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Court of Audit of the German Reich (inventory)
BArch, R 2301 · Bestand · 1822-1946
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Under the name Rechnungshof des Norddeutschen Bund (Court of Audit of the North German Confederation), the Prussian Chamber of Upper Legislation took control of the budget of the German Reich for the financial years 1867-1869 for the first time, renaming the authority the Rechnungshof des Deutschen Reiches (Court of Audit of the German Reich). In addition to controlling the Reich's budget, the Oberrechnungskammer, in its function as Court of Audit, was responsible for auditing the budget of Alsace-Lorraine (1874-1919) and for controlling the budget of the protectorate (since 1892/95 Africa, since 1898 all protectorates). The Court of Audit (Rechungshof, RH) was chaired by the Chief President of the Chamber of Appeal; its members were appointed by the Emperor at the suggestion of the Federal Council. The task of auditing the accounts of the Reich's budget had to be transferred to the Upper Chamber of Accounts by repeated individual legislation, usually on an annual basis. Article 86 p. 2 of the Weimar Constitution ("The audit of accounts is regulated by the Reich Law") established the audit of accounts for the Reich Administration under constitutional law. The Reich Budget Code of 31.12.1922 accordingly provided for the fundamental audit of the Reich budget by the Court of Audit of the German Reich (legalization of the audit of the "economic efficiency of the administration"). Thus, for the first time, auditing was fixed as a right of the state; at the same time, the establishment of the Court of Audit as an independent Reich authority independent of the Reich government was regulated. The Imperial Budget Code determined - as an important objective of the Court of Audit after examination of the submitted annual accounts - to prepare memoranda on the most important audit results and to submit proposals to the Imperial Government for the amendment and interpretation of laws in order to remedy identified deficiencies in the administration. The Court of Audit of the Weimar Republic represented a college of President, Directors and Councillors, which decided all fundamental matters by majority vote in the Plenary Assembly. In order to decide on matters that were limited in scope and only concerned individual administrative areas, the Reich Budget Code granted the formation of senates consisting of at least 3 members. In addition, the expert activity could be carried out at the request of the Reich Ministers, the Reich Parliament and the Reich Council; in addition, companies with their own legal personality could also be audited by the Court of Audit. The President and the other members of the Court of Audit were now appointed by the President of the Reich, countersigned by the Reich Minister of Finance. The President of the Court of Audit was also responsible for the management of the Prussian Chamber of Accounts. From October 1, 1922, however, he no longer headed the Prussian but the Reichsbehörde full-time. Presidents of the Court of Audit were: 1869-1890: Karl Ewald von Stünzner 1890-1898: Arthur Paul Ferdinand von Wolff 1898-1914: Eduard Ludwig Karl von Magdeburg 1914-1922: Ernst Holz 1922-1938 Friedrich Ernst Moritz Saemisch 1938-1945 Heinrich Müller 1922 was also appointed Reichssparkommissara with the task, together with the Reich Minister of Finance, of examining the entire budget and drawing up expert opinions on it. He was supported by the savings committee of the Reichstag. In December 1933 this office was closed again and the tasks were transferred to the new presidential department of the Court of Audit. As the supreme audit and control authority, the Court of Audit was responsible for supervising the entire Reich budget by examining the budget accounts, including the unscheduled income and expenditure of all Reich administrations, the accounts for the entire non-monetary property of the Reich as well as the books and accounting documents of the enterprises of the Reich. Since the end of the First World War, the Court of Audit has also had to increasingly control the use of Reich funds, which flowed into the private economy in the form of loans, credits, guarantees, subsidies and participations, by including both important business enterprises and a rich country of smaller enterprises in its audit area. The internal structure of the RH remained essentially unchanged throughout its existence. It was divided into the presidential department and a changing number of audit departments, to which the authorities and companies to be audited were allocated according to objective criteria. For the collection and cartographic indexing of laws, ordinances, administrative provisions, official regulations and other documents required for auditing the accounts, a news agency was attached to the Presidential Department, which from 1937 was known as the "Archive". In 1933 the Court of Audit was confirmed as an independent supreme Reich authority vis-à-vis the Reich government, but the previous procedure of majority decisions was abolished and the President was largely granted authority to issue directives to all organs of the Court of Audit. With the exception of the Wehrmacht control and the use audit of state subsidies to the NSDAP, the Court was initially able to perform its duties within the framework