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FO 383/66 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Effects of German colonial prisoners now at Stratford and in UK. Treatment of English naval prisoners on sunken German torpedo boat A2. Journey to Batavia of two ladies of German nationality: Mrs L Jenne and Miss M Bartens. T Andreae, prisoner at Knockaloe, claiming to be an English subject: request for documents to establish his case. Names of prisoners of war: German Government practice. R Button, deceased at Wittenburg: notification to his wife, Mrs Button, in Belgium; arrangements for return to UK of Mrs Button and family. Forged postcards from Quedlinburg: allegations regarding postcards purported to have been written by Private W Wheeler, prisoner of war at Quedlinburg; investigations into allegations, including original postcards. Tobacco for German prisoners of war. Deportation of German prisoners from Straits Settlements to Australia. Money sent to prisoners of war: limits and intervals allowed by HM Government for German officers and soldiers to draw money. Henry Thomas Martin, late interned civilian at Ruhleben, gardener to HRH Prince Friedrich Karl of Prussia: request from his wife, Mrs Emily Martin, for confirmation of her husband's death in Berlin hospital; transmission of death certificates and private papers; arrangements regarding Mrs Martin's intention to leave Germany. Mr Gutmann, British pro-Consul at Geneva: agency for finding missing officers in Germany; report and thanks for his work; includes printed table of portraits headed 'Queen Victoria Jubilee Fund Association for the relief of British subjects in distress at Geneva. Honorary Manager of Enquiry Branch: S Gutman', showing photographs and details of 28 missing British officers and French soldiers (in docket no. 69614). George Marcussen, civil prisoner in Germany: enquiry from his father, H Marcussen of Maida Vale regarding his whereabouts; report that he had been transferred from Ruhleben to Stadtvogtei following a detrimental remark about the German Emperor. Rev Paul Heyse, German military chaplain interned at Pietermaritzburg, South Africa: protests against capture and internment by military authorities, and request for release. British subjects in German East Africa: missionaries interned since outbreak of war; includes lists of names of members of The Universities' Mission to Central Africa (in docket no. 69886) and the Church Missionary Society (in docket no. 71933). Release of German missionaries in South Africa. A W Hill, British civilian at Ruhleben: enquiry from his father, Mr A Hill of Coventry, regarding possible exchange for German subject, Heinri Gruenwald, resident in Llandudno. Letters addressed to German prisoners from Cameroons: question of censorship. Alfonso De Blasio, First President of the Court of Cassation of Turin: letter regarding his daughter and son-in-law Edgar Fisher, German subjects in London. Erich Langen, member of German colony at Samoa: detention in Auckland following violation of military regulations. Treatment of prisoners of war in England: prohibition of receipt of German literature. Books for prisoners of war: question of censorship. Restriction on the receipt of books at Osnabrück, Gütersloh and Güstrow camps. Internment of German members of missionary societies. Leslie Spicer, British missionary employee interned at Ruhleben. Professor Marshall Montgomery, of County Down, Ireland: enquiries regarding rent of his flat at Giessen. Edward Petermuller, German civil prisoner at Lancaster: complaint from his sister, Bertha Petermuller of Upper Bavaria, regarding his treatment; request that he be medically examined. Students, including: Scheme proposed by Swiss universities in favour of students detained as prisoner of war. Treatment of student prisoners of war. Fourteen British students interned at Ruhleben: petition to resume their studies at German universities; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 151838). University students interned in Ruhleben: South African students; includes list of individuals (in docket no. 161555); individual case of Mr R J Kottich, government scholar. German university students in UK. University students detained as prisoners. Mr R W Wilcocks, South African student in Berlin University: request for certificate of diligence to continue his studies. Tobacco for British civilians in Ruhleben camp: arrangements for shipment and costs. British officers interned at Burg bei Magdeburg. Code 1218 File 67333-72738.