Affichage de 20 résultats

Description archivistique
Berger, Carl (1871-1962)
RMG 1.642 a-b · Dossier · 1892, 1898-1906, 1912-1961:; 1964-1976
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1898-1906 in Berseba, Rietmond, Ghochas, Gibeon, Haruchas bei Ghochas, from 1905 Farmer, cf. RMG 1.341 for estate; curriculum vitae and application documents, 1892; letters and reports, 1898-1905; copy of e. letter from Hendrik Witbooi to the captains of Berseba and Bethanien, 1904; Report on the rescue of his wife and children, who had been abducted to Gramus, 8 p..., hs., Oct. 1904; Report by Mrs. Ida Berger, née Bergmann, related Albath about her experiences during the outbreak of the Hottentot uprising in Gochas and on the trip to Gramus, 32 p., hs., 1904; Proclamation of the Lieutenants General von Trotha an d. Hottentotten, in German, Dutch and Nama, Apr. 1905; Memorandum: "Entwicklung d. Unruhen im Gochaser Gebiet", 1904; Detailed report on Carl Berger's experiences during the 1904 uprising in the Gochaser Gebiet, 15 p., hs, June 1905; Nachtragsbericht über d. Folgen d. Aufstandes, Aug. 1905; Ehrenerklärung d. Oberleutnants Stuhlmann für Carl Berger, Nov. 1905; declaration of resignation and justification for this by Carl Berger, June 1906; correspondence with Carl Berger, 1912-1961; correspondence with Mrs. Margarete Berger, née Ruymann, widow Carl Bergers

Société des missions du Rhin
German-Southwest Africa
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, IX. HA, SPAE, IV Nr. 39 · Dossier · ca. 1904 - 1914
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

and others: Windhoek (Windhoek); Kahnrivier; Swakopmund; Oitjo natives (Owambo, Herero; Witbooi-Nama); Buren; mountain battery in Windhoek; Hendrik Witbooi (*1824, ?1905); member of the German Schutztruppe; construction of the Nord-Südbahn; (28 x 21 cm) different sizes; album with photographs, sw

German-Southwest Africa
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, IX. HA, SPAE, IV Nr. 38 · Dossier · ca. 1904 - 1914
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

and others: Lazaret in Windhoek; Warrior Association Windhoek; Native Church in Windhoek; Natives (Herero; Nama; Owambo); German Schutztruppe; Fortress Omaruru; Church in Bethany; Oitjo; Artillery of the German Schutztruppe; Kunene river; Owambo mission station; native animal species; Gobabis fortress; Oas fortress; Auasberg heliographer station; Keetmanshoop fortress; (28 x 21 cm) various sizes; album with photographs, black and white; z. T. strongly faded

Hoachanas (with lime rim and heath)
RMG 2.504 · Dossier · 1903-1969
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Oasib's tribe, gen. Roode Natie or Red Nation, unoccupied after 1922, outstation: Habamas, Station Hoachanas s. a. RMG 2.500 a, co-served by Gibeon since 1922, s.a. RMG 2.526 a, outstation of Rehoboth, Farm Hoachanas s. RMG 2.549; chronology of Station Hoachanas, 1853-1923; Station- u. Annual reports, by Friedrich Anton Judt, Wilhelm Niemeier and Adolf Blecher, 1903-1908; station and annual reports, by Emil Karl Laaf 1921,; visitation report, 1906; report on construction work, by mission colonist Oskar Emil August Gerlach, 1910; statistical questionnaire, 1910

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 2.640 b · Dossier · 1894-1966
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Life Picture of Anania by Heinrich Vedder, n.d.; Letters by Nikodemus Kido, Sesfontein, Wilhelm Kandjii, Aminuis, 1913 1922; Correspondence Petrus Jod to Missionary Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1935-1944; Correspondence Markus Witbooi to Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1939-1940; Life Picture of Nikodemus Kido, Sesfontein, Wilhelm Kandjii, Aminuis, 1913 1922; Life Picture of Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1939-1940 Jakobus Beukes, on the occasion of his ordination as first local pastor, written by Wilhelm Lind, n.d.; J. Dausab and Hendrik Isaak to Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1940; Erastus Kandovazu, report on his death, 1941; circular letter to the local coworker and to the local priest. Gemeinden, by Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spell-meyer and Friedrich Wilhelm (Fritz) Mayer, 1939-1945; Verzeichnis d. einheimischen Mitarbeiter (with dates of birth), 1941; circular letter in Nama language by Friedrich Hermann Rust, 1948; Korrespondenz RMG mit verschiedenen einheimischen Mitarbeiter, 1948-1963; correspondence Gustav Menzel mit Joh. Daniel Strydom, 1954-1959 1966; Correspondence G. Menzel with P. Hendrik Isaak, Maltahöhe, 1953; Report on the ordination of Bergdama parish priest Josef Hanse and inauguration of the new church school in Stamprietfontein, 1954; list of all employees in SWA (ELK) (with dates of birth), 1965;

Société des missions du Rhin
Olpp, Johannes (1837-1920)
RMG 1.363 · Dossier · 1902-1906
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Estate:; Various documents in photocopy from the family's possession:; Mission Trips on Sailing Ships, 16 S., hs., o. J.; Wo u. wie ich nächtigte, 17 S., hs., 1902; Die äußeren Schwierigkeiten d. Missionufens, Referat, o. J.; Brief Lebensabriß von d. Rheinischen Missionar Johann Georg Krönlein, 4 S., hs.., 1903; Chronicle of Nama-Hereroland, 1858-1905, 7 p., hs., design, 1905; Short Chronicle of the Witboic concerning mission work, 3 p., hs, ca. 1905; contribution to the history of the Kurasi tribe, 1897, as supplement to Olpps March Report, 4 p., hs., 1906; [All manuscripts listed here are available only in photocopy. The originals are in the possession of Mrs Lucie Olpp (granddaughter), who left photocopies of the archive in January 1985].

