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Imperial Chancellery
BArch R 151/32 · Akt(e) · 1867-1879
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the holder: 1867 Foundation of the Federal Chancellery as the central authority for the direct administrative tasks of the North German Confederation (postal and telegraph services, consular affairs) with the exception of foreign affairs, the supervision of the implementation of federal law by the individual states, the preparation of federal legislation and the federal budget as well as the editing of the Federal Law Gazette; After the founding of the German Reich in 1871, the tasks were considerably expanded and the office was renamed the Reich Chancellery; from 1873, successive spin-offs of Reich offices subordinate to the Reich Chancellery (1873 Reich Railway Office, 1875 Reich Post Office, 1877 Reich Office of Justice and Ministry for Alsace-Lorraine, 1879 Reich Treasury); 1879 renamed Reich Office of the Interior. Inventory description: Inventory history The Imperial Offices, which were established at the end of the 1970s, took over the files relating to their respective tasks from the Imperial Chancellery as preliminary files in order to carry out their current business activities. The rest remained with the Reich Office of the Interior, so that the present fonds came to the Reich Archives exclusively via the new Reich Offices and were only formed into a fonds here. As the files of the Reich Chancellery were continued organically in the Reich Offices, the delimitation of the holdings was often arbitrary when the files were transferred to the Reich Archives. After being relocated during the Second World War, the German Central Archive in Potsdam (later the Central State Archive in Potsdam) took over the Reich Chancellery after 1945. Due to the lack of older finding aids, it is not possible to provide specific information about losses due to the war. However, it can be inferred from the shelfmarks of the individual volumes of files that the losses remained low. Archival evaluation and processing The first processing of the Reich Chancellery fonds took place from June 1956 to February 1957 at the German Central Archives in Potsdam. With the exception of the secret files, the fonds were simply indexed. In its short history, the Federal and Reich Chancellery had not been able to find a truly stable organizational form. As a result, it was not possible to find or reconstruct a long-term registry scheme. The revision of the 1972 Findbuch required for printing therefore only allowed for slight editorial corrections. While largely retaining the thematic order created on the basis of the task structure, volumes of files were only reassigned to their original structural parts in individual cases. Due to the high value of the holdings, the cassation rate was essentially limited to multiple transfers. Characterization of content: Workers' insurance; poor relief; emigration 1867; banking; building and property matters; civil service matters; relations with foreign countries; financial matters from the war of 1870/71 1870; trade and commerce; home affairs; justice; consular affairs; weights and measures; medical police; Militaria; coinage and monetary affairs; pension and support affairs; police affairs; postal affairs; Reich budget affairs; Reich Chancellery; Reich debt affairs; Reichstag; taxes; subsidies; constitution and administration; insurance affairs; veterinary police; customs affairs; personnel files. Cataloging status: Findbuch 1972; Publication Findbuch and Online Findbuch 2002 Citation: BArch, R 1401/...

Reich Ministry of Finance (stock)
BArch, R 2 · Bestand · (1849-) 1919-1945 (-1961)
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: The Reich Treasury Office, which emerged from the Finance Department (until 1877: Finance Office) of the Reich Chancellery in 1879, became the Reich Ministry of Finance (RFM) in 1919. The RFM initially took over the structure and the responsibilities transferred to the Reich Treasury for the Reich budget, currency, customs duties and excise duties. Only the administration of the Reich's own property, the exploitation of the Reich's property, above all by the army and navy, and the financial supervision of industrial enterprises and the Reich's holdings in industrial enterprises were temporarily transferred to the Reich Treasury, which was newly founded in March 1919 and dissolved again in 1923. The scope of duties of the Reich Ministry of Finance was considerably extended in the course of the Erzberger financial reform of 1919/1920, mainly through responsibility for property and transport taxes. The Länder had to leave their tax apparatus to the Reich, so that the RFM, as the head of the Reich Finance Administration, now had a uniform official substructure in the form of regional tax offices and local tax offices and main customs offices. Since the dissolution of the Reich Ministry for Reconstruction (1924), the RFM has also had comprehensive competence for handling the consequences of war. The RFM experienced a further increase in its tasks in connection with the abolition of the sovereignty of the Länder in 1934, as a result of which the finance ministries of the Länder were placed under the supervision of the RFM. Only the Prussian Ministry of Finance was able to retain its independence and was not incorporated