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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 Bü 9 · Dossier · 1896-1897
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)
  • 1896-1897, Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, Q 2/48 bequests Rudolf von Gansser sen. and Rudolf Gansser jun. Contains among others: 1896: First experiences in Dar es Salaam (13.12.96); detailed description of the journey via Switzerland, Italy, Suez Canal to the arrival in Tanga (subsequently written after arrival in Dar es Salaam) (13.11.-7.12); description of Tanga (7th century); description of the journey to Tanga (13.11.-7.12).12.); quartering (8.12.); description of Dar es Salaam (with sketch p. 76), local people, animals, furnishing of his room (9.12.); customs clearance of imported weapons and photographic equipment, visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.).26.12); Christmas party (24. and 25.12.)<br />1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.); Christmas celebration (24. and 25.12.)<br />1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.)); solemn greeting of the new governor Colonel Liebert (17.1.); illness of Gansser and recovery (17.1.-20.01); order for the topographic survey of the country (20./21.1.); march into the interior of the country (25.1.).); Usambara Railway, arrival of Gasser at the plantation of Mr Georg Sander in Lewa (27.01.); construction of a trigonometric signal at the highest point of the plantation Sanders (28.01. - 04.02.).); visit of the governor Liebert in Lewa and visit of the trigonometric signal, short description of the coffee plantation in Lewa (05.02.); construction of a ground floor pyramid as a signal at Tongue Mountain, supply of Gansser's people by the natives (06.02); punishment of a young native boy by Mr. Hutcup (12.02.); ascent and descent to Mlinga (13.02.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); march to Segoma mountain, erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.)); march on to Maramba, description of the village (01.03.); congratulations to the king, post from his homeland (03.03.); march on to Mount Wuga (06.03.) and erection of a signal there (07.03.); discussion with the technician Hutcup (08.03.); departure to Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to Lutindi, refusal to work by the aid organisations (17.3.); departure to Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to Lutindi, refusal to work by the aid organisations (17.3.)); construction of a signal there, exact description of the plant, after completion celebration with the assistants with Pombe (brown drink), Ngoma (drum) and dances of the natives (21.03.); illness of the blacks and cupping method against it (22.03.); healing methods of the natives (23.03.).); smaller signals set by the predecessors, from Kombola to Siai (29.03.); mail received (07.04.); erection of smaller signals by Böhler (13.04.); plantations and their ownership (15.04.); Easter as guest on the plantation of Mr. and Mrs. v. Horn near Nyuelo, birthday presents from home, birthday party on the plantation (17.04. ff.); description of the house of v. Horn (26.04.); onward journey to Kwamkoro (30.04.); the market of Kwamkoro (02.05.); march to the Bulwa mountains (11.05.); further stops at the v. Horns, completion of a signal under difficulties (16.05. ff.); ceremonial inauguration of the signal of Nyuelo, which was given to the wife v. Horn, Drunkenness of Wolffhauer (30.05.); March to Muhesa (04.06.); Assessment of the work of the land surveyor Böhler (05.06.); Theft of Gansser's left luggage (14. and 15.06.); further stay at the v. Horns, a.o. birthday party for Mr. v. Horn (16.06.); Ganssers dog "Flock" (11.07.); the plantation of the Wißmahl brothers, dispute with Böhler because of the basis of the triangulation, march of the caravan to Hakoko (12.07.); on the territory of the English mission (13.07.); further march towards Lutindi (19.07.); ascent to the Mashindei (20.07.); construction of a camp and a signal there (21.07. ff.) description: Contains and others: 1896: First experiences in Dar es Salaam (13.12.96); detailed description of the journey via Switzerland, Italy, Suez Canal to the arrival in Tanga (subsequently written after arrival in Dar es Salaam) (13.11.