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Administrative history/biographical information: 01.06.1790 - Opening of the Veterinary School 20.06.1887 - Award of the title Veterinary University 05.09.1910 - Award of the right to award doctorates 01.11.1934 - Integration of the University into the University as Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Department of Agriculture and Department of Veterinary Medicine 01.10.1937 - Conversion of the Department of Veterinary Medicine into the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine The first file in the inventory is only from the year 1817 Foreword: This find book was compiled by the former head of the archive, Dr. Kossack, in 1965. The file no. 744 to 793 were found in the archives during the clean-up and added to the find book together with the file no. 794-796 given to us by the Department of Historical Collections of the HU 2011 University Library. History of the Registratur-Bildners The later Tierärztliche Hochschule zu Berlin was opened on 01.06.1790 as Tierarzneischule. (1)She was first subordinated to the Oberstallmeistern v. Lindenau and v. Jagow. Count Lindenau had been commissioned by Friedrich Wilhelm II to take the necessary preparatory steps to found a veterinary school. In view of the devastating cattle plague, King Frederick II had already given the order to draw up a plan for a veterinary training centre. However, the submitted plans failed because the Prussian Treasury was not willing to bear the requested construction costs at the proposed level. However, political and military considerations forced King Frederick William II to agree to the founding of a veterinary school in 1787. The costs were to be borne by the royal private assets. After v. Lindenau had led appropriate negotiations, the Tierarzneischule was opened to 01.06.1790. 4 professors, 1 pharmacist, 2 teaching blacksmiths, 1 stable master, 1 farm assistant, 1 provisional (pharmacy), 2 guard masters, 1 castellan, 9 stable servants, 1 gardener, 2 garden servants, 1 night watchman and 1 candidate made up the first staff of the school. At first the training was almost exclusively of so-called military eleven, soldiers who were trained as flag smiths for the army. In the year 1806 Graf v. Lindenau met back from the management of the school and his successor Oberstallmeister v. Jagow took over. The subordination to the Obermarstallamt had a very negative effect on the development of the school. On 26.03.1810, W. v. Humboldt drew up a memorandum which emphasised the scientific significance of the Tierarzneischule in particular and in which he spoke out in favour of integrating the school into the newly established university. Although Humboldt's demands were rejected by Jagow, this memorandum nevertheless became the starting point for renewed proposals for an improved establishment of the school, which were presented above all by Prof. Rudolph, Medical Councillor, and Langermann, State Councillor. By cabinet order of 09.06.1817 the school was subordinated to the Ministry of the Interior and the War. At the beginning of August 1817, the first department of the Berlin government took over the supervision of the school. (2) After the dissolution of the Berlin government and the restoration of the police headquarters, the veterinary school was subordinated to it. (3) The regulations about the restoration of the police headquarters in Berlin of 18.09.1822 provided in § 8 - Medizinal-Polizei - the subordination of the Charité and the Tierarzneischule to the medical department. As ministerial authority, the Ministry was now responsible for spiritual, educational and medical matters. In addition, the War Ministry and the Obermarstallamt had retained their say. By cabinet order of 16.11.1835 "for the acceleration of the reorganization and expedient management of the Tierarzneischule" the establishment of a "Kuratorium für die Krankenhaus- und Tierarzneischulangelegenheiten vom König Friedrich Wilhelm III. was ordered. (4) Privy Councillor Albers, who had been appointed provisional director, conducted the takeover negotiations on the part of the school. The right of the War Ministry and the Obermarstallamt to have a say remained unchanged. After the dissolution of the Board of Trustees, the administration of the Veterinary School was transferred by cabinet order of 10.12.1847 to a directorate directly subordinated to the Ministry