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Archival description
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 1/2 Bü 135 · File · 1888-1912
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Programme speech before the voters' meeting Ebingen, printed, 4.2.1887 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Anniversary tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of an election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, 1888 - Draft of the election programme, printed, 1888 - "Jubilee tax, official assembly and constitution", printed, end of 1888 - Draft "From laborious governing", mechanical, 1888/1890 - Report on the state parliament session in the Swabian Mercury, printed, printed., 5.4.1889 - Jungfernrede Haussmanns in der Abgeordnetenkammer, ed., 10.4.1889 - Speech in the election challenge debate, ed., 18.6.1889 - Speech on the reintroduction of the election envelope, ed., 19.6.1889 - Newspaper report on a speech by voters in Ebingen, ed., 10.11.1889 - Reichstag speech on the colonial bill, ed, 12.6.1890 (three reports) - lecture about the political situation, printed, 14.9.1891 - speech in the voters' meeting in Tuttlingen, printed, 2.10,1892 - "Der Wegweiser", poem Haussmanns, printed, o.D. - speech in Ebingen, printed, 30.6.1894 - report about party congress of the South German People's Party in Aschaffenburg and the speech Haussmanns in the Aschaffenburger Zeitung, printed, 24.9.1894 - Haussmann's toast to the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, handschr., January 1895 - "Die württembergische Landtagswahl", printed, 19.2.1895 - "Die politische Indolenz", printed, October 1895 - Reichstag speech on the BGB, printed, 12.12.1895 - "So kann es nicht weitergehen - Gedanken eines Steuerzahlers", printed ca. 1895 - Report of the People's Party to its voters on the Reichstag session 1895/1896, printed, o.D. - Toast to Haussmann on the anniversary of the foundation of the Reich, printed, January 1896 - "Ein Minister über Bord" zur Entlassung Bronsarts, printed, 17.8.1895 - General Assembly of the Bezirksvolksverein in Balingen, printed, 17.1.1897 - "On the Threshold of Reform - Constitutional Revision, Proportional Election and the Attitude of the Parties", ed., 17.1.1897 - Haussmann's Article on "Electoral Victory of Democracy in Norway" in "Dagbladet Kristiania", 9.11.1897 - "From Tedious Governance", mach., September 1897 - "The People's Party in Parliament 1895-1900", ed, o.D. - Election program of the Volkspartei by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann, printed, 1900 - Speeches by Friedrich and Conrad Haussmann in Heilbronn at the Volksparteitag, printed, 16.11.1902 - Speech on two years of service in the Reichtag, handschr., 1903 - Speech of the Landtag on the Betriebsmittelgemeinschaft, printed, 9.12.1904 - Speech as reporter in the Landtag on the administrative reform, mechanical and manual reform, German, English 1904 - Poem "Berlin Politics", handschr., New Year 1905 - Schiller speech, printed, 7.5.1905 - Draft of a constitutional law, printed by the Landtag, 17.6.1905 - Closing speech to the constitutional