, proposal of the Japanese envoy Shuzo Aoki to establish embassies in Berlin and Tokyo, possible occupation of this post with Theodor von Holleben. Formerly not realized assignment to China in the first Japanese-Chinese war (1894/95), July 6, 1897 - agreement Georg Cardinal von Kopps, Beslau, with the judgement of the emperor, Johannesberg/Jauernig, Austrian Silesia, July 6, 1897 - preparation of water maps and assistance for the Silesian flood area. Capsizing of the torpedo boat S 26 on 22 Sept. 1897 in a storm in the Elbe estuary and death of seven crew members, 25 Sept. 1897 - Regulation of the secret telegram traffic and cipher for the secret correspondence between Wilhelm II. and Sultan Abdülhamid II. (Yildiz Palace / Constantinople [from 1930 officially Istanbul]) via its First Secretary of the Palace, Tashin Bay, [as of 26 November 1898] - Amendment of the Fleet Law. including Handwritten letter by Viceadmiral Alfred (from 1900 by) Tirpitz and newspaper reports, Dec. 1899 - Initiative of Friedrich von Bodelschwingh, Bethel near Bielefeld, for a petition "The German people to their emperor" to end the (second) Boer War, Feb. 1901. In doing so, petition (duplicate) and telegram to the head of the Civil Cabinet Lucanus "Place me tomorrow evening 6 o'clock. bodelschwingh" - Report of the First Lieutenant in the Imperial Protection Force for South West Africa Georg von Stillfried-Rattonitz about his views concerning the question of natives and military conditions in South West Africa in the last two years, December 12, 1904 [with marginal remarks of Wilhelm II] - Letter of the Hand [Axel] Varnbühlers [von und zu Henningen] to Wilhelm II, among other things about his escape from the "Yellow Danger" and statements about the succession of the Württemberg Minister of Culture in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs at the resignation of the Württemberg Foreign Minister Julius von Soden, 27 June 1906 - Ludwig Quidde, Eine Studie über römischen Caesarenwahnsinn. 3rd Aufl. Leipzig [1894]. Separate print from the "Society". Journal for art, literature and social policy. Anonymous suspicion of majesty insult, no date.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 209 · Akt(e) · 1887 - 1893
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

202 sheets, Contains and others: - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of Dr. Karl Reinhardt, 1888 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of Dr. [...] Büge, 1888 - Report of the interpreter Dr. Karl Reinhardt on the determination of origin, religion and language of the Indian merchants living in Zanzibar, 3rd ed. May 1889 - Recommendation of the seminarists Dr. [Franz] Grunenwald, [...] by Varchmin, Alfred Forke, Emil Krebs, Heinrich Cordes and Peter Merklinghaus for the interpreting service in Beijing, 1889 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the seminarists [...]....] Czerlinsky, [...] Drewes, [...] Flügel, [...] Homeyer, [...] Lasker, [...] Lüderitz, [...] Noebe, [...] Schlief, [...] Scholz, [...] Vielhaber and [...] Weber, 1889 - Recommendation of the Referendariat [...Lüderitz for the Interpreting Service in Tangier, 1889 - Register of graduates of 11 March 1890 who entered the Dragomanat Service or were in other employment in the Orient - Register of graduates of 8 March 1890 employed in Asia and Africa. November 1890 - sending of the Referendar Wilhelm Padel to the Imperial Embassy in Constantinople, 1892 - sending of the Referendar Georg Brinck as interpreter aspirant to the Imperial Embassy in Constantinople, 1892 - recommendation of the seminarists Emil Ohrt, Hans Ackermann and Kurt von Groß for the Interpreting Service in Japan, 1892 - Admission of Maximilian Xaver Uebel to the Arabic class of the Seminar for Oriental Languages, 1893 - Order of the Diploma Examination of the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin, 22. June, 1889. Berlin ohne Datum [1889] (print) - Eduard Sachau, Report on the effectiveness of the Seminar for Oriental Languages at the Königliche Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin during the first five years of its existence from 1887 to 1892. Berlin 1893 (print) - Sending of the Kammergerichtsreferendars W. Rössler as Interpreter-Aspirant to the Imperial Consulate in Zanzibar, 1893 - Assessor Dr. [...] Hauck sent to the Imperial Legation in Tehran, 1893 - Referendars Dr. [...] Ohrt as Interpreter-Aspirant to the Imperial Legation in Tokyo, 1893 - Referendars Dr. K. Meidinger recommended for the interpreting service in Constantinople, 1893; booklet / binding;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 210 · Akt(e) · 1893 - 1897
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

