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Description archivistique
BArch, R 1501/115966 · Dossier · März 1912 - Jan. 1914
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Participation of Dr. Wegener in a Danish Greenland expedition, 1912 publication of an international bibliography for philosophy by Dr. Ruge, 1912 elaboration of a German-American bibliography by H.R. Jockisch, 1912 work of the German Society for the Dissemination of Good Jugendschriften and Books, 1912 participation of Dr. Wegener in a Danish Greenland expedition, 1912 publication of an international bibliography for philosophy by Dr. Ruge, 1912 work of the German Society for the Dissemination of Good Jugendschriften and Books, 1912 participation of Dr. Ruge in a German-American bibliography by H.R. Jockisch, 1912 work of the German Society for the Dissemination of Good Jugendschriften and Books, 1912 participation of Dr. Wegener in a Danish Greenland expedition. Hoffmann-Kutschke on a Bavarian research expedition to Persia, 1912 purchase of the private collection of fossil siliceous sponges from Dr. Schrammen, 1912 support of the Schützenverein Diederhofen (Lorraine), 1912 compilation of an international bibliography of the entire sciences by P. Schrammen. Niemann, 1913 publication of a work on the oldest agriculture of the Southern Germans by Prof. Braungart, 1913 German-English airship expedition to explore New Guinea, 1913 continuation of excavations on the Ionian Islands by Prof. Dörpfeld, 1913 work of the International Institute for Research in Missionary Science, 1913 research trip to China and Tibet under the direction of W. Stökner, 1913 work of the German Association for School Health Care, 1913 work of the Richard Wagner Scholarship Foundation, 1913

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 113 Nr. 313 · Dossier · 1934, 1936
Fait partie de Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Problems in the cooperation between the party and the Stapo in Bielefeld; shortcomings in the leadership of the young people; conflicts between SA or SS and rural riding and driving clubs; conflicts between the DRC and the Nazi women's movement; difficulties of the Nazi women's movements in the countryside; discontent among the population about the unequal treatment of workers and civil servants as well as concerns about the food situation; rumours about colonial acquisition in Africa and an imminent war against the Soviet Union; activities

Stadtarchiv Worms, 185 / 0103 · Dossier · 1931 - 1937
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Includes: A.H.S.C. Worms (Bezirksverband alter Corpsstudenten Worms, invitations to Farben pubs and other events; ALLGEMEINER RICHARD-WAGNER-VEREIN, Zweigverein Leipzig (concerning membership fees); GENERAL DEUTSCHER JAGDSCHUTZVEREIN; ALTERTUMSVEREIN (Invitations; Newsletter No. 5, May 1934); AUTOMOBILCLUB von DEUTSCHLAND (Membership Card); BADISCHER SCHWARZWALDVEREIN Ortsgruppe Bühlertal (Membership Card); DEUTSCHE AUFBAUHFE (Cancellation of membership); DEUTSCHE AUFSBILGEHILFE (Cancellation concerning Membership, detailed explanation); DEUTSCHE GESELLSCHAFT zur Rettung SCHIFFBRÜCHIGER (Representative for Worms and surroundings L. Bischoff, retired Police Director)); DEUTSCHNATIONALER HANDLUNGSGEHILFEN-VERBAND, Ortsgruppe Worms; DEUTSCHER SPRACHVEREIN, Ortsgruppe Worms; DEUTSCHER SCHEFFELBUND; DEUTSCHE STEUBEN-GESELLSCHAFT (Membership Cards); FRAUENVEREIN vom ROTEN KREUZ für Deutsche über See; FREIWILLIGE FEUERWEHR WORMS (grem. 1854, 80th anniversary, 16./17.6.1934); GARTENBAUVEREIN WORMS e.V. (Foundation Festival, 28.9.1935, 22.9.1934); GESELLSCHAFT für FREIE PHILOSOPHIE (circulars to members; invitations; membership card); GESELLSCHAFT von Freunden und Förderern der Universität Gießen); GESELLSCHAFT für Deutsch-Italienische Verständigung (information, list of members, statutes); GÖLLHEIMER WALDJAGD-GESELLSCHAFT (Invitation to a hunt); HESSISCHES ROTES KREUZ; HEUFIEBERBUND e.V. (Information, circulars to members); HILFSVEREIN für BERUFSARBEITER der Inneren Mission e.V. (Correspondence concerning limited possibility of donation, situation on site, imminent confiscation of the hostel by SA); JUNG-ODENWALD-KLUB Worms; KANARIENZUCHT- und VOGELSCHUTZVEREIN Worms und Umgebung; KANINCHENZUCHT-VEREIN Worms; KAUFMÄNNISCHER VEREIN Worms-Frankfurt a.M. e.V. (founded 1890; Elly Beinhorn-Abend, 28.2.1934 [Sportfliegerin] Correspondence concerning her stay as well as two newspaper articles [WVZ vom 01.03.1934, WZ vom 01.03.1934]; KOLONIALE JUGENDGRUPPE "Lettow Vorbeck" (correspondence negative; critical attitude) Darin: 79. Jahresbericht des Germanischen Nationalmuseums