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Archivaly - Akte
I/MV 0750 · Akt(e) · 1910-01-01 - 1959-12-31
Teil von Ethnological Museum, National Museums in Berlin

description: Contains:StartVNr: E 2210/1910; EndVNr: E 1670/1911; and others: Cooperation with the Botanical Museum, pp. 387, and the Museum of Natural History, Berlin, (1911), pp. 110, 387 ff. - Sale of doublets to the Anthropological Institute of the University, Wroclaw, (1910), pp. 33 ff., the Museums für Völkerkunde, Leipzig, pp. 78 ff, Hamburg, pp. 280, Munich, (1911), pp. 383, and Stuttgart, (1910, 1913), pp. 14 ff., 148 on loan from the Saalburgmuseum, Homburg v.d.H., (1911, 1959), pp. 360 - Cooperation with the Kolonialinstitut, Hamburg, (1911), pp. 62 f. - Distribution of duplicates to private individuals, (1911), pp. 154 ff, 199, 238, 249, 372 - Cooperation with the editors of the Globus, (1910), p. 56, the Kolonialkriegerdank Association, p. 87, 129, 233, the Command of the Schutztruppen, p. 133, the Ethnological Assistance Committee, p. 220 ff, the German Colonial Society, Berlin, pp. 240 ff., the Kriegsmarine-Ausstellung, Oldenburg, pp. 50, and the Command of the Schutztruppe, Windhoek, (1911), pp. 130 - Cooperation with the White Fathers, (1910, 1911), pp. 58 ff, 251 ff. - Fechtner: Skull Shipment, (1911), p. 75 - Siegmann: Origin of the Skeletons Sent in by Maercker, (1910), p. 121 - von Sick: Corrections and Negotiations for His Work on the Wanyaturu, (1911), p. 138 ff - Lunkenbein: Offer of Skeletons, (1911), p. 160 - "General Adjustment pr. Steamship 'Oron' ...", (1911), duplication, pp. 170 ff.- [Peters:] "Ophir of the ancients. Dr. Carl Peters' theories..." [1911], Ztg.-Article, pp. 202 f.- Braunschweig: Report on planned colonial activities in the southeast of DOA, (1911), pp. 228 f.- His: "Description of the ... Poison arrows and daggers of the Herero..." (1911), Bl. 247.- Minist. the Spiritual Affairs: Report on awards, (1911), p. 283 - van Gennep: Report on his collecting activities and contacts among Mediterranean cultures, (1911), p. 293 ff - "From Grootfontein. In: Südwest-Afrikanische Ztg. : 1911-06-13, p. 326 - Staudinger: Request for support for Crompton, (1911), p. 342 ff.

Clubs. - Correspondence: Vol. 2
BArch, R 8023/404 · Akt(e) · Jan. 1930 - Dez. 1934
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Women's Association of the DKG Women's Association of the Red Cross for Germans via Sea Colonial Warriors thanks to the Kolonialwirtschaftliches Komitee e. V. (Colonial Economic Committee)

Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft
Archivverbund Bautzen, Stadtarchiv, 62011 - 13 · Akt(e) · 1935 - 1943
Teil von Archive Association Bautzen (Archive Tectonics)

Contains among others: Establishment of the Reich Colonial Federation and takeover of dissolved associations - Invitation to the Social Evening of the German Colonial Society - Annual Reports - Invoices. In it: Leaflet "What was German must remain German", 1933 - Leaflet "Deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellung des Reichskolonialbundes", 1933.

Colonies: vol. 4
BArch, R 43-I/626a · Akt(e) · Jan. 1932 - Dez. 1934
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Reichskredit zur Erhaltung des deutschen wirtschaftlichen Einflusses in West- und Ostafrika 1932 Nothilfe für Südwestafrika, memorandum by Fritz Brenner 1933 Kolonialkriegerdank, Wesen und Ziele; advertising brochure, request for participation in memorial celebration 1933 treatment of the colonial question, instruction of the Reichsmin. für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda 1933 Dt. Bund von Südwestafrika, a.o. Spaltunggefahr 1934

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Westfalen, Kreis Bochum, Landratsamt, Nr. 183 · Akt(e) · 1866, 1883 - 1929
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW Department of Westphalia (Archivtektonik)

Contains: In it: "Twenty-second report on the effectiveness of the Victoria National Invalidity Foundation for the period 3 August 1888 to 1889 comprehensive"; Announcement of the association "Kolonialkriegerdank" (circular) 1913

Stadtarchiv Karlsruhe, 8/Alben 341 / 021 · Akt(e) · 25. Juni 1915
Teil von City Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Half appeared submarine in inclined position, with two men looking out of the hatch, one of them looking through binoculars, field post from Rastatt ("I have [...] learned that you and the neighbourhood [in Karlsruhe] were spared by the French gang")

German protectorates
NLA WO, 12 Neu, 5 Nr. 113 · Akt(e) · 1891 - 1914
Teil von Lower Saxony State Archive, Wolfenbüttel Department

Changes in the draft law concerning the Kaiserl. Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika of 1890; Amendments to the Social Contract of the East Africa Company 1907; Advertising for the Advertising Expedition of the Kolonialkriegerdank Association with Statutes 1910; Writing of the German Agricultural Council: Die Geld- und Kreditverhältnisse unserer Kolonien, Berlin 1912; Writing of the Reichs-Kolonialamt: Die Ergebnisse der Sepik-Expedition und die Erforschung von Kaiser-Wilhelmsland mit Karte 1914

Kiautschou. Colonial companies: vol. 2
BArch, RM 3/7047 · Akt(e) · 1911-1918
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Adoption of a draft law on the issue of small shares in consular court districts and in the Kiautschou protectorate Annual report 1917 of the association "Kolonialkriegerdank" (thanks to colonial warriors)
