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Cabinet orders, vol. 71
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, III. HA MdA, I Nr. 238/20 · Dossier · Jan. - Juni 1888
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

122 sheets, Contains: - Distinction with the High Order of the Black Eagle with the Grand Cross of the Red Eagle Order: Duke Ludwig in Bavaria, Hereditary Grand Duke of Hesse and Prince Wilhelm of Hesse - Distinction with the High Order of the Black Eagle: von Schweinitz (extraordinary and authorized ambassador in St. Petersburg, General of the Infantry, Adjutant General) - Distinction with the Grand Cross of the Red Eagle Order with diamonds: Galimberti (Monsignor, Papal Nuncio in Vienna, Hereditary Bishop of Nicaea), Count of Pejacsewic (Austrian General of the Cavalry), Sadullah Pasha (Turkish Ambassador in Vienna) - awarded the Grand Cross of the Red Eagle Order: Billot (Division General and Senator, French Ambassador in Extraordinary Mission), Don Genaro de Quesada y Matevos, Marquis de Miravalles (General Captain, Granden of Spain, Spanish Ambassador in Extraordinary Mission), Count Gerbaix de Sonnaz (Italian Lieutenant General), Naib-es-Saltaneh (Son of the Shah of Persia) - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 1. Class with brilliant-cut diamonds: Jonkheer van Capellen (Dutch Adjutant General, Vice-Admiral), Prince Schachowskoy (Russian Adjutant General) - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 1. Class with oak leaves and with the enamel ribbon of the Crown Order: Count of Brandenburg (envoy in Brussels), Count of Werthern-Beichlingen (Real Privy Councillor and Chamberlain, envoy in Munich) - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 1st Class with the enamel ribbon of the Crown Order: von Riedel (Bavarian Minister of Finance) - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 1st Class with the enamel ribbon of the Crown Order: von Riedel (Bavarian Minister of Finance) - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 1st Class with the enamel ribbon of the Crown Order: von Riedel (Bavarian Minister of Finance) - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 1st Class with the enamel ribbon of the Crown Order: von Riedel (Bavarian Minister of Finance) - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 1st Class with the enamel ribbon of the Crown Order: von Riedel (Bavarian Minister of Finance) Great: Baron Ferdinando Acton (Italian Vice Admiral), Carp (Romanian Minister of Foreign Affairs), Emin-es-Sultan (Persian Minister of Customs), von Grolmann (Grand Duke of Hesse Colonel-Chamberlain), Nicaise (Lieutenant General, Belgian Inspector General of Artillery), Baron von Reischach (Lord Chamberlain of the Queen of Württemberg), Said Khalifa (Sultan of Zanzibar), Marquis Saionzi (Japanese Ambassador on Extraordinary Mission, Japanese Ambassador in Berlin), Sava Gruitsch (Serbian Prime Minister and Minister of War), Count van der Straten-Ponthoz (Belgian Ambassador in Berlin) - Awarded the Star of the Red Eagle Order 2. Class: Blum Pasha (Undersecretary of State in the Egyptian Ministry of Finance), Dr. Eyschen (Luxembourg Chargé d'Affaires in Berlin), Gotowski (Commander of the Russian 37th State), Dr. Eyschen (Luxembourg Chargé d'Affaires in Berlin). Dragoner Regiment), Knight Latterer von Lintenburg (Colonel, Commander of the Austrian Infantry Regiment No. 34), Baron van Rode (Belgian Major General), von Werner (Privy Council in the Grand Duke of Hesse State Ministry), - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 2. The first class with the star: Capellini (Rector of the University of Bologna), Luigi Civita (Italian Rear Admiral), Sir Arthur Ellis (Great Britain Major General), Baron von Fredericks (Russian Major General), Sir G. Harman (Great Britain Major General), Orlow (Russian Major General and Court Marshal) - awarded the Red Eagle Order 2nd class with diamonds: Candiano (Romanian Colonel and Wing Adjutant), Korobka (Colonel, Commander of the Russian 5th Kalugaschen Infantry Regiment) - Awarded the 2nd Class Red Eagle Order with Oak Leaves: Count von Bray-Steinburg (Minister