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180.01.019 · Akt(e) · 1909, 1911, 1912
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Accounts (1909); report about the official duties in Tsingtau (e.g. Relationship to the American Presbyterian Mission, "Case" Ruhmer, school questions (1911, 1912), Faber Hospital; Faber Hospital (1909, 1911, 1912); dissolution of the mission seminar (1909); residential building on the property of the Faber Hospital (1909); remarks about a common girls' school; report about the district school in Kaumi in the first semester (1909 - 1911); examination of the girls' preschools in Taitungtschen and Tapantau; death of Dr. Wunsch, Tsingtau, Faberhospital and occupation of the vacant position (1911); Boys' and Girls' Schools (1911); meeting of the board of trustees of the Faberhospital on 29.10.1911; plan of the mission property; testament of Dr. theol. Ernst Faber in favour of the Allgemeine Evang.-Prot. missionary association to Weimar; purchase contract of a property in Tsingtau for the General Evangelical Prot. missionary association (1912); annual report of the General Evangelical Prot. missionary association, station in Tsingtau (1912)

Ernst Faber, Missionary
180.01.192 · Akt(e) · 1885 - 1899
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Personalia; Discharge certificate from the Rhein. Missionsgesellschaft; printed publications: The religious observance of one day in seven..., Constitution of the Society for the diffusion of Christian and knowledge among the Chinese, Civilisation...u.a.; German congregation in Shanghai; statement on the Chinese Tract Society; travel report to the interior of China (1887); general communications from China; contact with the Allg. Missionsverein; speeches, reports, conferences; salary statements; annual reports (1892, 1895, 1896, 1897); letters from Chicago

Ernst Faber, Missionary
180.01.192 · Akt(e) · 1885 - 1899
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Personal details; Certificate of dismissal from the Rhine. Mission society; Printed publications: The religious observance of one day in seven..., Constitution of the Society for the diffusion of Christian and knowledge among the Chinese, Civilization... et al.; German congregation in Shanghai; Statement on the Chinese treatise society; Travel report to the interior of China (1887); General communications from China; Contact with the General Mission Society; Speeches, reports, conferences; Salaries; Annual reports (1892, 1895, 1896, 1897); Letters from Chicago

180.01.275 · Akt(e) · 7. Februar 1906 - Dezember 1908
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Correspondence of the pastors Blumhardt, Wilhelm Schüler and Wilhelm with the Missionsverein; situation reports, e.g. of the new teachers at the Missions-Mädchenschule in Tsingtau; cash situation; abolition and reorganization of the hospital; protocol of the mission station (27 Oct. 1906); school questions; general situation in China; report on the situation in Kaumi

180.01.244 · Akt(e) · 1909-1922
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Service contract of the Allg.evang.-prot. missionary association with vicar Benjamin Blumhardt; girls' school (1977); Faberhospital (1911); financial questions (1912ff.); war influences (1916); report by Hanna Blumhardt about her trip to China (1915); diary of the teacher Gottliebin Blumhardt (1915ff.); diary of the teacher Gottliebin Blumhardt (1915ff.); the German school of the German school of the German school of the German school of the German school of the German school of the German school of education (1915ff.)); Correspondence with the pastors Wilhelm Seufert, Dr. Hermann Bohner and D. Richard Wilhelm, prisoners of war in Japan, and deployment of them in the Mission Tsingtau; Provisional statutes of the German Hilfsbund für Evangelische Mission in China; Contract between Mrs. Emmy Winter and the General Evang.prot. missionary association about the sale of a house in Tsingtau (1921); Christian soldiers home Tsingtau (1922); situation report about the work of the missionary association Tsingtau (1922); contract between the Allg.evang.-prot. missionsverein and Mr. H. Schulze, Tsingtau, on the renting of a residential building on the property of the Faberhospital (1922); contract between the Allg.evang.-prot. missionsverein and Mr. Kretschmer, Tsingtau, on the renting of the former sisters' house of the Faberhospital (1922)

Pastor and Missionary Richard Wilhelm
180.01.236 · Akt(e) · 1898-1905
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Contains: Application for the parish office Kiautschou; curriculum vitae; testimonies; contract with the General Protestant Mission Society (25 March 1899); secondment; sermon; report about the stay in England (20 Jan. - 14 March 1899); report about the departure to China (1 Apr. - 13 May 1899); pay lists; newspaper cuttings

Paul Kranz, Missionary
180.01.212 · Akt(e) · Dat. => Findbuch: 2. September 1891 - Oktober 1904
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Contract with the General Evangelical - Prot. Missionary Association; application and notification for the mission service in China; testimonies; sending out to Shanghai; work reports; various publications: e.g. Three motives for world mission (author P. Kranz), What the visible church should be and do (author P. Kranz), report on the returnSermons, leaving the General Evangelical -prot.missionsverein;New Departure; Statutes of the United Church for Mandarin-speaking Chinese in Shanghai

The medical mission in China
180.01.094 · Akt(e) · 1902-1907
Teil von Central Archive of the Evangelical Church of the Palatinate

Correspondences; floor plan of the hospital in Tsingtau, statutes and regulations of the Evang. Diakonieverein e.V., Berlin-Zehlendorf (1902); sending of nursing sisters to Tsingtau; contract between the Johanniterorden and the management of the Kaiserswerth deaconesses' institution concerning the sending of deaconesses to Beirut; statutes of the German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies (1899); agreement between the central board and the board of the German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies concerning the sending of deaconesses to Beirut; agreement between the central board and the board of the German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies concerning the sending of nursing sisters to Tsingtau; agreement between the German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies concerning the sending of deaconesses to Beirut (1899). Sending nursing sisters (Feb. 17, 1902); medical report of the Faber Hospital in Tsingtau for the first year of its existence (Sept. 30, 1902); sending a missionary doctor to Kiautschou (April 30, 1903); drawing of a hospital pavilion for the Faber Hospital; overview of the hospital patients (Feb. 19, 1902); report of the patients of the Faber Hospital in Tsingtau for the first year of its existence (Sept. 30, 1902); sending a missionary doctor to Kiautschou (April 30, 1903); drawing of a hospital pavilion for the Faber Hospital; overview of the hospital patients (Sept. 19, 1902). Jan. 1904); agreement between the central board of the Missionsverein and the board of the German Women's Association for Nursing in the Colonies concerning the secondment of nursing sisters (Jan. 14-18, 1904); report on the nurses employed in the Faberhospital (June 20, 1904); hospital report Mai-Okt. 1904; report on the activity of the physician of detachment in the Chinese mission hospital of the city of Kaumi (Sept. 8, 1904); observations from the mission hospital of the city of Kaumi (lecture of Sept. 23, 1904); hospital report Nov. 1904, July 1905, June 1906; list of medicines and bandages [1905 and 1906?]; hospital reports Aug. - Nov. 1905 as well as July - Sept. 1906; statutes of the Cologne Academy for Practical Medicine (Cölner Akademie für prakt. Medicine (1904); Hospital statistics April 1903 - March 1904 vol.1 (1902-1904), vol.2 (1905-1907,1.March)