-7.12); description of Tanga (7th century); description of the journey to Tanga (13.11.-7.12).12.); quartering (8.12.); description of Dar es Salaam (with sketch p. 76), local people, animals, furnishing of his room (9.12.); customs clearance of imported weapons and photographic equipment, visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.); visit to the Sultan of Zanzibar (20.).26.12); Christmas party (24. and 25.12.) 1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.); Christmas celebration (24. and 25.12.) 1897: Suicide and funeral of First Lieutenant Bresler (1.1.1897); preparation of the expedition (3.1.-9.1.); shipping from Zanzibar to Saadani (11.1.)); solemn greeting of the new governor Colonel Liebert (17.1.); illness of Gansser and recovery (17.1.-20.01); order for the topographic survey of the country (20./21.1.); march into the interior of the country (25.1.).); Usambara Railway, arrival of Gasser at the plantation of Mr Georg Sander in Lewa (27.01.); construction of a trigonometric signal at the highest point of the plantation Sanders (28.01. - 04.02.).); visit of the governor Liebert in Lewa and visit of the trigonometric signal, short description of the coffee plantation in Lewa (05.02.); construction of a ground floor pyramid as a signal at Tongue Mountain, supply of Gansser's people by the natives (06.02); chastisement of a young native boy by Mr. Hutcup (12.02.); ascent and descent to Mlinga (13.02.); erection of a trigonometric signal there (21.02.); march to Mount Segoma, erection of a signal there (22.-23.02., 28.2.); march on to Maramba, description of the village (01.03.); congratulations to the king, post from home (03.03.); march on to Mount Wuga (06.03.) and erection of a signal there (07.03.); visit of the village (01.03.); visit of the village (07.03.).); discussion with the technician Hutcup (08.03.); march on the Nielo mountain (12.3.) and erection of a signal there (13.3. ff); ascent to the Lutindi, refusal to work by the supporters (17.3. ff); the first day of the tour (13.3. ff); the second day of the tour (17.3. ff).); construction of a signal there, exact description of the plant, after completion celebration with the assistants with Pombe (brown drink), Ngoma (drum) and dances of the natives (21.03.); illness of the blacks and cupping method on the other hand (22.03.); healing methods of the natives (23.03.); smaller signals set by the predecessors, from Kombola to Siai (29.03.); received mail (07.04.); erection of smaller signals by Böhler (13.04.); plantations and their ownership (15.); the development of the plantations and their ownership (15.).04.); Easter as guest on the plantation of Mr. and Mrs. v. Horn near Nyuelo, birthday presents from home, birthday party on the plantation (17.04. ff.); description of the house of v. Horn (26.04.); onward journey to Kwamkoro (30.04.); the market of Kwamkoro (02.05.); march to the Bulwa mountains (11.05.); further stops at the v. Horns, completion of a signal under difficulties (16.05. ff.); solemn inauguration of the signal of Nyuelo dedicated to Frau v. Horn; drunkenness of Wolffhauer (30.05.); march to Muhesa (04.06.); evaluation of the work of the land surveyor Böhler (05.06.); theft of Gansser's left luggage (14. and 15.06.); further stay at v. Horns, among others birthday party for Mr. v. Horn (16.06.); Gansser's dog "Flock" (11.07.); the plantation of the Wißmahl brothers, dispute with Böhler because of the basis of the triangulation, march of the caravan to Hakoko (12.07.); on the territory of the English mission (13.07.); further march towards Lutindi (19.07.); ascent to the Mashindei (20.07.); construction of a camp and a signal there (21.07. ff.)
Diehl, Wilhelm Emil Jakob (1876-1961)
RMG 1.664 · Dossier · 1896-1962
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1904-1961 in Windhoek, Otjiaenena, Usakos, Karibib, Omaruru; letters and reports, 1904-1956; application documents, curriculum vitae, medical certificate, 1896-1898 1904; obituary for Wilhelm Emil Jakob Diehl, 1961; correspondence with family Diehl, 1961-1962; obituary for Mrs Eugenie Diehl, née Schüler, 1962;

