Showing 9 results

Archival description
4-33-3010/149 · File · 1936-1945
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Meiningen State Archives

Contains: Preparatory administration of justice for the former German colonies - asset management - clemency proceedings in favour of Poland - criminal proceedings against Poland - judicial work under the influence of air raids - air raid on the Sonneberg area in February 1945.

4-99-004/539 · File · 1915 - 1917
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Meiningen State Archives

Contains: Individual numbers of newspapers: Feldzeitungen deutscher Einheiten, 1915; Kolonie und Heimat; Meininger Tageblatt; Hildburghäuser Kreisblatt with drawings by Prince Ernst von Sachsen-Meiningen; The New York Times, The World, New York 1915; Bekanntmachungen der deutschen Besatzungsbehörden inBelgien, mehrsprachig, 1915; Timetable for military trains, food maps; sketchbooks, postcards; Bayerische Hefte für Volkskunde 2, 1915; Le Journal du camp d´Ohrdruf; "Gruß aus Kurland" (Birkenrinde).

4-12-2000/1225 · File · 1911
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Meiningen State Archives

Contains among other things: List of the members of the Reich Health Council to be appointed for the period from 1 January 1911 to 31 December 1915 (pp. 7-9) - Draft of an introductory law to the Reich Insurance Ordinance (pp. 16-25) - Draft of a growth tax law (pp. 42-53).- Draft Law on Insurance for Employees (pp. 145-175) - Draft Law on Provisional Settlement of Trade Relations with Japan (pp. 198) - Draft Law on Amendment of the Ignition Tax Act (pp. 199) - Draft Law on Patent Execution Obligation (pp. 145-175) - Draft Law on the Provisional Settlement of Trade Relations with Japan (pp. 198) - Draft Law on Amendment of the Ignition Tax Act (pp. 199) - Draft Law on Patent Execution Obligation Obligation (pp. 145-175) 212) - Draft law on the disposal of animal carcasses (page 218) - Draft law on daily subsistence allowances, transport and removal expenses for colonial officers (pages 227-230) - Draft law on protection troops (pages 319-322).- List of amendments to be made to the draft of a new statistical list of goods, etc., which appears in No 90 of the printed matter (pp. 336-338) - Draft Law on the extension of German waterways and the levying of navigation taxes (pp. 336-338) - Draft Law on the extension of German waterways and the levying of navigation taxes (pp. 336-338) - Draft Law on the extension of German waterways (pp. 336-338) - Draft Law on the extension of German waterways (pp. 336-338) - Draft Law on the extension of German waterways (pp. 336-338) - Draft Law on the extension of German waterways (pp. 336-338) (371-376).draft law on the issue of small shares in the consular districts of China and in the Kiautschou protectorates (p. 386).draft law on domestic work (p. 387-391).draft law on the amendment of sections 114a, 120, 120e, 134, 139b, 146, 146a, 147, 150, 154a, of the Industrial Code (p. 386).draft law on the issue of small shares in the consular districts of China and in the Kiautschou protectorates (p. 386).draft law on domestic work (p. 387-391).draft law on the amendment of sections 114a, 120, 120e, 134, 139b, 146, 146a, 147, 150, 154a, of the Industrial Code (p. 386). (392-394).draft law on the repeal of the Law on the Assistance Funds (file 395-396).draft law on the Insurance of Employees (file 397-429).draft law on the amendment of the Law on Protectorates (file 397-429). draft law on the amendment of the Law on Protectorates (file 392-394). draft law on the repeal of the Law on Assistance Funds (file 395-396).draft law on the amendment of the Law on Protectorates (file 397-429). draft law on the amendment of the Law on Protectorates (file 397-429). draft law on the repeal of the Law on Assistance Funds (file 395-396).draft law on the Insurance of Employees (file 397-429).draft law on the amendment of the Law on Protectorates (file 397-429). Draft Imperial Decree on the course of business and procedures of the Reich Insurance Office (pp. 442-447) Draft Imperial Decree on the fees of lawyers in proceedings before the insurance authorities (pp. 448) Draft Imperial Decree on the course of business and procedures of the Higher Insurance Offices (pp. 449-454) Draft Imperial Decree on the course of business and procedures of the insurance offices (pp. 456-467).

Museum collections
4-12-2000/1001 · File · 1903 - 1921
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Meiningen State Archives

Contains: Acquisition of the collection of objects from Cameroon from W. Heim in Schleusingen - Acquisition of a collection of East Asian art objects from F. Niemann in Berlin - Cataloguing of the South Sea collection of Dr. Lau in Wildungen at Landsberg Castle.

