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FO 383/79 · Objekt · 1915
Teil von The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Frederick Forbes Schlomka, British subject interned at Ruhleben: enquiry from his father, Dr Clemens Schlomka, teacher of Glasgow, regarding possible relief for his son's two children; suggestion that representations be made to the Society of Schoolmasters. J J Edgars, British subject interned in Ruhleben: claim regarding private possessions lost by him on SS Kesteven when the trawler was torpedoed in the North Sea; enquiries regarding payment of his wages, and remittance of allowance to his wife. Exchange of muster rolls: arrangements for mutual exchange, following request by German Government. Letter addressed to Dr Seitz, late German Governor of German South West Africa. Bowden Bremsen Company Ltd, London, English registered liability company: enquiry regarding position of their business in Germany. Transmission of money and gifts to Germans in South West Africa, including Christmas parcels. Postal regulations for prisoners in South West Africa. Relief of Germans in South West Africa. Kit bag of Sergeant R E Stewart, Royal Highlanders of Canada, prisoner in Germany: request that it may be sent to him. Transportation to Europe of German subjects in South Africa. Insurance premium of Hans A Loewi, in Berlin. Death of Captain Thomas Augustine Phinn French, British subject at Ruhleben: transmission of details; arrangements for informing his widow, Mrs Clementine M French of Old Lakenham, Norwich; particulars for his burial at Spandau; consideration of decision to transport remains to UK. Richard Waugh, British subject residing at Dahlwitz-Hoppegarten near Berlin: application for remittance from his bankers in Newmarket. Boxing contest at Stendal: victory by Corporal F Frazer, 2nd Battalion The Buffs, over Private Degoud, French welterweight champion; request that result may be published in the Kent Times. Cashing of cheques by British officer prisoners in Germany. Repatriation of enemy subjects on steamship Erna Woermann and transportation of German subjects from South Africa. Mrs André Lowrie, in Barcelona, wife of British subject interned in Germany, Frederick Lester Lowrie: application for relief. 'Bureau de Secours' at Berne: enquiry from Mrs S H Carver of Salisbury regarding how she may send £20 to Berne. Margarete Gross, German subject released from custody in the UK: enquiries regarding disposal of her luggage. Miss Charlotte Lewine, German subject living in Pommern, Germany, having previously resided in the UK: recipient of relief from the Goschen Fund; application for £100 remittance to be sent from Mrs Langford of Brighton; question of Miss Lewine possibly returning to England. Ship's Steward Higgins, prisoner at Sennelager: reference to him in a series of articles appearing in the Paris edition of the Daily Mail under the heading 'My treatment in Germany'; query whether HM Government had investigated his case. Robin J Fulton, detained in Germany: question of repatriation under invalid exchange. Cases of supplies from US Embassy, London, to US Embassy, Berlin: request by American Express Company for shipment via Harwich. Francis P Koenig, late British Consul-General at Dusseldorf, now attached to Consulate General in Zurich: confiscation by German authorities of his property at Dusseldorf. John Jackson, ship's engineer returned from Germany: interview with him regarding his complaints of treatment since returning to England; requests for relief and assistance. Mr Hansen, German subject, manager of German company in Apia, Samoa: trial in Samoa for allegedly having sent a diary under evasion of the authorities charged with censorship. David Salzedo, of London NW: question of repayment of advance obtained in Germany; statement made by Salzedo to the Home Office. Miss Maggie Little, living in Berlin: enquiries from her father, Robert Little of Hawick, regarding her whereabouts and welfare. Miss Dorothy May Jones, previously living in Berlin, now in Switzerland: enquiries from her father, Gordon Jones of Kent. Pay alleged to be due to repatriated German military doctor, Dr Fehlandt, attached to Cameroon frontier force: request from German Government; question of pay of medical officers held as prisoners. Philip Kuhnreich, British subject, residing at Highbury New Park, London: naturalisation certificate. Hans Mautner (or Max Mautner), residing in Belfast: enquiry about his welfare from his brother in Ruhleben, Fritz Mautner. (Sons of James Mautner, naturalised British subject). Princess Lichnowsky: letters tp persons resident in England. S G Forsythe, of Belfast: enquiries whether he may communicate with his sister working as a missionary in German East Africa. Horace H Holland, Royal Naval prisoner at Celle, near Hanover: statement from German Government of their willingness to release him in exchange for Capt-Lieut Franz Rintelin, German naval prisoner in UK; Admiralty view that it was important that Rintelin should remain a prisoner until the end of the war. Franz Rintelin, German naval prisoner in UK: German enquiry whether he had been executed in England; response of UK authorities that he had not been imprisoned and was in an internment camp. Miss Georgina Bridges, in Germany: enquiries regarding her whereabouts and welfare. Alleged acts of cruelty towards German prisoners by British and French troops. Code 1218 File 148669-161911.