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FO 800/31/32 · Pièce · 1915 Jan 20
Fait partie de The National Archives

Folios 212 - 218: Letter from Sir John Jordan to Sir Walter Langley concerning: Trouble over the Tsingtau Customs and the press campaign against Baron Kato [Kato Takaaki] by [Francis] Aglen. Encloses newspaper extracts from the "Japan Advertiser", 6 January 1915. and 9 January 1915; an extract from a letter from Japanese Minister to Inspector General, 16 January 1915; and a letter from Mr G Woodhead to Mr Bowra, 15 January 1915.

FO 800/31/43 · Pièce · 1915 July 1
Fait partie de The National Archives

Folios 332 - 343: Letter from Sir John Jordan to Sir Walter Langley concerning: Trading with the enemy; continued Chinese boycott of Japanese goods; the reopening of the Tibet question; Japanese negotiations regarding the Tsingtau Customs. Encloses a memorandum entitled "Opium in Kansu" by Mr Teichman dated 8 June 1915 and an extract of a letter from Jordan to Sir (William) Conynghan Greene dated 27 June 1915.

FO 383/55 · Pièce · 1915
Fait partie de The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Baron Ludwig Freiherr von Türcke, German subject: detention under civil control at Yeravda prison, near Poona, Burma. Sgt-Major C J M Elliott, 1st Royal West Surrey Regiment, interned at Friedrichsfeld: promotion in rank; request that German authorities be informed so that he may receive officer privileges; removal to officers' camp at Crefeld. Commodore W Henderson, late Naval Attaché, Berlin: liability for payment of rent of his flat in Berlin. Relief for prisoners: donations for British prisoners in Germany, from the London Fish Trade Association. F W Clifford Lewis, invalid civilian prisoner in the hospital at Paderborn: request for information and representations for his release, from his mother Mrs M Lewis of East Dulwich, London; consideration of possible exchange. Dr Schumacher, German doctor with German colonial troops in German East Africa, allegedly shot and killed by British troops: protest from German Government of death being a gross offence according to Geneva Convention. Mrs Johnson, of Warren Street, London: anonymous allegation of her being a German spy. Charles G F Reed, German subject, resided in England for 37 years: proposed employment as chief accountant in the German Division at the US Embassy, London. Mrs S Milton Hart, in Holland, Dutch-born wife of Mr S Milton-Hart, lecturer at Berlin University, now interned at Ruhleben: application for a monthly allowance until end of war. Mrs Stephen, of Mentone: request to HM Consul at Nice for advance to send to Germany for relief of her daughter, Miss Dorothea Stephen in Munich. The late Commander Erdmann, of German cruiser Bluecher : request from German Government at instance of his widow that his body be placed in a zinc-lined coffin, for transportation to Germany at end of war; reply from UK authorities that he had been buried with full military honours and they were unable to grant facilities to disinter the body. German prisoners taken by Japanese at Kiaochow and Tsingtau. Captain Harte, German prisoner of war at Dyffryn Aled camp: censorship of correspondence concerning Dr Rooseboom and Herr von Boenigk in The Hague. Return of destitute British subjects from Germany. British refugees from Germany: supervision of relief. Exchange of consuls, Royal Army Medical Corps, and invalid civilians: correspondence from John B Jackson, US Embassy, Berlin. Johann Willemsen, sailor Dutch Navy, and G A M Klitzke, pensioner from Dutch Colonial Army, both born in Germany of German parents: detention in Ceylon following removal from Dutch ships in Colombo harbour; subsequent release; accounts of circumstances of arrests; general question of removal of enemy subjects from neutral vessels. Otto Roese, manager of London branch of the Deutsche Bank: request that he and his family be permitted to leave UK for Germany. Mrs Margarethe Perschke, in Dresden, wife of Frank F Perschke, of Beckenham, Kent: application for British passport. Ernest Wilhelm Schaaf, naturalised British subject living in Germany: application for British passport. Mr E Waring, British subject, employed in Germany, now interned at Ruhleben: claim for compensation for financial losses, and for monthly allowance for his family in Sheffield. Mr C F Just, Canadian Trade Commissioner, recently exchanged: request for return of his prismatic field glasses; German refusal for return until field glasses of exchanged Germans returned by UK authorities. Lord Acton, HM late Chargé d'Affaires at Darmstadt, now in Berne: enquiry regarding recovery of furniture and personal effects still in Darmstadt; suggestion by Lord Acton that his property be exchanged for effects in London of Baron Kuhlmann, formerly Councillor of German Embassy in London, now German Minister at The Hague. Mrs Stocks, in Berne, Switzerland, widow of Sgt-Major Charles Henry Stocks, late Royal Engineers: request for issue of passport necessary for residing in Switzerland; includes service details for Sgt-Major Stocks (in docket no. 32136). Legal documentation: enquiries by Warren, Murton