4-12-2000/1006 · File · 1906 - 1907
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Meiningen State Archives

Contains among other things: Invitations and information on events - Report of the meeting of the 27th Association Day of the Central Association of German Municipal Homeowners and Landowners Associations in Munich (print) - Submission by the Guild of German Master Builders' Guild concerning the subject of quotation at technical colleges - III German Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Dresden - Review of twenty-five years in the administration of the city of Hildburghausen 1880-1905 (print) - Annual Report 1905 of the Association of Rural Cooperatives for Thuringia e.V. - Annual Report 1905 of the Association of Thuringian Rural Cooperatives (Verband ländlicher Genossenschaften für Thüringen e.V.) (print) - Annual report of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the district of Saalfeld, 1905 (print) - Commemorative gift for the 27th Annual General Meeting of the Thüringerwald-Verein in the Solbad Salzungen (print, with historical outline of the town) - About official printed matters. Lectures given at the 7th Assembly of German Librarians - Annual Report of the Imperial German Archaeological Institute for 1905 (print) - Thüringer Kalender 1907, ed. by Thüringer Museum in Eisenach. Report on the Third General Meeting of the State Association of Patriotic Women's Associations in the Duchy of Saxony-Meiningen on 25 June 1906 in Pößneck (print) - The Woermann Line during the uprising in Deutsch-Südwest-Afrika (print) - Report of the Sonneberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the year 1906 (print) - Publications on the German colony in Southwest Africa - I accuse. A serious reminder to all liberal voters (print) - Annual report of the Deutsche Hypothekenbank in Meiningen for the year 1906 (print).

4-12-2000/1007 · File · 1906 - 1907
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Meiningen State Archives

Contains among other things: Invitations and information about events - erection of a monument to the 600th anniversary of the victory at Lucka - annual report of the trade inspector of the Duchy of Saxony-Meiningen for 1906 (print) - the state of tuberculosis control in spring 1907 (print) - statutes of the association "Invalidendank" in Berlin - magazine Thüringer Dorfbote of the Thüringer Vereinigung für Heimatspflege 48th annual report of the Verein für Handlungs-Commis of 1858 for the year 1906 (print) - Report on the annual meeting in Sonneberg on 26 March 1907 of the Sachsen-Meiningischen Oberlehrerverein (print) - On the ten-year history of the general concert club folk choir Barmen 1897-1907 (print) - The development and settlement of the German colonies. Special reprint from the "Archive of the German Agricultural Council" 1907 (print) - Federal Notification of Homeland Security, 3rd year no. 3 and 4 March and April 1907 (print) - Report of the Sonneberg Chamber of Commerce and Industry on the year 1905 (print) - Administrative report of the Board of Management of the Thüringische Landes-Versicherungsanstalt in Weimar for the year 1906 (print) - Annual Report of the Bank für Thüringen formerly B. M. Strupp in Meiningen for the second business year 1906/07 (print).

4-12-2000/1008 · File · 1906 - 1907
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Meiningen State Archives

Contains among other things: Invitations and information on events - Annual report of the Sonneberg Industrial School for 1906 - Annual report of the Schalkau Savings and Advance Payments Association for 1906 - Reports on the German colonies, including a brief overview of the activities of the Deutsche Colonial-Gesellschaft für Südwest-Afrika (print) - Otto Mayer, Studien zur Rheinschiffahrtsakte, Munich 1907 (print) - Sachsen-Meiningisches Kirchenblatt 1. Jg. Nr. 2 v. 10.3.1907 (print) - F. Gaul, curriculum and report about the first course of the agricultural district winter school to Hildburghausen 1907 (pressure) - Tenth annual report about the administration of Charlottenhall, child sanatorium to Salzungen, 1906 (pressure) - Annual report of the grammar school Bernhardinum to Meiningen about the school year 1906 - Annual report about the school year 1906/07 of the secondary school to Sonneberg - Annual report about the school year 1906/07 of the secondary school to Meiningen. 36th Annual Report of the Board of Management of Deutsche Bank on 1906 (print) - 5th Report of the Herzog Georg-Stiftung für Krankenpflegerinnen 1906 - Memorandum of the Arbeitgeberverband für das Buchdruckgewerbe (1907, print) - The Reichsverband gegen die Sozialdemokratie in seiner Entwicklung und in seiner praktischen Tätigkeit bei den Reichstaggswahlen von 1907 (print) - Annual Report of the Hotel-Aktiengesellschaft Sächsischer Hof in Meiningen über das Jahr 1906 (print).

4-12-2000/1182 · File · 1911 - 1913
Part of Thuringia State Archives - Meiningen State Archives

Contains among other things: Regulation of traffic with East German manufacturers - Memorandum on the establishment of a retail trade professional association - Amendment of the Reich Electoral Act - Treatise on monetary and credit relations in the colonies - Tariff policy in the printing industry - Draft of the Postal Cheque Act - Transfer of the German/Austrian border at Hammerunterwiesenthal-Weipert - Use of overburden salts - Draft of an announcement on the creation of a special gold and silver stock in the German Reich - Discussion on the new StGB.