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Edicts and patents (prints), vol. 2
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 109, Nr. 3802 · Dossier · 1782, 1797 - 1816
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

227 sheets, Contains: - Declaration patent because of reintroduction of the General Tobacco Administration, 18.6.1797 - Edict as it was issued by the reintroduced General Tobacco Administration in the Royal Prussian Lands on this side of the Weser as well as in Silesia, South and New East Prussia in respect of the entire tobacco system from 1.10. to 1.10.1797.7.8.1797 - declaration patent due to rescission of the Tobacco Administration, 25.12.1797 - public concerning the manufacture and sale of roll tobacco, the regulations to be observed by the tobacco manufacturers and the levying of an increased tobacco impost and an increased carry-over accent, 1.1.1798 - Renewed and extended general postal regulations for all royal provinces, 26.11.1782 - Ordinance on the more appropriate establishment of oaths, 26.10.1799 - Renewed regulation about the use of the stamp paper, the powers of attorney, playing cards and music sheets and because of the otherwise to be paid stamp fees, 17.9.1802 - closer instruction for the Landes-Collegia, upper and lower courts, magistrates and all other state servants about the use of the stamp paper, 17.9.1802 -Instruction for the Salt Excise Customs and Border Officers in South Prussia on how to behave when discovering salt contraventions and the salt fittings to be made, 26.6.1793 - New Mourning Regulations, 7.10.1797 - Decree concerning the vaulting machines to be put into circulation, 4.2.1806 - Decree concerning the improvement of the provincial, police and financial authorities, 26.12.1808 - Interest law, 15.2.1809 - Decree concerning the conservation of debtors in possession and food, 24.11.1807 - Regulations for the Entry of the High Body of Her Majesty the Queen and for the Burial in the Cathedral Church, 21.7.1810 - Regulations for the Introduction of Income Tax in the Kurmark and Magdeburg Districts on this Side of the Elbe, 11.3.1810 - Decree concerning the half of the salary of royal civil officers to be appropriated because of guilty alimony, 10.8.1810 - Dresden Convention for the Settlement of Mutual Claims of Prussia and the Duchy of Warsaw, French with German translation, 10.9.1810 - Edict on the State's Finaces and the New Institutions because of Taxes, etc.., 27.10.1810 - Regulation concerning the export of inheritances and property from the Prussian provinces to the Kingdom of Westphalia, 25.10.1810 - Patent for taxation of colonial goods, 10.10.1810 - Announcement on the quartering and boarding of the Imperial French troops, 28.3.1812 - Regulation on the organisation of the Landwehr, 17.3.1813 - Decree on the Land Storm, 21.4.1813 - Manifesto of His Majesty the Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia, 1813 - Distribution of Business Regulations of the Prussian State Administration, 16.12.1815 - Office Style of the Second and Third Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 20.1.1816.

HZAN La 140a Bü 107 · Dossier · 1875-1876, 1878-1881
Fait partie de State Archive Baden-Württemberg, Hohenlohe Central Archive Neuenstein (Archivtektonik)

Contains: 1st Association for the German North Polar Tour in Bremen. 36th meeting of the Association on 13.03.1875. 2nd meeting of the Association for the German North Polar Flight in Bremen. Research trip to Western Siberia 1876 (III, V-IX). 1876. 3. statutes of the African Society in Germany, n.d. 4th Statutes of the Geographical Society in Bremen, Bremen (1876). 5. list of the members of the Geographical Society in Bremen on 15.02.1878. 6. annual report of the board of the Geographical Society in Bremen, Bremen (1878). 7. C. Lehmann, Verkehrskarte der Provinz Schlesien, Berlin 1878. 8th overview map of the Überseeischen Postdampfschiffslinien im Weltpostverkehr, Berlin 1881. 9th E. v. Weber, Der Unabhängigkeitskampf der Niederdeutschen Bauern in Süd-Afrika, Berlin 1881. 10th fifth annual report of the board of the Georgraphische Gesellschaft in Bremen, Bremen 1882. 11. A. Conze, Pergamon, Berlin 1880. 12. J. Chavanne, Explanations to the Wall Map of Africa, Vienna 1878. 13. A. Mueller, Map of the Countries on the Lower Danube, Weimar 1876. 14. Special Map of the Zulu Country, n. d. 15. Circumference of the Universal Postal Union, Berlin 1879.

Miscellanea, Bd. 2
_Theol.Fak.01 096 · Dossier · 1914 - 1922
Fait partie de University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin
  • Darin: Darin: - Bl. 20: Stark, W.: Tätigkeitsbericht über das vierte Arbeitsjahr 1914 des Evangelischen Preßverbandes für Deutschland (E. V.). - 19 S. - Berlin : E. Meyer, 1915 - Bl. 21: The Martyrdom of the Protestant Missionaries in Cameroon 1914 : Reports by eyewitnesses / edited by W. Starck. - 14 S. - Berlin-Steglitz, 1915 - pp. 45-46: Collection list no. 006231 / Deutscher Krieger-Hilfsbund - pp. 78: Evangelisches Kirchenblatt für Schlesien, ZDB-ID: 534512-1 ; 21(1918)13 - pp. 81: Der Kampf um die Denkfreiheit oder Was wollen der Toleranzantrag? - Ebingen : Cooperative printing works, n.d. - Bl. 172-175: Der evangelische Theologe, March 1919 (Information Sheets for Career Guidance) - Bl. 108: Sächsisches Kirchenblatt, ZDB-ID: 544588-7 ; 71(1921)44. * Includes: among others: - Measures taken by the Faculty of Theology and by students during and after World War I - pp. 25-26: Todesanzeige für Hans Reimann - pp. 31-36: Christoff, W.: Fortschritt der 2. Reformation im Staat Hamburg, 1915 - pp. 37-43: Zur Frage des Studium der Ausländer an den Preussischen Hochschulen : Eingabe des Ausschusses der Studentenschaft der Universität Berlin an den Preußischen Kultusminister, 1916 - pp. 103: Todesanzeige für Georg Goens - pp. 169-170: Satzung der Theologenschaft Berlin, 1920.
_Theol.Fak.01 085 · Dossier · 1910 - 1920
Fait partie de University Archive of the Humboldt University Berlin
  • Darin: - Bl. 1: Das freie Wort : Frankfurter Monatsschrift für Fortschritt auf allen Gebiete des geistigen Lebens, ZDB-ID: 545015-9 ; 10(1910)14 - Bl. 4: Arthur Schopenhauer und das Christentum im Anschluss und zur Fortsetzung von Weltanschauung das Unglück und der Christ : a contribution to a better understanding of the riddles of our existence and the world. - 36 S. - Arolsen : C. Loewié, 1910 - Bl. 6: Decree of the Minister of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs of 18 January 1911 concerning the care of young people. - 16 S. - Berlin : J. G. Cotta, 1911 - p. 10: The twenty-third German Protestant Kirchengesangvereinstag zu Hannover from 2 to 3 October 1911 - 62 pp. - Leipzig : Breitkopf