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About the history of Herero: various essays
RMG 3.311 · Akt(e) · 1888, 1927-1931, 1966
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Eduard Heinrich Gustav Dannert, Sociale Verhältnisse d. Ovaherero, Dr., 1888; Heinrich Vedder, Maharero and his time in the light of the documents of his estate, Dr., 1929-1931; Missionary August Carl Heinrich Kuhlmann, Götter- u. Geistergfaube d. Herero, Dr., 1927; Report about the "Maharero-Dag" in Okahandja (hectograph.), 1966; 1 Otjiherero grammar, ms..;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Baumann, Julius, Dr. theol. (1926-2008)
RMG 1.724 a · Akt(e) · 1932-1966
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1953-1967 in Okahandja, Karibib, then parish office; Correspondence, (1940-1945 from the field), 1932-1966; Curriculum vitae, application, references, 1932; My hometown, (Isingdorf bei Werther), essay, 1933; correspondence with LKA for Julius Baumann's admission to the 1. theological exam, 1949; circulars from Milly Reiser (Baumann's mother-in-law), from Julius and Hanna Baumann, 1956-1965

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Eduard Kriele (1858-1937)
RMG 444 · Akt(e) · 1897-1958
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1882-1884,1889-1903 Teacher at the Missionary Seminary, 1903-1923 2nd Inspector, 1923-1926 Director; Letters to Schreiber, 1897-1900; Letters to Haussleiter, 1906; Letters to Spiecker, 1908-1912; Messages to the Friends of the Fallen Son Walter, 1915; Vocation Certificate to the Director, 1924; Application for Retirement, 1926; Proposals for the Redesign of d. Dezernate, 1927; Vedder/Okahandja to Kriele, 1927; Pönnighaus/Windhuk to Kriele, 1927; Linden/Tungkun to Kriele, 1927; To J. Warneck, 1930; Correspondence of the Directorate with him, 1927-1937; Obituary, 1937; Correspondence with the Family, 1937-1958; Mitteilungen d. Rhein. Association for Medical Mission, 1959: enth. Appreciation E. Krieles and Dr. J. Winklers

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
RMG 2.631 a-b · Akt(e) · 1928-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Minutes of conferences in Windhoek, 1928, 1935 1938; Minutes of conferences in Okahandja, 1937 1955; Minutes of conferences in Swakopmund, 1930 1947-1956; Minutes of board meetings of Rhenish missionaries, 1931-1932; Answers to questionnaire d. Mission Conference in Madras, 1938; visitation report by Inspector Gustav Menzel, 1950; reply by the deputation or mission leader; presentations, circulars, memoranda, resolutions etc.; Is ecclesiastical independence in South West Africa possible? Lecture, Siegfried Groth, 1956

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Irle, Johann Jacob (1843-1924)
RMG 1.605 a-e · Akt(e) · 1869-1960
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1868-1903 in Otjikango, Okahandja, Otjosazu, from 1903 home service, from 1915 parish office; letters and reports from work with the Hereros, 1869-1903; annual reports, cash reports of the Otjosazu station, 1872-1903; manuscript: "Die Oupanga d. Ovaherero", 1891; reports by the evangelists Paul, Gottlieb and Manasse, 1893; private letters, also from Mrs. Hedwig Irle, née von Rohden, to the inspectors at the mission house, 1893. Inspectors in the mission house, 1890-1902; reports from the work in the home service, 1905-1922; correspondence of the RMG with members of the Irle family, 1922-1960; letter from Gottlieb Murangi, Windhoek, to Mrs. Hedwig Irle, née von Rohden, 1930;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Meier, Friedrich A. (1873-1928)
RMG 1.657 · Akt(e) · 1901-1965
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1901-1928 in Okahandja, Windhoek; Letters and Reports, 1901-1928; Curriculum Vitae (copy) of Emma Meier, née Ermshaus, 1904; Die Schreckenstage in Okahandja, Jan, Febr. 1904; inquiry about the semi-white children in Windhoek, 1904; report about e. trip to Gobabis, 1907; report about Windhoek police measures, 1909; ray of hope in the work e. Herero missionaries, Okahandja, n. J.; communication of the "Woermann-Linie" about the death of Friedrich A. Meier on board the steamer "Muansa" and burial in Monrovia, 1928; obituary for Friedrich A. Meier, 1928; letter (copy) of Hereros Gustav Kamatoto to Emma Meier, mourning for her father Friedrich A. Meier, 1929; correspondence with family Meier, 1928-1965;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Missionary Conferences in Hereroland: Protocols
RMG 2.611 · Akt(e) · 1851-1877
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station, annual and travel reports; joint letters, among others by Carl Hugo Hahn, Johannes Rath, Franz Heinrich Kleinschmidt and others; reply by the deputation; report on peace negotiations on Schmelens Verwachting (Okahandja), 1870; detailed information on the peace negotiations in the region. Explanatory notes on the Mission Trade Society, 1871; Communication by Carl Hugo Hahn on his resignation from the RMG, 1872; Decisions on the Church Constitution and on the German Constitution for the Church Forms, 1873; Carl Hugo Hahn's statements on this and linguistic changes 1874 1875; Reports, by Daniel Cloete from 1873; Statistics, Status: May 1876; Über d. Gottes- u. Opferbegriff d. Herero, Referat, C. Heinrich Beiderbecke, 43 p., hs., 1877; Schulordnung für d. Schulen im Bereich d. sog. Herero-Konferenz, 1877; Instruction for teachers trained in the Augustinum, 1877