of financial control to the full extent even after 1933. In 1934, the office of the Reich Savings Commissioner, who was responsible for advising the Reich government on all matters relating to budget management and the appropriate design, simplification and cost reduction of the administration, was dissolved and its most important functions transferred to an office of the Presidential Department of the Court of Audit. Also from 1934, the Act on the Maintenance and Increase of Purchasing Power (Gesetz zur Erhaltung und Hebung der Kaufkraft) made it possible to extend the jurisdiction of the Court of Audit to include the auditing of corporations, institutions and other legal entities under public law (finally laid down by law in the Reich Auditing Ordinance of 30 March 1938). In the course of the imperial reform efforts of the Third Reich, the "Law on the Budgetary Management, Accounting and Auditing of the Länder and on the Fourth Amendment to the Reich Budget Code" of 17 June 1936 brought important changes: with the beginning of the 1936 accounting year, the auditing of the budget and economic management of the Länder was transferred to the Technical University. For this purpose, based on the already existing State Audit Offices, the Regional Court set up in 1937 foreign departments responsible for one or more Länder, initially in Hamburg, Karlsruhe, Leipzig (from 1940 Dresden) and Munich. Later Vienna (1939), Poznan (1942) and Metz (1942) were added. These external departments of the Court of Audit were assigned "accounting offices" by the Länder as preliminary audit offices in accordance with the "Vorprüfordnung für die Länder" of 9 April 1937. After 1938, especially during the war, the focus of the audit activities of the Court of Audit shifted: on the one hand, the audit of the administrations in the so-called "Old Empire" was reduced, on the other hand, however, the jurisdiction of the Court of Audit was extended to all German administrations in the occupied territories and also exercised there to a large extent. Only the Generalgouvernement and the autonomous protectorate government had their own examination offices. . Inventory description: Inventory history The majority of the RH's registry, which is already in the Reichsarchiv, was transferred to the former Central State Archives of the GDR after the war. At the end of the war, a further part of the existing records was still kept in the RH buildings in Potsdam and Berlin and was archived after 1946. The losses caused by the Allied air raid on Potsdam in April 1945 amount to approx. 9 running metres. Since the Prussian Oberrechungskammer took over the examination of Reichaufgabe für Kunst, Wissenschaft, kirchliche Angelegenheiten und Forstwirtschaft in 1934 (the Prussian Oberrechungskammer already had corresponding departments for these areas), these records - as well as the previous files of the Court of Audit in the holdings of Rep. 138 of the Geheimes Staatsarchiv, Stiftung prußischer Kulturbesitz. Archival evaluation and processing The registries of the Court of Audit distinguished three groups of files according to the tasks of the authority, which are also reflected in the classification: - General files - Technical files with special audit documents and instructions - Audit files for the actual audit negotiations. In this finding aid book, both the relevant files of the tradition kept until 1990 in the Central State Archives as fonds R 2301 and the files kept in the Federal Archives as fonds R 47 are recorded. Although the necessary standardisation of individual development information was achieved by merging the two parts of the transmission, a complete re-drawing did not take place. The general files were kept according to a uniform file plan and are summarised at the beginning of the inventory. The specialist and examination files are arranged according to the most recently valid business distribution plan. In addition, the files of the "archive" are listed separately as a relatively independent structural part with various special registries. The creation of archival file titles, volume sequences and series was usually required when the files were recorded; the creation of identical titles was unavoidable due to the specific nature of the structure. Characterisation of content: The Court of Audit's transmission more or less comprehensively covers the authority's entire spectrum of tasks with the following focal points: - Organisational, legal, administrative and operational matters - Court of Audit and Reich Savings Commissioner - Civil servant duties and rights - Affairs of employees and workers - Budget, cash, accounting and auditing - Specialist and audit files on individual authorities and companies such as the Reich Ministry of Finance, the Reich Ministry of Labor, the Reich Ministry of the Interior, the Reich Office for Regional Planning, the Reich Nourishment State, Reich offices and main associations, Vereinigte Industrieunternehmungen AG und Untergesellschaften (VIAG), Kleinbahnunternehmen und Wohnungsbauunternehmen, Hauptversorgungs- und Versorgungsämter sowie Wehrmachttversorgungsämter - Collection of administrative reports, statutes and other printed matter from local and district administrations (locations A-Z) - Budgets and budget accounts of the Länder and municipal institutions - Gesetzsammelmappen In addition, 3089 personnel files are part of the inventory. , citation style: BArch, R 2301/...

