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Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, A 1079 · File · o. D., 1901-1917, 1928-1966
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains, among other things: Also contains:<br />Mission festivals of the Basel Mission in the church district;<br />Youth mission festivals in the church district;<br />Our service in the mission, monthly journal of the Basel Women's Mission, December 1930;<br />Karl Hartenstein: Die Basler Mission an der Jahreswende 1946/47 (pamphlet 19 pp.);<br />reports on the world mission conferences in Tambaram (1938) and Toronto (1947);<br />handouts for mission sermons and mission lectures;<br />letter on the situation of the Basel Mission in 1933;<br />"A word from the leadership and home church representatives of the Basel Mission to their circle of friends in Germany" on the situation after the beginning of the Second World War
  • Description: contains, among other things: Also contains: mission festivals of the Basel Mission in the church district; youth mission festivals in the church district; Unser Dienst in der Mission, monthly journal of the Basel Women's Mission, December 1930; Karl Hartenstein: Die Basler Mission an der Jahreswende 1946/47 (pamphlet 19 pp.); reports on the world mission conferences in Tambaram (1938) and Toronto (1947); handouts for mission sermons and mission lectures; circular letter on the situation of the Basel Mission in 1933; "A word from the leadership and home church representatives of the Basel Mission to their circle of friends in Germany" on the situation after the beginning of the Second World War
  • undated, 1901-1917, 1928-1966, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, Evangelisches Dekanatamt Balingen
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 317 · File · 1932-1940
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains:<br />- Enquiries from:<br />- Anne Schmitz (Bonn)<br />- H. Bermann (Landsberg/Warthe)<br />- H. Safir (Bad Oldesloe)<br />- Gerhard Wolff (Dresden)<br />- H. Goldberg (Berlin)<br />- Werner Lohse (Essen)<br />- G. Frohwein (Thüngen near Würzburg)<br />- Ruth Meier-Blaauw (Breslau)<br />- Hans Danziger (Hamburg)<br />- Lucy Fischer (Allenstein)<br />- Lieselotte Korsch (Heidelberg)<br />- Eline Epstein (Breslau)<br />- Karl Aé (pastor in Dresden) for [?] Rund (Dresden)<br />- Werner Gottstein (Berlin) with recommendations from H. Ziemann (Charlottenburg) and Eugen Bender (Charlottenburg)<br />- [?] Sohler for his son Theodor Sohler (Freiburg i. Br.)<br />- Hans Gerber (Berlin)<br />- Mission Director A. W. Schreiber (Bremen) for [?] Marienfeld (Berlin)<br />- Hilde Hilmer (Marburg) with recommendation from [?] Benecke (Marburg)<br />- Gottfried Wessel (Solingen)<br />- Pastor Bodo Heyne (Bremen) for [?] Duras<br />- [?] Heinsius (Berlin)<br />- Märe Fuerst (Danzig-Langfuhr)<br />- Albert Blau (Görlitz) with recommendation from the Kaiserswerther Diakonissenanstalt<br />- [?] Mirauer (Munich)<br />- Hedwig Meyer (Leipzig)<br />- Direktion der Westfälischen Diakonissen-Anstalt Sarepta betr. [?] Becker (London, German Hospital)<br /><br />Includes also:<br />- Enquiry from the Central Office for Jewish Economic Aid (Berlin) concerning the training of nurses in the "colonies" (Africa)<br />- Enquiry from Pastor Andreas Römer (Weiler near Schorndorf) concerning the application of the Aryan Paragraph at the DIFÄM<br />- Enquiry from F. Veil (Pilgermission St. Chrischona) regarding an assistant position for a doctor<br />- Enquiry from the Landesverein für Innere Mission (Nuremberg) regarding the training of a doctor's widow as a nurse<br />- Enquiry from religious teacher Fr. education of a missionary doctor<br />- Enquiry from Georg Haffner (Lindau) regarding the training of a medical doctor<br />- Enquiry from Cal Honsberg (Remscheid) regarding the placement of a female doctor<br />- Enquiry from Kurt Levin (Planegg near Munich) regarding a scholarship for his son<br />- Enquiry from Werner Breiding (Berlin) regarding admission as a medical student in the DIF. Admission as a medical student at the DIFÄM<br />- Enquiry from E. Barth (Ruhpolding) regarding application of the Aryan paragraph for missionary doctors<br />- Enquiry from missionary inspector Jasper (Bethel) regarding placement of doctors<br />- Attempt to place Gerhard Jacobi
  • 1932-1940, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, K 31 Deutsches Institut für Ärztliche Mission (file inventory - DIFÄM)