at the Serbian Court) - Awarded the 2nd Class Red Eagle Order. Class: Acquasciati (Mayor in San Remo), Don Julio Fuentes (Military Attaché at the Spanish Embassy in Berlin), Garelli (Sub-Prefect in San Remo) Freiherr von Hodenberg (Saxon Colonel of the 2nd Grenadier Regiment No. 101 and Commander of the 6th Grenadier Regiment). Infantry Brigade No. 64), Kornprobst (French Lieutenant-Colonel), Korobka (Colonel, Commander of the Russian 5th Reich), Korobka (Commander of the Russian 5th Reich). Kalugaschen Infantry Regiment), Lord Algernot Lennck (Great British Colonel), Nyqvist (Swedish-Norwegian Wing Adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel), Chevalier Osio (Italian Colonel), Count Stenbock (Adjutant and Court Marshal of the Grand Duke Sergius of Russia), Hon. Reginald Talbot (Great British Colonel), Tolstoy (Russian Colonel) - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 3rd Class with the ribbon: Frontinsky (Captain of the Russian 5th Class). Kalugaschen Infanterieregiments), von Mühlberg (Real Legation Council, Lecturing Council in the Foreign Office), von Villaume (Wing Adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel, Military Representative in St. Petersburg), - Awarded the Red Eagle Order 3. Class: van Beyma (Secretary General of the Dutch Ministry of Justice), Bianchi (Lieutenant of the Carabinieri in San Remo), van den Bosch (Dutch Ordonnance Officer, Artillery Captain), Bull (Danish Captain), Enver Bey (Major, Military Attaché at the Turkish Embassy in Vienna), Alexander Dmitrieff (Director of the Customs Office Wirballen), Geiger (Head of the Council of Accountants in the Bavarian Ministry of Finance), Hon. Alwynne Greville (Great Britain Captain), Count von Hohenwart zu Gerlachstein (Secretary of the Austro-Hungarian Embassy in Berlin), Manfredi (Captain of the Ship in San Remo), Michel (French Commander), Mog Bey (First Treasurer of the Egyptian National Debt), Dr. Ott (Privy Medical Officer in Mariánské Lázn?, Prof. at the University of Prague), Sapuntzakis (Major, Military Accompanier of the Crown Prince of Greece), Schack (Superintendent in Vienna), Schilling (Chancellery Director at the Russian Governement in Kowno), Dr. Karl Sell (Grand Duke of Hesse, Senior Consistiorial Councillor and Superintendent in Darmstadt), Snarski (Captain of the Russian Guard Grenadier Regiment), Tschiritsch (Serbian Wing Adjutant), Graf d'Ursel (Legation Councillor at the Belgian Embassy in Berlin), Dr J. Wolffson (Chairman of the Hamburg Bar Association), - Awarded the 4th Class Red Eagle Order with Swords: Kund (First Lieutenant at the Federal Foreign Office), Tappenbeck (Second Lieutenant at the Federal Foreign Office) - Awarded the 4th Class Red Eagle Order with Swords: Brümmer (Lieutenant of the Russian 5th Class), - Awarded the 4th Class Red Eagle Order with Swords: Kund (First Lieutenant at the Federal Foreign Office), Tappenbeck (Second Lieutenant at the Federal Foreign Office) - Awarded the 4th Class Red Eagle Order with Swords: Brümmer (Lieutenant of the Russian 5th Class) Kalugaschen Infanterieregiments), Conrad de Buisseret Steenbecque de Blareughien (Legation Secretary 2. Bykoff (Lieutenant desw of the Russian Grade Grenadier Regiment), Prince de Caraman (Belgian Legation Secretary), Franz Cornelius (Reindeer in Potsdam), Count de Crecente (Attaché of the Spanish Extraordinary Embassy), Flöcke (Division Parson at Schwerin), Gaupp (Captain in the Württemberg Pioneer Battalion No. 13), Haya Karva (Japanese Captain), Kramaroff (Lieutenant of the Russian Dragoon Regiment No. 37), Krauskopf (Vice-President of the German Charity Association in St. PetersburgEmil von Lobstein (businessman in St. Petersburg), Knight von Mann-Tiechler (Bavarian Captain in the 1st World War) Foot Artillery Regiment), Xavier Machado and Malaquias de Lemos (Portuguese Lieutenant), Markowitsch (head of the railway station in Wirballen), Moncheur (Legation Secretary at the Belgian Embassy in Berlin), Normann (Chancellery Council in the Federal Foreign Office), Graf von Pourtalès (Legation Council in the Federal Foreign Office), Rooch (secret expediting secretary, interpreter at the