Société des missions du Rhin
D.Mei · Gliederung
Fait partie de Archive Office for Westphalia

The farm of the family Meiwes or Thöne once called Robrecht Stellbrink is located until 1900 in the community Wewer, a district southwest of Paderborn and since 1969 merged with the city. Since its relocation in 1900, the farm has been located in the district of Elsen, which today also belongs to Paderborn. In 1794 Henricus Altmiercks called Stellbrink was the first farm owner to be mentioned in a Meier protocol (file 45). From 1825 the documents show Ferdinand Robrecht named Stellbrink, married to Antoniette Drewer zu Wewer, as the owner of the court at Wewer (file 39). In 1839 the married couple Robrecht called Stellbrink transferred the farm to their stepson Johann Thöne (file 45). His son, the farmer and later head of the village Joseph Thöne, signed over the farm from his father on 11 February 1870 (file 45). In 1900 Joseph Thöne acquires a marsh area of about 200 acres in the neighbouring municipality of Elsen, bought fifty years earlier by Baron von Brenken, and then begins to cultivate it and builds the estate.

BArch, N 1138/40 · Dossier · 1917-1920
Fait partie de Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Disputes about the farm Otjituezu of the deceased farmer Fr. Koppe, 1917; Resolution of the Windhoeker German population on the future of the protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika, March 1919; Regulation of the return journey of German civil servants and employees and their families to Germany and the forced return journey of civil servants, Schutztruppe members and ZIvil persons, March 1919-Nov. 1919; "Südwest im Friedenstraktat": Ausführungen zur Übernahme Deutsch-Südwestafrikas durch die Südafrikanische Union, 29.7.1919; Economic and financial negotiations with the South African Union, Jan. 1920; "Die Eingeborenen in Südwestafrika und die britische Verwaltung": Elaboration, author not named, 1920 (?)

Kastl, Ludwig
Dr. Hans Leitner (1904-?)
M 246 · Dossier · 1933-1956
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Curriculum vitae, vow of secondment, medical questionnaire, 1933; Polizeiliche Abmeldung, 1933; Korrespondenz, Rundbriefe, Berichte, 1933-1938; "Hausbesuche in Innerafrika von Käthe Leitner (Ehefrau), 1935; "Was ein Schulrat in Afrika erleben kann, 1937; "Missionsarbeit auf den Inseln des Viktoria-Nyanza, 16 p., ms, 1937; "From the parish of Kamachumu, 1938; "Nadel u. Faden in der Schule von Käthe Leitner, 1938; Ärztliche Tesnisse von Familie Leitner bei Wiedereinreise, 1939; Pensionsansprüche von Leitner, 1940; Foto der Familie Leitner, 1941; Correspondenz mit Dr. Leitner im Felde u. in der Kriegsge-fangenschaft, 1939-1947; Correspondenz mit Leitner in der Heimat u. in Nordamerika, 1948-1956

Bethel Mission
Dr. Karl Wohlrab (1903-1943)
M 239 · Dossier · 1927-1969
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Correspondence, travelogues, letters of friends, 1927-1935; vows of deputation, instructions, 1929; letters by Nehemia Kivulenge and Tadeo Kwalasi, 1930; Ein Blick in die Nöte u. Joy of our teachers, 1931; How our indigenous evangelists proclaim to their pagan compatriots, 1931; Violin sounds in Usambara, 1931; Pastoral questions from young Christianity on the Bethel Mission Field, 1932; Usambara Church Synod in Mtae, September 1934; map sketch of the coastal areas with marked parishes and planting communities, 1937; "Faith and Homeland, first year, publisher Dr. Wohlrab, number 1-3, January-July 1937; The Synod of the Church on the Coast of Usambara, July 1937; A Trombone Crusade, 1938; Pastoral Journey to the German Communities in the Kenya Colony on the Coast of East Africa, April to May 1939; Africa Letters from Dr. K. Wohlrab, 1936-1939; Medical Testimonies of the Wohlrab Family, 1940; The Interrelationship between Christian Family and the Church, 1940. Church on the one hand, and tribal world on the other hand, 1941; Gedanken zur Kriegsweihnacht, by Dr. K. Wohlrab in the East, 1942; letter of condolence on the occasion of the soldier's death of K. Wohlrab and memorial speech by Pastor Ronicke, 1943; correspondence with Hanna Wohlrab, née Hennig, 1943-1969

Bethel Mission
Dröschkau Manor Archive (holdings)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, H 60 (Benutzungsort: Wernigerode) · Fonds · (1418, 1455) 1510 - 1933
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)

