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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 9 · Akt(e) · 1896-1897
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1896-1897, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 bequests Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun. Contains among others: 1896: First experiences in Dar es Salaam (13.12.96); detailed description of the journey via Switzerland, Italy, Suez Canal to the arrival in Tanga (subsequently written after arrival in Dar es Salaam) (13.11.-7.12); description of Tanga (7th century); description of the journey to Tanga (13.11.-7.12).12.); quartering (8.12.); description of Dar es Salaam (with sketch p. 76), local people, animals, furnishing of his room (9.12.); customs clearance of imported weapons and photographic equipment, visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.).26.12); Christmas party (24. and 25.12.)<br />1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.); Christmas celebration (24. and 25.12.)<br />1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.)); solemn greeting of the new governor Colonel Liebert (17.1.); illness of Gansser and recovery (17.1.-20.01); order for the topographic survey of the country (20./21.1.); march into the interior of the country (25.1.).); Usambara Railway, arrival of Gasser at the plantation of Mr Georg Sander in Lewa (27.01.); construction of a trigonometric signal at the highest point of the plantation Sanders (28.01. - 04.02.).); visit of the governor Liebert in Lewa and visit of the trigonometric signal, short description of the coffee plantation in Lewa (05.02.); construction of a ground floor pyramid as a signal at Tongue Mountain, supply of Gansser's people by the natives (06.02); punishment of a young native boy by Mr. Hutcup (12.02.); ascent and descent to Mlinga (13.02.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); march to Segoma mountain, erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.)); march on to Maramba, description of the village (01.03.); congratulations to the king, post from his homeland (03.03.); march on to Mount Wuga (06.03.) and erection of a signal there (07.03.); discussion with the technician Hutcup (08.03.); departure to Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to Lutindi, refusal to work by the aid organisations (17.3.); departure to Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to Lutindi, refusal to work by the aid organisations (17.3.)); construction of a signal there, exact description of the plant, after completion celebration with the assistants with Pombe (brown drink), Ngoma (drum) and dances of the natives (21.03.); illness of the blacks and cupping method against it (22.03.); healing methods of the natives (23.03.).); smaller signals set by the predecessors, from Kombola to Siai (29.03.); mail received (07.04.); erection of smaller signals by Böhler (13.04.); plantations and their ownership (15.04.); Easter as guest on the plantation of Mr. and Mrs. v. Horn near Nyuelo, birthday presents from home, birthday party on the plantation (17.04. ff.); description of the house of v. Horn (26.04.); onward journey to Kwamkoro (30.04.); the market of Kwamkoro (02.05.); march to the Bulwa mountains (11.05.); further stops at the v. Horns, completion of a signal under difficulties (16.05. ff.); ceremonial inauguration of the signal of Nyuelo, which was given to the wife v. Horn, Drunkenness of Wolffhauer (30.05.); March to Muhesa (04.06.); Assessment of the work of the land surveyor Böhler (05.06.); Theft of Gansser's left luggage (14. and 15.06.); further stay at the v. Horns, a.o. birthday party for Mr. v. Horn (16.06.); Ganssers dog "Flock" (11.07.); the plantation of the Wißmahl brothers, dispute with Böhler because of the basis of the triangulation, march of the caravan to Hakoko (12.07.); on the territory of the English mission (13.07.); further march towards Lutindi (19.07.); ascent to the Mashindei (20.07.); construction of a camp and a signal there (21.07. ff.) description: Contains and others: 1896: First experiences in Dar es Salaam (13.12.96); detailed description of the journey via Switzerland, Italy, Suez Canal to the arrival in Tanga (subsequently written after arrival in Dar es Salaam) (13.11.-7.12); description of Tanga (7th century); description of the journey to Tanga (13.11.-7.12).12.); quartering (8.12.); description of Dar es Salaam (with sketch p. 76), local people, animals, furnishing of his room (9.12.); customs clearance of imported weapons and photographic equipment, visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.).26.12); Christmas party (24. and 25.12.) 1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.); Christmas celebration (24. and 25.12.) 1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.)); solemn greeting of the new governor Colonel Liebert (17.1.); illness of Gansser and recovery (17.1.