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Missionary Conferences in Hereroland: Protocols
RMG 2.613 · Akt(e) · 1885-1892
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station reports; concepts of replies d. Deputation; Presentations:; The marriage gift and child rearing of our Christian Herero, Freerk Meyer, 12 p., hs., 1885; Is it tunlich in our Hereromission d. previous strict practice in relation to polygamy to let go and d. by Inspector Dr. Schreiber proposed milder practice to introduce, after the process on Sumatra, Nias

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Nowack, Kurt (1878-1945)
RMG 1.679 a-c · Akt(e) · 1899-1923
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Teacher, Head of the Augustineum, 1907-1920 Okahandja, Windhoek, from 1922 preacher in USA ; letters and reports, 1907-1920; curriculum vitae (2 versions), references, cover letter, 1899-1918; Organisation d. Windhoek Mission Schools, 1913; Statistics and Timetable, 1918; Curriculum Vitae and Testimonies of Margarethe Nowack, née Werth, 1907; Correspondence with the German Colonial Society about reimbursement of travel home fees for Kurt Nowack, 1923;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Okahandja, farm
RMG 2.553 · Akt(e) · 1899-1909
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station see RMG 2.510 a-c; Documents on the Ownership, 1899-1909; Map of Okahandja and surroundings of E. Friedrichs, 1: 500000, 1904; Site plan d. Farm "Friedrichswald", 1: 100000, 1903; ground plan of the farmstead of farmer Ernst Friedrichs zu Katjapja, 1: 100, 1903;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
RMG 2.585 · Akt(e) · 1848-1892
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

no continuous counting and binding; transmission of missionary records: Friedrich Wilhelm Kolbe 1848-1851 Okahandja, Otjikango, Schmelens Erwartung, Otjimbingwe, Peter Heinrich Brincker 1864-1870 Otjikango, Johann Jakob Irle 1869-1871 Otjikango, Okahandja, Philipp Diehl 1873-1892 Okahandja, Freerk Meyer 1880-1888 Otjikango u. Wilhelm Eich 1882-1888 Okahandja, Otjizeva, Otjosazu, ms..;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Otjikango (Great-Barmen)
RMG 2.520 · Akt(e) · 1899-1903
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

