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FO 383/81 · Item · 1915
Part of The National Archives

Germany: Prisoners, including: Princess Pless, British-born wife of German subject: rent due on property in London. Payment of salaries to teachers detained in Germany. William Ring, German aged 14 enlisted in British Army: protest from father, Julius Ring in Knockaloe. Information supplied by Central Information Bureau: question of accuracy; includes lists (in docket no.184676). Parole: liability for military duties of German civilians; parole given by interned civilians; question of German Government attitude. Capture of German Military Police late of German South West Africa. British prisoners interned at Schloss Celle: Prof Carl Fuchs, naturalised British subject at Darmstadt: proposed exchange for Leopold von Plessen or Dr Etscheit. Otto Roese, in London, and F W Steege, in Ruhleben, officials of Standard Bank of South Africa Ltd: proposed exchange. L Barry Sloan (Lawrence Barrington Sloan) and Eric Barrington Sloan, in Ruhleben: information from father, L G Sloan of Kingsway, regarding their invalidity and possible repatriation; proposed exchange for Walther Steffens and another German. George Packe, in Ruhleben: enquiry from wife, Caroline Packe of Taplow, suggesting an exchange for a German in UK. Robert Melville, in Ruhleben: enquiry from son, Lieut Sydney J C Melville, that father's name be added to list for exchange. Friedrich von Bülow, interned in UK: proposed exchange for Mr Fergusson, civilian internee in Germany. Private F Whittaker, 7th Battalion Canadian Regiment, imprisoned in Germany. Imprisonment of British soldiers for refusing to work: report of about fifty prisoners awaiting trail at Munster; request for investigation into sentence of Private A Todd, 7th Battalion Canadian Regiment; includes list of individuals (in docket no.201689). A E Melhuish of Purley: enquiry regarding son's personal effects at Leipzig. Mrs Flora Bray and Mrs Mary Taylor, returned British civilians from Germany: nationality. Dr Pfeiffer, detained at Holyport: forfeiture of medical status and detention as an ordinary officer prisoner. Joseph Cavanagh, tailor of Savile Row, London: rent of his shop in Berlin. Edward J Newman, British subject at Ruhleben, skipper of SS Cancer , taken prisoner by German torpedo boat which then sunk his vessel: claim for losses. Thomas Rushton, British civilian who died during journey home following release from Ruhleben: enquiries for information of relatives in UK; reply from daughter, Mrs Wray of Manchester. Books belonging to repatriated British subjects: arrangements for return to owners following examination by Postal Censor. Maurice Walker, interned in Germany: arrangements that letter addressed to Sennelager may be forwarded to him at Ruhleben. Capt Astell, Asst Provost Marshal to 63rd Division, in Doncaster: arrangements for communications with wife in Saxony. Christmas presents for interned prisoners. Transmission of money to German subjects in UK and dominions. German prisoners taken at Garua [Garoua, Cameroons]. Note verbale from German Government for transmission to Mrs Marie Grimshaw in Jersey. Louis Holcroft, civilian detained in Germany, suffering from heart condition: request for advice and assistance following sequestration by German Government of property at Nauheim. G Markesson, previously imprisoned in Germany: report of his re-arrest and he was to be tried by Civil Court; representations to be made that he is properly defended. Race Hunter, British civil prisoner in Germany undergoing treatment at Dr Weiler's sanatorium: enquiries from father, A B Hunter of Leeds; further enquiries regarding his whereabouts as reported 'lost' during journey from Flushing to Tilbury. George Hans von Chorus, German-born US resident, detained in Brixton Prison: possible release under guarantee he would remain in US as a neutral. Corp W Graham, RAMC, at Salzwedel: recommendation that French Government be informed of his work in assisting British and French wounded in camp. Dr Walter Gellhorn, detained at Edinburgh Castle: request for repatriation to Germany on grounds of medical qualifications. Retired and reserve officers detained as prisoners. Transmission of funds from SW Africa to Germany. John M Stirling, British subject released from Ruhleben, now in Cheshire: transmission of papers belonging to him; enquiry regarding recovery of amounts due to him by English companies. Miss Edith Emily Hoskins, British subject in Berlin: remittance of money from UK. Richard J Nowlan, prisoner in Germany: request from father, Thomas Nowlan, for authority to send amount required for payment of taxes. Requisitioning of Villa Beyerle, Cairo, for Red Cross purposes. R Meinig (or Mening), German subject imprisoned at Maidstone: protest against treatment. Red Cross Conference, Stockholm: transmission of report. Thomas Roberts: death in Dr Weiler's sanatorium: circumstances, and transmission of property. British seamen and RAMC prisoners from Germany: arrangements for departure and Germans to be exchanged. Grikis and Schenk, invalid Germans in South Africa. Mrs Nellie Watt, of Glasgow: return from Germany; information regarding incidents, and enquiries what happened to Capt Reddie, Mr Parks and Mr Harty, with whom arrested. Mrs Harrison of Kent: arrangements to send her a letter received at US Embassy, London, containing dying message from her daughter. Allan Carruth Barr, released from Ruhleben as an invalid: position in respect of subsequently joining HM Forces. Alleged seizure of £700 from German Consulate General, Cape Town. German physicians detained at Edinburgh Castle: Dr Franz Thalwitzer, Dr Berthold Baneth and Dr George Richter; requests for release as Red Cross members. Promotion of officers from late German South West Africa: German Government note verbale enclosing list of officers promoted previous to capitulation; request for appropriate pay and treatment; includes list of names (in docket no.198165). Fritz Schlaeger, German prisoner on SS Canada , Isle of Wight: German Government request for information regarding reported marriage to Elly Assmann. Germans removed from Katanga province: enquiries regarding their disposal. Intercepted letter from Edward Gerhard Müller, prisoner at Wakefield, detailing his proceedings at Rio on outbreak of war and his experiences after capture. Execution of German merchant Schnade in Cameroons. Walter Roman, British prisoner at Ruhleben: report that German partner of firm named Messrs Hayn, Roman

Item · Verwendung von bis: 1916
Part of Post and Telecommunications Museum Foundation

Picture postcard; colonial war thanks, no. 2;nVerein zur Unterstützung ehemaliger Kolonialkrieger der Armee, Marine, der Schutz- und Polizeitruppen sowie deren Hinterbliebenen [publisher] F.A. Brockhaus [manufacturer];nLabeling: F.A. Brockhaus, Leipzig; reverse side

Item · Verwendung von bis: 1909
Part of Post and Telecommunications Museum Foundation

Picture postcard with advertising;n August Stukenbrok (1890 - 1931) [publisher];nLabelling: Verlag August Stukenbrok, Einbeck Erstes Fahrradhaus Deutschlands.; front labelled: Deutschland-Fahrräder August Stukenbrok, Einbeck. Stukenbrok's Teutonia Pneumatic is the best. Barrel casing Mk.6.- air hose MK. 3.50; back labelled