  • description: Contains: - Inquiries from: - Anne Schmitz (Bonn) - H. Bermann (Landsberg/Warthe) - H. Safir (Bad Oldesloe) - Gerhard Wolff (Dresden) - H. Goldberg (Berlin) - Werner Lohse (Essen) - G. Frohwein (Thüngen near Würzburg) - Ruth Meier-Blaauw (Breslau) - Hans Danziger (Hamburg) - Lucy Fischer (Allenstein) - Lieselotte Korsch (Heidelberg) - Eline Epstein (Breslau) - Karl Aé (pastor in Dresden) for [?] Rund (Dresden) - Werner Gottstein (Berlin) with recommendations from H. Ziemann (Charlottenburg) and Eugen Bender (Charlottenburg) - [?] Sohler for his son Theodor Sohler (Freiburg i. Br.) - Hans Gerber (Berlin) - Mission Director A. W. Schreiber (Bremen) for [?] Marienfeld (Berlin) - Hilde Hilmer (Marburg) with recommendation from [?] Benecke (Marburg) - Gottfried Wessel (Solingen) - Pastor Bodo Heyne (Bremen) for [?] Duras - [?] Heinsius (Berlin) - Märe Fuerst (Danzig-Langfuhr) - Albert Blau (Görlitz) with recommendation from, among others, the Kaiserswerther Diakonissenanstalt - [?] Mirauer (Munich) - Hedwig Meyer (Leipzig) - Direktion der Westfälischen Diakonissen-Anstalt Sarepta betr. [?] Becker (London, German Hospital) Also contains: - Enquiry from the Central Office for Jewish Economic Aid (Berlin) regarding the training of nurses in the "colonies" (Africa) - Enquiry from Pastor Andreas Römer (Weiler near Schorndorf) regarding the application of the Aryan Paragraph at the DIFÄM - Enquiry from F. Veil (Pilgrim Mission St. Chrischona) regarding an assistant position for a doctor - Enquiry from the Landesverein für Innere Mission (Nuremberg) regarding the training of a doctor's widow as a nurse - Enquiry from religious education teacher Fr. Inquiry from Georg Haffner (Lindau) regarding the training of a medical doctor - Inquiry from Cal Honsberg (Remscheid) regarding the placement of a female doctor - Inquiry from Kurt Levin (Planegg near Munich) regarding a scholarship for his son - Inquiry from Werner Breiding (Berlin) regarding admission as a medical student in the DIF. Inquiry from E. Barth (Ruhpolding) regarding application of the Aryan paragraph for missionary doctors - Inquiry from missionary inspector Jasper (Bethel) regarding placement of doctors - Attempt to place Gerhard Jacobi
Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Äussere Mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 195 · File · 1901-1962
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1901-1962, State Church Archive Stuttgart, Protestant Deanery Office Schorndorf
  • Contains in particular:<br /><br />- District mission festivals<br />- Permission for missionaries to preach in the regional church and to help with communion<br />- Excerpts from wills in favor of the Basel Mission<br />- Lists of mission offerings<br />- Guide to mission literature, [1915]<br />- Half-batzen collection 1914-1917<br />- Roll of honor for the missionary workers and missionary sons of Germany who died in the World War, [1919]<br />- Ludwig Weichert, Christus siegt in aller Welt. Ein Wort über die Gottlosenbewegung anlässlich des 200jährigen Jubiläums der Herrnhuter Mission, pamphlet [1932]<br />- Vereinzelte Jahresberichte des Vereins für evang. Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo, the German Institute for Medical Mission, the German Aid Association for Christian Charity in the Orient and the North German Mission Society<br />- Statement and report by Dean Johannes Josenhans to the OKR on the ban on the Association of Friends of Israel, 1938<br />- Karl Hartenstein, Die Weltmissionskonferenz in Whitby-Toronto, 1947<br />- Information about Wilhelm Sziel (Carmel Mission), Schorndorf, 1949<br />- Letter and accompanying report concerning the dismissal of a missionary from the Liebenzeller Mission, 1950
  • Description: Contains mainly: - District mission festivals - Permission for missionaries to preach in the regional church and to help with communion - Excerpts from wills in favor of the Basel Mission - Lists of mission offerings - Guide to mission literature, [1915] - Half-batzen collection 1914-1917 - Honorary plaque for the missionary workers and missionary sons of Germany who died in the World War, [1919] - Ludwig Weichert, Christus siegt in aller Welt. A word about the godless movement on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the Herrnhut Mission, pamphlet [1932] - Isolated annual reports of the Verein für evang. Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo, the German Institute for Medical Mission, the German Aid Association for Christian Charity in the Orient and the North German Mission Society - Statement and report by Dean Johannes Josenhans to the OKR on the ban on the Association of Friends of Israel, 1938 - Karl Hartenstein, The World Mission Conference in Whitby-Toronto, 1947 - Information about Wilhelm Sziel (Carmel Mission), Schorndorf, 1949 - Letter and accompanying report concerning the dismissal of a missionary from the Liebenzeller Mission, 1950
