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FO 367/12/454 · Pièce · 1906 July 16
Fait partie de The National Archives

Folios 454-456. Africa, Germany: code 418, file 24031, paper 24031. Sent by James B Whitehead, the British Embassy, Berlin (ref 69) on 10/07/1906. Provides details of increase in troops in German South West Africa according to Colonial Estimates passed in Reichstag:. Received on 16/07/1906. 3 folios.

MFQ 1/410/3 · Pièce · 1908
Fait partie de The National Archives

German East Africa (now Tanzania). Outline map, marking areas within 150 km of railways or connecting boat services, as existing and as extended by means of projected Morogoro - Tabora railway and other lines. Reference table to railways, shipping lines and population density. Printed by Bogdan Gisevius, Berlin. Originally part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.

MFQ 1/410/1 · Pièce · 1908
Fait partie de The National Archives

German East Africa (now Tanzania): Tanga province (now Tanga and Kilimanjaro regions). 'Übersichstkarte Mombo - Pangani': map showing the completed and projected portions of the Usambara railway, other communications, woodland, marsh, rivers and place names. Reference table. Compass indicator. Printed by Bogdan Gisevius, Berlin. Inset: section of the route; vertical scale: 1:2,000. Originally part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.

MFQ 1/410/2 · Pièce · 1908
Fait partie de The National Archives

German East Africa (now Tanzania). 'Übersichstkarte der Eisenbahn Daressalam - Tabora': map showing the railway between Dar es Salaam and Tabora. Reference note. Printed and published by Dietrich Eimeer (Ernst Vohsen) Berlin. Inset: section of the route; vertical scale: 1:10,000; dimensions of section 24.5 cm x 71.5 cm. On sheet 67 cm x 76 cm. Originally part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.

FO 383/106 · Pièce · 1915
Fait partie de The National Archives

Miscellaneous (General): Prisoners, including: Bebdon, a pan-Islamic agitator proceeding from Constantinople to Morocco via Gibraltar and Algeciras: if found in Gibraltar he should be arrested. Treatment of prisoners in internment camps, including: International Red Cross Committee to investigate welfare of prisoners. German prisoners in English concentration camps. Professor Edouard Naville, Vice President of Geneva Red Cross: sent by International Red Cross Committee of Geneva to visit prison camps in England. Report of Mr John B Jackson, of the United States Embassy at Berlin, on his visit to England, made at the request of the German Government, to inspect ships and other places where German prisoners were held. Reports (in German) on visits to prison camps in United Kingdom and Colonies, France, Siberia and Germany. Reports laid before Budget Committee of the Reichstag. Sir Louis Mallet's reports on prison camps at Frongoch, Bala, Merionethshire; Leigh, Lancashire; Shrewsbury, Shropshire; and Wakefield, West Riding of Yorkshire. Colonel W C Anderson's reports on internment camps at Alexandra Palace, London; Stratford, East London; Stobs, Hawick, Roxburghshire; Shrewsbury, Shropshire; Wakefield, West Riding of Yorkshire; Leigh, Lancashire; Frongoch, Bala, Merionethshire; Dorchester, Dorset; and Holyport, Maidenhead, Berkshire. Heating of places of internment for officers. Arrest of German Medical Officer from the prize ship Spreewald ; his subsequent release. H F Weinlig detained at Pietermaritzburg, Union of South Africa: asks to be transferred from general camp to officers' camp because he had been Acting Consul General at Cape Town. British and French interests at Tsingtau (Qingdao), China. Remittances to enemy countries, including: Remittances to British subjects in Germany and Austria. Remittances to Union of South Africa subjects in Germany. Remittances to Madame Neumann, a Russian subject at Hanover. Remittances to Mr Gideon Roos, a South African, at Gottingen. Payments made through the American Embassy. Rates of exchange at which payments are to be made from British Funds in hands of United States Ambassador, Berlin. Repatriation of alien enemies. Shipment of Austrian or German subjects on Italian vessels. Foreign Office Circular about communication with enemy countries: General Post Office's comments on draft. Graves of British soldiers in France, including: Desire of Victoria League to take over the charge of British graves. Reburial of British soldiers. Identification of British soldiers buried in France: facilities for Red Cross representations. Repatriation of Germans and Austrians. Pay of prisoners interned in Union of South Africa. Code 1250 Files 1073-4143.