228 sheet, Contains and others: - Acknowledgment of the Referendary Dr. Paul Eckardt for his recommendation to the New Guinea Company, 1893 - Sending of the Referendary Emil Krebs as interpreter aspirant to the Imperial Legation in Beijing, 1893 - Report of Prof. Dr. Paul Eckardt for his recommendation to the New Guinea Company, 1893 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eckardt, 1893 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eckardt, 1893 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eckardt, 1893 - Report of Prof. Dr. Krebs, 1893 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the development and activity of the Seminar for Oriental Languages in the period from October 1892 to October 1893, 15 October 1893 - Memorandum of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the establishment of Russian language courses and the employment of the necessary teachers, 2nd ed. January 1894 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the recruitment of a teacher for Swahili, [January 2] 1894 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the recruitment of a lecturer for Turkish, [January 3] 1894 - Recommendation of the seminarists [...] Dulheuer and P. Müller for the interpreting service in Constantinople, 1893 - Recommendation of the seminarists Bernhard Heine and Ernst Rohde for the interpreting service in Zanzibar, 1893 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the legal trainee Ernst Rohde, 1893 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the legal trainee [....] Egger, 1893 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the trainee interpreter Dr. Gustav Neuhaus, 1893 - Sending of the trainee Bernhard Heine as interpreter aspirant to the Imperial Consulate in Zanzibar, 1894 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the trainee Ludwig von Mutius, 1894 - Notification of the trainee Dr. Peter Merklinghaus for the interpreting service in China, 1894 - Report of Prof. Peter Merklinghaus, 1894 - Report of Prof. Gustav Neuhaus, 1894 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the trainee Dr. Bernhard Heine as interpreter aspirant to the Imperial Consulate in Zanzibar, 1894 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the trainee Ludwig von Mutius, 1894 - Notification of the trainee Dr. Peter Merklinghaus for the interpreting service in China, 1894 - Report of Prof. Gustav Neuhaus, 1894 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the development and activity of the Seminar for Oriental Languages in the period from October 1893 to October 1894, 8 October 1894 - Memorandum of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the replacement of the title "Interpreter/Dragoman" by another name and on the position of the lawyers who emerged from the Seminar for Oriental Languages in the Imperial Interpreting Service, 21 November 1894 - Note concerning the career of interpreters. Berlin] [1888] (print) - Reservation of the Referendary [...] Dulheuer for the Interpreting Service in Constantinople, 1894 - Recommendation of the Referendary Dr. A. Seeliger for the Interpreting Service in Constantinople, 1895 - Sending of the Referendary Dr. A. Seeliger for the Interpreting Service in Constantinople, 1895 - Sending of the Referendary Dr. Dulheuer for the Interpreting Service in Constantinople, 1894 - Sending of the Referendary Dr. Seeliger for the Interpreting Service in Constantinople, 1895 - Sending of the Referendary Dr. Seeliger for the Interpreting Service in Constantinople, 1894 - Sending of the Referendary Dr. Seeliger for the Interpreting Service in Constantinople, 1895 Peter Merklinghaus as Interpreter-Aspirant to the Imperial Embassy in Beijing, 1895 - Sending of the Referendary [...] Dulheuer as Interpreter-Aspirant to the Imperial Embassy in Constantinople, 1895 - Evaluation of the academic achievements of the Referendary Ernst Rohde, 1895 - Evaluation of the Qualification and Suitability of the Referendars Dr. Peter Merklinghaus as Interpreter-Aspirant to the Imperial Embassy in Beijing, 1895 - Sending of the Referendary [...] Dulheuer as Interpreter-Aspirant to the Imperial Embassy in Constantinople, 1895 - Evaluation of the Qualification and Suitability of the Referendars Paul Schüttel and Dr. Philipp Vassel, 1896 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the development and activity of the Seminar for Oriental Languages in the period from October 1894 to October 1895, 25 September 1895 / 7 February 1896 - Sending of the Referendary Dr. Philipp Vassel as Dragomanats-Eleve to the Imperial Legation in Tangier, 1896 - Report of Prof. Dr. Eduard Sachau on the development and activity of the Seminar for Oriental Languages in the period from October 1894 to October 1895, 25 September 1895 / 7 February 1896 Dr. Eduard Sachau on the development and activity of the Seminar for Oriental Languages in the period from October 1895 to October 1896, [23 September 1896] - Recommendation of the trainee teachers Otto Koffka, Richard Kunze and Wilhelm Müller for the interpreting service in Japan, 1896 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of the trainee teacher Dr. Eduard Sachau Heinrich Betz, 1896 - Referendar Max Hesse's recommendation for the interpreting service in Baghdad, 1896 - Evaluation of the personality and scientific work of Referendar Carl Bergmann, 1896 - Referendar Wilhelm Müller's secondment as an interpreter aspirant to the Imperial Legation in Tokyo, 1896 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of Referendar Heinrich Bergfeld, 1897 - Evaluation of the qualification and suitability of Referendar Dr. Hesse Karl Meng, 1897 - Sending the referendary Walther Maenss as Dragomanats-Eleve to the Imperial Legation in Tangier, 1897; issue/bound;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 144 · Akt(e) · 1892 - 1919
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