revision, handschr., 1905 - "Volksrecht oder Herrenrechte? Speech by Wilhelm Keil, printed, 27.6.1905 - "Zur Verfassungsrevision in Württemberg", printed, 9.7.1905 - "Ein Mahnwort aus der Deutschen Volkspartei", printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Verfassungsrevision in der Kommission", printed, 18.7.1905 - Notes on an Election Speech, hand printed, 1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die Auswärtige Lage", mechanical, January 1906 - Election Programme of the People's Party, printed, 18.7.1905 - "Die, 12.11.1906 - "An die Reichstagswähler", printed, New Year 1907 - "An die deutschen Wähler, handschr., o.D. - Rede zum Vereinsgesetz, printed, 1907 - Speech in Spaichingen, printed, 13.1.1907 - "Die Bedeutung der Neuwahlen", speech in Ebingen, printed, 19.1.1907 - "Die Reichstagsstichwahl" in Balingen, printed, 3.2.1907 - "Bülow", without author, printed.., o.D. - "Ultra-Montagnini", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11.1907 - "Die Wahl", printed, o.D. - "Die Wahl", printed, February 1907 - "À vous, Allemands", printed, o.D. - "Die neue politische Saison" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 30.11.1907 - "Wahl und Moral", printed, 30.11., February 1907 - "Parliamentarism", printed, o.D. - "Old Chinese Poetry", printed, December 1907 - "The New Problem", printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907 - "The New Crisis" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, September 1907, 21.1.1908 - "Anti-Prussian sausage-likeness", printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 4.2.1908 - "Imperial incidents", printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed, 1.5.1908 - Speech at the regional election in Frankfurt, printed.., 28.5.1908 - "Party Merger", printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 - "Asia", printed, 18.8.1908 - "The Moltke Case" by Schücking, printed, August 1908 - "The Interparliamentary Conference" printed, 2.6.1908 -, 2.10.1908 - " Congress?", printed, 16.10.1908 - "Alsatian", printed, November 1908 - Speech to the Daily Telgraph interview, printed, 12.11.1908 - "Before the end of the crisis", printed, 14.11.1908 - Speech in Tübingen "Zur innerpolitischen Lage", printed, 24.11.1908 - "Und nun?", printed, December 1908 - "Anno 1908", printed, 2.1.1909 - "König Eduard in Berlin", printed, 2.2.1909 - "The Renewal of Turkey and the Clumsiness of Europe", printed, 1909 - "The Conservative Leadership" by Dr. Heinrich Hutter, printed, 2.3.1909 - "After the Morocco Agreement", mechanical.., Spring 1909 - Easter article for the Neue Freie Presse Vienna, mechanical, 1909 - "Der Kriegslärm", printed, 1.4.1909 - "Die Finanzmisere", printed, 16.4.1909 - "Bülow am Scheideweg", printed, 1909 - "Geheime Universitätsreserve und Universitätsagenten" by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 1.10.1909 - "In the Air", printed, 4.10.1909 - "Der Parteiitag der Deutschen Volkspartei", by Heinrich Hutter, printed, 15.10.1909 - "Reichstagsbrief", printed, 15.12.1909 - "Die Aufgaben des fünfundes Kanzlers", printed, 19.12.1909 - Open Letter to August Bebel, handschr.