Liebenzell Mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, K 31, Nr. 373 · File · 1928-1929
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1928-1929, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgartn* Contains, among other things:<br />- Remarks by the Borneo consultant on the hospital issue<br />- Memorandum to the mission committee: Kuala Kapuas and Bandjermasin. Eine Replik vor Torschluss vom Missionarzt (Dr. M. Vischer) in Süd-Borneo<br />- Erläuterungen zu den Spitalplänen für Kuala Kapuas mit 9 Fotografien<br />- Kostenvoranschlag<br />- Votum von Missionar G. Weiler, Bandjermasin zu dem Antrag von Dr. Vischer betr. Land swap<br />- To the South Borneo Committee: application by the missionary doctor to acquire land for the medical mission<br /><br />Including:<br />- 11 construction drawings (floor plans, cross-sections), 1 general map of the area in question, 1 sketch view
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, K 16, Nr. 239 · File · [1920]
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • [1920] Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgartn* Contents: Bust portrait of the youthful Karl Hartenstein, member of the student fraternity Nicaria in Couleur (= he wears the fraternity's Couleur ribbon in the fraternity colours blue-white-gold).<br /><br />Later Hartenstein became director of the Basel Mission and then prelate in Stuttgart
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, G 202, Nr. 240 · File · 1916-1934
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Also contains:<br />Inauguration of the recreation home of the South German Association 'Saron' in Wildberg (1932);<br />Sunday school of the Liebenzeller Missionn* 1916-1934, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart
Correspondence Basel Mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 43 · File · 1943-1946
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains mainly - - Correspondence with Johanna M. Knabenschuh, Emanuel Kellerhals, Dorothee Sarasin, Leuschner, A.: Exchange about events in the last years of the war and about the situation of (interned) missionaries - - - Darin: - - - "Der evangelische Heidenbote" December 1946 Contains above all:<br /><br />- Correspondence with Johanna M. Knabenschuh, Emanuel Kellerhals, Dorothee Sarasin, Leuschner, A.: Exchange about events in the last years of the war and the situation of (interned) missionaries<br /><br />Darin:<br /><br />- "Der evangelische Heidenbote" December 1946 1943-1946, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 23 Estate Karl Hartenstein
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 11 · File · 1903-1908
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains:<br />- Correspondence of Paul Lechler and senior teacher Kammerer with various missionary societies (e.g. Basel Mission, Rhenish Mission)
  • description: Contains: - Correspondence of Paul Lechler and senior teacher Kammerer with various missionary societies (e.g. Basel Mission, Rhenish Mission)
  • 1903-1908, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, K 31 Deutsches Institut für Ärztliche Mission (file inventory - DIFÄM)
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 31 · File · 1939-1940
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1939-1940, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 23 estate Karl Hartenstein description: Contains above all..: - - Powers of the Basel Mission to Stuttgart members to carry out their work - - - Reaction to Hartenstein's departure from Basel at the beginning of the Second World War - - - Development of the publishing house and the magazines of the Mission at the beginning of the war - - Financial issues - - - Hartenstein's illness in the spring of 1940 - - - Fates of missionaries during the war - - - Darin: - - - "Der Heidenbote" October 1939 Contains mainly:<br /><br />- Powers of the Basel Mission to Stuttgart members to carry out work<br />- Response to Hartenstein's departure from Basel at the beginning of the Second World War<br />- Development of the publishing house and magazines of the Mission at the beginning of the war<br />- Financial issues<br />- Hartenstein's disease in the spring of 1940<br />- Fates of missionaries during the war<br /><br />Darin:<br /><br />- "The Gentile Messenger" October 1939