FO 383/237 · Pièce · 1916
Fait partie de The National Archives

Miscellaneous (General). Prisoners, including: Proposal by the International Committee of the Red Cross for measures to enable the identification and removal of the killed and wounded on the field of battle. Repatriation from India on the SS Golconda of the wives and children of Austrian and German prisoners interned at Ahmednegar Camp, including: Petition from the Reverend C R Handmann, requesting safe conduct for the wives and children of the prisoners, endorsed by the Austro-Hungarian Government. Official reply to the Austro-Hungarian Government, and their response alleging the forcible repatriation of the civilian passengers. Printed list of passengers who embarked on the SS Golconda at Madras. Arrangements for the Zeeland Company to convey the passengers to the Netherlands, following their arrival in the United Kingdom. Repatriation from South Africa of enemy seamen on the SS Erna Woermann , with a copy of Army Council Instruction No. 285 of 1916, Prisoners of War - Repatriation of Merchant Seamen. Exchange of invalid civilian prisoners of war , Army Council Instruction No.338 of 1916. Repatriation of enemy subjects from South Africa to Holland on the SS Vondel and the SS Rindjani , with passenger lists (in docket nos.34900 and 45369). Repatriation of enemy civilian prisoners from Tilbury to Flushing in Holland. Repatriation of Jesuit priests on the second voyage of the SS Golconda : enquiry about the legal situation regarding their proposed residency in Holland or Germany. Instructions to Governors of the Colonies requesting early notification of the repatriation of enemy subjects. Mrs Maria Johanna Markart and Miss Anna Marie Kathe Sturm: repatriation from Durban to Rotterdam on the SS Prinz der Nederlanden. Details of passengers repatriated from Cape Town to Holland on the SS Ophir and the SS Prinz der Nederlanden (in docket no.48815). Mr Bado J Dangers, a passenger on the SS Vondel : request for the return of his passport. Details of passengers repatriated from Cape Town to Holland on the SS Tamboura and the SS Prinses Juliana March (in docket no.59563). Departure of Miss Martha Elizabeth Alwine Budde from Durban to Rotterdam on the SS Kawi. Parliamentary question from Mr Rawlinson on the exchange of civilian prisoners. Passenger lists of German subjects on the second voyage of the SS Golconda (in docket nos. 84126 and 104044 ). Report by the German Acting-Consul of Madras, Albert Brill, on conditions on board the SS Golconda ; response to the report by the Foreign Office. Details of civilian prisoners repatriated from Cape Town to Holland on the SS Ophir (in docket no.154635). Details of civilian prisoners repatriated on the SS Kawi (in docket no.179099). Repatriation of German prisoners from Malta to the United Kingdom, with some names (in docket no.180634). Printed lists of enemy prisoners interned in India who were exempt from repatriation (in docket no.193745). Details of civilian prisoners repatriated from Cape Town to Rotterdam on the SS Goenteur (in docket no.211497). Details of civilian prisoners repatriated from Cape Town to Amsterdam on the SS Orange (in docket no.223859). Repatriation of Mrs Ulrichs, her four children and their nurse, Miss Kopke, on the SS Rindjani. Arrest of Mr Campbell, a Times correspondent, at Delémont in Switzerland, on charges of spying; protest by the British Government, and subsequent release of Mr Campbell. Correspondence regarding a petition from certain Egyptians interned in Malta requesting repatriation to Egypt. Proposal by the National Council of the Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA) to provide the names of Allied prisoners in Russia and Germany requiring food parcels from America. Amended scale of rations for prisoners of war , Army Council Instruction No. 103 of January, 1916. Conditions at the military and civil camps at Ahmednagar and Belgaum in India, including: Complaints by the German and Austro-Hungarian governments about conditions at the camps. Report by Mr James A Smith, American Consul-General at Calcutta, on the military and civil camps at Ahmednagar; printed response to the findings of the report by the Army Department of the Government of India. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Defence, Supplement to Second Edition of Manual of War Precautions (Melbourne, 1915). Reports (French language) by M Edward Glardon on conditions at prisoners of war camps at Dorchester and Alexandra Palace. Extracts from The Times of April 10 and April 13, 1916, reporting on speeches made in the German Parliament (The Reichstag) by Herr Cohn. Grant of working pay to interned civilians , Army Council Instruction No. 1280 of 1916. Instructions relative to the Internment and Treatment of Enemy Subjects - Amendment to Instruction No. X , Army Council Instruction No. 1511 of 1916. Employment of soldier prisoners of war. Amendment of A.C.I. 1421 of 1916 , Army Council Instruction No. 1552 of 1916. Employment of soldier prisoners of war , Army Council Instruction No. 1572 of 1916. Proposals by Colonel Earle for the provision of employment to British prisoners interned in Switzerland. Scale of Rations for Prisoners of War. Substitutes for Potatoes , Army Council Instruction No. 2397 of 1916. Policy on postal services for prisoners, including: Customs duty payable on parcels addressed to prisoners interned in the United Kingdom. Policy on correspondence addressed by prisoners interned in the United Kingdom to diplomatic officials in neutral countries. Policy on enquiries regarding prisoners in Germany addressed to the American Embassy in Berlin. Postal facilities between the prisoner of war camp in Ahmednagar, India, and German East Africa. Communication with prisoners of war interned abroad , General Post Office, November 1915; updated copy, December 1916. Prisoners of War. Penal Restrictions on Correspondence , Army Council Instruction No. 337 of 1916. Enquiry about the exemption from postage charges for the Commission des Otages and the Serbian Red Cross Society in Switzerland. Inland postal charges for prisoners in the United Kingdom. Code 1250 Files 114-11519.