-20.01); order for the topographic survey of the country (20./21.1.); march into the interior of the country (25.1.).); Usambara Railway, arrival of Gasser at the plantation of Mr Georg Sander in Lewa (27.01.); construction of a trigonometric signal at the highest point of the plantation Sanders (28.01. - 04.02.).); visit of the governor Liebert in Lewa and visit of the trigonometric signal, short description of the coffee plantation in Lewa (05.02.); construction of a ground floor pyramid as a signal at Tongue Mountain, supply of Gansser's people by the natives (06.02); chastisement of a young native boy by Mr. Hutcup (12.02.); ascent and descent to Mlinga (13.02.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); march to Mount Segoma, erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.); march on to Maramba, description of the village (01.03.); congratulations to the king, post from home (03.03.); march on to Mount Wuga (06.03.) and erection of a signal there (07.03.); visit of the village (01.03.); visit of the village (07.03.).); discussion with the technician Hutcup (08.03.); march on the Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to the Lutindi, refusal to work by the supporters (17.3. ff); the first day of the tour (13.3. ff); the second day of the tour (17.3. ff).); construction of a signal there, exact description of the plant, after completion celebration with the assistants with Pombe (brown drink), Ngoma (drum) and dances of the natives (21.03.); illness of the blacks and cupping method on the other hand (22.03.); healing methods of the natives (23.03.); smaller signals set by the predecessors, from Kombola to Siai (29.03.); received mail (07.04.); erection of smaller signals by Böhler (13.04.); plantations and their ownership (15.); the development of the plantations and their ownership (15.).04.); Easter as guest on the plantation of Mr. and Mrs. v. Horn near Nyuelo, birthday presents from home, birthday party on the plantation (17.04. ff.); description of the house of v. Horn (26.04.); onward journey to Kwamkoro (30.04.); the market of Kwamkoro (02.05.); march to the Bulwa mountains (11.05.); further stops at the v. Horns, completion of a signal under difficulties (16.05. ff.); solemn inauguration of the signal of Nyuelo dedicated to Frau v. Horn; drunkenness of Wolffhauer (30.05.); march to Muhesa (04.06.); evaluation of the work of the land surveyor Böhler (05.06.); theft of Gansser's left luggage (14. and 15.06.); further stay at v. Horns, among others birthday party for Mr. v. Horn (16.06.); Gansser's dog "Flock" (11.07.); the plantation of the Wißmahl brothers, dispute with Böhler because of the basis of the triangulation, march of the caravan to Hakoko (12.07.); on the territory of the English mission (13.07.); further march towards Lutindi (19.07.); ascent to the Mashindei (20.07.); construction of a camp and a signal there (21.07. ff.)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 10 · Akt(e) · 1896-1899
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1896-1899, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 bequests Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun. Also contains: some postcards<br />contains et al: 1896: Arrival in Dar es Salaam, snipe hunt with von den Marwitz, dinner at the fair (25.12.1896)<br />1897: Lieutenant Bresler, purchase of a donkey, fox terrier Flock, sister Lilli, née Countess Pückler (08.01.)1897); forthcoming reception of the governor (21.01.1897); trigonometric signal used at the Lewa plantation, visit of the signal by the governor, equipment of the Ganssers expedition (06.02.); the trigonometric signal used at the Lewa plantation (21.01.1897); the trigonometric signal used at the Lewa plantation (06.02.).1897); praise from the governor for the signal in Lewa, description of the plantation Lewa, erection of a further signal on the mountain Mlinga, further march to the Tengomaberg, view from the Tengomaberg (26.03.1897); description of the mountain Lutindi, celebration of the 100th birthday of emperor William I. (19.03.)1897); completion of the signal on the Lutindi (30.03.1897); on the Mlunduiberg, congratulations on the wedding day of the parents, visit of the v. Horn planned during the Easter days (5./6.04.1897); thanks for the birthday box, good recording on the plantation of the v. Horns, so far 8 large signals erected (23.4.1897); celebration of the birthday (postcard from 26.04.1897 with a short greeting from Marieluise v. Horn); at the beginning of June further signals are to be erected on the coast, Gansser's fever attack, ownership of the plantations, description of the march route (18th century).05.1897); in Handei all points are built, next all points shall be measured and in autumn the coastal connection shall be made (11.06.1897); inauguration of the Marieluisenhöhle on the Bulwa-Berg (20.06.).1897); renewed friendly acceptance by the v. Horns for 14 days, here construction of a hut to house his loads, a box of Ganssers kept in Tanga was broken open and some of it stolen, among others a mouse pistol and ammunition (1.07.1897); construction of a log house on Msasa (part of Derema), where the v. Horns now live, for storage of objects and