Find aids: Find book from 1962 (online searchable) Registraturbilddner: Dröschkau belongs to the city of Belgern, Lkr. Nordsachsen, Freistaat Sachsen. Dröschkau was mentioned in 1130 as Burgward im Gau Belgern and belonged in the late Middle Ages to the Stiftsamt Wurzen of the Hochstifts Meißen. The Wettin claim to sovereignty over the Hochstift, manifested as early as 1485, was recognised by Bishop Johann IX of Meissen in 1581. Nevertheless, the Stiftsamt Wurzen, as a neighbouring state of Saxony, retained its own monastery government until 1818. In 1815 Dröschkau with parts of the monastery office came to Prussia and belonged there 1816-1945 to the province Saxony. 1489 in Dröschkau a outwork of the nunnery Mühlberg is documented. In 1582 Stellan von Holtzendorf was pardoned by Elector August. In 1669 the estate was transferred to the von Heynitz family as a result of a marriage. The manor, designated in 1815 as written manor, held the patrimonial jurisdiction over the place at the latest in the 18th century and was subject to the office of Torgau. The Pietzsch Vorwerk and the Schäferei Neusorge belonged to the property complex. The von Heynitz family sat on Dröschkau until the expropriation in the course of the land reform in 1945. Inventory information: The holdings were transferred to the Saxony-Anhalt State Main Archive on 27.06.1949 via the Halle/S. State Library. A repertory was not available, a continuous archive order does not seem to have existed, so that the archival records, which were mostly unbound, had to be rearranged and listed anew. If one compares the information provided by O. Steinecke (Forschungen zur Brandenburgischen und Preußischen Geschichte, vol. 15, 1902, p. 421) on the holdings of the Heynitz family archive in Dröschkau with the archive records that have been transferred to the Saxony-Anhalt state archives, it is regrettable to note that significant losses have occurred. The 41 diaries of Friedrich Anton von Heynitz from the years 1747 to 1783 and 1792 to 1802, mentioned by Steinecke, are missing, among others. The collection was arranged and recorded in 1962 and provided with a registry and inventory history. Additional information: Literature: aristocratic archives in the Saxony-Anhalt state archives. Overview of the holdings, edited by Jörg Brückner, Andreas Erb and Christoph Volkmar (Sources on the History of Saxony-Anhalt; 20), Magdeburg 2012 - Schumann: Post-Lexikon von Sachsen, vol. 2, 1815, p. 286 Schumann-Schiffner: Post-Lexikon von Sachsen, vol. 15, 1828, p. 428-430 Kneschke: Deutsches Adels-Lexikon, vol. 4, 1863, p. 364-365, 462-O. Steinecke: Frierich Anton von Heynitz. A life picture. In: Research on Brandenburg and Prussian History, Vol. 15, 1902, pp. 421-470.

Dutch Missionary Society, Rotterdam
RMG 811 · Dossier · 1825-1845
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Rotterdam Missionsgesellschaft; R. Ledeboer, secretary, sends writings and asks for return delivery, 1825; list of needs of a missionary to be sent out, equipment, travel expenses and costs for ongoing maintenance in Africa, 1829; Ledeboer sends 12 Dutch-speaking missions. Bibles as a gift, 1829; Ledeboer requests information about Wilhelm Wilhelmi, 1830; Ledeboer requests trained missionaries for East India, 1830; Ledeboer requests documents to obtain a residence permit for RMG missionaries in Borneo and Java, 1834; Ledeboer requests information about Philipp Wilken, 1837; Domine van Rhyn writes about himself and his family, offers to take packages to Dutch India, 1845;

Société des missions du Rhin
Eberhard Delius, Rev. Lic. (1903-1945)
RMG 483 · Dossier · 1934-1970
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Inspector 1930-1945; The Mission in Dutch India, 1 p., ms., 1934; Remarkable figures from Dutch India, 1 p., ms. 1934; Correspondence, inter alia with Reichsschrifttumskammer, Berlin, 1934-1940; contributions to an evangelical missionary teaching, 3 p., ms. 1938; Mission und Volkstum, 3 p., ms., 1938; Remarks on the situation of the mission in summer 1939, 2 p., ms., 1939; Curriculum Vitae, 1940; Report Delius about his arrest in Halle, 1941; Correspondence, 1941-1945; Die Batakkirche in der Feuerprobe, 6 p., ms., 1944; Correspondence with family, i.a. about the fate of Delius who was missing, 1946-1970