129 sheets, Contains and others: - Employment of the staff physician Dr. E. Steinbach to represent Dr. Paul Kohlstock, who was on leave for South West Africa due to the investigation of the cattle plague, 1897 - conferral of the professor's title, 1898 - employment of the government physician Dr. Friedrich Plehn and the staff physician Dr. Paul Kohlstock. Otto Dempwolff for representation of Dr. Paul Kohlstock, who commanded China, 1900 / 1901 - Employment of the colonel physician Dr. Emil Steudel, 1901. Also contains: - Emil Steudel, The health conditions of our colonies with consideration of the latest malaria research, separate print: Garden arbor, no. 33. [Leipzig] 1903 (print).

foreign country
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Solger, F., Nr. 257 · Akt(e) · 1899 - 1935
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Enthält: - China Kultur und Sitten - Grundzüge chinesischer Kolonialpolitik - Formosa - Niederländisch-Indische Wochenschrift - Beschreibung Chinas (Sonderdruck) - Tschechoslowakei Dissertation - Irland Dissertation.; Aktenmaterial

Solger, Friedrich
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Althoff, F. T., Nr. 810 · Akt(e) · 1884 - 1908
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Kropatschek, Mrs. E., née Budermann, Berlin, 1906 (1), - Kropatschek, Friedrich, Berlin, Greifswald, Breslau, 1894 - 1907 (53); including Feine, P., Vienna, 1905 (1) and Boltenstern, v., Bremen, 1901 (2), - Kropatschek, Gerhard, Frankfurt am Main, 1907 - 1908 (3), - Kropatschek, Hans, Tientsin, Tsingtau, 1901 - 1905 (2), - Kropatschek, Hermann, Berlin, 1884 - 1905 (194), - Kropatschek, Luise, née Oettli, Greifswald, 1902 (1), - Kropatschek, Therese, Berlin, 1902 (2).

Ministry of Foreign Affairs on Trade and Shipping
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 81 Bremen nach 1807, Nr. 65 · Akt(e) · 1890 - 1897
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

165 sheet, ab. also: - administration, personalia and cashier's affairs of the consulate - emigration of different citizens, emigration societies - introduction of American butter to Germany - stranding of the Danish barque "Edmund" - determination of the origin and heirs as well as estate regulation of the pharmacist Johann Grimm, Hermann Werren, Otto Feder, Joseph Rochowitz, Kaufmann G. Bünzow, Rothstern, Heinrich Ludwig Strauss, Johann Ludwig Wilhelm Schmidt, mentally ill teacher Emma Löhr, musician Heinrich Baulke, Annie Griffith, Ludwig Meyer, mentally ill landscape painter Hermann Dietrichs, engineer C. A. G. Illing, Pharmacist Heinrich Wilhelm Theodor Wieckmann - Transport of state mail - Investigations into the collision of the Lloyd steamship "Elbe" with the British steamship "Crathie" - Consulate in Brisbane - Catholic missionaries in China - Minor Karl Brunnhausen at the school for the blind in Purkersdorf - Orders for warships by Japan - Confiscation of German beer in Montevideo - Trade and industry exhibition in Bremen - Chinese lecturers Ao-fung-ch'i and Hsüch-sheu - Employment of teacher Cornelius Rudolph Vietor in the Togo region - Orders awarded to Bremen citizens - Transport of rifles and ammunition to Abyssinia.;