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 2.678 · Dossier · 1938-1959
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Contributions to Nama spelling, translation work of missionaries, literature for local Christians, answers to the questionnaire of the World Mission Conference 1938, music in the evangelical mission of Southwest Africa;

Société des missions du Rhin
Rehoboth (with Hoachanas and Aub)
RMG 2.526 a · Dossier · 1901-1937
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Outstation: Hoachanas, Nama u. Bastards, Swartboois Stamm, Farm Rehoboth s. RMG 2.564, Kirchenspaltung s. RMG 2.608 a-c, Station Hoachanas s. a. RMG 2.500 a, RMG 2.504 u. RMG 3.300; annual, conference and semi-annual reports, by Adolf Blecher u. Hermann Schroer, 1901-1937; unconfirmed deed of donation of d. "Sparfeld" (copy), 1906; Visitationsberichte, 1906 1908 1911; Bericht von d. Einweihung d. Kirche, 1908; Baukostenabrechnungen, 1909 1911; Letters from Joh. Beukes and other parishioners to Inspector Rudolf Wegner for disputes in the parish, 1927-1928; Half-yearly reports on sisters' work, by Erna Okolowitz, 1928-1937

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.625 · Dossier · 1888-1908
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Ethnological work on the Nama people:; The Hottentott, I. as Heathen II. as Christian, or Once & Now, 2 issues ms, ca. 1900; concept for this, also letter concepts, diary-like notes and poems, book, from 1893; Unter d. Bergdamra, fragment, 1 booklet, no year; letters by Heinrich u. Hermine Riechmann, née Gudelius, reused Wandres to relatives in Germany, 1888-1900; certificate of appointment for Hermine Riechmann, née Gudelius, reused Wandres as mother of Johanneum in Gütersloh, 1908;

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 1.623 a-f · Dossier · 1884-1933
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1884-1929 in Warmbad, Windhoek, Keetmanshoop, Lüderitzbucht, Präses d. Nama-Mission; letters, reports, station reports, annual reports, statistics, 1884-1929; private letters to Inspector Ludwig von Rohden, 1885-1886; in 1.623a pages 19-21 are missing, probably 2 watercolours by Blyde Verwacht u. !Nabis im Gei!from Karl (Carl) Friedrich Wandres, ca. 1887; - Map overview of the sold places between Keetmanshoop and Warmbad, ca. 1888; Report of the elders Johannes Witbooi, Warmbad, about his evangelization journey in the area of the Bondelzwarts, 1889; Orders to Friedrich Kämpfer and Friedrich Schindelin, 1888-1889; Declaration of honour of the captains d. Bondelzwarts for Karl (Carl) Friedrich Wandres, 1891; Report about the sermon journey of two elders of the Warmbad community, 1893; Timetable of the Imperial German Reich Post Keetmanshoop - Steinkopf, 1894; map by !Nabis M. 1: 300 & projected mission station, 1896; private letters to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, 1886-1898; Three visits to Rietfontein (Kalahari desert), essay, 1898; About the use of alcohol in our churches, 16 p. hs, 1898; Roman tissue of lies, 1900; Memorandum on land matters in Windhoek, 1903; Festivities for the inauguration of the Mission Church in Windhoek, May 1903; Native Census of Windhoek, March 1903; 1 copy of a booklet with the name of the church. "German Southwest African Newspaper", No. 2, January 1903; 1 copy "Landeszeitung für Westafrika", No. 112, September 1920; copy of a letter by Hendrik Witbooi, July 1889

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 2.533 a · Dossier · 1900-1913
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

see also RMG 2.571; quarterly, annual and conference reports on the work in the field. Herero- u. Nama-Gemeinde Windhoek, by Karl Friedrich Wandres, Friedrich A. Meier u. Gustav Becker, 1900-1913; Contract for property exchange between Fiskus u. RMG (copy), 1906; visitation reports, 1906 1908; accounting for building costs of the Chapel in Klein-Windhoek, 1908; estimate for the construction of the 2nd mission house, 1909; plans for the conversion of the old school, 1912; application for purchase of land, 1912; report on trips to the mission house. Farmen im Nähe von Windhoek m. Kartenskizze, Lage u. Namen d. Farmen, by Gustav Becker, 1913; Disputes with the Shipyard Elder Franz, 1913

Société des missions du Rhin
RMG 2.533 c · Dossier · 1929-1945
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Reports about the work in d. Herero- u. Nama-Gemeinde, by Friedrich Pönnighaus, Christian Ludwig Kühhirt u. Martin Jonas Werner, 1929-1945; reports on sister and school work, by Helene Köhler, Frieda Schröder u. Else Menninger, 1929-1945; report on the 25th anniversary of the Herero Ovambo Community, by Christian Ludwig Kühhirt, 1933

Société des missions du Rhin