Société des missions du Rhin
Eduard Kriele (1858-1937)
RMG 444 · Dossier · 1897-1958
Fait partie de Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1882-1884,1889-1903 Teacher at the Missionary Seminary, 1903-1923 2nd Inspector, 1923-1926 Director; Letters to Schreiber, 1897-1900; Letters to Haussleiter, 1906; Letters to Spiecker, 1908-1912; Messages to the Friends of the Fallen Son Walter, 1915; Vocation Certificate to the Director, 1924; Application for Retirement, 1926; Proposals for the Redesign of d. Dezernate, 1927; Vedder/Okahandja to Kriele, 1927; Pönnighaus/Windhuk to Kriele, 1927; Linden/Tungkun to Kriele, 1927; To J. Warneck, 1930; Correspondence of the Directorate with him, 1927-1937; Obituary, 1937; Correspondence with the Family, 1937-1958; Mitteilungen d. Rhein. Association for Medical Mission, 1959: enth. Appreciation E. Krieles and Dr. J. Winklers

Société des missions du Rhin
Elisabeth of Gustedt (1885-1978)
Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, H 51, Nr. 916 Bd. 1 (Benutzungsort: Wernigerode) · Dossier · (1913) 1941 - 1971
Fait partie de State Archive Saxony-Anhalt (Archivtektonik)
  • (1913) 1941 - 1971, Landesarchiv Sachsen-Anhalt, H 51 (place of use: Wernigerode) Gutsarchiv Deersheim description: Contains: Exchange of letters with von Arnim, 1949-1969. - Excerpt from: Quarterly Issues for Contemporary History 8th Volume 1960 - Wolfgang Abendroth: Die Schwarze Front. - Hedy von Arnim and the family history of Treskow and von Peucker. - Research and correspondence concerning the bourgeois family von Gustedt, 1944 - Excerpts from the church register of Roklum. - Exchange of letters with the Protestant parish office in Calbe (Saale). - Photo of Mr. von Armin and his wife. - Exchange of letters with Wilk von Gustedt, 1967-1971 - Genealogy of Treskow with photos and negatives. - Excerpts from: Preußische Zeitung" No. 481 from October 14, 1913 - Special print from: "Westfalia Numismatica" Münster 1963 - Letter from Senta von Gustedt to Wilk von Gustedt with drawing, 1969 - Exchange of letters with Rüdiger von Gustedt about family archive and others, 1943-1967 - Exchange of letters with Dr. Becker Gleimhaus Halberstadt, 1941-1944. Contained: Exchange of letters with von Arnim, 1949-1969. - Excerpt from: Quarterly Issues for Contemporary History 8th Volume 1960 - Wolfgang Abendroth: Die Schwarze Front. - Hedy von Arnim and the family history of Treskow and von Peucker. - Research and correspondence concerning the bourgeois family von Gustedt, 1944 - Excerpts from the church register of Roklum. - Exchange of letters with the Protestant parish office in Calbe (Saale). - Photo of Mr. von Armin and his wife. - Exchange of letters with Wilk von Gustedt, 1967-1971 - Genealogy of Treskow with photos and negatives. - Excerpts from: Preußische Zeitung" No. 481 from October 14, 1913 - special print from: "Westfalia Numismatica" Münster 1963 - letter from Senta von Gustedt to Wilk von Gustedt with drawing, 1969 - correspondence with Rüdiger von Gustedt about family archive and others, 1943-1967 - correspondence with Dr. Becker Gleimhaus Halberstadt, 1941-1944.
Ertel Collection (Westhofen) (inventory)
Stadtarchiv Worms, 227 · Collection
Fait partie de City Archive Worms (Archivtektonik)