of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs. This Directorate consisted of the Director (Albers until 1849) and the Accounting Council of Esse, who was also the Administrative Director of the Charité. Other directors were: Gurlt until 1870, Gerlach until 1877, Roloff until 1885 and since 1885 - Müller. A cabinet order of 27.04.1872 ordered that the Veterinary School be subordinated to the Prussian Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forests. At the same time, a close connection was established with the veterinary administration, which subsequently had a very fruitful effect, especially on scientific research activities. On 20.06.1887 the Tierarzneischule was awarded the title "Tierärztliche Hochschule" by "Allerhöchsten Erlass". At the same time, Minister v. Lucius issued a provisional statute for the school. (5) Thereafter, the school's performance committees were the rector and the teaching staff. (§ 5 loc. cit.) The Rector was appointed by the Minister. It was not until 1903 that the school was granted the right to vote. The principal was responsible for running the school. The administrators were under the authority of the rector. The senior administrative officer used the official title "Administrator". (Section 24 of the Articles of Association). The first rector was the former director Prof. Müller. It was not until April 1913, after lengthy negotiations, that the school was awarded the final charter by the "Allerhöchste Order" of 31.03.1913. (6) The right to award doctorates had previously been granted (05.09.1910). In September 1932 the Ministry of Agriculture, Domains and Forestry issued a new statute for the veterinary universities in Prussia, according to the information provided. (Ministerial Gazette of the Prussian Administration for Agriculture, Domains and Forests, No 41/1932, p. 566). In addition, the draft Rules of Procedure for the Rector and Senate of the University of Veterinary Medicine have been drafted. (7) However, as a result of the subordination to the Prussian Ministry of Science, Art and Popular Education, these no longer appear to have been carried out. In January 1909, at the request of the rector Schmaltz, the title "Magnifizenz" was awarded to the rector of the school. (8) This also meant that the external equality with the other Berlin universities (university, technical college, agricultural college) had been achieved. By the emergency decree of 29.10.1932 the Veterinary University was again subordinated to the Prussian Ministry for Science, Art and National Education. (9) On 02.10.1934 the Prussian Minister of Science, Art and National Education ordered the transfer of the administrative business of the Veterinary College to the Administrative Director of the Charité. (10). This order already suggested that the integration of the university into the university was imminent. Already on 20.10.1934 a meeting took place in the Ministry of Culture. (11) Professors Krüger and Bierbaum, as representatives of the school, were decidedly against the intended establishment of an agricultural veterinary faculty at Berlin University for various reasons. They advocated the creation of an independent veterinary faculty and rejected any link with the Faculty of Agriculture. Notwithstanding the objections also from other sides, the integration of the University of Veterinary Medicine and Agriculture into the University as the 5th Faculty took place under the name of "Faculty of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine", Department of Agriculture and Department of Veterinary Medicine with effect from 01.11.1934. (12) Since the management of the administrative affairs by the Administrative Director of the Charité led to the detriment, the Administrative Director of the University took over these from 01.05.1935. Subsequently, the existing officials and employees of both departments were entrusted with new areas of work. With effect from 01.10.1937 the Department of Veterinary Medicine was transformed into an independent Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and separated from the connection with the Faculty of Agriculture. (13) Since 01.10.1937 the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Berlin has been in existence. Registratur und Bestandsgeschichte I. Registraturverhältnisse As is usual with the older authority registries, the registry of the University of Veterinary Medicine also contained fact