into the RFM until September 1944 and only formally. Inventory description: Inventory history Until 1936, most of the files of the RFM that had been created until 1929 as well as numerous files of the "Neue Registratur" from 1930 onwards, including the household files of the Wehrmacht, the SS and the concentration camps, had already been handed over to the Reichsarchiv in Potsdam. Since only part of the war-related relocations were included, large parts of these files were destroyed during the air raid on Potsdam in April 1945, including almost all secret files after 1925 as well as numerous files of the new registry, in particular on official and pension matters, employee and worker questions. Losses have also occurred in the files stored by the Reichsarchiv. The household records of the Wehrmacht, the SS and the concentration camps mentioned above are considered destroyed today. Further losses of files have occurred due to the destruction of files in the authority itself and at the places of removal. This applies in particular to the files for the treatment of anti-grass roots and anti-rich, Jewish and confiscated assets of the "Eylert" and "Maedel" units of the RFM, which were moved to Sigmaringen. These files were most likely burned shortly before the end of the war together with the documents of the Sigmaringen tax office. After the end of the war, depending on the place of relocation, parts of the records were transferred to both the Federal Archive in Koblenz and the then German Central Archive in Potsdam (DZA). In the 1960s, the Federal Archives in Koblenz took over from the Federal Ministry of Finance, above all, the files of the registries running until 1945, which were initially kept by the "Restverwaltung" and from 1946 by the "Archiv des ehemaligen Reichsfinanzministeriums". The files of the Reich Archives that had been transferred to the Potsdam DZA were mainly the files of the Reich Archives in the Sraßfurt and Schönebeck potash shafts, as well as confiscated documents returned from the Soviet Union in 1955. Until 1990, the entire collection of the Reich Ministry of Finance was held in roughly equal parts in the Central State Archives of the GDR and in the Federal Archives in Koblenz. In both archives the tradition was recorded successively and recorded in provisional finding aids (indexes and card indexes). Due to the different overdelivery focal points of both sub-stocks, the respective classification of the sub-stocks was carried out according to different criteria. While the Potsdam part of the stock with a focus on traditions was structured according to the departmental structure until 1930, the Koblenz structure followed the uniform file plan of the Reich Finance Administration introduced in 1929. In addition, the records kept as holdings 21.01 in the Central State Archives of the GDR were divided into two signature sequences, depending on the time of their creation. A-signatures received files with provenance Reichsschatzamt created until 1919, B-signatures the files of the RFM. When the two parts of the records were merged in 1990, the different signature sequences had to be merged in order to clearly identify the individual files. The signatures of the Koblenz files were retained, the old A-signatures with 40000 and the B-signatures with 50000 were added. Since the year 2000, the two traditional parts of the book have been gradually merged into online sub-find books, starting with the budget files of the specialist departments. Content characterization: The overdelivery of the RFM more or less comprehensively covers the entire range of tasks of the authority with the following overdelivery focal points: - Preparation of the Reich's budget, in particular files on the preparation of the budget of the specialist departments, on the Army, Navy and Colonial budgets, on the debt management of the Reich as well as on Reich guarantees, Reich participations, export credits, on banks, currency and foreign exchange matters - Organisational and administrative matters of the Reich Finance Administration, Real Estate and Reich Construction Administration, in particular v.a. files for the accommodation of the offices of the Reich Finance Administration, the Reich Real Estate Register as well as files for the utilization of military real-estate - customs duties, in particular files on customs legislation, on the handling of the customs tariff for individual goods and on trade relations with foreign countries - Reich taxes and excise duties, in particular Files on income and sales tax, on the Reich Valuation Act and Bodenschätzungsgesetz as well as on excise duties on spirits, tobacco, sugar and sweetener - state taxes, state and municipal finances, financial equalisation - settlement of the First World War, in particular reparations, Saar and occupation matters - armaments financing and war damage of both world wars The inventory includes approx. 4000 personnel files mainly of employees of the higher service in the RFM (approx. 600) and in the subordinate area State of development: Indexes Temporary indexes for Koblenz partial tradition Online index of household files A - Ar (2007) Online index of household files B - Lu (2006) Online index of household files F (2007/2008) Publication index of household files PM-Su (2005) Publication index of household files Ve-WM (2003) Citation method: BArch, R 2/...