FO 383/199 · Pièce · 1916
Fait partie de The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Repatriation of German women from Britain. Money belonging to deceased British soldiers. Alleged internment of German subjects in East Africa. Otto Lodter, German subject interned at Lofthouse Park, Wakefield, Yorkshire. Otto Sprenger, German subject interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: his application for release and repatriation. Relief of wives of prisoners interned in Germany. Private G F Browning, Northumberland Fusiliers: sentenced to ten years' imprisonment for being drunk and assaulting an unteroffizier. Doctor Karl Müller, lately interned at Alexandra Palace, London, and repatriated: return of his confiscated Mauser pistol. Employment of German prisoners at St Mellons, near Cardiff, Glamorgan. Doctor Josef Assmuth, Professor of Zoology at Bombay University, German subject formerly interned in Britain: return of his confiscated scientific collections. Crews of British steamships Calypso and Aaro : enquiries as to their fate. Paul Gierham, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man: his financial affairs. Leopold Zechnall, German subject, formerly interned at Wakefield, Yorkshire, employed in German Division of US Embassy in place of Pastor Kruger. Ernst Mayer, interned at Windhuk (Windhoek), former German South West Africa: request for repatriation because of illness. German prisoners in Japan. Augustus von Cabrera, German subject, deceased: his estate. Fritz Klaus, German sailor, interned at Amherst, Nova Scotia, Canada: shot dead by Canadian soldier. Baroness von Meyern-Hohenburg, a German subject: cessation of her pension paid from the Bengal Military Fund. W Ellison and G Ettlinger, British subjects: their attempted escape from Ruhleben and imprisonment in the Stadtvogtei. Doctor Albert Coulthard, lecturer in chemistry at the Hackney Institute, London: his request for his salary. Private A Hattersley, West Yorkshire Regiment: enquiry as to his whereabouts. Philip Bridge, British civilian interned at Militaer Gewahrsam, Berlin: request for relief. J Hellmich, German subject, interned at the German Hospital, Dalston, London: judged not eligible for repatriation. Berthold Hans Hauschild, interned at Alexandra Palace, London: repatriation on grounds of health refused. Gunner Harry Fitch (original name Otto Fritch), 30th Middlesex Regiment: request by his father, Henry Fritsch, interned at Knockaloe Camp, Isle of Man, that his son be discharged from British Army; reply from War Office that the boy was anyway discharged, being under age. Doctor A E Taylor, of the US Embassy, Berlin: request for permission to visit prisoner camps in Britain. Men of 1st Newfoundland Regiment, believed to be prisoners in Germany: enquiries for them. Secretary Heerling, German diplomat: storage of his furniture at Peckham, London. Funds of the Apostolic Prefecture of Adamaua, Cameroons, seized by British troops. Shipments of tea and cocoa from Britain to Germany. Hermann Schiller, German subject living in Britain: permission given for his letter to be forwarded to the Imperial German Foreign Office. Letter from Persian Minister in Berlin to Persian Minister in London. Payment of prisoners employed in hospital work. Kurt Hofrichter, German Pole interned at Alexandra Palace, London. Alleged restrictions on correspondence of German prisoners in Canada. Passage money taken from German subjects on the steamship Golconda , sailing from London to Rotterdam. Code 1218 Files 151595-163489.