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Archival description
Instructions for officials
Stadtarchiv Greven, 3249 · File · 1932 - 1951
Part of Greven City Archive (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Among others - participation of officials in political events 1932, 1933 - introduction of the Hitler salute 1933, 1934 - swearing in of officials and employees to Adolf Hitler, 1934 - belonging of officials to a Freemason lodge, 1935 - prohibition of buying in department stores, 1938 - application of § 71 DbG. to civil servants who are "emotionally and intellectually" opposed to the Nazi worldview, 1938 - company appeal "Göringrede", 1939 - civil servants for the colonial service, 1940 - use of war-disabled at government offices, 1942 - decree on the use of "Soviet state property" and "Jewish property" in "the occupied Eastern territories", 1942 - Duty to greet members of the Ordnungspolizei, 1943- "adverse influence on the mood of the people", 1943- Political activity of civil servants, 1945 and 1946- discharge certificates for former civil servants of the administration, 1947- swearing in of civil servants, 1950

BArch, RW 59/19 · File · 1933-1945
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Cadets Cadet Corps Kaiser Wilhelm Academy Combat Commanders Warfare Agents Warfare Injuries Canteen Operation / Canteen Operations Capitulants Capitulants in the Old Army Capitulants Hand Money Lists and Card Index Management Cash and Accounting Cavalry 3. Cavalry Division Cavalry Officers Cavalry Regiment 15 Kiautschou Children's Land Dispatch Children's Surcharges Church Carbon Oxide Test Paper Colonial Service Colonies Combatants Commanders Commanding Generals and Commanders in the Air Circles Command Commands Commanding Authorities Commanding Flags Commanding Flags of the Air Force Concentration Camps Corruption

Memoirs: 1872 - 1916
BArch, N 1740/1 · File · 1930-1937
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: I Youth, up to Abitur, 1872-1891, II Student, Trainee and Assessor, 1891-1902, III First South American Period (Argentina, Brazil), 1902-1905, IV As Legation Councillor in the Foreign Office, 1905-1908, V Second South American Period (Paraguay), until my resignation, 1908-1910, VI Weltanschauung, VII Zwischenzeit uncertain, 1910-1912, VIII Im Kolonialdienst (Kamerun), 1912-1913, IX Nigerien (bis zum Heimaturlaub), 1913, X Muni-Expedition und Weltkrieg.- On Fernando Poo [Bioko], 1914-1916

BArch, R 2/4978 · File · 1940-1942
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Includes: Visit of the Colonial School Witzenhausen, Nov. 1940 Guidelines for Colonial Political Education (Print), Oct. 1940 Organization and Planning of the Reich School for Colonial Service - Excerpt from a lecture by Baltes, Amt für Schulung des Kolonialpolitischen Amtes der NSDAP, 1940

StACO Min G 925 · File · 1886
Part of State Archives Coburg (Archivtektonik)

hinsichtlich derjenigen Coburg-Gothaischen Untertanen, die in niederländische Militärdienste treten wollen; Übersendung von Legitimations-, Auswanderungs- und Militärpapieren an die in die niederländische Kolonialarmee eintretenden deutschen Staatsangehörigen durch Vermittelung der zuständigen Deutschen Konsularämter

BArch, R 901/81225 · File · (Aug.) Sept. 1902 - Apr. 1903
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: State of railway construction in China in general (report of the command of the cruiser squadron from Yokohama), (Aug.) Oct. 1902 Chinese participation in the share capital of the SEG, acquisition of shares by Mandarine, 1902 "Principles for the transfer of Bavarian civil servants to the colonial service of the Reich", o. Dat. Visit of the Governor of Schantung Province, Choufu, to the SEG in Tsingtau (thanks to the Chinese envoy in Berlin and correspondence with Choufu), Dec. 1902 - March 1903 Conversion of the American Railway Construction Syndicate Hankau - Canton into an American-Belgian Railway Company, Aug. 1902

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 50/10 Bü 52 · File · 9. Mai - 27. Juli 1827
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Escape of Brunswick. Secret council from Schmidt to Hanover; birthday celebration of the Countess of Hesse-Darmstadt; death of Count von Seyboldsdorf; Rhine navigation; affair with Prussia. Envoy in the Netherlands, Count Schladen; advertising for the colonial service in East India; accident of the steamboat 'Friedrich Wilhelm' on the Rhine

BArch, R 3001/22361 · File · 1938
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains above all: Appointment of former colonial civil servants and civil servants of the courts in the OLG districts, the RG, the VGH as well as the Reich Patent Office and the Community Camp Hans Kerrl who may be considered for a possible colonial service

Archivverbund Bautzen, Stadtarchiv, 62011 - 51 · File · 1939 - 1940
Part of Archive Association Bautzen (Archive Tectonics)

Contains among others: Regulation on the transfer of middle and senior civil servants to the administrations of occupied territories (Memelland, Sudetenland, West Prussia, France) - Regulation on the transfer of civil servants to the administrative service of the Air Force - Regulation on the provision of protection policemen for the deployment in Poznan (now Poznan in Poland) - List of seconded civil servants. Dienststrafverfahren gegen Stadtbauinspektor Alfred Fiebig - Report on the personnel situation at the Sächsischer Sparkassenverband und Giroverband Sächsischer Gemeinden - Meldungen zur Eignung für den Kolonialdienst - Verzeichnis Stadtangestellter - Verzeichnis zum Wehrmacht eingeftigte Angestellter.