Haußmann, Conrad
Kempowski-Biografien 6691/1-17 · File · 1840er Jahre - 1940
Part of Archive of the Academy of Arts

6691/1:<br />August Schreiber (1839 Bielefeld - 1903 Barmen): Diaries and workbook:<br />- Diary, Sumatra, July 1867 - Dec. 1872<br />- Diary Jan. 1873 - Febr. 1903 (Jan. 1903) 1873 - April 1874 daily entries, thereafter only list of the places), thereby: statement of assets, 1898 and insurance policy, 1877<br />- diary, South Africa, Jan. - Aug. 1894<br />- work book, 1874 - 1903 (the one on the hs. List of mentioned diary 'England and Scotland 1864/1865' missing)<br />6691/2:<br />August Schreiber: Autobiographische Schriften<br />- 'Erinnerungen an Sumatra', 1866 - 1872, Handschrift<br />- 'Kollekten-Blätter für die Rheinische Mission', 1883 (the contributions probably originate mainly from A. Schreiber)<br />- 'Third Visit to Sumatra', brochure, Barmen, 1891<br />- 'Five Months in Security', book, Barmen, 1894<br />- 'A Mission Journey to the Far East', book, 1898 - 1999, Bertelsmann 1899 (?)<br />6691/3:<br />August Schreiber: Aufsätze und Veröffentlichungen:<br />- ' Die inneren Schwierigkeiten des Missionarufes', Lecture, Halle, 1901<br />- 'Die Menschenrechte der Eingeborenen in den Kolonien', Bremen, 1901<br />- 'Cultur und Mission in ihrer Einfluss auf die Naturvölker', Barmen, 1882<br />- 'Missionspredigt und angesprochen ....', Weilburg, 1881<br />- 'On the Characteristics of the Mission Areas of the Rhenish Mission', Barmen, 1883<br />- 'The work of the Rhenis Miss. Society amongst the Battas of Sumatra', Barmen, 1893<br />- 'The Evangelical Mission, a Proof of the Truth of Christianity', Erfurt, 1894<br />- 'Mission and Colonization', Kiel, 1885<br />- 'The Battas on Sumatra', Barmen, 1876<br />- 'The Battas in their relation to the Malays of Sumatra', Barmen, 1874<br />- 'Short outline of a Batta' theory of forms ....', Barmen, 1866<br />- 'The Gospel According to S. Matthew' (in Batta script), 1878<br />6691/4:<br />- [o.A. Author]: 'Aus der Lebensarbeit des ...', Barmen, 1906, 3 Ex.., Text identical in: 'Christlicher Volks-Kalender 1905'; Subject: Biography August Schreiber:<br />6691/5:<br />- August Schreiber: Letters to the Family, 1840s - 1903, Konvolut<br />6691/6:<br />- August Schreiber: Letters to his later wife Anna, née Möller (Bridal Letters), 1862 - 1867, Convoluted <br />6691/7:<br />- August Schreiber: Manuscripts of sermons and devotions <br />6691/8:<br />- August Schreiber: Convoluted excerpts from his letters and sermons (presumably written by his son August Wilhelm), Manuscript <br />6691/9:<br />- Letters, v.a. to Anna Schreiber, née Möller, 1860s and later (the inscription 'An Frau Pastor Frieda Zahn', Anna Schreiber's daughter, is not applicable), Karton<br />6691/10:<br />- Letters of condolence, obituaries, etc. zum Todde August Schreibers, 1903, Konvolut<br />6691/11:<br />- Franz Zahn: Letters and Reports of the Pastor and Missionary, China, 1899 - 1908, Konvolut<br />6691/12:<br />- Franz Zahn: Sermons, China, 1915 - 1916, 1924 - 1925, 1931 - 1940, China<br />6691/13:<br />- Franz Zahn or August Wilhelm Schreiber: Manuscripts, essays from China, presumably for 'Ostasiatischen Lloyd', approx. 1920, typewriter<br />6691/14:<br />- Anna Zahn: Diary, China, 1901<br />- 'Der kleine Missionsfreund', booklet, in it: Anna Zahn: 'Aus dem Leben einer chinesischen Frau'<br />6691/15:<br />- 'China's Millions', 'Missionsblatt Barmen', 'Der Ostasisiatische Lloyd', Various copies of magazines, 1901 - 1909<br />6691/16:<br />- W. Dietrich: 'Rückblick auf die fünfjährige Arbeit der Rheinischen Missions in China', 1897, manuscript, handwriting<br />6691/17:<br />- Materials for the estate: e.g. circular letter of the Barmer Mission from 1931<br />contains also:<br />- Photo of members of the mission house Barmen, 1902, on it also members of the family Schreiber, oversize, last box

Schreiber, August
RMG 2.140 · File · 1880-1952
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Vol. 1; Letters and Reports from Siar, 1900-1904; General Report of the New Guinea Mission for 1900 (1901); Conference Report on the Establishment of a Health Station, c. 1901; Conference Paper "The Importance of Literature among a Literature-less People! 1901; condolence of the imperial governor to Bergmann's death, 1904; correspondence with the German Foreign Office in Berlin for seduction of a Papuan girl by a German official, 1902-1904; correspondence with and for wife Karoline Bergmann, née. Ott, 1931-1950; Ein Brief des Siar-Christen Bel an Frau Bergmann, 1950; Obituary for Karoline Bergmann, with letter of condolence, 1952; Vol. 2; Letters and Reports from Siar (circulars, travel letters etc.), 1888-1896; Vol. 3; Letters and. Reports from Siar, 1896-1898; private letters to inspectors of the RMG, 1887-1900; letter from Missionary Bamler from Tami to Gustav Bergmann, 20.09.1896; vol. 4 Nachlass; Bergmann to his parents and siblings, 1880-1897; program of the memorial service for housemother Busch, 1886; comparison of words of the Siar- and. Bogadjim language, not published; Karoline Bergmann to the Bergmann family, 1887-1893; various correspondence to the Bergmann and Ott families, 1887-1946; Ida Helmich to Karoline Bergmann and son Theo, 1906; report on the first christening ceremony at Siar Ragetta, 1906; letters from Papua school children to son Theo, 1906