BArch, R 4606 · Bestand · (1923-) 1937-1945 (-1948 )
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: Introduction Stones do not speak. Much less can or must entire buildings reveal the whole historical truth. National Socialism should work. Building under National Socialism also served this purpose, either directly on behalf of the system or indirectly at least by not opposing it. The enslavement of architecture by the regime was not limited to new buildings of the NS era. National Socialism also established itself in the stock, instrumentalised old buildings everywhere for its purposes. Not even all of the important command centers of the Nazi regime or the main sites of Nazi terror were housed throughout in buildings which, in historical retrospect, could be regarded as having their origin and function at the time. In the memory of the city and in the urban space, places of the perpetrators are handed down as places of the victims, whose role is only revealed in the explanation and commentary of their historical function in the "Third Reich". Prehistory until 1937 In the Third Reich, architecture served to express power and domination. This is particularly evident in the inner city of Berlin. The monumental new buildings in the imperial capital were intended to symbolize "German world standing". Adolf Hitler wanted to see "works created for eternity" in Berlin, "only comparable with ancient Egypt, Babylon or Rome," as he said in 1936. At the 1937 Reich Party Congress, Hitler announced: "... Therefore our buildings should not be thought for the year 1940, also not for the year 2000, but should project directly into the domes of our past into the millennia of the future." Soon after the seizure of power, propagandistically effective building projects were started. These included the Reich Aviation Ministry, Tempelhof Airport, which was to be expanded into a "world airport", and the Reich Sports Field, which was to be expanded and redesigned with a view to the Olympic Games. The powerful buildings were presented to the public with great journalistic effort. At the 1936 Reich Party Congress in Nuremberg, Hitler announced the "reconstruction of Berlin as the capital of the German Reich". Hitler had initially intended to have his plans for the reorganization of the inner-city area processed by the Berlin city administration. When he realised that the local authorities were reluctant to impose his far-reaching transformation fantasies, he changed the responsibilities for planning and building in the capital. On 30 January 1937, the young architect Albert Speer was appointed general building inspector for the redevelopment of the imperial capital (GBI), reporting directly to the "Führer". Organization and history from 1937 A few days after Speer's appointment, Hitler ordered the House of the Academy of Arts at Pariser Platz No. 4, which until then had belonged to the office of the Minister of Education, to be vacated for the office of the General Building Inspector. Within a year and a half, the GBI's planning staff alone grew to eighty-seven people, while the so-called implementing body employed the same number of staff. Speer appointed a number of equally competent and reliable people to the executive positions in the three main departments into which he divided the office: the head office, which administered the budget, was taken over by the financial expert Karl Maria Hettlage, the general site manager Walter Brugmann, who had got to know Speer in Nuremberg, and for the planning office, since it was objectively most important to him, he, in addition to Hans Stephan, called on two long-standing friends, Rudolf Wolters and Willi Schelkes, who had been associated with him since days of study. The Speers offices, which had been established successively since 1937, were not divided into three main offices until mid-1940 under the central management of the GBI. After his appointment to the GBI, Speer expanded his planning staff to the "office" of the GBI. This later Main Office I, Planning Office, was responsible for all planning matters, ordered more than one hundred areas of redesign by 1942 and set the respective clearance dates. From 1938, Jewish tenants were forced to cancel their tenancy agreements on the basis of the "Verordnung über den Einsatz des jüdischen Vermögens" (Ordinance on the Use of Jewish Property); they were admitted