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Description archivistique
Correspondence S
Best. 614, A 650 · Dossier · 1920-1958
Fait partie de Historical Archive of the City of Cologne (Archivtektonik)

Scope: fol. 1-299. Provenance(s): Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum.Contains:Stelzmann, Alexander, Köln-Nippes, Puebla, Uerdingen Departure as director of the German School 1920 - 1958 to Guatemala, 1920; dispatch of ethnographics from Latin America to Cologne, 1922; lectures in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1935; loans for a Mexico exhibition in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1935; Purchase of a Südsee-Keule; Strache, Wolf, Stuttgart, Verlag die Schönen Bücher 1953 - 1958 Claims of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for display fees, specimen copies and specimen photographs; publication of a special volume "Plastik der Primitiven" (Sculpture of the Primitives) compiled from the ethnographic holdings of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum. Publication of illustrations from the work Plastik der Primitiven for an advertising brochure of Chemiewerke Homburg A.G., Frankfurt, 1955; photographer's permit for Benin sculptures of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum for an illustrated book about the sculpture of Benin, 1957/58; unauthorized publications of objects of the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in illustrated books; Strässer, Carl, Stuttgart, signal system 1953 - 1956 purchase of a sound system for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, brochures; including: New draft for technical guidelines for Schultonbandgeräte, 6 pp. Reproduction; Stülpner, Kurt, Leipzig 1930 - 1956 Loan of literature; application as ethnologist at the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum, 1934; cf. 1938/40, reference of the National Socialist German Workers' Party - the head of the Auslands-Organisation-Rückwandereramt-Sozialabteilung; (cf. 1955/56) and enquiry of the Zentralstelle für Arbeitsvermittlung im Vermittlungsausgleich, Frankfurt, about job opportunities 1955/56; (for St.) Supardi-Heldt, Nera Maria, Rotterdam 1954 - 1955 Exhibition of the paintings of her husband, the painter Iman Supardi, about Indonesia in the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Mueseum; from Sydow, Eckart, Berlin-Charlottenburg 1927 - 1942 photo orders; discussion of ethnographic problems; purchase of ethnographics for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum on his expedition to Nigeria, at the beginning of 1936, 1935; Research trip to the grasslands of Cameroon and collecting for the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum in 1939; travel grants from the Cultural Department of the Federal Foreign Office and the German Research Foundation, 1937; financial participation in the research trip through the Ethnological Museum in Basel; entry permit for the French Mandate in Cameroon; Woermann Linie-Deutsch-Ostafrika-Linie, Hamburg und Reederei E. Laeisz, Hamburg concerning free or discounted passage for from S. to Lagos; transmission of ethnographics to the Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum; death of S. 1942. Damages: Cat. B (can only be used as a digital copy) Old signatures: 650.

Staatsarchiv Hamburg, 371-8 II_S XIX B 7 7 Band II · Dossier · 1900-1909
Fait partie de State Archives Hamburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: 1. granting of licences to Portuguese companies in Portuguese Guinea to the detriment of the German companies already operating there (so-called Praso system) (1900-1903) 2. the French Surtaxe d'entrepot and the Austrian differential customs duty on coffee (1900-1916) 3. the French Surtaxe d'entrepot and the Austrian differential customs duty on coffee (1900-1916) The German jewellery trade in Austria made more difficult (1903) 4. The financial situation of the Republic of Haiti (1903-1904) 5. The Hamburg Exporters Association's submission on France's action in the Siamese province of Battambang (1903) 6. German claims for damages due to the turmoil of war in Venezuela (1903) 7. German interests in Morocco (1903-1910) 8. Input of the Woermann Line on the threat to trade interests in West Africa by the introduction of differential tariffs by France (1903-1904) 9. Protection of German interests in Shanghai (1906) 10. German claims for damages due to the unrest in Spain (1909).

Estate of Hans-Henning Abenhausen
N6 · Fonds · 1874
Fait partie de Berlin-Brandenburg Business Archives e.V.

Letters of the ship's doctor Dr. Alfred Abenhausen from aboard the passenger ships of North German Lloyd and the Woermann Line to German colonies, among others; all seven continents ** Scope: seven travel diaries, about 180 letters and postcards, about 30 photos Processing: completely transcribed; not digitized Planning: feeding into the Caliope network (2018)

Expert opinion W
Universitätsarchiv Chemnitz, 302 / / IV / 1648/25 · Dossier · 1897 - 1925
Fait partie de Chemnitz University of Technology

Contains: Waggon- und Maschinenbau-AG Görlitz 1925 Walkhoff, F. - Civil-Ingenieur Magdeburg 1897 Wasserrohrkesselverband Düsseldorf 1923 (manuscript) Weber, Chr. Gg. Weidenam - Sieg 1909 Weichelt und Wackwitz Maschinen- und Dampfkesselfabrik Neumark/Sa. 1908 Werner, E. Rüttenscheid 1903, 1905 Woermann-Linie Hamburg 1911 Württembergischer Revisionsverein Stuttgart 1921 Prof. Wüst