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Archival description
Landesarchiv Berlin, S Rep. 400, 610 · File · 1904
Part of State Archive Berlin
  • Description: Contains: Reg. no. Sofia/Geb-Reg. 1-7.- Marriage-Reg. 1-3.- Death-Reg.1-2Suez/Geb-Reg. 1.- Swatow/Geb-Reg. 1-3.- Ehe-Reg. 1.- Sterbe-Reg. 1.- Tanger/Geb-Reg. 1-4.- Sterbe-Reg. 1-2.- Teheran/Geb-Reg. 1-3.- Ehe-Reg. 1.- Tientsin/Geb-Reg. 1-7.- Marriage reg. 1-4.- Death reg. 1.- Tokyo/death reg. 1-2.- Marriage reg. 1-2.- Death reg. 1.- Chifu/death reg. 1.- Death reg. 1-2.- Tsinanfu/death reg. 1.- Death reg. 1-5Tunis/Geb-Reg. 1.- Varna/Sterbe-Reg. 1.- Yokohama/Geb-Reg. 1-8.- Sterbe-Reg. 1-2.- Sansibar/Geb-Reg. 1-2.- Ehe-Reg. 1
  • 1904, Landesarchiv Berlin, S Rep. 400 Consular Register of the German Reich
  • Contains: Reg. no. Sofia/Geb-Reg. 1-7.- Marriage-Reg. 1-3.- Death-Reg.1-2Suez/Geb-Reg. 1.- Swatow/Geb-Reg. 1-3.- Ehe-Reg. 1.- Sterbe-Reg. 1.- Tanger/Geb-Reg. 1-4.- Sterbe-Reg. 1-2.- Teheran/Geb-Reg. 1-3.- Ehe-Reg. 1.- Tientsin/Geb-Reg. 1-7.- Marriage reg. 1-4.- Death reg. 1.- Tokyo/death reg. 1-2.- Marriage reg. 1-2.- Death reg. 1.- Chifu/death reg. 1.- Death reg. 1-2.- Tsinanfu/death reg. 1.- Death reg. 1-5Tunis/Geb-Reg. 1.- Varna/Sterbe-Reg. 1.- Yokohama/Geb-Reg. 1-8.- Sterbe-Reg. 1-2.- Sansibar/Geb-Reg. 1-2.- Ehe-Reg. 1
Landesarchiv Berlin, S Rep. 400, 618 · File · 1905
Part of State Archive Berlin
  • Contains: Reg.No. Tangier/Geb-Reg. 1.- Marriage-Reg. 1- Death-Reg. 1-2.- Tientsin/Geb-Reg. 1-13.- Marriage-Reg. 1-6.- Death-Reg. 1-5.- Tokyo/Geb-Reg. 1-3.- Marriage-Reg. 1.- Death-Reg. 1.- Chifu/Geb-Reg. 1.- Death-Reg. 1.- Tsinanfu/Geb-Reg. 1-2.- Ehe-Reg. 1.- Sterbe-Reg. 1-3.- Tunis/Ehe-Reg. 1.- Yokohama/Geb-Reg. 1-4.- Ehe-Reg. 1-2.- Sterbe-Reg. 1-5.- Sansibar/Geb-Reg. 1.- Ehe-Reg. 1.- Sterbe-Reg. 1
  • 1905, Landesarchiv Berlin, S Rep. 400 Consular Register of the German Reich
  • Description: Contains: Reg.No. Tanger/Geb-Reg. 1.- Ehe-Reg. 1- Sterbe-Reg. 1-2.- Tientsin/Geb-Reg. 1-13.- Ehe-Reg. 1-6.- Sterbe-Reg. 1-5.- Tokio/Geb-Reg. 1-3.- Ehe-Reg. 1.- Sterbe-Reg. 1.- Tschifu/Geb-Reg. 1.- Sterbe-Reg. 1.- Tsinanfu/Geb-Reg. 1-2.- Marriage-Reg. 1.- Death-Reg. 1-3.- Tunis/Marriage-Reg. 1.- Yokohama/Geb-Reg. 1-4.- Marriage-Reg. 1-2.- Death-Reg. 1-5.- Zanzibar/Geb-Reg. 1.- Marriage-Reg. 1.- Death-Reg. 1
Landesarchiv Berlin, A Rep. 001-02 Nr. 416 · File · 1883 - 1885
Part of State Archive Berlin
  • 1883 - 1885, Landesarchiv Berlinn* Contains, among other things: Funeral service for Reichstag deputy Dr Schulze-Delitzsch; laying of foundation stones and dedications of churches (Dankes-Kirche 1883, St. Philippus-Apostel-Kirche, Parochialkirche, Heilig-Kreuz-Kirche); Forckenbeck-Gymnasium, Pankstraße 9; funeral service for Consul General Dr Gustav Nachtigal; correspondence on the organisation of the International Telegraphic Network. Correspondence on the organisation of the International Telegraph Conference 1885 (invitations, list of the local diplomatic corps, August 1885, apologies and cancellations A-Z, including Police President de Madai, accounts, invoice from court photographer Hermann Rückwardt).- Invitation to the laying of the foundation stone of the Elisabeth Children's Hospital, 1885.