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Archivverbund Bautzen, Stadtarchiv, 62011 - 13 · Akt(e) · 1935 - 1943
Teil von Archive Association Bautzen (Archive Tectonics)

Contains among others: Establishment of the Reich Colonial Federation and takeover of dissolved associations - Invitation to the Social Evening of the German Colonial Society - Annual Reports - Invoices. In it: Leaflet "What was German must remain German", 1933 - Leaflet "Deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellung des Reichskolonialbundes", 1933.

Guide to the Colonial Exhibition
III E 25 · Objekt · 1909
Teil von Göttingen City Archive

Göttingen, November 4 - 7, 1909 / Women's Federation of the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l g e s c h a f t s e l s c h e G e s e l l s c h a f t a f t a n g e s Abteilung Göttingen. Göttingen, 1909