Affichage de 14 résultats

Description archivistique
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Waldersee, A. v., A II Nr. 19 · Dossier · o.D.
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Copy from the "Armee-Blatt" (Austria) - Hauptmann Keim: Representation of the troop strength of the Kingdom of Prussia in the year 1813 - by Stuckrad, Lieutenant Colonel and Chief of the General Staff of the 9th Reich. Army Corps, Infantry, December 1886 - Address by Crown Prince Wilhelm to the Lords of the maison militaire of Emperor Wilehlm I on the evening of 11 March 1888 - Presentation by State Secretary Giers, Adjutant General Wannowski and Finance Minister Wyschnegradski to the Tsars, May 1888 - Copies of newspapers: Swjet, Novoye Vremja, Warschawski Dnewnik, Novosti, Moskauer Zeitung, Kurier Warschawski, Moskowsija Vjedomosti from the time from August 1888 to spring 1889 - Critique of the tactical final tasks for the year 1888/89 on March 8, 1889 in the presence of the Emperor by the Chief of the General Staff Count v. Waldersee - Major General Taysen: Cases in which Army Leaders applied for reinforcement and were knocked off from the Great Headquarters, 1890 - Dr. Schroeder: Proposals for our Colonial Program in Africa, 1890 - Tactical Works 1890 - Reflections on the Situation, (Jan. 1892) - Press statements about the military bill 1892 - Discussion of the final tasks 1904 - Representation of "the false Waldemar" - Representation "1813" - List of those troops which reach into the time before 1806 - A statement by Moltke about the Battle of Königgrätz - Principles for a reorganization of the Reich Railway Office, in the sense of an extension of its competence in matters of national defence - Conversation with General Kuropatkine, von Lignitz (?) - fortifications of the French border, extract from Brandt (?)

Waldersee, Alfred von
German-Southwest Africa
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, IX. HA, SPAE, IV Nr. 38 · Dossier · ca. 1904 - 1914
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

and others: Lazaret in Windhoek; Warrior Association Windhoek; Native Church in Windhoek; Natives (Herero; Nama; Owambo); German Schutztruppe; Fortress Omaruru; Church in Bethany; Oitjo; Artillery of the German Schutztruppe; Kunene river; Owambo mission station; native animal species; Gobabis fortress; Oas fortress; Auasberg heliographer station; Keetmanshoop fortress; (28 x 21 cm) various sizes; album with photographs, black and white; z. T. strongly faded

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 76, Vf Lit. L Nr. 33 · Dossier · 1880 - 1904
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - Granting of a salary supplement - accusation by private lecturer Dr. Hippolyt J[ulius] Haas against Lamp, Professor Dr. P[aul Ewald] Hasse and Professor Dr. Friedrich Wilhelm] Blass wegen Angriff der persönlichen Ehre und Moral sowie der Verbreitung unwahrer Gerüchte, 1886-1887 - Interrogation protocols (transcripts) of all participants signed by the curator of the University of Kiel, 1887 - Reference to arbitration by the university curator, 1887 - Granting of a financial support for the observation of the solar eclipse, 1887 - Statements on the planned promotion of Lamps by Professor Dr. A[dalbert] Krueger, 1888/89 - Ernst [August] Lamp, Elements and Ephemeris for the Return of Brorsen's Comet. In: Astrom[ische] Nachrichten Vol. 123 (printed) - Ernst [August] Lamp, Die Theilungsfehler des Reichenbach'schen Meridiankreises der Sternwarte in Kiel. In: Astrom[ische] Nachrichten Vol. 123 (printed) - Expert opinion on the astronomical works of Lamp by Professor Dr. Arthur Julius Georg Friedrich von] Auwers, 1889 - Appointment as extraordinary professor of the University of Kiel, 1889 - Remuneration issues - Release from the obligation to lecture for the summer semester 1892 due to a military exercise, 1892 - Grant of financial support for participation in the meeting of German natural scientists and physicians, 1894 - Statements of the director of the observatory in Kiel on the work with Lamp, 1897 - Application of the director of the Geodetic Institute Potsdam for a suitable person to complete the work on the earth figure in the Harz region, 1897 - leave of absence to complete the work in Potsdam, 1897 - participation in an expedition to survey the borders between D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a and the Congo states (Kivu expedition), 1900 - notification of the death of Lamp, 1901 - granting of the quarter of grace for the widow Sophie Lamp, née Schütt und die Töchter Louise Magdalena und Magdalena Sophie, 1901 - Tabellarische Nachweisen für die Antrag auf Witwengeld, 1901 - Approval of an annual support for the widow Sophie Lamp, née Schütt, and the daughters until the age of 18, 1903 - Application for the extension of the scholarship for the student teacher Bernhard Lamp (son), 1903.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Kiste und Karton · Dossier · o.D.
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Box: - 3 vases (1 large and 2 smaller), solid, brass - 1 image of the god (bust), carved from wood (inscription on the RS.: Cameroon) - 1 throwing weapon (boomerang) - 3 compartments, braided - 1 ostrich egg (nature) - 1 arrow-like object with teeth (wood) - 1 snake (bronze) - 2 wooden rattles (musical instrument)