files. In most cases, the file titles correspond to the contents of the file. The external condition of the files, apart from some damaged file units, can be described as good. The traditional registry order begins relatively late, only with the takeover of the Tierarzneischule by the government of Berlin in 1817. From 1790 to 1817 the school was under the control of the Oberstallmeistern v. Lindenau and v. Jagow. The registry order was established in 1841 by the registrar Tönnies. (14) It has essentially been preserved in its structure until 1945 and beyond a few years later. Main groups were formed which were called "sections" (Roman numerals). The further subdivision according to Arabic numerals designated the individual file unit. A total of 45 sections were formed, with sections XXVIII, XXXVII-XLI, XLIII and XLV completely missing. The subordination of the Tierarzneischule under three different middle authorities (1817 government Berlin, 1822 police headquarters Berlin, 1836-1848 board of trustees for the hospital and Tierarzneischulangelegenheiten) affected also the registration conditions. Thus, a significant number of file units of these intermediate authorities, known as the "veterinary school registry", were inserted into the registry of the veterinary school when it was dissolved and continued there. Some files, which were not continued at the Tierarzneischule (government Berlin, police presidium). Board of Trustees for Hospital and Veterinary School Matters), were forwarded to the State Archive in Potsdam for competence. The direct subordination to the Ministry of Spiritual, Educational and Medical Affairs in 1847 eliminated the double subordination and also created clearer registry relationships. After the integration of the University of Veterinary Medicine into the University of Berlin on 01.11.1934 and the formation of the Faculty of Agricultural Veterinary Medicine, Department of Veterinary Medicine, the registration conditions remained the same. (15) After in May 1935 the administrative director of the university had been charged with the administration of the agricultural veterinary institutes, about 160 file units were handed over to him, most of which still exist. (16) The former central registry of the Veterinary University was thus split up. One part was handed over to the administrative director of the university (from 1936 university curator), the other remained as faculty files in the independent faculty of veterinary medicine established with effect from 01.10.1937. The existing audit files are referred to as "personal files", which also have gaps, are not listed in alphabetical order and are located at the end of the file. (17) A copy of the registration scheme is attached as an annex. TWO. Access The holdings were located in the heating cellar of the Chemical Institute of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, where they were found in November 1960 and taken over by the archive in January 1961. Negotiations to take over the stock had already been conducted with the Dean of the Faculty since 1955, but without result. At first, the dean refused to hand over the files to the archive, although the inventory was transferred from one place to another and finally ended up in the heating cellar of the Chemical Institute. During the order and distortion it was determined that the stock is no longer completely available. For cassation, therefore, it was mainly personal files of the technical personnel that were proposed. III. archival treatment The file material was roughly arranged in the year 1962 by Mr. Rambeau, whereby after the existing registry signatures the earlier order scheme was reconstructed. The indexing took place in the months February to June 1965 by Dr. Kossack, then head of the university archive. The existing file units were listed individually. The "extended distortion" (§ 87 OVG) was applied. Only in the case of the 'expert reports' files was the group listing applied. With regard to the internal order of the inventory, the found registry order was retained, since it remained unchanged during the activity of the registry formatter. (§ 61 OVG). A delimitation of the individual sections has been made and a copy of the registration scheme has been attached so that the user can quickly find his way around. Berlin, 30.07.1965/14.11.2016 Footnotes 1 Koch, Tankred: On the History of the Veterinary Faculty of