Rhenish Missionary Society
Correspondence A - K
Best. 614, A 651 · File · 1938-1943
Part of Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: 3.00 cm. Includes: Albertuswerke, Chemische Fabrik/Maschinenfabrik, Hanover Purchase of floor care products, 1939; Auslandsbrief-Prüfstelle Köln-Riehl Bank transfer of prey mail (Reisewerk von Le Vaillant) to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1941; Auslands-Zeitungshandel G.m.b.H., Cologne Purchase of foreign newspapers and magazines, 1944; Bauer, H.W., 1940 - 1942 Letterhead: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, Hauptdienststelle München Ankauf der Zeitschrift "Deutscher Kolonial-Dienst", 1940; Discussion of ethnological problems; Behrens, Josef Potsdam Ankauf von optische zeichengerät, Prospekt, 1938; Benzinger, Theodor, Stuttgart Ankauf von Fotoalben über außereuropäische Völker, 1941; Berthold, Karl Borromäus, Köln (Meisterschule des Deutschen Handwerks) Congratulation on Bs. 50. birthday 21.12.1939; C

BArch, N 523/7 · File · 1914-1919
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Superintendent Vosberg from Tsingtau about Japan; Sch. Gaev. about the general situation; Sch. Gaev. about Central Europe; Reichstag deputy bollert about naval battle at the Skagerrak; Secretary of State Posadowsky about the relationship with Russia; Professor von Liszt about arbitration agreement with America; Interview by Mc. Clure with Privy Councillor Dr. Breger; von Lossow, states at outbreak of war; v. Sch. Gaev. Interview with Ahmed Nessimi Bey, Constantinople, on trade and price relations; envoy Wolff Metternich on the causes of war; Geheimrat Deutsch on peace issues; Baron. E. von der Heydt on the outbreak of war; Privy Councillor Gneist, German Gesandschaft in The Hague on the Dutch-English treaty; Secretary of State Zimmermann on peace issues; parliamentary group meeting of the Progressive People's Party on the general situation; Professor Jäckh and Privy Councillor Meinecke on submarine warfare; Baron von der Ropp on United States; Graf Bernstorff, former ambassador to Washington on American sentiment; Graf Posadowsky on Russian folklore; Professor Jäckh on Turkey; Hecht, Noske, Zimmermann, Ricklin on the food issue; Naumann on Poland; Gothein, Deutsch, Haußmann on the general situation; State Secretary Zimmermann on peace issues; Dr. Stresemann on Reichstag resolution; parliamentary group meeting of the Progressive People's Party on general situation; Erzberger, Naumann, Rechenberg, Solf in the "German Society" on general situation in Central Europe; Reichstag delegate Marquard on rapprochement of the liberal parties; Gothein and Dernburg in the Central Committee of the Progressive People's Party on the general situation; communications of the American Odell and Dr. Altschul about Russia and the United States; Naumann inner and outer, war situation; Zimmermann about outbreak of war and submarine war; faction meeting: Naumann üner Austria, Haas, Gothein, Fischbeck, Wendorf; von der Heydt about pre-war situation; Graf Posadowsky about Poland; Professor Somary about Central Europe, Guttman about Austria, literature about Central Europe; Professor Jäckh about Turkey; Regierungspräsident Schwander about peace; K.E. Haenisch about social democracy

RMG 3.013 · File · 1900-1926
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Conference Protocols from 1900-1907; "The Balaie-Keku Language" by G. Eiffert, 21 p., ms., o.J.; "The Language Conditions in the Astrolabe Bay in German New Guinea", by A. Hanke, 8 p., Dr., Berlin 1905; List of New Guinea Literature ; Various Language Samples ; Correspondence

Rhenish Missionary Society
Max Dauthendey
Molo 1440 · File · 1914, 1918
Part of Archive of the Academy of Arts

Portrait before his departure for New Guinea as well as photo of the funeral service, with greetings of the woman, Annie Dauthendey