construction of a bed place there, no measurements possible in the Luengeratal due to flooding, invitation to the English mission (15.07.1897); base measurement in Luengeratal delayed due to continuous rainfall (01.08.1897); no hunting trip yet, game in Africa, climatic situation, signal in Lutindi completed on 14.08., new destination is Wuga (10.08.); the first one is in the Luengeratal.1897); Gansser recruits new porters and workers in Masinde, he tries to build a new base there, since the Luengeratal does not seem to get dry, hunting in the steppe near Lake Manga, seriously ill First Lieutenant Storch in Masinde and his death, receipt of the commemorative medal, congratulations on his father's birthday (06.09.1897); further congratulations on his father's birthday, since 3 months severe toothache, treatment by Dr. Eggel, still water in the Luengeratal, higher price level in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (29.09.2897); on his return journey to West-Usambara again with the v. Horns, Captain Asthausen of the "Bundesrat", with whom Gansser had made the journey to East Africa (10.10.2897); Gansser tries to carry out basic measurement in Luengeratal (24.10.1897), difficulty to advance basic measurement in Luengeratal (24.10.1897), hunt for hippos, planning for further surveying work (31.10.1897); fever, new dog, photography in East Africa, clearing of a 3000 m long and 10 to 15 m wide line from the bush for surveying purposes, the lighthouse of Ulenge near Tanga shall be the most eastern surveying point (20.11.).1897); sending of measuring instruments to the Luengeratal, small house there to store material and to sleep (6.12.1897); Gansser was examined by Dr. Becker, everything healthy, his measuring assistant Wolfhauer, who died, was a drunkard and died of a heartbeat (20th century).12.1897) ; celebrated Christmas in the bush (26.12.1897)<br />1898: celebrated New Year's Eve at the v. Horns, he hopes to have finished the measurement of the base in 6 weeks before the rainy season, then the measurement on all points follows (01.01.)1898); description of his stay in Kerenge im Luengeratal (16.01.1898); planning for his father's 70th birthday, upcoming visit of the governor (29.01.1898); visits to Gansser (07.02.1898); gift for Mr. v. Horn, forthcoming visit of the governor and his preparation (13.03.1898); forthcoming visit of the governor (22.03.1898); visit of the governor in the camp Kerenge, the course of which, Kielmaiers grave at the large caravan road (5.04.1898); punitive expedition because of the death of Kielmaier without Gansser, "but I have to do without war laurels here for the time being", low risk of smallpox, smallpox vaccinations are carried out; situation in Kiautschou (China) (16.04.1898); order of photographic plates from Schaller about the father (01.05.1898); thanks for the birthday cist from the parents, forthcoming survey of the horizontal survey base, military career of brother Konrad Gansser, assessment of the policy of Governor Liebert, non-appointment of v. Scheele as colonial director (13.05.1898); the geodetic professor did not come, success of Governor Liebert's visit, Gansser built a pile yoke bridge, measuring base, visit to the v. Horns over Whitsun (01.06.)1898); status of the work at the base, duration of the package mailing (11.06.1898); work at the base is finished, it can be surveyed, birthday of Mr. v. Horn (30.06.1898); condition of the survey base and further work on it (10.07.1898); possible gift for Mrs. v. Horn (31.07.1898); further work on the surveying base, Heilbronn riots, orders about the father, among other things photo plates (31.07.); the first one was made in 1898.1898); visit of the plantation "Magroko", high temperature fluctuations, march to the coast, lion hunt, freight shipment of furs, spears and horns to the parents, congratulations to the birthday of the mother, gifts for Mrs. v. Horn from Germany (5.09.1898); wishes for Christmas bakery shipment from the parents (24.08.); Christmas bakery shipment from the parents (24.08.)1898); plan 1899 to come to Europe, explanation for strong temperature differences, after completion of the signal surveying of Illich's plantation, now has a trained forester as an employee (13.10.1898); journey home of the governor (4.11.); the governor's plan 1899 to come to Europe, explanation for strong temperature differences, after completion of the signal surveying of Illich's plantation, now has a trained forester as an employee (13.10.1898); the governor's plan (4.11.).1898); trip to Mombasa, English Uganda Railway, sends pictures and others (21.11.1898); museum of Count Linden, Dar es Salaam trip and Mombasa, description of railway conditions (14.12.1898); thanks for the Christmas baking, Ganssers Christmas party, patent as lieutenant premier (28.12.1898)<br />1899: Situation in the camp on Msasa (11.1.1899); march to Lutindi, shooting of an antelope, plague of locusts in the area, measure against the famine, laborious work on the Lutindi (23.01.1899); fetched in Tanga a measuring instrument, return of the