Affichage de 88 résultats

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7 / 294 · Partie · 25.03.05
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

The General Assembly cordially asks the Further Board to occupy a further area in (East) Africa, in addition to our Indian mission areas, to which our love should constantly belong, (as soon as this is possible without damaging our older work).

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9 / 324 · Partie · 17. Juli 1926
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Minutes] Item 6) 'The decision of the Further Board to cede our mission areas in East Africa to the Neukirchner Mission will be submitted to the General Assembly for approval. The General Assembly regrets this decision with the further and narrower Board, but because our forces are not sufficient for three mission fields and Africa was our youngest area and Neukirchen is doing good work, Neukirchen is also a German mission, it joins with a good conscience, except one voice (Kahlke, Hamburg).'.

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11 / 330 · Partie · 5. August 1920
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Point 4) Pastor Felix Paulsen, who was actually trained for East Africa, makes himself available for the China Mission (after it became clear at the Leipzig Conference that East Africa will probably no longer be open for the Breklumers). By the end of the year, the Executive Board wants to inform him in which region (Africa or China) he will be deployed.

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6 / 261 · Partie · 19. Dezember 1911
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

5) The plans for East Africa are postponed until Pastor Bracker gets to know the conditions there. 6) The Board asks Pastor Bracker to return home from his trip to India and not to travel on to Africa.7) The Basel Mission's question as to whether the Breklumers might not want to become active in Cameroon is answered in the negative because the Breklumers' plans for East Africa are already too far advanced. 8) The grant to the committee of the Continental Mission is increased from 20 to 40 Marks. 9) If at all possible, 5000 Marks should be made available in the course of the next accounting year for the East Africa Mission.

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6 / 263 · Partie · 2. Juli 1912
Fait partie de Centre for Mission and Ecumenism - North Church Worldwide

Protocols] 1000 Marks sent to Nicolai Andersen in D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft in Udjidji, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft in Udjidji, planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a S c h e l s c h a f i n g e s e m e n t a n e s e l l s c h a f t a f t h e e s e s e s e n , planned 3000 Marks sent to the D e u t s c h e S c h a f e s c h a n g e s e s e s e s in Tübingen; the brides of the African missionaries are sent to a midwife course in Tübingen. Two years later, they're to follow their fiancé.

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