MFQ 1/410/4 · Pièce · 1908
Fait partie de The National Archives

West Africa: Cameroon. 'Übersichstkarte der Sud-Kamerunbahn Duala-Widimenge': map showing the railway between Douala and Widimenge. Reference table to railways and marshes. Compiled by the Deutsche Kolonial- Eisenbahn- Bau- und Betriebsgesellschaft, Berlin, February 1908; printed by Bogdan Gisevius, Berlin. Inset: section of the route; vertical scale: 1:5,000. Originally part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.

MFQ 1/410/5 · Pièce · 1908
Fait partie de The National Archives

West Africa: Togoland (now in Togo and Ghana). 'Karte des Schutzebietes Togo Im Wirkunsbereich der geplanten Bahn Lome - Atakpame - Banjeli wirrschaftlich beleuchtet': map, also showing boundaries, principal mission stations and other communications. Reference table. Compiled by P[aul] Sprigade; lithographed and printed by Dietrich Riemer (E Vohsen), Berlin. Originally produced to illustrate a memorandum on the need for a railway between Lomé and Banjeli; this copy formerly part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.

MFQ 1/410/6 · Pièce · 1908
Fait partie de The National Archives

West Africa: Togoland (territory now in Togo). 2 sections on 1 sheet, showing the routes of (a) the Kpalimé - Atakpamé railway line; (b) the Lomé - Atakpamé - Banjeli railway. Horizontal scales: (a) 1:500,000; (b) 1:1,000,000; vertical scales: (a) 1:2,500; (b) 1:5,000. Lithographed and printed by Dietrich Riemer (E Vohsen), Berlin. Originally produced to illustrate a memorandum on the need for a railway between Lomé and Banjeli; this copy formerly part of a print of supplementary colonial estimates, laid before the Reichstag, March 1908.