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Maercker, Georg (inventory)
BArch, N 786 · Fonds · 1874-1940
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Born 21 September 1865 in Baldenburg, district of Schlochau, died 31 December 1924 in Dresden. 1874 Admission to the Kulmer Kadettenkorps, then Prussian Hauptkadettenanstalt and in April 1885 entry as lieutenant second in the infantry regiment "von borcke" (4th Pommersches) No. 21 in Thorn. 1887 Transfer to the 2nd Lower Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 137 in September 1888, one year's leave of absence to go to Africa. After a short time working for the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft as an officer in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika. On 18 May 1889 he took part in a battle at Dar-es-Salam as part of the suppression of the so-called Arab uprising. 1890 He rejoins the army. 1891-1904 Education at the Prussian Academy of War; 1895 transfer to the Grand General Staff. In the same year wedding with Luise Lindner. In 1898 he was promoted to captain during his command at the Reichsmarineamt, which from 1898 to 1899 included surveying work in the Kiautschou leasehold. 1900 Return to Germany and activity in the general staff. From 1902 company commander in infantry regiment 41. In 1904 promotion to major and transfer to the general staff of the stage command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. There he participated in the so-called Herero and Hottentot campaigns. During the Nama Uprising, Maercker led the Schutztruppen units in the Battle of Nubib and was wounded. 1910 Farewell to the Schutztruppe and appointment as battalion commander in the infantry regiment "König Ludwig III. von Bayern" (2nd Lower Silesian) No. 47. 1912 promotion lieutenant colonel; 1913 appointment as commander of the North Sea island Borkum. 1914 Promotion to colonel. 1915 and 1916 as regiment commander participation in the position fights at the Kormyn and at the Styr, afterwards at the western front, among others Yser, in the Wyschaete arch as well as at St. Eloi. Wounded in the Battle of the Somme in 1916, then in positional battles on the Aisne. At the end of 1916 he took part in the battles on the Narajowka and Zlota Lipa; from 1917 he was deployed on the western front: Somme, Wytschaete Arc, Yser, Arras, Champagne and Flanders with renewed wounding. Awarded the Pour le Mérite Order on 1 October 1917 and the Pour le Mérite Oak Leaf Order on 3 May 1918. On 18 August 1917 promotion to Major General and appointment as Commander of the 214th Division. In December 1918 Maercker formed the Freikorps "Landesjäger" from parts of his division; deployment of the Freikorps during the suppression of the Spartakus uprising in January 1919 in Berlin, followed by deployments in Weimar, Gotha, Erfurt, Halle, Magdeburg, Braunschweig and Helmstedt. On 2 May the Freikorps was integrated into the Reichswehr as Reichswehrbrigade 16. On 28 April 1920 Maercker was released from active military service. In 1922 he founded the Deutscher Kolonialkriegerbund. Processing note: General Wehrkreis IV (Saxony)? Description of the holdings: Major General, documents, personal letters, training documents, portrait photos, colonial history: General der Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t , surveying Tsingtau, commander of the infantry in the First World War in France and Belgium, Wehrkreiskommando IV, Freikorpsführer Geb. 21. September 1865 in Baldenburg, Kreis Schlochau, died 31. December 1924 in Dresden. 1874 Admission to the Kulmer Kadettenkorps, then Prussian Hauptkadettenanstalt and in April 1885 entry as lieutenant second in the infantry regiment "von borcke" (4th Pommersches) No. 21 in Thorn. 1887 Transfer to the 2nd Lower Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 137 in September 1888, one year's leave of absence to go to Africa. After a short time working for the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft as an officer in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika. On 18 May 1889 he took part in a battle at Dar-es-Salam as part of the suppression of the so-called Arab uprising. 1890 He rejoins the army. 1891-1904 Education at the Prussian Academy of War; 1895 transfer to the Grand General Staff. In the same year wedding with Luise Lindner. In 1898 he was promoted to captain during his command at the Reichsmarineamt, which from 1898 to 1899 included surveying work in the Kiautschou leasehold. 1900 Return to Germany and activity in the general staff. From 1902 company commander in infantry regiment 41. In 1904 promotion to major and transfer to the general staff of the stage command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. There he participated in the so-called Herero and Hottentot campaigns. During the Nama Uprising, Maercker led the Schutztruppen units in the Battle of Nubib and was wounded. 