Embassy in St. Petersburg), Rooch (secret expediting secretary, interpreter at the Embassy in St. Petersburg), Rooch (secret expediting secretary, interpreter at the Embassy in St. Petersburg). Petersburg), Rossetti (Railway Station Chief in San Remo), Salmon (Lieutenant Colonel of the Austrian Infantry Regiment No. 34), Schernikau (Director of the insurance "Russian Lloyd"), Stemrich (Legation Councillor in the Foreign Office), Szirmay de Szirma-Bessenyö (First Lieutenant of the Austrian Hussar Regiment no. 10) - Red Eagle Medal: Nicolaus Albowitsch (Sergeant of the Grand Prince Throne Successor of Russia), Kurbatzki (Sergeant of the Russian Dragoon Regiment), Leontius Orel (Cossack NCO of the Grand Prince Throne Successor of Russia), Stunder (Sergeant of the Russian Guard Grenadier Regiment), - Crown Order 1st Class in Diamonds: Dr. Neidhardt (Grand Duke of Hesse extraordinary envoy and authorized minister), - Awarded the Crown Order 1. Great: Finger (Grand Duke of Hesse), Nariman Khan (Persian envoy in Vienna), von Nägler (Danish court chief and chamberlain), Prince Vladimir Obolensky (Russian court marshal), Max von Pappenheim (Oberhofmeister of the Queen-Mother of Bavaria), Prince von Radolin (Oberhofmarschall, Real Privy Councillor and Minister), Sir Beauchamp Walker (Lieutenant General of Great Britain), - Awarded the Star of the Crown Order 2. Class: Freiherr von Nordeck zur Rabenau (Grand Ducal Hessian Chief Stable Master), Comte des Sesmaisons (French General) - Awarded the 2nd Crown Order. Class with the star: Knight Billimek von Waissolm (Colonel, Austrian commander of the 3rd class) Mountain Brigade), Takwor Agopian Pasha (Administrator of the Egyptian Railways), Jakub Artin Pasha (Undersecretary of State in the Egyptian Ministry of Public Education), Count Bermondi (Prefect of the Province of Porto Maurizio), Dembonski (Major General in the Russian Guard Grenadier Regiment), Mathews (General of the Sultan of Zanzibar), Count d'Oultremont (Belgian Court Marshal and Palace Marshal), Baron von Stempel (Russian Real State Councillor and Master of Ceremonies), Baron Taube (Russian Real State Councillor) - Awarded the Crown Order 2. Class with brilliant-cut diamonds: Count von Benckendorff (Captain, Imperial Russian Wing Adjutant), Count von Orsini and Rosenberg (Major, Imperial Austrian Wing Adjutant) - Awarded the Crown Order 2. Class: Becker (Grand Duke of Hesse Head of Cabinet), Dobos de Marczinfalva (Major in the Austrian Infantry Regiment No. 34), Count von Douglas and Baron von Lagerfelt (Royal Swedish-Norwegian Chamberlain), Knatz (Privy Councillor in the Legation of Stuttgart), Dr. Lueders (Chief of Court of the Crown Prince of Greece), von Marcher (Danish Gendarmerie Colonel in Kolding), Merry del Val (Papal Monsignor), Persico (Corvette Captain, Commander of the Aviso Barbarigo), Count Stackelberg (Imperial Russian Captain of the Guard Cavalry, Wing Adjutant of Grand Duke Vladimir of Russia), Teinzmann (Lieutenant Colonel, Commander of the Austrian Hussar Regiment No. 10), Alexander Terevnikow (head of the customs district Wirballen), von Werner (Grand Duke of Hesse), Zembsch (Minister-Resident in Lima) - Awarded the Crown Order 3. Class: Mehmet Bey (second secretary of the Thuringian Embassy in Vienna), Alfredo Bonnefoi (Italian ship's lieutenant), Breidert (Legation Councillor in the Grand Duke of Hesse Ministry of State), Ernesto Cerimeli (Italian shipbuilding engineer), Louis Cuvelier (adjutant of the Belgian Minister of War, 3. Régiment des Chasseurs), by Favrat-Jacquier de Bernay (Hofrat, Chancellor of Legation at the Embassy in Brussels), Felzmann (Rittmeister im Österreichischen Husaren-Regimant), Chevalier Franzini (Italian Captain), Glasenapp (Rittmeister im Russischen Dragoner-Regiment), Baron Giesl von Gieslingen (Captain, Kaiserlich Österreichischer Ordonnanz-Offizier), Haillot (French Captain), Horn (Prussian Customs Revision Inspector, Undersecretary of State in the Turkish Ministry of Commerce), Laudet (Embassy Secretary at the Berlin French Embassy), Erwin Meier (Captain in the Galitian Infantry Regiment No. 89), Count de Merode (Royal Belgian Lieutenant), Mignon (Chief Commissioner of the Police of Liège), Don Antonio Pacheco y Janguas (Captain of a ship in Spain), Palmeri (Inspector in San Remo), de Quesada and Monte (Royal Spanish Captains), Santarosa (Lieutenant of a ship in San Remo), Schill (Major, Württemberg Pioneer Battalion No. 13, Commander of the Lutschiffer), Szartory de Lipcse (Captain of the Austrian Infantry Regiment No. 34), Thorbecke (Dutch Reichsadvokat), Chrisan Tschekawer (Collegiate Assessor, Assistant Doctor of the Grand Duke's Throne Successor of Russia), Dr. theol. von Zimmermann (Vienna) - Awarded the Crown Order 4. Great: Cignetti (quartermaker of the Carabinieri in San Remo), Fausto Cucchi Boasso (Attaché at the Italian Embassy in Berlin), Dorfer (Bavarian Zeug captain in the artillery depot in Ingolstadt), Emmanuel Hübner (technical official in the presidential office of the Reich War Ministry in Vienna), Jaide (Grand Ducal Inspector of the Hessian Ministerial Chancellery), Kobetzki (Collegiate Assessor at the Russian Government in Kowno), Lauter (Imperial Russian Court Official), Litassy (Court Hunter in Vienna), G. Meyer (Captain of the North German Lloyd steamer "Elbe"), Neujean (Deputy Commissioner of the Police of Liège), Perner (Personal Chamberlain of the Austrian Emperor Franz Josef), Nicolaus Radzich (Caretaker of the Grand Duke's successor to the throne of Russia), Röttger (Grand Ducal Hessian Ministerial Registrar), Gustav Sacks (Pensioner in Paris), Ranise (Head of the Telegraph Office in San Remo), Noble von Worlitzky (Court Control Official in Vienna) - awarded the Cross of the Knights of the House Order of the Hohenzollern: Krüger (Police Director, Labourer at the Federal Foreign Office) - Appointed foreign knight of the Order pour le mérite for Sciences and Arts: Frederic Sir Leighton (History painter, President of the Academy in London), Charles de Marignac (Prof. of Chemistry in Geneva), C. G. Meneghini (Prof. of Chemistry in Geneva), C. G. Meneghini (Prof. of Chemistry in Geneva). in Pisa), Emile Wauters (history painter in Brussels) - Appointment: von Alvensleben (Chamberlain and Legation Councillor, previously envoy in Washington, now envoy in Brussels), Count von Arco-Valley (Legation Councillor, previously Consul General for Egypt, now envoy in Washington), von Bülow (Legation Councillor, previously first secretary at the Embassy in St. Petersburg), von Bülow (Legation Councillor, previously first secretary at the Embassy in St. Petersburg) - Appointment: von Alvensleben (Chamberlain and Legation Councillor, previously envoy in Washington, now envoy in Brussels), Count von Arco-Valley (Legation Councillor, previously Consul General for Egypt, now envoy in Washington), von Bülow (Legation Councillor, previously first secretary at the Embassy in St. Petersburg. Petersburg, now envoy in Bucharest), Busch (Real Secret Legation Council, previously envoy in Bucharest, now envoy in Stockholm), Kempermann (previously Consul General in Korea, now Minister-Resident in Bangkok), Graf zu Rantzau (Secret Legation Council, previously speaking council in the Foreign Office, now envoy in Munich), Stumm (Legation Councillor, previously envoy at the Spanish court, now extraordinary and authorized ambassador), Zembsch (Minister-Resident in Lima, now also in Ecuador), Baron von Waecker-Gotter (previously envoy in Mexico, now envoy at the Portuguese court) - transfer to (temporary) retirement: Count von Beust (Legation Councillor, Legation Secretary in the Embassy in Brussels), von Pfuehl (Legation Councillor, previously Minister in Stockholm, now Real Secret Councillor with the predicate "Excellency"), Gustav von Schulenburg-Priemen (Chamberlain, previously Minister in Dresden), Count von Werthern-Beichlingen (Real Secret Councillor and Chamberlain, Minister in Munich) - transfer: of Deines (Major at the General Staff and at the Embassy in Vienna, now General Staff of the Army), Baron von Heintze-Weissenrode (Lieutenant Seconde of the 1. Garde-Dragoner-Regiment to the Embassy in London), Baron von Kapp-Herr I (Second Lieutenant of the Garde-Husaren-Regiment, now to the Embassy in Vienna), Mueller (Captain, formerly General