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207 · Akt(e) · 1910-1933
Teil von Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains:Acceptance as deposit; acquisition of colonial literature; ownership.Provenance: ULB, Dec. 5.Az.: Depositarakten 4.Vorprovenienz: LuStB.Remark:Withdrawn: Bound "Inventory of the Colonial Library", see ...IndexDeutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft; Kolonialbibliothek; Deposita.Akzession: 11/ 2002.Bearbeiter: Pl.Erfassung am: 08.07.2002.

Inventory of the Colonial Library
495 · Akt(e) · Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts
Teil von Düsseldorf University and State Library

Contains: Inventory of the books transferred by the D e u t s c h e K o l o n i a l s c h e G e l l s c h a f t Abteilung Düsseldorf as deposit (hardback) Provenance: ULB, Dec. 5, Vorprovenienz: LuStB Remark: Taken from serial number 207 of the holdings 1/8th Index: Landes- und Stadtbibliothek: Geschichte; Kolonialbibliothek; Deutsche Kolonial-Gesellschaft; Bücherlisten; Invententar; Deposita.Akzession: 11/2002.Bearbeiter: jz.Erfassung am: 04.12.2002.

Scientific undertakings * Volume 69
PAW 1812-1945 II-VIII-322 · Akt(e) · 1889 - 1903
Teil von Archive of the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities

Contains: A. Brückner, Studies in Petersburg on a History of Polish Literature in the German Language, 1889-1902 - H. Fitting, Halle, H. Suchier: Critical impression and publication of a Provencal legal book, 1889-1903 - H. Thorbecke, Halle, publication of the Arab poet Al-A'schâ, 1889-1891 - H. Kühlewein, Ilfeld, studies in Florence and Paris on the edition of Hippocrates, 1889-1892 - W. Schmitz, Cologne, publication of a Leidener Codex tironischer Noten, 1889 - Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, publication of a dictionary of the Namaqua language by J. G. Kroenlein, 1889 - G. Weigand, Leipzig, linguistic-ethnographic research in the area of the Linzars with 9 photos, 1889-1894.

Use of lecture halls by third parties
Universitätsarchiv Freiburg, B0001 / 381 · Akt(e) · 1919-1922
Teil von University Archive Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains: among others: Military; women's associations; Association for the German Abroad; Association for Volunteer Nurses in War; Young Citizens' Association; Art Society; German Society for Combating Sexual Diseases; Alsace-Lorraine Displaced Persons Welfare; Schools; Student Associations; Caritas Association; Stenographer Associations; Badischer Heimatdank; Municipal food department; friends of nature; committee for the holding of scientific lectures; adult education centre; historical VereiReichslimeskommission; Freiburger Fürsorge für heimkehrende Auslandsdeutsche; student courses for workers; central office of the University of Strasbourg; housing for cafeteria sisters; cultural society; Red Cross; Social Democratic Party; Association of Homeless Upper Silesians; Association for Literature and Lecture Art; Political Science Working Group; Südwestdeutscher Hochschulkreis; Fichtehochschulgemeinde; 800th anniversary of the city; Lecture of the Städtische Bühnenvolksbund; Association for Weekly and Home Care; German Colonial Society; Company Himmelsbach; Marian Congregation; Police; Nature Research Society; Freiburg Student Aid; Youth Hostel Association; Association of Former Flyers; Association of German Book Printers; Black Forest Association; Tax Office; Trade Association; Ostmark Association; Badisches Weinbauinstitu; Synagogue Council; District Teachers' Association; Electrical Exhibition; also: Guest lecture by Pidro Bosch-Gimpera, 1921;