Inventory description: Dept. 227 Collection Ertel (Westhofen) Scope: 122 units (= 10 archive cartons = 1.5 m) Duration: 1716 - 1990 To be taken over On 5 February 2013 Mr. Georg-Jakob Ertel from Westhofen handed over two large cartons with documents on the history of the Catholic parish of Westhofen as a deposit to the municipal archive of Worms. With this material, the basis for the Ertel collection was laid in the city archives as an archive collection of Dept. 227, since further later levies are intended. According to Mr. Ertel himself, he had fished the documents out of a large quantity of papers, which - coming from the provenance of the parish of Westhofen - were intended for disposal a few years ago, in order to evaluate the contents of the documents for research purposes. Since an archival processing also seemed to make sense with regard to a further possible scientific use, an agreement was reached between him and the City Archives on the deposit. A handwritten parish chronicle, led by Pastor Geeb/Geb (1803) and continued by Pastor Schott (1857), Mr. Ertel wished to keep it for the time being for provisional processing, a later addition to the collection is intended. Mr. Ertel had already drawn up a list of 33 envelopes and two files in advance, in which almost all the pieces were listed. The numbering of this list was adopted as an old signature in the course of the redrawing. There were now 122 units of description, which comprise 1.5 linear metres in ten archive cartons. The duration ranges from 1716 to 1990; blocking periods had to be set for some files for data protection reasons. The material originates mainly from the 19th and the first half of the 20th century. The two former file folders, for which Mr Ertel had produced his own tables of contents, were dissolved and the documents were transferred to acid-free folders, which were to be preferred for conservation purposes. Several units of description were formed, which are linked by means of old signatures and attached copies of Ertel's folder lists. The classification was created after the indexing on the basis of the main content. In some fascicles, partially damaged file aprons [sheets used rather than aprons] contained references to a previous classification system based on simple numbering; the main subjects used there are essentially also to be found in the present classification. Content The archival documents concern the content of the Catholic parish of Westhofen with its branch parishes of Monzernheim and Blödesheim [today Hochborn]. The classification has created five thematic focal points, which are briefly outlined below. On the one hand, there are numerous ordinances, decrees, communications and circulars on parish administration, which were sent mainly by the higher spiritual authorities to deaneries and parishes, but also by civil authorities. On the other hand, correspondence and other documents are available which directly concern the parish of Westhofen, its administration and the work of the respective pastors and the church council, as well as various statistical information. Correspondence, circulars, etc. from the tenure of Pastor W. Oestreicher provide information about church life during the Nazi era. Church accounts are available on a larger scale, some of which even form a series (1797 - 1806, 1819 - 1825, 1869 - 1872 [without 1871]), and further documents on asset management. In addition there are foundations to the parish, here the Blanck'sche Stiftung is mentioned, to which also material can be found in the estate Kirschbaum (StadtA Wo Abt. 170/46), and above all extensive directories about Mess-Stiftungen in the Catholic church in Westhofen and in the Filialgemeinden. Fascicles that deal with the Haubische Gült and the Arnsteiner or the Duboische Gült in Osthofen in favour of the Westhofener church are to be emphasized (StadtA Wo Abt. 227 Nr. 47, Nr. 48 u. Nr. 119). A further content section deals with building issues of the church and other buildings belonging to the Catholic parish and their furnishings (including inventories). The establishment of the sisters' house in 1902 and the activities of the sisters (sewing school, infant school) are also reflected in the files. Information about the Catholic school can be obtained about the building, as well as about teaching (rather general), about the school assets and various statistical data, furthermore about the establishment of a simultaneous school in Westhofen against the protest of the Catholics. A legal dispute with Jacob Weisheimer, who lived in the immediate vicinity of the schoolyard, is documented in detail (StadtA Wo Abt. 227 Nr. 58; 1838 - 1848). Church life is reflected in various directories of sermons and catecheses held and in books of preaching. In addition, various documents are available on pilgrimages, processions, retreats, confirmation classes and the activities of ecclesiastical associations (e.g. Brotherhood to the Most Holy and Immaculate Heart of Mary [StadtA Wo Abt. 227 Nr. 65]). Important for individuals and individual families was the necessary granting of a dispensary for marriages and the religious upbringing of children from mixed-confessional marriages. Various publications and newspapers or newspaper cuttings were incorporated into the last classification group. Worms, March 2013 Margit Rinker-Olbrisch Supplementary archive holdings Stadtarchiv Worms: Dept. 170/46 Kirschbaum family estate (concerning Blanck'sche Foundation) Landesarchiv Speyer (currently): Gemeindearchiv Westhofen Hess. State Archives DA: Dept. G 15 here: No. 15/2 with inspection reports, statistical data (e.g. on the community of Westhofen, 1898) Literature EBERSMANN, Jakob: History of Westhofen, Monzernheim and Blödesheim, Worms, 1909 GRÜNEWALD, Julius/ STROH, Heinrich: Chronicle of the market town Westhofen: Contributions to the history of the community of Westhofen, Westhofen, 1974 GRÜNEWALD, Christoph Julius Johannes: Von Westhofener Häusern und Leuten, Westhofen, 1984

