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Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 371-8 II_S XIX B 7 7 Band I · Akt(e) · 1884-1891
Teil von State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Securing the possessions acquired by Germans on the coast of West Africa (1884), claims for damages by German companies on the occasion of the Franco-Madagascan conflict (1886-1896), damage to German trade through the expansion of French colonial possessions in Hinterindien (1888), consequences of the Franco-Italian customs war for German industry and its exploitation by Germany and other states (1888), protection of German interests in colon due to possible labour unrest (Panama Canal Construction) (1889), Protection of German property on Portorico (1898), dispatch of a warship to the Pacific coast of Guatemala (1897), increase of the German war fleet (1897), detrimental effects in the port of Noyo (California) (1896), Sending of a warship to the Philippines (1896), prosecution of German legal claims before Italian bankruptcy courts (1895), German fleet station in South America (1895), closure of the factories in Weidah and Groß-Popo of the local company Wölber.

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 371-8 II_S XIX B 7 7 Band II · Akt(e) · 1900-1909
Teil von State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: 1. granting of licences to Portuguese companies in Portuguese Guinea to the detriment of the German companies already operating there (so-called Praso system) (1900-1903) 2. the French Surtaxe d'entrepot and the Austrian differential customs duty on coffee (1900-1916) 3. the French Surtaxe d'entrepot and the Austrian differential customs duty on coffee (1900-1916) The German jewellery trade in Austria made more difficult (1903) 4. The financial situation of the Republic of Haiti (1903-1904) 5. The Hamburg Exporters Association's submission on France's action in the Siamese province of Battambang (1903) 6. German claims for damages due to the turmoil of war in Venezuela (1903) 7. German interests in Morocco (1903-1910) 8. Input of the Woermann Line on the threat to trade interests in West Africa by the introduction of differential tariffs by France (1903-1904) 9. Protection of German interests in Shanghai (1906) 10. German claims for damages due to the unrest in Spain (1909).