Staff, now Military Attaché in Bucharest), Baron von Plessen (Lapitän-Letnant, now Marine Attaché for the Nordic Empires in place of Freiherr von Rössing), von Rantzau (Major at the General Staff and at the Legation in Munich, now General Staff of the Army), von Wedel (Second Lieutenant of the 1st Reich, now Naval Attaché for the Nordic Empires in place of Freiherr von Rössing), von Wedel (Second Lieutenant of the 1st Reich, now Navy Attaché for the Nordic Empires in place of Freiherr von Rössing). Guard Dragoon Regiment to the Embassy in Paris), Count Yorck von Wartenburg (Captain at the Embassy in St. Petersburg, now to the large General Staff), - approval of ongoing support: Hau (previously porter at the Embassy in Vienna), Omer (previously Kawasse/Btschaftswächter at the Consulate General in Constantinople), Henriette von Schmidthals (widow of the former envoy in Lisbon), Wolter (widow, previously working woman in the Foreign Office) - approval of a one-off support: Verein Deutscher Künstler in Rom - Permission of Holiday: by Deines (Major at the Embassy in Vienna) - Award of Character: by Villaume (Imperial Wing Adjutant, Military Representative in St. Petersburg, now Colonel) - Determination of predicate: Prince Albert of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg-Glücksburg (Lieutenant in the 2nd Hessian Hussar Regiment No. 14, predicate "sovereignty") - Approval of a donation: August Gräffe (from Cologne on the Rhine, for the foundation approved by the Foreign Office on 27.4.1885) - takeover of the protectorate: Deutsches Hospital in London, Verein Deutscher Künstler in Rom - rejection: Count Guido zu Lynar, request for reemployment - provisions on the uniform of the Reich officials in the three West African protectorates - assumption of costs for the manufacture and transport of the battery of six light field guns donated to the Sultan of Zanzibar;

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 74 Bü 772 · Dossier · 1871-1906
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Renewal of customs and trade treaties with Italy, Austria-Hungary and Switzerland; friendship treaty with Tonga; protocol on traffic in the Sulu Archipelago between the German Reich, Spain and Great Britain; trade convention with Romania; friendship, trade, shipping and consular treaty with Hawaii; treaty between Germany, Austria-Hungary, France, Great Britain, Italy, Russia and Turkey (Berlin Congress); Treaty of Friendship with the Samoa Islands; Trade and Shipping Treaty with Spain; Trade Treaty with Egypt; Trade and Shipping Treaty with Uruguay; Termination of the Treaty of Friendship, Trade and Shipping with Argentina; Friendship, Trade, Shipping and Consular Treaty with Nicaragua; Treaty of Friendship and Trade with the Orange Free State (South Africa)

BArch, R 2/11496 · Dossier · 1894, 1938-1940
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Definition of competence between the foreign organisation of the NSDAP and state foreign offices, 1938 claim by Deutsche Lufthansa for transport remuneration for letters from the Foreign Office, 1939 maintenance costs for German lecturers abroad, 1939 letter from the Reich Minister of Science, Education and Popular Education to the Reich Minister of Finance, 1939 Die Konsularakademie in Wien, internationale Akademie für Politik und Volkswirtschaft (Druck), Vienna 1937 Staff level of the Austro-Hungarian Empire Oriental Academy in Vienna, Nov. 1894 Establishment of the Consular Academy in Vienna - Design by Dr. Walter Schmitt, former director of the foreign policy training centre of the NSDAP in Berlin-Dahlem as well as recording of the Legation Council of Etzdorf/Foreign Office, 1939 relief measures in Spain on the occasion of the liberation of Spanish territories by the national Spanish troops, 1939 compensation to neutral countries for sinking their ships - Question of Budgetary Jurisdiction, 1939 Planned Expansion of the Economic Department of the German Embassy in Moscow due to Impending Economic Agreement with the Soviet Union, 1939

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, XX. HA, HBA, D Nr. 1230 · Dossier · 1543 Aug.-Nov.