governor from vacation (17.02.1899); was on a strenuous 6-7 week tour, plan for a big safari before vacation (08.03.); was on a trip of 6-7 weeks.1899); astronomical determinations for the determination of the base because of bad weather and star view not yet finished, geographical latitude and longitude of the camp, his vacation request, wishes participation in the emperor manoeuvre (21.03.1899); has finished the hard work in the Luengeratal despite adverse weather conditions meanwhile (01.04.1899); upcoming vacation in Germany (14.04.1899); in the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Germany, wants to visit his brother Hans in Paris (19.06.1899); activities in Berlin (13.07.1899) description: Contains also: some postcards Contains among others..: 1896: Arrival in Dar es Salaam, snipe hunt with von den Marwitz, dinner at the fair (25.12.1896) 1897: Lieutenant Bresler, purchase of a donkey, Fox Terrier Flock, sister Lilli, née Countess Pückler (08.01.)1897); forthcoming reception of the governor (21.01.1897); trigonometric signal used at the Lewa plantation, visit of the signal by the governor, equipment of the Ganssers expedition (06.02.); the trigonometric signal used at the Lewa plantation (21.01.1897); the trigonometric signal used at the Lewa plantation (06.02.).1897); praise from the governor for the signal in Lewa, description of the plantation Lewa, erection of a further signal on the mountain Mlinga, further march to the Tengomaberg, view from the Tengomaberg (26.03.1897); description of the mountain Lutindi, celebration of the 100th birthday of emperor William I. (19.03.)1897); completion of the signal on the Lutindi (30.03.1897); on the Mlunduiberg, congratulations on the wedding day of the parents, visit of the v. Horn planned during the Easter days (5./6.04.1897); thanks for the birthday box, good recording on the plantation of the v. Horns, so far 8 large signals erected (23.4.1897); celebration of the birthday (postcard from 26.04.1897 with a short greeting from Marieluise v. Horn); at the beginning of June further signals are to be erected on the coast, Gansser's fever attack, ownership of the plantations, description of the march route (18th century).05.1897); in Handei all points are built, next all points shall be measured and in autumn the coastal connection shall be made (11.06.1897); inauguration of the Marieluisenhöhle on the Bulwa-Berg (20.06.).1897); renewed friendly acceptance by the v. Horns for 14 days, here construction of a hut to house his loads, a box of Ganssers kept in Tanga was broken open and some of it stolen, among others a mouse pistol and ammunition (1.07.1897); construction of a log house on Msasa (part of Derema), where the v. Horns now live, for storage of objects and construction of a bed place there, no measurements possible in the Luengeratal due to flooding, invitation to the English mission (15.07.1897); base measurement in Luengeratal delayed due to continuous rainfall (01.08.1897); no hunting trip yet, game in Africa, climatic situation, signal in Lutindi completed on 14.08., new destination is Wuga (10.08.); the first one is in the Luengeratal.1897); Gansser recruits new porters and workers in Masinde, he tries to build a new base there, since the Luengeratal does not seem to get dry, hunting in the steppe near Lake Manga, seriously ill First Lieutenant Storch in Masinde and his death, receipt of the commemorative medal, congratulations on his father's birthday (06.09.1897); further congratulations on his father's birthday, since 3 months severe toothache, treatment by Dr. Eggel, still water in the Luengeratal, higher price level in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (29.09.2897); on his return journey to West-Usambara again with the v. Horns, Captain Asthausen of the "Bundesrat", with whom Gansser had made the journey to East Africa (10.10.2897); Gansser tries to carry out basic measurement in Luengeratal (24.10.1897), difficulty to advance basic measurement in Luengeratal (24.10.1897), hunt for hippos, planning for further surveying work (31.10.1897); fever, new dog, photography in East Africa, clearing of a 3000 m long and 10 to 15 m wide line from the bush for surveying purposes, the lighthouse of Ulenge near Tanga shall be the most eastern surveying point (20.11.).1897); sending of measuring instruments to the Luengeratal, small house there to store material and to sleep (6.12.1897); Gansser was examined by Dr. Becker, everything healthy, his measuring assistant Wolfhauer, who died, was a drunkard and died of a heartbeat (20th century).12.1897) ; celebrated Christmas in the bush (26.12.1897) 1898: celebrated New Year's Eve at the v. Horns, he hopes to have finished measuring the base in 6 weeks before the rainy season starts, then the measurement follows on all points (01.01.).1898); description of his stay in Kerenge im Luengeratal (16.01.1898); planning for his father's 70th birthday, upcoming visit of the governor (29.01.1898); visits to Gansser (07.02.1898); gift for Mr. v. Horn, forthcoming visit of the governor and