PAW 1812-1945 II-VI-106 · File · 1885 – 1888
Part of Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: above all: Accompanying letters and notices on submitted papers etc., including Haardt, V. v. (Vienna): General map of the ethnographic conditions of Asia (1886); Conze: Verzeichnis der Abklatsche von Inschriften (1886); Fraya, Zeitung für Volks-Aufklärung, No. 38, 1886 with article Die Verwerflichkeit der Zehn und die Vorzüglichkeit der Vier im Teil-Verkehr der Menschheit; Hoetsch, L. (Weil) on physiological artificial tone formation (1887); Mende, A. (Frankfurt/O.): Universelle Forschungen zur Geschichte des Weltalls (1887); Borch, L. v. (Innsbruck): Ein Beitrag zum gerichtlichen Verfahren des Mittelalters (1887); Paret, K. L. (Stuttgart): Protestation against science, the theologians and the state of the art in the calculation of the world era (1888) - Reports to the Academy, including: Chief of the Army General Staff on the location of the Varus Battle (1886); Meyer, A. B. (Dresden) about the old streets in the Obergailtal (1886); Königlich Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften München about the 27th plenary assembly of the Historische Kommission (1886); Kultusministerium about the discovery of a collection of laws of Alarich II by Beer in Leon (1888) and sending the report of the Kaiserlich-Deutschen Konsulat in Tunis about the opening of the Museum Alaoui (1888) - offers, information and notices to the academy, among others: Plan of the Philological Society in Constantinople for the publication of a catalogue of Greek manuscripts (1886); 100th anniversary of the Regia Academia Litterarum Historiae Antiquitatis Holmiensis S. D. P. (1886); information sheet on the 7th anniversary of the foundation of the Society. International Congress of Orientalists (1886); Wachtel (Cospoli): sale of Turkish word essays (1886); invitation to the 500th anniversary of the Ruperto Carola University Heidelberg (1886); Academy of Sciences of the Netherlands: programme of a poetic competition (1886); Rangabe (Berlin): Programme of the 25th anniversary of the Greek Philological Society of Constantinople (1886); information about the Imperial University of Japan (1886); Royal Museums: catalogue and tickets to the exhibition of the Finsch Collection of objects from New Guinea (1886); K. u. K. Consulate General: Statutes and Regulations of the Schwestern-Fröhlich-Stiftung (1887); Verein Berliner Presse: Tickets for the Uhland celebration (1887); batistie, N. (Zara): sale of a work in the old Croatian language (1888); invitation to the inauguration ceremony of the monument to Adalbert von Chamisso (1888); accompanying letter and information on applications to the academy, including..: Freier Deutscher Hochstift (Frankfurt/M.): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887); Blass, F. (Kiel): financial support for a research trip to Constantinople to study Greek manuscripts (1886); call for financial support for a monument to Adalbert von Chamisso in Berlin (1887); Wernicke, K. (1886): financial support for the reappearance of the Bibliotheca historica (1886, 1887). (Paris): financial support for a trip to Italy to research the depictions of Greek heroic sagas (1887); Haupt, K. (New York): printing of his treatise on the problem of causality in the Academy's reports (1888): Blass, F. (Kiel): Mediation of the permission of the Turkish government to use the manuscripts of the Serail Library (1886); Pauli, C. (Leipzig): Permission to examine the epigraphic estate of Corssen (1886); Kopecky, I. (Athens): Examination of his treatise on the rowing equipment of the Attischen Trieren (1888); Lühmann (Greifswald): Printing of his treatise The Old Languages at the Prussian Grammar Schools in the reports or journals of the Academy (1888).- Expert opinion on applications to the Academy for financial support, including: Baist, G. (Erlangen): research trip to London to study older Romanesque literature (1886); Meyer, P. (Smyrna): trip to the libraries of the Athos monasteries (1887); Herzsohn, P. (Bonn): publication of the work Der Überfall Alexandriens durch Peter I. (The Attack of Alexandria by Peter I.), King of Jerusalem and Cyprus (1888); Fügner (Nienburg): Publication of a Lexicon Livianum (1888) - Expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on applications for the same for financial support, including: Corssen, P. (Jever): Publication of the Vulgate of the New Testament (1886); Wenker, G.: Sprachatlas des deutschen Reiches (1886); Büttner, C. G. (Wormditt): Foundation of a journal for African languages (1886); Königliche Bibliothek: Acquisition of the Bibliotheca Meermanniana (1887); 38. Meeting of German philologists and teachers: publication of the Monumenta Germaniae Paedagogica (1887); Royal Museums: purchase of Faijûm-Papyri (1887); expert opinion for the Ministry of Culture on a procedure of F. F. Mendonça Cortez for the production of geographical maps (1886); communication to Purgold (Gotha) on measures to protect his person on a research trip to Algeria (1886).