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

1543 August - November Newspapers to Archbishop Wilhelm: 1. 1543 September 4, Cologne The emperor's troops have occupied the entire duchy of Jülich, and the duke [Wilhelm] asks for peace; the city of Roermond has surrendered to the emperor; attitude of the monetary cities; from the duchy poor inhabitants have moved to Cologne in large numbers with their belongings to find security there; today the leader of the army of the Brabantines with 1000 riders is supposed to come to Cologne either to transfer the soldiers to the area of Molenses [area between Mönchengladbach, Moers and Neuß] or to secure the treasure of the emperor; 300 wagons are supposed to drive from Cologne to the imperial camp; in Cologne there are many courtiers of the emperor, but no princes and dignitaries; the apostolic nuncio is in the camp of the emperor; the English envoy is in Cologne and wants to follow the court of the emperor. TranscriptionLatin1 sheet 21 x 32 cm, p. 1 described. 2. 1543 September 7, Cologne Certain aristocrats have told us what the agreements between the Emperor and the Duke of Jülich were like; the Duchy of Geldern and its accessories will remain in the possession of the Emperor; Duke Heinrich of Braunschweig is said to have been the main mediator of the peace treaty; in vigilia nativitatisbeatissime virginis Mariae (7. September) the Duke of Cleves prostrates himself before the Emperor, who has conquered the Duchy of Geldern and the county of Zutphen; [Charles V.The Emperor is to move to France and lead his army against the French; the Emperor is to intend to provide the Duchy of Geldern and the County of Zutphen for the son of the Roman King [Ferdinand I]; all other dominions will remain in the possession of the Duke of Cleves; the Emperor, together with the Duke of Cleves, will move to all the cities of the Duchy so that they show him their obedience. TranscriptLatinischEbenda, p. 1-2 described. 3. 1543 August 18, Rome Few news because of the absence of pope and curia; the Turkish ships under Barbarossa's command caused much damage and conquered six French ports because they were not sufficiently fortified; moreover [Barbarossa] is said to have taken the city of Nice outside the castle; the emperor has gathered in Naples about 70 Trier, Galeot and other ships to get to Africa; he either wants to call them back or look for the decision there; numerous ships are also gathered in Genoa and in Spain; in the opinion of many everything depends on the war in Lower Germany; if the emperor over the French king [Francis I.] the emperor will have to take the decision to get back to Africa.On 21 July the Turks entered Buda and the following day published an edict ordering the noble classes and nobles to obey the death penalty and confiscate their goods; among the merchants of Frankfurt there is a rumour that the imperial fleet occupied the Kingdom of Algeria. transcriptLateinischEbenda, p. 2-3 described. 4. 1543 August 28, Rome extract from the letter Caspar Hoyers, notaries of the Rota: A Turkish fleet of 180 ships left Constantinople six weeks ago and sailed past Calabria, Sicily, the Kingdom of Naples, Rome, Piombino, Siena, Corsica and other parts of Italy; from Marseille, owned by the King of France, they returned to Italy; futile Turkish attack on Nice; victory at sea of the admiral [Andrea] Doria over a Turkish fleet coming from Algiers; hope for the withdrawal of the Turkish fleet to Kontantinopel; military clashes between the emperor and the king of France in Flanders; joy at the victory [Charles V.].]. TranscriptLateinisch1 sheet 21 x 29 cm, p. 1 described. 5. 1543 August 16, Mainz With two strong armies the emperor invaded France; he considered it his duty to restitute the old and true religion everywhere; imperial mandate against Hildesheim; in the diocese of Cologne the infirmity of Lutheranism crept in with the consent of the archbishop [Hermann V. von Wied]; hope for the restoration of the old faith. transcriptLatinischEbenda, p. 1. 6. 1543 November 6, Magdeburg The emperor took five large cities from the French and hopes to defeat them; the Turks invaded Hungary again last summer and conquered two cities; victory of the Roman king [Ferdinand I].The Emperor wants to invite all electors, princes and estates to an Imperial Diet in Speyer ($Spir$), which is to begin at the end of November; the Emperor, with some cardinals and the Archbishop of Mainz [Albrecht II of Brandenburg], has proposed a reformation to many collegiate churches that want to accept the said churches. TranscriptLow German1 sheet 20.5 x 21 cm, p. 1 described. 