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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 15 · Akt(e) · 1902
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • description: Contains, among other things: Java (continued): Visit of the coffee plantation "Wonokojo", sketch and description of the same (13.04.); departure from Batavia (19.04.); arrival in Singapore (21.04.) China: departure to Hong Kong, accompanying guests (27.04.); arrival in Hong Kong, indisposition Ganssers, journey with sedan chair to the Peak, collection of the post office, (02.05.); improvement of Gansser, visit to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht, characterization of Hong Kong (03.05.); American soldiers in Manila, onward journey to Canton (04.05.); junks before Canton (05.05.); plague and cholera predominate, sightseeing (06.05.); visit of the German consul Dr. Gumprecht, characterization of Hong Kong (03.05.); visit of the German consul Dr. Gumprecht, visit of the German consul Dr. Gumprecht (06.05.); visit of the German consul (06.05.); visit of the German consul (06.05.); visit of the German consul (06.05.); visit of the German consul (06.05.); visit of the German consul (03.05.); visit of the German consul (03.05.); visit of the German consul (06.05.); onward journey to Macao (07.05.); rickshaw trip through the city, visit of the silk factory, sketch and description of the factory (08.05.); back to Hong Kong, evening with Carl Heermann (09.05.); evening with Consul Dr. Gumprecht (10.05.); engine damage on the ship (12.05.); arrival in Shanghai, dinner at the consulate, guests there (15.05.); evening with the consuls, other guests (17.05.); visit with Dr. Knappe, there also Count Montgelas (18.05.); arrival in Tsingtau (20.05.); city stroll, postal affairs (21.05.); dinner with Dr. Strebel (22.5.); further to Tongku (26.05.); by train to Tientsin (27.05.); further to Peking (29.05.); visit of the palace in Peking (30.05.); further to Nankau (?), fellow travellers (01.06.); back to Peking (04.06.); ride to the Temple of Heaven (06.06.); by train to Tientsin (07.06.) Japan: arrival in Nagasaki (15.06.); W.N. Petersen from Birmingham (16.06.); to Niyasiina, ascent of the Oku no in (17.06.); arrival in Onomichi, by train to Kobe (18.06.; further to Takatori, by train back to Kobe (19.06.); to Kyoto, at the theatre (21.06.); ascent to Hiei-zan, dance of the Geishas (22.06.); by train to Osaka, Kastell and Arsenal (24.06.); by train to Osaka, Kastell and Arsenal (24.06.).); to Nara, to Nagoya, to the fishing village Gifeo (26.06.); perpetual rain at the end of June/beginning of July; in Yokohama (04.07.); to Tokyo (05.07.); continuation by ship, guests on board, among them Grand Duke Boris of Russia (16.07. ff.) USA: Arrival in San Francisco (30.07.); mail received here (31.07.)); trip to Salt Lake City (12.08.); description of the place (13.08.); Yellowstone Lake (18.07.); Butte/Monterey (20.08.); Salt Lake City (21.08.); on Pikes Peak (23.08.); on to Chicago (29.08.); arrival here (30.08.); Niagara Falls (01.09.); arrival in New York (02.09.) Includes among others: Java (continued): Visit of the coffee plantation "Wonokojo", sketch and description of the same (13.04.); departure from Batavia (19.04.); arrival in Singapore (21.04.)<br />China: departure to Hong Kong, accompanying guests (27.04.); arrival in Hong Kong, feeling unwell Ganssers, ride with sedan chair on the Peak, pick-up of the post office, (02.05.); improvement of Gansser, visit to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht, characterization of Hong Kong (03.05.); American soldiers in Manila, onward journey to Canton (04.05.); junks before Canton (05.05.); plague and cholera prevail, sightseeing (06.05.); onward journey to Macao (07.05.); visit to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht, characterization of Hong Kong (03.05.); onward journey to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht; onward journey to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht; onward journey to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht; onward journey to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht; onward journey to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht; onward journey to the German consul Dr. Gumprecht; onward journey to the German consul; onward journey to the German consul.); rickshaw ride through the city, visit of the silk factory, sketch and description of the factory (08.05.); back to Hong Kong, evening with Carl Heermann (09.05.); evening with Consul Dr. Gumprecht (10.05.); engine damage on the ship (12.05.); arrival in Shanghai, dinner at the consulate, guests there (15.05.); visit to the silk factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (08.05.); visit to the factory (15.05.).); evening with the consuls, further guests (17.05.); visit with Dr. Knappe, there also Count Montgelas (18.05.); arrival in Tsingtau (20.05.); city stroll, postal affairs (21.05.); dinner with Dr. Strebel (22.5.); further to Tongku (26.05.); by train to Tientsin (27.05.); further to Peking (29.05.); visit of the palace in Peking (30.05.); visit of the palace in Peking (30.05.).05.); on to Nankau (?), fellow travellers (01.06.); back to Peking (04.06.); ride to the Temple of Heaven (06.06.); by train to Tientsin (07.06.); by train to Tientsin (07.06.); by train to Tientsin (07.06.).)<br />Japan: Arrival in Nagasaki (15.06.); W.N. Petersen from Birmingham (16.06.); to Niyasiina, ascent of Oku no in (17.06.); arrival in Onomichi, by train to Kobe (18. 06.); arrival in Kobe (18. 06.).06.; further to Takatori, by train back to Kobe (19.06.); to Kyoto, in the theatre (21.06.); ascent to Hiei-zan, dance of the Geishas (22.06.); by train to Osaka, fort and arsenal (24.06.); to Nara, to Nagoya, to the fishing village Gifeo (26.06.); eternal rain end of June/beginning of July; in Yokohama (04.); in the city of Yokohama (04.); in the city of Yokohama (04.); in the city of Yokohama (04.); in the city of Yokohama (04.); in the city of Yokohama (04.); in the city of Yokohama (04.).07.); to Tokyo (05.07.); continuation by ship, guests on board, including Grand Duke Boris of Russia (16.07. ff.)<br />USA: arrival in San Francisco (30.07.); mail received here (31.07.); trip to Salt Lake City (12.08.); description of place (13.08.); Yellowstone Lake (18.07.); Butte/Monterey (20.08.); Salt Lake City (21.08.); on Pikes Peak (23.08.); on to Chicago (29.08.); arrival here (30.08.); Niagara Falls (01.09.); arrival in New York (02.09.) 1902, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Papers of Rudolf von Gansser senior and Rudolf Gansser jun.
Knappe, Wilhelm