the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In: Veterinärmedizin in Berlin 1790-1965, Berlin 1965, pp. 9-52 2. Cf. Communication of the Government to Berlin, 1st Department v. 05.09.1817 in: UA of the HU, Veterinary College, No. 1, no. sheet. Z. 3. cf. communication of the police headquarters of 03.01.1822 in: University of Veterinary Medicine, no. 1, no. Bl. See 4. See Cabinet Order of 16.11.1835 in: Tierärztl. Hochschule, Nr. 1/1, Bl. 2-4 and Cabinet Order on the position of the Board of Trustees for Hospital and Veterinary School Affairs v. 24.06.1836 in: University of Veterinary Medicine, No. 1/1, p. 61-62 5 University of Veterinary Medicine, No. 11, p. 2-10 6th ibid., p. 258f 7th ibid., p. 394-408 8th cf. Rector Schmaltz's report of 02.12.1907 and copy of the cabinet order of 27.01.1909 in: University of Veterinary Medicine, No. 577, pp. 66-70 9. See "False Economy". University of Veterinary Medicine and Administrative Reform. Extract from the Berliner Börsen-Zeitung v. 05.01.1933 in: University of Veterinary Medicine, No. 11, p. 391 10. Cf. Decree of the Pr. Minister of Science, Art and National Education of 02.10.1934 in: University of Veterinary Medicine, No. 738, without Bl.Z. 11. Cf. text of the protocol in: University of Veterinary Medicine, No. 738, without Bl.Z. 12. See Decree of the Pr. Minister of Science, Art and National Education of 01.11.1934 in: University of Veterinary Medicine, No. 738, without Bl.Z. 13. See Decree of the Reich Minister for Science, Education and People's Education of 14.06.1937 in: University of Veterinary Medicine, No. 738, without Bl.Z. 14. See report of Tönnies v. 11.03.1841 in: University of Veterinary Medicine, personal file Tönnies, No. 687, vol. 1, without Bl.Z. 15. See Decree of the Pr. Minister of Science, Art and National Education of 01.11.1934 - U I No. 42 253 .1. in: University of Veterinary Medicine, no. 738, without sheet no. 16. The list is in: Veterinary college, No. 738, without Bl.Z. 17. the attachment of these files was ordered by the police president v. Esebeck by decree v. 19.03.1822. Cf. personal file Tönnies, vol. 1, p. 24 Annex Registration plan of the Veterinary University SectionFile groupsArchive.-No. I, No. 1-38 Organization of the school, 1-27 statistics, celebrations II, No. 6-81 Land matters 28-72 III, No. 2-42 Building matters 73-118 IV, no. 1-9 House and Garden Police 119--124 V, No. 3-32 Economy management 125-132 VI Catering needs Cassation VII, No. 1-14 Inventory matters 133-140 VIII, No. 1 Library 141-151 IX, No. 1-29 Teaching and instructional matters 152-185 Habilitations X, No. 1-28 examinations and 186-231 promotional matters XI, No. 1-32 Clinics and Institutes 232-271 XII, No. 2-17 Abdeckereiangelegenheiten 271/1-272 Pferde-Spital XIII, Nr. 2 Regulations for the guards 273 of the small domestic animals XIV, No. 2-5 District physicians and veterinary police 274-281 Affairs XV, no. 2-107 Scientific experiments 282-362 XVI, No. 1-6 Zootomy 363-365 XVII, No. 1-9 Pharmacist matters 366-371 XVIII, No. 4-15 Forging matters 372-379 XIX, No. 2 Veterinary school Königsberg 380 XX, No. 2-16 The Civil and Military_Eleven and 381-395/1 Students of School XXI, No. 1-19 The reception and study of 396-411 Military-Eleven XXII, No. 2-47 guest students, recording of the Zivil-Eleven, 412-447 tuition fees, Price Tasks, Fraternities and Corps XXIII, No. 1-18 Scholarships, Assistants, Foundations 448-468 XXIV, Nr. 1-12 Employment and legal relationships of 469-473 veterinarians XXV, No, 4 Personnel tables 474 XXVI, No. 1 Annual Reports of the University 475-482 XXVII, No. 1, 5 Veterinary reports 483-485 XXVIII, No. - XXIX, No. 1-42 Expert opinion on veterinary police 486-508 measures XXX, no. 3-8 Judicial opinions 509-514 XXXI, No. 1-3 Extrajudicial opinions 515-519 XXXII, No. 1-12 Office matters 520-523 XXX, No. 3-8 Judicial opinions 509-514 XXXI, No. 1-3 Extrajudicial opinions 515-519 XXXII, No. 1-12 Office matters 520-523 XXXIII, No. 1-54 Personnel matters 524-585 XXXIV Individual personal files of employees 586-695 including of the faculty XXXV, no. 6-16 Treasury matters 696-699 XXXVI, No. 1-5a Household matters 700-708 XLII, No. 2-3, 50, 67-92 Accounting 709-719 XLIV, no. 3-10 Spa and catering expenses 720-723 XLVI Miscellaneous 724-738 Participation of the university in exhibitions Reorganization of the university without outpatient clinic 739 Citation method: HU UA, Veterinary University.01, No. XXX. HU UA, TiH.01, No. XXX.