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Articles made of natural materials
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 122/1-13 · Akt(e) · ohne Datum
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: No. 122/1: 1 fly swatter from Samoa No. 122/2: 1 stick with fibrous frond No. 122/3: 1 bone-drawn hard strand (handle-like) No. 122/4: 1 stick with whip-like frond (fly swatter?) No. 122/5: 1 piece of bast jewellery with straps and fringes No. 122/2: 1 stick with fibrous frond No. 122/3: 1 stick with bone-drawn hard strand (handle-like) No. 122/4: 1 stick with whip-like frond (fly swatter?) No. 122/5: 1 piece of bast jewellery with straps and fringes No. 122/2: 1 stick with fibrous frond No. 122/3: 1 stick with bone-drawn hard strand (handle-like) No. 122/4: 1 stick with whip-like frond No. 122/5: 1 piece with strap and fring No. 122/6: 1 ribbon with light, flat pieces of jewellery No. 122/7: 1 ribbon turquoise/brown No. 122/8: 1 animal-head-like painted piece of wood (end broken off) No. 122/9: 4 wooden sticks with attached wooden ring No. 122/10: 5 knitting needles of bone/ivory? (4 with brown wool) No. 122/11: 1 horn, turned No. 122/12: 1 part of bone/horn? beige with smaller hole at the end No. 122/13: bast bag black/beige (by Mr. Magi Magi... in East Africa), New Guinea; place of storage: magazine Westhafen

Coins, medals and military badges
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, VI. HA, Nl Schnee, H., Nr. 107 · Akt(e) · o.D.
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: - Wounded badge for the army and the colonial troops of 1918 - Leibniz Medal of Gold - Medals of Gabriele d Annunzio, Johannes Ronge, Professor Curtius and Ernst Peter Hecht - 23 coins: 12 One Thaler (1691), 5 change badge from Nordhausen (1917); Reichspfennig: 1 (1940), 10 (1889); Rupees: 1/4 (1904), 15 (1916) and Heller: 1/2 (2 x 1906), 1 (4 x 1908, 1910, 1912), 5 (4 x 1916), 20 (3 x 1916) from D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a; New Guinea Mark: 1/2 (1894), 1 (1894), 2 (1894), 5 (1894) - 1 loose ribbon - 2 empty leather cases.

Schnee, Heinrich
Colonial Affairs, Vol. 1
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, III. HA MdA, III Nr. 17384/01 · Akt(e) · 1895 - 1903
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

approx. 300 sheets, Contains: - Schutztruppen in den Kolonien, dabei: Votum des Ministerpräsidenten, 25. Dez. 1895; Protokoll der Sitzung des Staatsministeriums, 4. Jan. 1896 - Reichtstags-Drucksache Nr. 359 - Draft of a law due to amendment of the laws on Schutztruppen in Deutsch-Ostafrika, Südwestafrika und Kamerun, 11. Mai 1896 - Reichtstags-Drucksache Nr. 217 - Denkschrift über die deutschen Niederlassungen in Tientsin und Hankau, 23. März 1898 - Reichtstags-Drucksache Nr. 74 - Denkschrift über die Entwicklung Kameruns im Jahr 1897/98 - German-English Agreement of 14 Nov. 1899 on the Samoa Islands, Impression of the Reichs- und Staatsanzeiger, 23 Nov. 1899 - Reichtstags-Drucksache Nr. 54 - Denkschrift über die Entwicklung der deutschen Schutzgebiete in Afrika und der Südsee, 1902/03, Denkschrift über die Verwendung des Afrikafonds, 3 Dec. 1903 together with maps of D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a (mineral resources, vegetation), D e u t s c h - N e u n G uinea, New Pomerania, Northern part of the Gazelle Peninsula; file of the Ministry of State