Presentations by other Rotary clubs
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 228, Nr. 177 · Akt(e) · Feb. 1935 - Mrz. 1936
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Friedrich Meinecke, "Danzig" (lecture, 3 p.), held at the Rotary Club Braunschweig on 13 May 1935 - Fritz Faber, lecture of his curriculum vitae (2 p.), held at the Rotary Club Magdeburg on 4 April 1935 - Erich Meyer, "Die gegenwärtige Lage im deutschen Volkstumskampf" (lecture, 2 p.), held at the Rotary Club Frankfurt am Main, undated - Ludwig Ohl, "Die Sterne, die man begehrt man nicht, man rejoices ihrer Pracht (Goethe)" (lecture, 6 p.)), held in the Rotary Club Baden-Baden on 22 July 1935 - Walter Kleine, "Spain" (lecture, 2 p.), weekly report of the Rotary Club Wilhelmshaven-Rüstringen No. 4(110), Vol. 6, 23 July [1935] - Nikolas Benckiser (Rome, non-Rotarian), "Als Pressevertreter in Italien" (lecture, 4 p.), held in the Rotary Club Baden-Baden on 26 July [1935], "Als Pressevertreter in Italien" (as press representative in Italy) (lecture, 4 p.), held in the Rotary Club Baden-Baden on 26 July [1935]. August 1935 - Alfred Gramsch, "Das deutsche Buch in Ausland" (lecture, 2 p.), held at the Rotary Club Wilhelmshaven-Rüstringen on 13 August 1935 - Karl Elkart, "Impressions from Rome" (lecture, 3 p.), Annex to the weekly report Rotary Club Hannover No. 17 (born unknown) of 25 October 1935 - Walter Woelz, "Conference of the 12th English District in Hastings on 11 - 13 October 1935" (report, 2 p.).), Annex to the weekly report Rotary Club Hannover No. 16 (Vol. unknown) of 18 October 1935 - Edgar Brill, "Die Konservierung von Lebensmitteln" (Lecture, 5 p.), held in the Rotary Club Baden-Baden on 18 November 1935 - Fritz Eppinger, "Drei Tage in Russland" (Lecture, 13 p.), Annex to the weekly report Rotary Club Heilbronn No. 15 (Vol. unknown) of 15 October 1935 - Hermann Schulze, "Known and Unknown About Weimar. 1806 - 1813" (Lecture, 12 p.), held in the Rotary Club Magdeburg on 11 and 18 December 1935 - Norbert Schlösser, "Friedensklänge aus dem Saargebiet. Report about a study trip in the year 1913" (lecture, 2 p.), held in the Rotary Club Zwickau-Glauchau, undated - Hans Weicker (non-Rotarian), "China und wir" (lecture, 3 p.), Annex to the weekly report of the Rotary Club Hannover Nr. 35 (born unknown) from 6 March 1936 - Bernhard Goldschmidt, "Croswell - Michigan und sein Rotary-Club" (lecture/excerpt, 4 p.), held at the Rotary Club [Kiel] on 6 March 1936 - Meyer, Lebensbericht (summary, 2 p.)), Supplement to the Weekly Report (Rotary Club Unknown) No. 38 (Vol. Unknown) of 26 March 1936 - Memorial Address for Franz Riso (2 p.), Annex to the Weekly Report Rotary Club Hall No. 33 (Vol. Unknown) of 20 March 1936. February 1936 - Former President August Vogel, speech at the Rotary Club Garmisch-Partenkirchen on the occasion of the opening of the IV Olympic Winter Games (1 p.) on 10 February 1936 - Author unknown, "La Bonne Volonté au point de vue National et International" (Essay/Excerpt in German), 2 S), Annex 3 to the Weekly Report Rotary Club Hamburg No. 34(421), Vol. 9 of [4 March 1936] - Ernst-Justus Ruperti, "Südafrikanisches Allerlei" (Lecture, 7 S.), held in the Rotary Club Dresden, undated.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 208 A, Nr. 475 · Akt(e) · 1910 - 1917
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