7. O. D. u. O. The emperor seized Gelderns and other pacified dominions;with a strong army of 100000 men, including 20000 horsemen, he entered Flanders on the campaign against the French king [Franz I.]; the Turkish sultan [Soliman I.] was the first to enter Flanders.The "Sardinia" has again invaded Hungary, which it has already occupied almost entirely; war armaments against the Turks in the Mediterranean; Andrea Doria has gathered ships in Genoa; fleets have been formed in Spanish ports together with Portuguese ships, in addition in Sicily, Sardinia and Naples in August [1543]; these are to unite with each other and disperse the Turkish and French fleet; attitude of the Protestants; the Imperial Diet is to be held in Speyer on 1. December [1543]; perhaps, however, it will be postponed until the time after Christmas until the presence of the emperor. TranscriptLateinisch1 sheet 20.5 x 29 cm, p. 1 described. 8. 1543 September 16, Cologne 23. September [1543] the Emperor and the King of England will meet in a city in Artois; in the meantime the imperial army will march across the Meuse to France; mediation by Duke Henry of Brunswick; renunciation by the Emperor of the Duchy of Geldern and the counties of Zutphen and Heinsberg ($Hensberch$); the Duke of Cleves was to preserve his subjects in the old religion or lead those who had fallen away from it back there; if he alone was unable to do so, the Emperor promised him his help; in his camp the envoys of the Elector [Johann Friedrich I] were to be found.These have suggested that their princes submit to the emperor's discretion; the duke of Jülich has made a permanent alliance with the House of Burgundy; the emperor's benevolent attitude towards the former has been benevolent; the latter in his generosity has declared himself willing to pay certain mercenaries in Venlo ($Venelaw$) and has made 18000 guilders available for it; Martins van Rossem's behaviour towards the emperor; relationship with Queen Mary [of Hungary]; the son of the Lord of Granvella will receive the provost's office in Xanten, which became vacant after Ingenwinckell's death and which the father of the Duke of Cleves had transferred to Doctor Vlatten for many years; to the co-adjutor of Cologne, the emperor lent the provost's office of Maastricht worth 2000 guilders; the emperor will travel through Brabant, Antwerp and Artois to meet the English king; the duke of Cleves is said to be in Düsseldorf ($Dusseldorp$); the emperor's camp near Venlo is said to have been moved and he has moved to Brabant; if the duke of Cleves wants to follow the imperial court, he must maintain 200 horses; how this can happen is unknown, because he has accumulated many debts; draft of a contract between the princes of Orange and Hesse on the county of Katzenellenbogen; the bishop of Münster, Osnabrück and Minden has sent a doctor to the emperor, whom he did not want to hear; yesterday Mr. Johannes Gropper, doctor and Scholasticus of St. Petersburg, the bishop of Münster, Osnabrück and Minden, sent a doctor to the emperor. Gereon in Cologne, who had gone to the emperor's camp with the Cologne co-adjutor, the Duke of Cleves and several others. TranscriptionLatin1 sheet 21 x 30 cm, p. 1-3 described. 9. 1543 September 19, Cologne. Throwing machines and other war equipment have been sent to France; no tolerance of the Lutherans by the Emperor; in the first article he obliges the Duke of Cleves to remain with his subjects in the old religion; one speaks of the marriage of the Duke of Brunswick with the third sister of the Duke of Cleves; the first is the wife of the Elector of Saxony, and the second is in England. transcriptLateinischEbenda, p. 3.HBA D no. 1230. - old signature:;

BArch, RM 2/1758 · Dossier · 1911-1913
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Mutiny on the German steamer "Lotte Menzell" (report SMS "Hertha", transcript), Oct. 1912 Scientific expedition on the Empress Augusta River in German New Guinea (report SMS "Condor" with 11 photos, transcript), Jan. 1913 Unrest in Liberia - Protection of the German population by SMS "Bremen", "Eber" and "Panther". (Report SMS "Bremen", transcript), Jan. 1913