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 120 · File · 1880-1960
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Description: Contains, among other things: - Wurmberg members of the District Nursing Association, 19th century - Evangelischer Volksbund - Gustav-Adolf-Verein/Foundation - Gustav-Adolf-Werk - Membership cards of the Gustav-Adolf-Verein (members from Wurmberg, 1936) - Herrenberger Verband für evangelische Diakonie e. V. - Collections for the Inner Mission and the Red Cross - Privileged Württembergische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart - Quellverlag und Buchhandlung der Evangelischen Gesellschaft in Stuttgart GmbH - Support for the needy - Association for Christian Art - Association for help in extraordinary cases of need in the countryside - Württembergischer Verein für Evangelisation Included: Printed matter including: - List of members of the Evangelical Pastors' Association for Württemberg, 1909 - "Aus der Arbeit des Württembergischen Vereins für Evangelisation - Bericht über die Jahre 1900-1909" - "Der Krieg und die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Polen", 1916 - "Rundschreiben betreffend einen Bund zur Stärkung des sittlichen Lebens in Gemeinde und Volk", 1917 - "Letter from the Association for Protestant Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo", 1918 - "Deaconess Institute in Stuttgart - Conditions for admission to the deaconess profession" - "Provisions of the Maulbronn District Nursing Association on nursing care" - "10 years of the Protestant People's Association", 1929 - "Images of rural poverty 1887-1937" - Wurmberg-Bärental parish bulletin, no. 9, 1938 - Obituary for Pastor Dr. Hans Kramer, 1957 - "Leaflet for young people from the Soviet Occupation Zone (pupils, teachers, youth workers)", 1960 - "Guidelines for the creation of war memorials" - Scheme "Of service and tasks for Protestant women" - Statutes of the Hilfs-Bibelverein for the diocese of Knittlingen - "Overview of the areas of work of the Protestant Women's Aid for Württ." - "Why Gustav-Adolf-Verein?"
  • 1880-1960, State Church Archive Stuttgart, Protestant parish office Wurmberg
  • Contains, among other things:<br />- Wurmberg members of the district nursing association, 19th century<br />- Evangelischer Volksbund<br />- Gustav-Adolf-Verein/Stiftung<br />- Gustav-Adolf-Werk<br />- Membership cards of the Gustav-Adolf-Verein (members from Wurmberg, 1936)<br />- Herrenberger Verband für evangelische Diakonie e. V.<br />- Collections for the Inner Mission and the Red Cross<br />- Privilegierte Württembergische Bibelanstalt Stuttgart<br />- Quellverlag und Buchhandlung der Evangelischen Gesellschaft in Stuttgart GmbH<br />- Support for the needy<br />- Verein für christliche Kunst<br />- Verein zur Hilfe in außerordentlichen Notstandsfällen auf dem Lande<br />- Württembergischer Verein für Evangelisation<br /><br />Including:<br />Printed publications and others.:<br />- List of members of the Evangelical Pastors' Association for Württemberg, 1909<br />- "Aus der Arbeit des Württembergischen Vereins für Evangelisation - Bericht über die Jahre 1900-1909"<br />- "Der Krieg und die Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche in Polen", 1916<br />- "Rundschreiben betreffend einen Bund zur Stärkung des sittlichen Lebens in Gemeinde und Volk", 1917<br />- "Letter from the Association for Protestant Mission in Cameroon and Northern Togo", 1918<br />- "Deaconess Institute in Stuttgart - Conditions for admission to the deaconess profession"<br />- "Provisions of the Maulbronn District Nursing Association on nursing"<br />- "10 Years of the Protestant People's Association", 1929<br />- "Images of rural poverty 1887-1937"<br />- Wurmberg-Bärental Community Journal, no. 9, 1938<br />- Obituary for Pastor Dr. Hans Kramer, 1957<br />- "Leaflet for young people from the SBZ (pupils, teachers, youth workers)", 1960<br />- "Guidelines for the creation of war memorials"<br />- Scheme "Von Dienst und Aufgaben an der ev. Frau"<br />- Statutes of the Hilfs-Bibelverein für die Diözese Knittlingen<br />- "Überblick über die Arbeitsgebiete der Evang. Frauenhilfe f. Württ."<br />- "Why Gustav-Adolf-Verein?"