211 leaf, contains and others: - Congrés International des Orientalistes. Seizième Session. Athènes 1912 Bulletin No. 1 [1910] (print) - Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Abteilung Berlin. Annual report 1910/1911 [Berlin] [1911] (print) - Congrés International des Orientalists. Seizième Session. Athènes 1912 Bulletin No. 2 [1911] (print) - Call for the 75th anniversary of the North German Mission Society. Hamburg] [1911] (print) - Congrés International des Orientalists. Seizième Session. Athènes, 7th - 14th avril 1912. Bulletin No. 3 [1911] (print) - Congrés International des Orientalistes. Seizième Session. Athènes, 7th - 14th avril 1912. Bulletin No. 4 [1912] (print) - Congrés International des Orientalistes. Seizième Session. Athènes, 7th - 14th avril 1912 Bulletin No. 5 [1912] (print) - Submissions by Emanuel Mönke and the Fürsorgeverein für deutsche Rückwanderer wegen der Prüfung des Küsters und Lehrers Emanuel Mönke in der russischen Sprache, 26th June 1912 - Börsenverein der Deutschen Buchhändler zu Leipzig. Memorandum on the establishment of an association for the export of German teaching and learning materials to China on 1 July 1911. Leipzig [1911] - Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft Abteilung Berlin. Annual report 1912/1913 [Berlin] [1913] (print) - Frankfurter Verein für Orialische Sprachen (E.V.). List of individual lectures and courses. Winter semester 1913/1914 [Frankfurt] [1913] (print) - 4th holiday course on economics, civic education and oratory from 14 to 19 April 1914 at the Berlin Agricultural College, organised by the Bund Deutscher Bodenreformer. Berlin] [1914] (print) - Statutes of the German-Bulgarian Society E.V. Berlin [1916] (print).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 6 · Akt(e) · o.D.
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Box 6: - 1 wooden jug - 1 head of a turtle - 5 inventory labels - 1 ornamental bench, 5 water birds, Chinese with vessel - 1 wooden bottle-like part without bottom (damaged) - 2 turtle shells with skeleton - 1 turtle shell - 5 coral parts - 1 ashtray, ceramics "Step into the League of Colonial Friends e...V. bei" - 7 small shells - 3 decorated broken off parts made of tortoiseshell - 5 parts animal teeth - 4 wooden sticks with attached wooden ring - 5 knitting needles made of bone/ivory? (4 with brown wool) - 2 glass tubes each with 2 small snails (misery and Rottleberode) - 1 broken (2 parts) shell limestone structure, grey - 1 curved brownish part, similar to tortoiseshell - 1 wooden part, tip with cross parts - 1 dark brown nut-like part, jewellery? - 1 dark light brown chestnut-like piece, jewellery? Shell? - 1 small wooden ring - 1 round small perforated broken wooden part (belonging to the damaged wooden jug?) - 1 piece of string with fringes

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 15494 · Akt(e) · 1913-1914
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

28 sheets, Contains and others: - Acknowledgment to the board of the Kreiskriegerverband Königsberg-Neumark for the address of homage on the occasion of the 25th anniversary in Küstrin, 1915 - Acknowledgment to the China and Africa fighters affiliated to the Kreiskriegerverband Spandau for the address of homage on the occasion of the consecration of the flag in Spandau, 1914 - Address of homage of the warrior associations of the district association Teltow, affiliated to the Prussian Landeskriegerverband, on the occasion of the consecration of the flag of the warrior association Großbeeren, 1914 - Acknowledgment to the Märkischer Jäger- und Schützenbund in Berlin for the address of homage on the occasion of the 12th anniversary of the war. Federal celebration in Berlin-Britz, 1914 - Homage address of 12 associations of former body grenadiers on the occasion of the 1st General Appeal in Frankfurt (Oder), 1913 - Homage address of the Kreiskriegerverband Luckau on the occasion of the government jubilee Wilhelm II, 1913 - Address of homage of the guard associations Cottbus, Forst, Frankfurt, Fürstenwalde, Görlitz, Guben, Reppen, Sommerfeld as well as the Gardeartilleristen-Verein in Berlin on the occasion of the 5th Guard Appeal in Fürstenwalde, 1913 - Address of homage of former Zietenhusaren on the occasion of the 4th General Appeal in Rathenow, 1913 - Address of homage of the Schützenbund der Provinz Brandenburg on the occasion of the government anniversary Wilhelm II, 1913; Note for registration in the archives: The contents concerning warriors' and marksmen's associations are taken from the library and can be found, arranged alphabetically, in the compartments with the inscription "Warriors' and marksmen's associations".