1910 Farewell to the Schutztruppe and appointment as battalion commander in the infantry regiment "König Ludwig III. von Bayern" (2nd Lower Silesian) No. 47. 1912 promotion lieutenant colonel; 1913 appointment as commander of the North Sea island Borkum. 1914 Promotion to colonel. 1915 and 1916 as regiment commander participation in the position fights at the Kormyn and at the Styr, afterwards at the western front, among others Yser, in the Wyschaete arch as well as at St. Eloi. Wounded in the Battle of the Somme in 1916, then in positional battles on the Aisne. At the end of 1916 he took part in the battles on the Narajowka and Zlota Lipa; from 1917 he was deployed on the western front: Somme, Wytschaete Arc, Yser, Arras, Champagne and Flanders with renewed wounding. Awarded the Pour le Mérite Order on 1 October 1917 and the Pour le Mérite Oak Leaf Order on 3 May 1918. On 18 August 1917 promotion to Major General and appointment as Commander of the 214th Division. In December 1918 Maercker formed the Freikorps "Landesjäger" from parts of his division; deployment of the Freikorps during the suppression of the Spartakus uprising in January 1919 in Berlin, followed by deployments in Weimar, Gotha, Erfurt, Halle, Magdeburg, Braunschweig and Helmstedt. On 2 May the Freikorps was integrated into the Reichswehr as Reichswehrbrigade 16. On 28 April 1920 Maercker was released from active military service. In 1922 he founded the Deutscher Kolonialkriegerbund. Citation style: BArch, N 786/...

RMG 2.628 · Dossier · 1886-1934
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Listing of the papers corresponds to the order in the file, only there it is chronologically descending]; Eine Erstlingsgarbe, Tobias Fenchel, 10 p., hs., 1886; Namaqualand, N. N., o. J.; How do natives treat their diseases by their own means, and in what relation to it d. Magic?, Tobias Fenchel, 14 p., hs., 1893; To understand d. Missionsarbeit unter d. Namavolk, N. N., 24 p., c. 1901; To what extent can the Institut Wupperthal and the former mission colony Otjimbingwe in economic development give finger pointers for the reserve Rietmond, Carl Berger, 11 p., 1902; Leitende Gesichtspunkte für Kirchenzucht im Groß-Namaland, Heinrich Pabst, 14 p., hs., 1903; Die farbige Raasse u. d. nationale Aufgabe in d. Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika, (Translation e. Article from The United Presbyterian), Prof. Dr. Franz R. Beattie, 10 p., 1905; Die Erziehung d. Aboriginal, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 1905; Zur Instituts- u. Schulfrage (für halbbweiße Kinder), Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 7 p., hs.., 1907; The general situation regarding the continuing state of war: To what extent can we contribute to the security of the country, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 6 p., ms., 1906; The school reform question of our mission schools in German Southwest Africa, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 16 p., ms., 1907; The question of religious education of the natives, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 6 p., ms. 1908; Missionsnöte u. Erfolge in Südafrika, Prof. Marais, Stellenbosch, 9 p., ms., 1908; Über d. Recht d. Naman u. Bergdaman, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 36 p. hektograph. 1908; Which duties does the mission have towards those church members who wander back and forth and how can control over them be exercised? Presentation on the topic: Control over our indigenous members of the congregation, our duties towards them, Hermann Nyhof, 1910; The Catholic mission, its way and its successes within our area and the means that allowed us to meet it effectively, Hermann Nyhof, 22 p., hs., 1911; The language question in d. Namamission, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 21 p., ms., 1911; Which tasks does d. Modern times to our missionary work, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 13 p., 1912; Position of the missionaries to the. Natives on the one hand and whites on the other, Wilhelm Albert Peter, 18 p., hs., 1912; Die Besetzung d. Diamantfelder, Emil Karl Laaf, 4 p., hs., 1912; What can we do to educate our communities to independence? hs., 1913; Which methods and which goal must we pursue in the education of our indigenous assistants, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer, 10 p., ms., 1928; How should our church discipline be shaped in the Protestant sense? Friedrich Hermann Rust, 14 p.. ms., 1926; About the status of our RMG in Germany before, during and after the war, Karl Friedrich Wandres, 5 p., ms., 1920; What dangers in his professional and private life does the missionary in German Southwest Africa have to beware of and how can he prevent them? Christian Ludwig Kühhirt, 14 p., ms., 1914; Our position and our behaviour towards indigenous employees, Christian Wilhelm Friedrich Spellmeyer with statement by Johannes Warneck, 2 versions, 1934;

Société des missions du Rhin