Gustavus Adolphus Union
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, K 31, Nr. 289 · File · (1913) 1927-1928
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • (1913) 1927-1928, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgartn* Contains, among other things<br />- Gottlieb Olpp: Contribution to the guidelines for a more standardised treatment of missionary doctors<br />- Statement by Karl Huppenbauer<br />- Guidelines for missionary medical work within the missionary societies of the Basel Mission<br />- Memorandum by August Römer: 'Vital questions for the further development of medical missions' (guidelines for closer co-operation; missionary medical careers; financial position of the missionary doctor)<br />- Memorandum from the DIFÄM to the Committee of German Protestant Missions (1913)
Emilie Osiander
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 2, Nr. 75 · File · 1838, 1845-1907, o.D.
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1838, 1845-1907, undated, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgartn* Contains:<br />Family correspondence, among other things.<br />1) Family tree of Emilie Osiander<br />2) School report of Emilie Osiander 1850<br />3) Albert Knapp: Sermon at the confirmation of his stepdaughter Emilie Osiander and dedications to Emilie Osiander 1849-1852<br />4) Emilie Osiander. Correspondence 1845-1907 s.d.<br />a) Emilie Osiander to her parents Albert and Emilie Knapp 1845<br />b) Emilie Osiander to the Knapp siblings 1872-1877<br />c) Emilie Osiander to brother Joseph Nathanael Knapp 1853-1874<br />d) Emilie Osiander to Luise Wilhelmine Knapp née Wetzel 1873-1907. Wetzel 1873-1907<br />e) Emilie Osiander to Maria Henriette Knapp (later mar. Aigner) ca 1850<br />f) Emilie Osiander to Wilhelm Benjamin Knapp 1875-1887<br />g) Emilie Osiander to Gotthold Felizian Knapp and to his wife Klara née Renz s.d.(ca 1873), 1906<br />h) Emilie Osiander to Martin Knapp (later in Munich) 1905-1907<br />i) Emilie Osiander to Marie Dettinger (later married name Mörike)1849-1904<br />k) Emilie Osiander to ? 1892<br />l) Poems by Emilie Osiander and by others 1856-1877 s.d.<br />m) Letters to Emilie Osiander 1838-1907<br />Intus: letters from Christian Gottlob Barth; letters from the family of Benjamin Knapp<br />n) Meta Heußer to Emilie Osiander 1867-1868
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, G 433, Nr. 94 · File · ca. 1926-1958
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains: a. a.:<br />- Reports from the Schützingen parish office to the Oberkirchenrat on the evangelisation held<br />- Announcement flyers for Schützingen evangelisation lectures<br />- Decision of the parish council to make the church available to the Liebenzell missionary Wilhelm for his evangelisation<br />- Copy of a report from the Gündelbach parish office concerning the evangelisation by Julius Currle from Neckargröningen<br />- Correspondence concerning the holding of the preparation week in Schützingen. Holding of the preparation week in Schützingen with planned evangelisation lectures by Ewald Aschmoneit (Liebenzeller Mission) from Eutingen<br />- Permission to use the Schützingen church for evangelisation by the Liebenzeller missionary Arthur Neubern* ca. 1926-1958, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 335 · File · 1927-1941
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1927-1941, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, K 31 Deutsches Institut für Ärztliche Mission (file inventory - DIFÄM)
  • Contains among other things:<br />- Correspondence between Samuel Müller (among others in Bumbuli, Tanzania) and Gottlieb Olpp<br />- Texts by Samuel Müller: The development of the mission hospital in Bumbuli (semi-annual report); status and wishes of the German medical mission in Africa<br />- Complaint by Dr. Fregonneau (doctor in Kihuwi) against the mission hospital of the Bethel Mission in Bumbuli with the involvement of, among others The Foreign Office, the German Medical Association and the Colonial Department of the NSDAP<br />- Correspondence between Samuel Müller and Paul Lechler: considerations about Müller joining the DIFÄM<br />- Report to the Württemberg Minister of the Interior against Samuel Müller about the content of a prayer<br />- Dispute with Otto Fischer<br />- Considerations about employing a second doctor in the tropical convalescent home