Estate Havemann <Family> (Title)
Mscr.Dresd.App.2475 · Fonds
Fait partie de Saxon State Library - Dresden State and University Library

A,1-28: Master plates and supplementary mat.B,1-745: Havemann, Gustav (1882-1960)- Pers.- Fotogr.- Br., among others by Hermann Abendroth, Johannes R. Becher, Heinz Bongartz, Fritz Busch, H. Holtzhauer, Georg Knepler, Hans Pfitzner- Mss.: Autobiogr.- Prints: Progr.- Bespr.- Veröff.C,1-1782: Havemann, Bertha (1892-1931)- Mss.: Life chronicle, acquired by Wolfgang Havemann, vol. 1-10, with Fotogr., Br., above all from the family circle, Tageb.., Progr., Sp. as well as person and Fotogr. of the children Pers., Br., Mss. of Ludwig Fuchs (1861-1932) and Marie Fuchs born Heimburger (1862-1942)D,1-4257: Havemann, Wolfgang (1914-2004)- Pers.- Br., among others by Hellmut Gollwitzer, Rudolph Petershagen and Heinrich Scheel, but above all from the family circle and to relatives, e.g. by Mildred Harnack to Ursel Lützkendorf- Mss.: Tageb., Mat. to the "Red Chapel", know. works, lectures, essays, lectures "Bequests as a source of cultural history", material collections, memoirs, excerpts, translations

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, P 32 · Fonds · 1800-1979
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

History of Tradition Dr. Ernst von Scheurlen, retired Ministerialrat, did not leave any testamentary disposition over the documents. Since 1945 at the latest, these had been in the house of his oldest daughter Katharina Schmidt, née Scheurlen, who, after her death on 3 January 1989, took over her son Karl Schmidt, a retired pastor. There - in the spirit of Ernst von Scheurlen - they were accessible to all relatives and were occasionally inspected by individuals. For the transfer to the Main State Archives in Stuttgart, the consideration that there would be no comparable place of secure storage in the relatives in the future was decisive. As a result, a deposit agreement was concluded between Mr Karl Schmidt and the Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg on 1 December 2008. Content and Evaluation Karl Scheurlen ( 1824, 1872) Karl Scheurlen was born on 3 Sept. 1824 in Tübingen, where his father Karl Christian Friedrich Scheurlen was professor of law. He attended school there and in Stuttgart, where his father had been appointed to the Obertribunal in 1839. He studied law in Tübingen from 1841 to 1846 and then completed his legal clerkship. In 1847 he became court actuary at the Heilbronn Higher District Court. During the revolutionary events of 1848, Karl Scheurlen adopted an emphatically conservative attitude. In 1850 he was appointed public prosecutor in Esslingen. In 1851 he was appointed Assessor of Justice and Public Prosecutor in Ellwangen, where he married Katharina Pfreundt in 1852. From 1856 on Karl Scheurlen was chief magistrate in Mergentheim, from 1863 chief justice councillor in Esslingen and from 1865 lecturing councillor in the Ministry of Justice. Together with his friend, the then Obertribunalrat von Mittnacht, Karl Scheurlen was commissioned by the Minister of Justice of Neurath to work out the principles of a judicial reform which Mittnacht, since 1867 Minister of Justice, completed in 1868 and 1869. Karl Scheurlen's ascent had also continued in 1867 with his appointment to the Privy Council; however, his two attempts to acquire a Landtag mandate failed. By decree of 23 March 1870, Karl Scheurlen was appointed head of the Department of Home Affairs and Minister of the Interior on 17 July of the same year. This appointment took place at the time of a domestic political crisis: 45 members of the Württemberg state parliament had refused in the spring to approve the military budget, the rejection of which would have made Württemberg meet its obligations from the 1866 Protection and Defense Alliance with Prussia, which was widely unpopular. The fact that the broad resistance against the military budget unexpectedly subsided can be traced back to the French declaration of war of 15 July 1870. After the new elections of 1871, which were announced with reference to the political reorganization of Germany after the Franco-German War, Karl Scheurlen found himself faced with a well-meaning majority among the members of parliament. He himself was also elected as a deputy twice, in Gaildorf and Künzelsau; he accepted the election in Gaildorf. His death on April 1, 1872, caused by a heart condition, came as a surprise. Karl Scheurlen cultivated lively literary and artistic interests in addition to his work in justice and politics. He wrote numerous verses and poems. His talent for drawing is particularly remarkable; he used it, among other things, to make numerous sketches of accused persons and judicial officials during his time at court, or to illustrate the "Amtspflege", the organ of the Hauffei, his Tübingen student fraternity. Many of his drawings have a humorous character; self-portraits and depictions of family members and acquaintances are extremely frequent. Ernst von Scheurlen ( 1863, 1952) Ernst von Scheurlen was born in Mergentheim on Feb. 5, 1863, the youngest of six children of the later Minister of the Interior, Karl Scheurlen, and his wife Katharina Scheurlen. After school he studied medicine in Berlin, where he received his doctorate in 1885. After his state examination from 1887 to 1891, he worked there as an assistant doctor at the Charité and the Reich Health Office; bacteriology and hygiene were already the focal points of his scientific interest at this time. The marriage to Sophie von Möller (1889), who belonged to a family of German descent from the then Russian Narwa, also took place during this period. In 1893 Ernst von Scheurlen became a battalion doctor in Strasbourg. At the same time he taught hygiene and bacteriology at the Technical University in Stuttgart and at the University of Strasbourg in 1893-1894 and 1895-1897 respectively. He also headed the hygiene and bacteriology department of the large garrison hospital in Stuttgart. In 1897 he took up a position as a medical councillor at the Königlich Württembergischen Medizinalkollegium. His tasks included working for the State Insurance Institute, the Trade Supervisory Office, the Reich Health Council, in the management of the Medical State Investigation Office, etc. It is due to his activities that the city of Stuttgart received its central sewage treatment plant during the First World War. During the entire First World War, Ernst von Scheurlen was involved as a hygienist in disease control and water supply at various sections of the Western and Eastern fronts. After the First World War, he devoted himself in particular to water supply, crop control and blood group research. He has written down his research results in numerous publications. He retired in 1930, but this did not mean the end of his scientific career; his last publication dates from 1950, two years before his death on Oct. 8, 1952 at the age of 89. In addition to his scientific work, Ernst von Scheurlen documented the history of his family from about 1800 with great dedication. For this purpose he combined numerous pictures, sketches, poems and letters of his father, who died at an early age, with other collection material and supplemented, explained and commented this material by a written representation of the family history.