Political affairs: vol. 1
BArch, RM 3/6830 · File · 1902-1904
Part of Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Change of governor in Schantung Formation of a secret disposition fund for the governor of Kiautschou Relations on the American island of Guam "Die Grenzboten", Zeitschrift für Politik, Literatur und Kunst, 63rd Vol. No. 4, 28 Jan. 1904

German Imperial Naval Office
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 f Bü 732 · File · 1893-1919, 1927-1928
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Jubilee horticultural exhibition Leipzig, pension and pension institution of the German visual artists in Weimar, Protestant community of Bant near Wilhelmshaven, Monument to the Battle of the Nations near Leipzig, Committee for the Dissemination of the Papal Encyclical on the Workers' Question, Nobilitas Monastery in Potsdam, "Tell" shooting society in Kulmbach, German Protestant community in Pretoria, Men's club of the Red Cross in Strasbourg, seamen's houses of the imperial navy in Wilhelmshaven and Kiautschou, statue for Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia in Metz, Catholic church in Wörth an der Sauer, soldiers' home in Jüterborg, Augusta club for daughters of deceased officers, school building in Windhoek, church building of the German Protestant community in Shanghai, German folk theatre in London, Buildings for Protestant unfunded in Karlsbad, Bismarck Monument on the Knivsberg, Archbishop's Boys' School in Bucharest, Hermann's bust for the Hall of Fame in Görlitz, Association for Medical Mission, Blücherstein in Treptow, German Fleet Association, Writers' Home in Jena, Volkstümlicher Hochschulkreis, Central Association for the Care of the School-leaved Youth, Central Association of German Veterans in Philadelphia, Evangelical German Church in Mexico, Evangelical Association for Internal Mission in Metz, German Evangelical School Association in Brno, Kaiser Friedrich Memorial in Metz, German Catholic Women's Mission in Paris, Hellmannstein Committee in Neisse, German School Association in London, Association for German Seafarers in Antwerp, Women's Aid for Abroad in Berlin, etc.a.

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 70 q Bü 240 · File · 1874-1919
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Requests from/for restoration of the Katharinenkirche in Oppenheim, German Charity Association in Constantinople, International Hospital in Naples, German Luther Foundation in Berlin, Association for Holiday Colonies and Summer Care, Committee for the Dissemination of the Pontifical Encyclical on the Workers' Question, Pastor Harms for a contribution to the construction of a church in Bant near Wilhelmshafen, Völkerschlachtdenkmal near Leipzig, Nobilitas Abbey in Potsdam, Schützengesellschaft Tell near Kulmbach, German Protestant Community in Pretoria, Educational Museum in Philadelphia, Monument to Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia in Metz, Catholic Parish in Wörth, Soldiers' Home in Jüterbog, Rhenish Evangelical Africa Association for Church in Windhoek, Church Building of the German Evangelical Community in Shanghai, German Volkstheater Association in London, Buildings for Protestant unfunded people in Karlovy Vary, construction of seaman's houses in Wilhelmshafen and Kiautschau, Bismarck memorial on the Knivsberg, Blücherstein in Treptow, writer's home in Jena, East Asian expedition of the German Fleet Association, association for the care of school-leaved youth in Berlin, association of veterans of the German army in Pensylvania, National naval monument for the lost crews of Prussian and German warships, church building of the Protestant German congregation in Mexico, Protestant Association for Internal Mission to Metz, German Catholic Women's Mission, Kaiser Friedrich Monument in Metz, German Protestant School Association in Brno, German Catholic Women's Mission in Paris, Hellmann Monument in Neiße, German School Association in East-London, Foundation of Honorary Prizes for the 22nd anniversary of the war, German Catholic Women's Mission, German School Association in East London. German Swimming Association Festival in Munich, Kaiserjubiläums- and VI. Austrian Federal Shooting in Vienna, Seemannsheim in Antwerp, Fritz-Reuter-Monument in Stavenhagen, Pensionsverband der Inneren Mission in Berlin, German Association of Christian Young Men in London, Frauenhilfe für Ausland in Berlin, Barmherzige Schwester in Wiener Neustadt, Deutsches Museum in Munich, Construction Committee of the Kaiser Franz Josef Soldier Anniversary SODIATE Chapel in Riedern, Memorial Hall in memory of the Schmalkaldic League in Schmalkalden, National Flight Donation, Society for Combating Unemployment, Verein für Bad Mergentheim, Verlag für Vaterländische Kunst in Stuttgart, German Peace Society