  • description: Contains, among other things: - Correspondence between Samuel Müller (among others in Bumbuli, Tanzania) and Gottlieb Olpp - Texts by Samuel Müller: The development of the mission hospital in Bumbuli (semi-annual report); status and wishes of the German medical mission in Africa - Complaint by Dr. Fregonneau (doctor in Kihuwi) against the mission hospital of the Bethel Mission in Bumbuli with the involvement of, among others Correspondence between Samuel Müller and Paul Lechler: Consideration of Müller joining the DIFÄM - Complaint to the Württemberg Minister of the Interior against Samuel Müller regarding the content of a prayer - Dispute with Otto Fischer - Consideration of hiring a second doctor at the tropical convalescent home
Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Gauger, Traugott
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, L 2, Nr. 356 · File · 1912-1974
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains:<br />- Curriculum vitae<br />- (detailed report from 1913: father worked as a merchant on a mission in West Africa)<br />- References<br /><br />- Personal details:<br />- Personal name: Gauger. Report from 1913: Father working as a merchant in the Basel Mission in West Africa)<br />- Certificates<br /><br />- Personal details:<br />- Personal name: Gauger, Traugott<br />- Date of birth: 03.11.1885<br />- Place of birth: Accra (West Africa)<br />- Date of death: 27.10.1976<br />- Year of joining: 1913<br />- Year of leaving: 1976<br />- Education: Deacon; nurse<br />- Worked for: Heilbronn Hospital<br />- Place of work: Heilbronnn* 1912-1974, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, 10 · File · 1869-1875 und undatiert
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Description: Contains, among other things: - Clipping with handwritten musical notes - receipt for board money from the Basel Missionary Society dated December 11, 1869 - poems in rhyme form, including one about Heinrich Bohner - concept paper "Restoration [!] of the episcopate" - addresses noted on the back of a business card - notes on missionary activity and the situation in West Africa - notes on Gedebo language - notes on theological and ecclesiastical keywords - draft of the article "Names for African Natives" for "The Spirit of Missions" - handwritten compilation of Auer's publications in an unidentified hand, after 1875 - handwritten curriculum vitae of Auer entitled "Bishop Auer's Life" in an unidentified hand, after 1875
  • Contains, among other things:<br />- clipping with handwritten musical notes<br />- receipt for expenses from the Basel Missionary Society dated December 11, 1869<br />- poems in rhyme, including one about Heinrich Bohner<br />- concept paper "Restoration [!] of the episcopate"<br />- Addresses noted on the back of a visiting card<br />- Notes on missionary activity and the situation in West Africa<br />- Notes on Gedebo language<br />- Notes on theological and ecclesiastical keywords<br />- Draft of the article "Names for African Natives" for "The Spirit of Missions"<br />- Handwritten compilation of publications by Auer in an unidentified hand, after 1875<br />- handwritten curriculum vitae of Auer with the title "Bishop Auer's Life" in an unidentified hand, after 1875
  • 1869-1875 and undated, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, D 43 Estate of Johann Gottlieb Auer
Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart, A 26, Nr. 461 · File · 1733-1895
Part of Regional Church Archive Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • Contains:<br />1) Appointment of M Christoph Friedr. Steinhofer to Herrnhut and his return to Württemberg, 1733-1749, Qu. 1-19<br />2) Request of Count Zinzendorf for the conferral of the character of a Württemberg prelate, 1734, Qu. 1-11<br />3) Appointment of M Matthäus Gottfried Hehl, M Joh. Georg Waiblinger, M Joh. Schweickart by Count Zinzendorf to Herrnhut and Stralsund, 1734-1739, Qu. 1-19<br />4) Herrnhut Assemblies in Freudenstadt, 1740, Qu. 1-3<br />5) Printing and publishing of the Herrnhut Hymnal by printer Anton Heinr. Röbel and bookseller Christoph Heinrich Berger in Tübingen, 1740-1741, Qu. 1-15<br />6) Expertise of the Theological Faculty in Tübingen on Herrnhut and Herrnhutian writings, 1741, Qu. 1-3<br />7) Responsibility of Friedrich Christoph Oetinger for alleged private meetings in Gültlingen. Herrnhut private meetings in Calw, 1743, Qu. 1-3<br />8) Herrnhut private meetings in Nagold (Dürrbaum and Timäus), 1747, Qu. 1-2<br />9) Report of the Theological Faculty in Tübingen on the Brethren congregation, 8 May 1747<br />10) Decrees concerning Herrnhut in Stuttgart on the departure of Kammacher Phil. wurster to Herrenhag, 1748, Qu. 1-2<br />11) Report by Prof. D. Faber on Zinzendorf's visit to Tübingen, 1757<br />12) Königsfeld in the Black Forest, 1805-1806, Qu. 1-2<br />13) Herrnhuter in the Oberamt Brackenheim, 1816, Qu. 1-2<br />14) Herrnhut wedding of the Rotgerber Carl Friedrich in Backnang, 1895<br />15) Aktenzetteln* 1733-1895, Landeskirchliches Archiv Stuttgart