Scheurlen, Karl von
Estate of Oskar Schmieder (Title)
Fonds · 1793/1985
Fait partie de Leibniz Institute for Regional Geography Leipzig

The written estate (9 boxes, 1 large-format folder) contains working materials, travel and excursion diaries, manuscripts, publications, bibliographic index, correspondence with family, friends, acquaintances, colleagues, publishers and other institutions, personal and professional documents, a small proportion of the collection and partial estates of the wife Eva Schmieder (née Pelet), the daughter Elma Schmieder (later: Behrens) and the mother-in-law Maria Pelet. - The extensive photographic estate (10 boxes) contains mostly photographs by Oskar Schmieder, but also partly by other photographers. The photographs were taken in connection with publications, excursions, professional and private journeys, as well as in a family context. The photographic legacy is merely pre-arranged, roughly indexed and contains numerous duplicates.

estate papers
N.59-1 · Dossier · 1968 - 1972
Fait partie de Central Archive of the Pallottine Province

Contains:- Family tree of the Baumann family- Memorandum for a new beginning of the Pallottines in Cameroon, 1962- Report on the imprisonment of the Provincial Procurator of the Limburg Pallottine Province Fr. Johannes Seiwert by the Gestapo on February 9, 1935, by Fr. J. Baumann on the basis of his diary notes, 1962-1964 correspondence for the completion of the Cameroon photo album (taken to U.73-3), 1968-1972- Newspaper article for the 90th birthday, 1970

Sans titre

Bequests reveal facets of personalities that would otherwise not be passed on: Correspondence, association activities, speeches, lectures and publications, but also testimonies and personal documents. Among the 20 or so larger estates in the Kiel City Archives, documents from City Planning Councillor Herbert Jensen, Minister President Bruno Diekmann, DGB District Chairman Bruno Verdiek and the Schweffel family are particularly noteworthy.