- Preparations for Adolf Menzel's 70th birthday (including correspondence with Anton von Werner, draft congratulatory address).- 200th anniversary of the Edict of Potsdam.- Greeting to the conference of the Writers' Association, 1885 - 100th birthday of August Böckh <br /><br />Including: The remodelling of the Parochialkirche and the inauguration ceremony. A memorandum by W. Ziethe (printed, Berlin 1885), damaged.- Printed matter for the telegraph conference (list of delegates, invitations, programme for the trip to Babelsberg, telegrams, newspaper cuttings, Electra festival, menu, list of members of the 1885 city council, visiting cards).- Newspaper cuttings.
Landesarchiv Berlin, A Pr.Br.Rep. 030 Nr. 11278 · File · 1906 - 1907
Part of State Archive Berlin
  • Contains, among other things: Matters of the Colonial Department of the Foreign Office and the Imperial Colonial Office.- Searches of newspaper editorial offices.- 'Hohenlohe-Krise', 1906.- Puttkamer affair, 1906.- Criminal proceedings against Götz and comrades.- Rudolf von Bennigsen trial against Matthias Erzberger.<br /><br />Includes: newspaper cuttings.- Publication: Mannes, Wilhelm: From Lassalle to Dernburg. Eine kolonial-soziale Betrachtung, Braunschweig 1907.- B.Z. am Mittag No. 141 of 19 June 1907, No. 142 of 20 June 1907, Berlin.n* 1906 - 1907, Landesarchiv Berlin
Landesarchiv Berlin, A Pr.Br.Rep. 031 Nr. 125 · File · 1915 - 1923
Part of State Archive Berlin
  • Contains, inter alia: Spree-Havel-Dampfschiffahrtsgesellschaft 'Stern'.- General Mining and Finance Corporation Ltd.- West African Planting Company 'Viktoria' in Cameroon.- Evangelische Brüdergemeinde.- Schiller Theater AG.- Berliner Beamten-Vereinigung.- Verein Israelitisches Heimathaus und Volksküche e.V.n* 1915 - 1923, Landesarchiv Berlin
Landesarchiv Berlin, A Pr.Br.Rep. 107-01 Nr. 94 · File · 1942
Part of State Archive Berlin
  • Contains: Questionnaire. Grave index and partly short biographies (Vice Admiral Wilhelm Berger, † 01.10.1898; Lieutenant General Ernst von Bernuth, † 22.09.1912; General of the Infantry á la suite of the Corps of Engineers Hans Alexis von Biehler, † 30.12.1886; General of the Infantry and Adjutant General of the Emperor Hans Paulus Herwarth von Bittenfeld, † 20.05.1881; General of the Artillery Adolf von Deines, † 30.05.1914; Police Constable Bruno Fischer, † 11.11.1924 shot in the back while intervening against a KPD demonstration; Captain Lieutenant E. O. Freyer and 28 officers and crew, common grave of the crew who died in an accident on 17.10.1913 in Johannisthal near Berlin with the naval airship L 2; Fusilier Hermann Fricke, † 21.02.1904 Memorial stone at the Lichtenstein Bridge; General of the Infantry and President of the Imperial Military Court Julius Freiherr von Gemmingen, † 23.10.1903; Division General and Adjutant General of the Sultan Karl Ludwig Viktor von Grumbckow-Pascha, † 30.06.1901; General and veteran and fellow fighter of the York Corps Carl Ludwig Stern von Gwiazdowski, † 26.05.1874; army music officer Prof. Oskar Hackenberger, † 08.11.1929; Field Marshal Wilhelm von Hanke, † 08.02.1912; philosopher Eduard von Hartmann, † 1906; Vice-Admiral Ludwig von Henk, † 17.10.1894; former Princely Reussian Minister of State Karl Franz Ernst von Hinüber ( 22.08.1854, † 30.08.1929); Hitler Youth Hans Hoffmann ( 