formerly Neu-Barmen, 1853-1856 unoccupied, 1902 abandoned, outstation of Okahandja 1890-1898, see also RMG 2.510 a-c, farm s. RMG 2.560; Chronology of the Otjikango Station from 1841-1899; Conference and Annual Reports, by Karl Alex. Hamann, 1899-1902; Report: "The Purchase of Small-Bars" by Kaufmann Lang, 1902; Sketch d. Mission property in Otjikango and description, 1901; copy of the deed of gift for the mission property, 1901; plan d. Mission house in Otjizeva, 1903;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Pönnig House, Friedrich (1886-1970)
RMG 1.704 a-c · Akt(e) · 1906-1908, 1914-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1921-1954 in Windhoek, Okahandja, Karibib, director of the Paulinums; correspondence, circulars, travelogues, essays, 1921-1938; curriculum vitae (2 versions), application, certificates, 1906-1908; medical testimony for Mrs. Martha Pönnighaus, nee. Brünger, 1920 From the Women of the Paulinum Disciples, by Martha Pönnighaus, 1951; Statistics on our Evangelists and Pastors in Southwest, 1953; Letters from Fr. Josua Tjiurutue and Fr. Hendrik Isaak, 1956; Let us save you! Mission game from Southwest Africa, by Mrs. Martha Pönnighaus, without year; correspondence by Friedrich Pönnighaus. Martha Pönnighaus with Gustav Menzel, missionary Fritz Heinrich Ludwig Harre and Inspector Gustav Weth, 1954-1966; Zur Vita von Herr Missionar Friedrich Pönnighaus, ca. 1966; answer to the questionnaire of the German Protestant Mission Day, concerning e. g. station Okahandja, 11 p.., ms, c. 1935; Heranbildung d. Diener am Wort, essay, 14 p., hs., c. 1939; copies from letters by Friedrich Pönnighaus from war and imprisonment, 1939-1945; correspondence Friedrich Pönnighaus with Dr. Hans de Kleine, 1962-1968

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Stritter, Henry (1883-1963)
RMG 1.674 · Akt(e) · 1907-1956
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missionary farmer and handicraft teacher at crafts school, 1907-1938 in Gaub, Omaruru, Omburo, Okahandja, Otjimbingue; letters and reports, 1907-1936; instruction for Heinrich Stritter, 1908; Wilhelm Eich: Zur Einstellung Stritters u. Einrichtung d. Farm Ganachams b. Gaub, 1908; obituary for Mrs Johanna Stritter, née Redecker, 1938; correspondence with Heinrich Stritter, 1956;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Vedder, Henry (1876-1972)
RMG 1.660 a-g · Akt(e) · 1894-1937:; 1947-1972
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1903-1947 in Walvis Bay, Swakopmund, Gaub, Okahandja, Praeses 1937-1947, then emer.., Senator South West Africa, 1950-1958, see also RMG 1,308, 1,344, 1,366, 1,426-1,431, 1,661, 2.694; extensive correspondence, reports, circulars, 1903-1947; application, curriculum vitae, medical certificate, 1894-1903; building plans for residential house Swakopmund, 1904; appeal by Lieutenant Kuhn to the scattered Hereros to surrender, 1904; petition to d. District office Swakopmund for the improvement of the conditions in the prison camps, 1905; report on the formation of the protestant parish of Swakopmund, 1906; letter of 9 Hererochristen with the request for translation of the Old Testament in Herero, 1906; "Gau-Sari-Aob" (The sower) newsletter for natives, 1907-1909; order e. printing press, brochure here about, 1909; budget d. Missionshaus in Swakopmund, 1909; transcript of the honorary doctorate of the University of Tübingen for Vedder, 1925; State Secretary of Lindequist: Please do not recall Vedder from Africa, 1927; conference negotiation of the church elders and evangelists in Okahandja, 1930; exam questions for diploma examinations of the University of South Africa, 1931; Zur Frauenfrage in Südwestafrika, Referat, 10.., ms. 1935; National Socialism and colored workers, essay, Karl Pegel, 11 p., ms., 1936; appointment of Vedder as "Konsistorialrat h. c" by the California Konsistorial Academic Society, copy of the deed, 1947; statutes of the Heinrich Vedder Foundation, 1954; honorary newspaper articles and obituary, 1961, 1966 and 1972

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft
Werner, Martin Jonas (1886-1970)
RMG 1.703 a-b · Akt(e) · 1905-1969
Teil von Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1914-1956 in Swakopmund, Okahandja, Otjimbingue, Windhoek; correspondence - also with Ella Werner, née Meyer, 1913-1963; curriculum vitae, certificates, military passport, 1905-1906; ordination certificate, 1913 work report from Haiger, 1930; Memorandum of Missionary Martin Jonas Werner, Windhoek, 1954; correspondence, 1959-1969; missionary Fritz Heinrich Ludwig Harre u. Father Siegfried Groth with Werner, 1959-1969; Pastor Gustav Menzel with Werner, 1967-1969;

Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft