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BArch, NS 5-VI/17664 · Akt(e) · 1926-1944
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Lübbe, Axel, writer, German poet, 1925 Lübbe, Carl, skipper of the German merchant navy, 1938 Lübben, Regierungsrat, 1930 Lübbert, Dr. Erich, general director of the AG für Verkehrswesen, 1933 Lübbring, Josef, police president of Dortmund, 1927 Lübkes, Dr. Fritz, Managing Director of Wirtschaftsgruffe Kreditgenossenschaften Berlin, 1935 - 1936 Lueck, Gustav, Privy Councillor, Member of the Board of Management of Vereinigte Aluminiumwerke AG, 1937 Lück, Dr. Kurt, Posener Vorkämpfer, researcher, publicist, 1939 Lückerath, Director of Provinzial Erziehungsheim Euskirchen, Sanitätsrat, 1937 Lüddeke, Theodor, author, 1935 Lüdecke, SA-Oberführer, 1937 Lüdecke, German, English, French, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Italian, Italian, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, Spanish, German Private scholar, 1935 Lückmann, Hermann, Prussian politician, social democrat, 1936 Lüderitz, Adolf, German colonial pioneer, 1941 Lüders, Else, senior government councillor in the Reichsarbeitsministerium, 1932 Lüders, Prof. Heinrich, scientist, 1934 Lüders, Dr. Marie Elisabeth, German educator, 1938 Lüdtke, Franz, poet, historian, president of the Reichs Labor Ministry, 1938 Lüdtke, Franz, poet, historian, president of the Reichs Labor Ministry, 1934 Lüders, 1938 Lüderitz, 1936 Lüderitz, Adolf, German colonial pioneer, 1941 Lüders, Else, German historian, 1938 Lüdke, Franz, poet, historian, president of the Reichs Labor Ministry, 1934 Lüders, Dr. Marie Elisabeth, German educator, 1938 Lüdtke, Franz, poet, historian, president of the Reichs. Wartheländischen Dichterkreis, 1942 Lüdtke, Dr. Heinz, Doctor of Philosophy, 1934 Lueg, Heinrich, Privy Councillor, Kommerzienrat, active in mechanical engineering, 1940 Lühmann, Anna von, German teacher Eduards VIII, 1936 Lühr, Dr. Director of the Society for Electrical Companies, 1935 Lührs, Dr.-Joh. professor at the Technical University of Gdansk, 1936 Luecken, Dr. Emil, Lord Mayor of Kiel, 1933 Lünenschloß, Wilhelm, building contractor, o.Dat. Lüng, Pidder, author, poet, 1937 Lüninck, Ferdinand Freiherr von, Prussian civil servant, Chief President of the Rhine Province, 1938 Lüpke, Hans von, leader of the village church movement, 1934 Lüps, Werner, Wehrwirtschaftsführer, operating account of the Henkel factories, 1942 Lürmann, Fritz W., engineer (improvement of the blast furnace), 1934 Lüschen, Fritz, member of the Managing Board of Siemens