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 2 · Dossier · o.D.
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Carton 2: - 1 stone tool with wooden handle - 1 stone tool, longer, damaged handle - 1 stone tool, broken wooden handle - 2 stone tools without wooden handle - 1 stone tool with short broken handle - 1 axe, Stone Age, New Guinea - 1/2 coconut in bast stand (drinking vessel) - 1 wooden vessel, Edge decorated (cup) - 1 animal head-like painted piece of wood, end broken off - 1 brown ribbon with beads - 1 ribbon turquoise/brown - 1 ribbon with light, flat jewellery parts - 1 bast jewellery part with straps and fringes - 1 part of bone/horn? beige with a smaller hole at the end - 1 stick with a fibrous frond - 1 fly swatter from Samoa - 1 fly swatter with feathers - 1 bast mini hat - 1 bone-drawn hard strand (stalk-like) - 2 light-coloured worked stones - 2 light-coloured stones with a hole in the middle

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 3 · Dossier · o.D.
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Box 3: - 1 water creator, wood, New Guinea - 1 bast bag black/beige (by Mr. Magi Magi... in East Africa), New Guinea - 2 shorter tusks - 1 drum, East Africa - 2 small tusks - 4 tusks of different sizes - 1 black polishing stone - 1 large shell of 2 parts - 1 piece of lava stone - 2 petrified decorated sponges

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 7 · Dossier · o.D.
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Box 7: - 1 dagger with wooden part in wooden case, handle strongly decorated - 1 war horn for the "Maisa-Maisa uprising" in East Africa, dyed ivory - 1 wooden hatchet, New Guinea - 1 bast fan with decorated handle, end broken off (broken off part is there) - 1 tortoise shell as water creator, wooden handle on back - 1 tortoise shell with chain

Reports of the Imperial Envoy to Madrid
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 81 Dresden, Nr. 233 · Dossier · 1885
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Enth. et al: <br />- Trade agreement with USA, <br />- Republican movement in Aragon and Catalonia, <br />- Cholera epidemic, <br />- Conflict from the occupation of the Caroline and Palau Islands by Germany, <br />- Bonapartesque ambitions of Marshal Serrano and his nephew Lopez Dominguez, <br />- Death of King Alfonso XII.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Witschel, M., Nr. 1 · Dossier · 10. Juli - 26. Aug. 1906
Fait partie de Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: - 5 Course maps with position notes 1) Wilhelmshaven - Gibraltar 2) Gibraltar - Port-Said 3) Port-Said - Aden 4) Somali coast 5) Aden - Bombay.

Witschel, Max