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 151, IC Nr. 7145 · Akt(e) · 1906-1911
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Complete Edition of Joseph Haydn's Works by Joseph Joachim, Hermann Kretzschmar and Max Seiffert - Completion of the unfinished work "China" by Fhr. von Richthofen by the Gesellschaft für Erdkunde - Monuments of German Tonkunst - Academy of Non-Profit Sciences in Erfurt - Vogelwarte Rossitten - Budget reports from the Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs, including: Evidence of the 1907/08 contributions from the Dispositionsfonds zu Beihilfen für Kunst- und wissenschaftliche Zwecke - Report on Eugen Kühnemann's trip to America by Aug.Nov. 1905 - Processing of the results of the Aksum expedition, including: sale of equipment - construction of a town hall in Königsberg i. Pr., including: middle planning, statute of the Stadthalle - Königsberg i.Pr. Aktiengesellschaft - reprint of the compositions of Prince Louis Ferdinand by Prof. Kretzschmar - Septuagint company of the Royal Society of Sciences in Göttingen, report (print, no J) - history of the Reichskreisverfassung by Richard Fester, Kiel - publication of the expedition results from China and northeast Tibet by Lieutenant W. Filchner 1903-1905, at it: Meeting in the Reichsamt des Innern on 9.5.1908 - subsidy for the publication of a Wartburg work by Grand Duke Karl Alexander and others - aerological expedition after the Victoria Nyanza, East Africa - Tendaguru expedition for the exploitation of a dinosaur site - construction of a museum of the Verein für Volks- und Naturkunde zu Wyk on Föhr - aerological station on the Pic, Tenerife, application of Prof. Dr. Peter W., the German Minister of the Interior. Hergesell, Strasbourg, present: Cabinet ordinance of 28.7.1909 - Events to raise German culture in the province of Schleswig-Holstein, budget announcement of the Ministry of Culture for 1910, including: publication of a work on water by Baurat Müller - purchase of the estate of the artist Giorgio Vasari from Arezzo (1511-1574) - grant for the painting and drawing school of Clara Elisabet Fischer, Berlin: Kursverzeichnis (1910) Publication of a work "Die Burgen und Burgenreste Italiens" by Bodo Ebhardt - Publication of a work "Alt-Ithaka" on excavations on the island of Leukas by Wilhelm Dörpfeld - Expedition to the shores of the middle Empress-Augusta-River (Sepik) and the area up to the lower reaches of the Ramu (New Guinea).

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, III. HA MdA, II Nr. 5094 · Akt(e) · 1856 - 1862
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