13.12.1913, † 17.08.1931) murdered; Imperial Ambassador Dr Theodor von Holleben ( 16.09.1838, † 31.01.1913); Colonel and Commander of Pioneer School 1 in Berlin-Karlshorst Ernst Jesse, † 26.03.1937; African explorer Captain Kling, † 15.09.1892; Founder of the Blue Cross Lieutenant Colonel Curt von Knobelsdorff, † 24.01.1904; Admiral Eduard von Knorr, † 17.02.1920; Surgeon General Georg Ehrenfried Körting, † 11.12.1919; Colonel a.Hans von Kramsta, † 05.02.1912; General of the Infantry and father of the writer Lilli Braun Hans von Kretschmann, † 30.07.1899; Retired Surgeon General Dr Gustav Lange, † 08.09.1911; personal physician to Kaiser Wilhelm I Gustav Adolph von Lauer, † 08.04.1889; personal physician to Kaiser Wilhelm I and surgeon general Rudolf von Leuthold, † 03.12.1905; Chief of Police Bernd Freiherr von Lüdinghausen, known as Wolff, † 31.03.1930; Lieutenant General Otto Baron von Lüdinghausen-Wolff, † 07.03.1910; Hitler Youth Horst Marchwinski, † 23.01.1935; writer and curator of the Potsdam Palace Library Balduin Möllhausen ( 27.01.1825, † 28.05.1905); Lieutenant General and Commander of the Guard Cavalry Division Raimund von Pelet-Narbonne, † 19.06.1914; State Archivist and Historian Hermann von Petersdorf ( 16.01.1864, † 23.07.1929); Lieutenant Colonel Prof. Dr. h.c. Paul Pochhammer ( 21.02.1841, † 02.03.1916); military writer Bernhard von Poten, † 22.11.1909; General of the Infantry and fortress builder and military writer Moritz von Prittwitz und Gaffron, † 22.10.1885; Surgeon General Max Rudeloff, † 06.01.1916; Royal Chief Music Master and 'Schwarzer Kapellmeister' Gustav Sabac-el-Cher, † 1934; Lieutenant General Conrad von Schubert, † 20.01.1924; General of Artillery Hermann von Schubert, † 20.07.1926; Colonel General Richard von Schubert, † 13.05.1933; Lieutenant General Hermann Schulz, † 30.04.1913; Privy War Counsellor and President of the Senate at the Imperial Court Martial Paul Semler, † 09.03.1937; versatile inventor Adolf Siemens, † 29.09.1887, cousin of Werner von Siemens; General Friedrich Karl Stavenhagen, † 30.03.1869; General of the Infantry and Adjutant General to the Emperor Gustav von Stiehle, † 15 Nov. 1899; Surgeon General Fritz Timann, † 21 Dec. 1931; Captain of the Imperial Protection Force of German East Africa Hellmuth von Trotha, † 20 Jan.1928; physician general and personal physician to the Kaiser Franz Valentini, † 16/08/1895; senior musician Carl Voigt, † 18/02/1914; police sergeant Paul Zänkert, † 30/05/1931 shot on Steel Helmet Day).<br /><br />Includes: Grave memorial (photo) and excerpt from: Walther Schoenichen 'Consecrated sites of the world city', 1928 concerning Eduard von Hartmann.n* 1942, Landesarchiv Berlin
Landesarchiv Berlin, F Rep. 270 Nr. 8684 · File · 1907 - 1912
Part of State Archive Berlin
  • 1907 - 1912, Landesarchiv Berlinn* Contains: World map with steamship lines (sheet 1), Togo (sheets 2-3), Cameroon (sheets 4-10), German East Africa (sheets 11-19), Pacific Ocean and Kiautschou/China (sheets 20-25) as well as 24 pp. Indexes of places (part for Cameroon missing).<br />Bound atlas with 49 pages in multicolour printing<br /><br />Including: ed. by Reichskolonialamt; edited by Paul Sprigade and Max Moisel Verlag von Dietrich Reimer (Ernst Vohsen), Berlin.