his preparation (13.03.1898); forthcoming visit of the governor (22.03.1898); visit of the governor in the camp Kerenge, the course of which, Kielmaiers grave at the large caravan road (5.04.1898); punitive expedition because of the death of Kielmaier without Gansser, "but I have to do without war laurels here for the time being", low risk of smallpox, smallpox vaccinations are carried out; situation in Kiautschou (China) (16.04.1898); order of photographic plates from Schaller about the father (01.05.1898); thanks for the birthday cist from the parents, forthcoming survey of the horizontal survey base, military career of brother Konrad Gansser, assessment of the policy of Governor Liebert, non-appointment of v. Scheele as colonial director (13.05.1898); the geodetic professor did not come, success of Governor Liebert's visit, Gansser built a pile yoke bridge, measuring base, visit to the v. Horns over Whitsun (01.06.)1898); status of the work at the base, duration of the package mailing (11.06.1898); work at the base is finished, it can be surveyed, birthday of Mr. v. Horn (30.06.1898); condition of the survey base and further work on it (10.07.1898); possible gift for Mrs. v. Horn (31.07.1898); further work on the surveying base, Heilbronn riots, orders about the father, among other things photo plates (31.07.); the first one was made in 1898.1898); visit of the plantation "Magroko", high temperature fluctuations, march to the coast, lion hunt, freight shipment of furs, spears and horns to the parents, congratulations to the birthday of the mother, gifts for Mrs. v. Horn from Germany (5.09.1898); wishes for Christmas baking shipment from the parents (24.08.1898); Unfavorable weather for surveying, wants to march next to West-Usambara (06.09.1898); father's birthday, satisfaction with the situation in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, condition of the base, trace of an old lion, illness of his sergeant, he is dismissed, comes to Dar es Salaam for lecture, report of Count von Lindens (21.09.1898); Beginning of measuring in West-Usambara, presentation of a forester as a new force, dismissal of his predecessor, (4.10.1898); plan 1899 to come to Europe, explanation for strong temperature differences, after completion of the signal surveying of Illich's plantation, now has a trained forester as an employee (13.10.1898); journey home of the governor (4.11.); the governor's plan 1899 to come to Europe, explanation for strong temperature differences, after completion of the signal surveying of Illich's plantation, now has a trained forester as an employee (13.10.1898); the governor's plan (4.11.).1898); trip to Mombasa, English Uganda Railway, sends pictures and others (21.11.1898); museum of Count Linden, Dar es Salaam trip and Mombasa, description of railway conditions (14.12.1898); thanks for the Christmas baking, Ganssers Christmas party, patent as lieutenant premier (28.12.1898) 1899: Situation in the camp on Msasa (11.1.1899); march to the Lutindi, shooting down an antelope, plague of locusts in the area, measure against the famine, laborious work on the Lutindi (23.01.1899); fetched a measuring instrument in Tanga, return of the governor from vacation (17.02.1899); was on a strenuous 6-7 week tour, plan for a big safari before the vacation (08.03..); was on a big safari before the vacation (08.03...1899); astronomical determinations for the determination of the base because of bad weather and star view not yet finished, geographical latitude and longitude of the camp, his vacation request, wishes to participate in the emperor maneuver (21.03.1899); has finished the hard work in the Luengeratal despite adverse weather conditions in the meantime (01.04.1899); upcoming vacation in Germany (14.04.1899); in the Mediterranean Sea on the way to Germany, wants to visit his brother Hans in Paris (19.06.1899); activities in Berlin (13.07.1899)
Bundesarchiv, BArch MSG 2/13731 · Akt(e) · o. Dat.
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)
  • o. Dat... Bundesarchiv, BArch MSG 2 Sachthematische und biographische Sammlung zur deutschen Militärgeschichte description: Contains: "Auf SMS Möwe - Bilder aus der Vermessungstätigkeit der Kaiserlichen Marine und Wissenschaftliche Forschungen auf der Ausreise SMS Möwe nach Südwestafrika im Jahre 1911 und Vermessungsarbeiten an der Küste des deutschen Schutzgebietes" (On SMS Seagull - Pictures from the Surveying Activities of the Imperial Navy and Scientific Research on the Departure of SMS Seagull to Southwest Africa in 1911 and Surveying Work on the Coast of the German Protectorate), both v...* Contains:<br />"Auf SMS Möwe - Bilder aus der Vermessungstätigkeit der Kaiserlichen Marine und Wissenschaftliche Forschungen auf der Ausreise SMS Möwe nach Südwestafrika im Jahre 1911 und Vermessungsarbeiten an der Küste des deutschen Schutzgebietes" (On SMS Seagull - Pictures from the Surveying Activity of the Imperial Navy and Scientific Research on the Exit SMS Seagull to Southwest Africa in 1911 and Surveying Work on the Coast of the German Protected...