162 sheets, contains among others: - Establishment of consulates of Denmark, Hamburg and Bremen in Siam's capital Bangkok, 1858, including: selection of gifts for the two kings of Siam; - report of the envoy in Haag, including: Report of the Foreign Minister and the Colonial Minister to the King of the Netherlands on the Additional and Supplementary Articles of 1857 agreed with Japan (French) - Reports of the Consul in Singapore, Albert Schreiber, including: Establishment of a Prussian Consulate in Bangkok; Trade Treaty of Great Britain with Siam of 1855 (print) and Additional Article, 1856; Draft Treaty with Siam (English)) - Reports of the merchant Theodor Thies from Bangkok to inquiries with the Siamese government, 1858; request of the captains Friedrich Woller and Johann Benj. Krause from Bangkok about a trade and shipping treaty with Siam and a Prussian consulate in Bangkok, 1858 - Report of the envoy from Copenhagen: Preparation of the conclusion of the contract with Siam by the Danish consul in Singapore, 1858 - Reports of the business bearer in Canton, Richard von Carlowitz, 1858 - Vote of the Minister of Commerce for the conclusion of a contract with Siam for the commercial political recognition of Prussia and the German Customs Association, with the dispatch of a naval ship of the Admiralty - report of the consul Wilmans in Batavia on the trade with Japan, 1858 - reports of the envoys in Paris and London on the gifts of France for the government of Siam, report of the consul Meyer from Singapore on suitable Prussian gifts (lists), 1857/58 - report of the consul in Batavia, Louis Kniffler, with it: Curriculum vitae; trade project on the Japanese island of Decima; advocacy of Prussia's trade relations with Japan; excerpts from the Japanese-Netherlands Agreement and official trade reports, 1858 - offer to take part in a "scientific and industrial research trip" around the world of Captain Charles Sheridan from Ghent, 1859 - memorandum (above) Verf, 1859 - Inquiry by the Hanover-based businessman von Reitzenstein on the status of contract negotiations with Siam and Japan, 1859 - Request by the merchant Julius Adrian from Decima and Nagasaki for appointment as consul in Japan, 1859 - Presentation to the Landtag of the trade agreements concluded with Japan and China, 1862.

Trade with Amsterdam
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA GR, Rep. 34, Nr. 1004 · Akt(e) · 1690 - 1712
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Negotiations in monetary matters, 1703-1712 - candidature of Johann Adolf von Scherpenseel as commissioner to Amsterdam after the death of the resident Gerard Röver, 1712 - deputy of the government councillor Cramer in case of illness, 1700-1708 - retention of assets by the secretary Scherpenseel, 1711 - Entry of the Moscovite lieutenant Hans Jürg Pfahl into the Prussian military service, 1707 - List of weapons, works of art and animals brought by Hans Jürg Pfahl from East India (Japan and China), 1707 - Sending of pitch and tar, 1705 - Regulation of the succession of the commissioner van den Bent, 1704 - Payment of life annuities by the Commissioner of Amsterdam, Röver, 1704 - Ship with powder, saltpetre and sulphur sent from Amsterdam, 1702 - Death of the resident Karl Rudolf van Kuffelaer, 1702 - Arrest of the glassmaker Pallada, who was fleeing because of debts, 1699 - transmission of "East Indian Rarities", 1698 - regulation of the estate of the tax collector at the East Indian Company, Johann Teermanns, 1695 - title of the city of Amsterdam, 1690 - negotiations with the East Indian Company about bonds of city and country Groningen as well as African wells, 1690.;

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76, Vb Sekt. 1 Tit. V Nr. 2 Bd. 10 · Akt(e) · 1907 - 1911
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - technical training for overseas employment, including Argentina, South Africa, British India and China - graduates of the 2nd State Examination in Civil Engineering 1906-1909 - equivalence of graduate engineers with government leaders - training of middle-level technical officials for state railway administration. Also includes: - Herkner, H[...]: Engineers as civil servants. Stuttgart: Deutsche Verlagsanstalt, 1909. (= Deutsche Revue) - Wagener, A[...]: On the structure of instruction and examination regulations for mechanical engineering "at the technical university". University speech. Gdansk: Schwital

Trebitsch-Lincoln, Ignaz (own Ignaz Thimoteus)
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VIII. HA, B.42, Nr. 15972 · Akt(e) · 1879 Paks, Ungarn - 1943
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Numerous articles about a man of Hungarian origin, who changed his religion several times (most recently he became a Buddhist monk in China), e.g. as a preacher in the USA, parliamentarian in England and head of press of the Kapp government in South Africa and was arrested several times for fraud and imposture, with photos; Dresdner Anzeiger 19.10.1932; about 40 other international articles, mostly from the same year; Chao-Kung also Moses Pinkeles

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Witschel, M., Nr. 4 · Akt(e) · 25. April - 17. Aug. 1907
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: <br />- 5 course maps with position notes <br />1) Amoy - Tsingtau <br />2) Tsingtau - Yokohama <br />3) Yokohama - Kobe <br />4) Kobe - Tsingtau <br />5) Tsingtau - Shanghai.

Witschel, Max