to Jewish houses and later to concentration camps. For the "resettlement" of Jews and the reassignment of the apartments, the GBI's "Implementation Office" had been set up under the direction of Karl Maria Hettlage. In this way about 18,000 apartments were requisitioned. Areas from which the Jews were completely expelled were described as "Jew-free". The number of buildings erected during the twelve years of National Socialist rule between 1933 and 1945 is surprisingly high, especially since it must be remembered that only six years were available during the Second World War. In November 1939, a ban on new construction was imposed due to the war, which was followed half a year later by the discontinuation of all construction measures not necessary for the war. The GBI was established by the Decree of 30 January 1937. The office itself was assigned to Albert Speer, who from 1934 was "the representative for construction in the staff of the deputy of the Führer" and as such had already established some Nazi party buildings, especially in Nuremberg. At first, the GBI's competence did not extend beyond Berlin and its immediate surroundings. The "Gesetz über die Neugestaltung deutscher Städte" of 4 Oct. 1937 does not yet contain a more detailed provision on the "agency commissioned" by Hitler himself to carry out these projects. Only in this way was it possible for a special "General Building Council for the Capital of the Movement" to be appointed to Munich by decree of 21 Dec. 1938 and for this office to be occupied by the NS party architect Paul Giesler; Giesler was also commissioned with the establishment of NS party buildings in Augsburg and Weimar. It was not until the third decree on the GBI of 18 Oct 1940 that the competence of the GBI was significantly extended. The latter was expressly declared a "commissioned body" within the meaning of the Act on the Redevelopment of German Cities. In the years 1938 to 1942, a total of 32 cities in the former Reich territory were included in the new planning on the basis of the law of 4 Oct. 1937 by decrees and ordinances promulgated in the Reichsgesetzblatt. As of the end of 1942, the progress of all urban development plans of a peace-related nature was completely halted, since tasks important to the war awaited solution and Speer himself had been largely involved in them since his appointment as Reich Minister for Armament and Munitions on 15 February 1942 and on 2 September 1943 as Reich Minister for Armament and War Production. With the decree of 11 Oct. 1943 on the preparation of the reconstruction of bomb-damaged cities, Speer was entrusted with the necessary tasks in his capacity as GBI. He had to determine the framework for the future design of the cities and the right to decide on urban development issues of the reconstruction cities in place of the Reich Minister of Labour. The elimination of the Reich Labour Minister, to whom Speer had previously been bound as GBI despite his direct subordination under Hitler, was above all a consequence of Speer's present position as Reich Minister. Inventory description: Inventory history In Germany, the General Building Inspector's collection for the imperial capital is divided into three archives: the Bundesarchiv, the Landesarchiv Berlin and the Bayerische Hauptstaatsarchiv Munich. A total of three finding aids were available in the Federal Archives for the inventory R 4606 General Building Inspector for the Imperial Capital. The holdings were brought together from Potsdam and Koblenz at the beginning of the 1990s and have since been known as R 4606 General Building Inspector for the Imperial Capital. In the Landesarchiv Berlin there are 1016 files as well as in the planning chamber there 1,000 sheets of the GBI under the signature A Pr.Br.Rep. 107 from the years (1935) 1937 to 1945. In addition there are files of the grave commissioner active since July 1932 and last on his behalf, the former social democratic government president Ernst von Harnack. The card index of the graves of important personalities, arranged according to city districts and cemeteries, was intended to prepare the construction of an honorary cemetery "to express the spiritual significance of the imperial capital" (148 vols., 1941-1943). With the provenance indication "Baubüro Speer", the Hauptstaatsarchiv Munich contains more than 3,000 plans for buildings mainly in Berlin (including the Reich Chancellery, Reichstag, "Haus des Führers", "Große Halle"), the party congress grounds in Nuremberg and others. Furthermore, the special archive in Moscow contains a collection of 86 files of various contents from the years 1920 to 1944 under the title Fond 1409 General Building Inspector for the Reich Capital, e.g. on the use of prisoners of war at the GBI or correspondence between Speers and authorities and private individuals. Archival evaluation and processing Before 1990, the holdings were processed both in Potsdam with the inventory designation R 46.06 and in Koblenz (R 120) up to the preparation of the finding aid book. With the merging of the holdings mentioned above, the Koblenz files received new signatures. In view of the great public interest in information from this archive stock, it was decided in 2008 to retro-convert the finding aids with the aim of publishing them on the Internet. 177 files from a transfer of files from the Bamberg State Archives from the 1980s, which deal with the construction of the High Command of the Army and the Soldiers' Hall, were indexed and subsequently recorded. In 2008, the 29 files of the head of department at GBI, Schelkes' estate documents under the previous name "Kleine Erwerbungen Nr. 864" were also added. A further takeover included the "Art in the Third Reich" component, which had been incorporated into the archives, from which 38 index units of maps and plans were allocated to the holdings and listed. The archives were already taken over by the GDR Department in 1997. However, they have not been added to the portfolio due to equal signatures, but have been managed as an extra bundle without a direct reference to the portfolio. The classifications found were largely adopted and summarised in a factual manner. The development data available up to then were partly modified and series and volume sequences formed. The internal order of the files has been maintained. The inventory has already been moved from standing folders to folders. The maps are stored in specially designed folders and cabinets. Characterization of content: Office Speer 1937-1944 (111); files of leading employees (as far as not objectively assigned) 1937-1944 (59); Main Office Administration and Economy: General Administration: Administration of services 1937-1945 (99), General administration 1932-1945 (442), Land and building matters 1937-1945 (71), Procurement and inventory management 1937-1945 (4), Budget matters 1937-1945 (299), Accounting 1938-1944 (17), Secret files (chronological) 1938-1945 (34), Examination office 1940-1945 (56), Treasury 1938-1945 (91), Other financial and administrative matters 1939-1945 (11). Personnel 1938-1943 (152), Law 1937-1945 (51), Housing issues (evacuation and resettlement), 1937-1945 (50), Quota administration 1939-1945 (80); Planning office: Plankammer 1937-1943 (15), Competitions exhibitions and collections 1934-1942 (44), Area declarations 1938-1944 (64), Individual construction planning areas: General 1937-1945 (133), armament expansion 1939-1943 (43), Wehrmacht installations 1937-1944 (98), Reich Air Ministry Airports 1937-1940 (31), traffic 1934-1943 (402), buildings and installations 1935-1944 (567), Authorities and organisations 1936-1944 (428), industrial buildings 1936-1944 (402), residential buildings in individual administrative districts of Berlin and the surrounding area 1936-1944 (405), other planning projects 1938-1944 (7), construction projects outside Berlin 1936-1943 (164); Implementation office for the redesign of the imperial capital 1938-1944(19); general construction management: Supervision of the army high command: General 1939-1945 (38), individual projects (building blocks) 1939-1945 (150). Construction management 1939-1945 (10), maps plans schematics: General 1938-1942 (11), development planning of settlements and peripheral communities 1938-1942 (20), streets and squares green and open spaces 1937-1943 (50), authorities and institutions 1938-1943 (36), Wehrmacht facilities of the Reich Aviation Ministry 1937-1940 (7), University and teaching facilities 1938-1943 (11), industrial and office buildings 1939-1943 (28), residential buildings 1939-1944 (46), Reichsbahnbaudirektion Berlin 1939-1941 (18), theatre buildings 1936-1943 (260), buildings outside Berlin 1923-1948 (44). Settlement agency: 1946-1948 (1). Citation style: BArch, R 4606/...