Large Format Items
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 126 · Akt(e) · ohne Datum
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: No. 126/1: 1 dagger with wooden part in wooden scabbard, handle strongly decorated, length: approx. 50 cm No. 126/2: 1 coloured and decorated ivory (with handschr. note: war horn for the "Majia-Majia uprising" [Maji-Maji] in East Africa). Length: approx. 55 cm No. 126/3: 1 wooden hatchet, New Guinea, Length: approx. 48 cm No. 126/4: 1 bast fan with decorated handle, end broken off (broken off part lies with it), Diameter: approx. 30 cm (without handle) No. 126/5: 1 tortoise shell with chain, diameter: approx. 40 cm No. 126/6: 1 fruit of the tube cassava (Indian golden rain, lat. Cassia fistula), dried (with handwritten note: Bot. Garden Victoria (Cameroon) Coll. Dr. Schnee 28.4.04), length: approx. 37 cm No. 126/7: 1 fruit of the Tetrapleura Tetrap. (mimosa plant), (with hand-scratched note: Bot. Garden Victoria (Cameroon) Coll. Dr. Schnee 28.4.04), length: approx. 25 cm; storage location: magazine Westhafen

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 89, Nr. 32515 · Akt(e) · 1885 - 1918
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

318 sheets, Contains and others: - Mrs. Hupfeld / [Oskar] Karstedt, The French Colony Upper Senegal and Niger. A contribution to the question of raw materials, edited by the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft. o. O. [Berlin] o. D. 1918] (print) - Award of the Red Eagle Order 4th class to the Kommerzienrat Arthur Schmidt Lorenzen in Berlin, 1912 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft, 1896 - Programme of the 2nd Deutscher Kolonialkongress on 5th, 6th and 7th October 1905 in Berlin. o.c. [Berlin] o. D. 1905] (print) - Programme of the Deutscher Kolonialkongress on 17 and 18 October 1902 in Berlin. Berlin o. D. 1905] (print) - Call for a General German Congress in Berlin. o. O. [Berlin] o. D. 1886] (print) - Transformation of the New Guinea Company (New Guinea Company) into a corporation under imperial law, 1899 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the New Guinea Company (New Guinea Company) in Berlin, 1886 - Appointment of the director of the German East African Society Alexander Lucas to the Kommerzienrat, 1895 (registration note) - Conversion of the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a g e s h e Gesellschaft into a corporation under imperial law, 1889 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k h e Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1887 - Award of the Crown Order of the 3rd Class to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1887 - Award of the Crown Order of the 3rd Class to the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i k a G e s c h e G e m e n e s e s h a f r i k l l l lschaft. Class to the banker Karl von der Heydt in Elberfeld and to the banker Ernst Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in Berlin, 1887 - Dissolution of the Deutsche Witu-Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1890 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the Deutsche Witu-Gesellschaft in Berlin, 1888 - Award of the rights of a legal person to the Deutsche Kolonialgesellschaft für Südwestafrika in Berlin, 1885 - Programme of the 3rd Deutscher Kolonialkongress on 6, 7 and 8 October 1910 in Berlin. o.k. [Berlin] o. D. 1910] (print) - Permission to hold lotteries for colonial purposes.

Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 69/Karton 1 · Akt(e) · o.D.
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: Box 1: - 2 pieces of ebony wood (1 of which with "East Africa" labels) - 1 comb, Guinea - 1 "clock" (round part with hands, necklace?) - 2 pieces of wood, wall decoration (1 x "Mulca", 1 x with flower motif) - 1 dried fruit or nut - 1 fish spear, New Guinea - 1 "Tetrapleura", ... Victoria, Cameroon, Dr. Schnee 28.04.1904 - 1 "Cassia Fistuea L", East Garden Victoria, Cameroon, Dr. Schnee 28.04.1904 - 1 knife in wooden case - 4 horns / teeth? (2 separated in the middle)

Wooden objects
Geheimes Staatsarchiv Preußischer Kulturbesitz, I. HA Rep. 400, Nr. 124/1-8 · Akt(e) · ohne Datum
Teil von Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage (Archivtektonik)

Contains: No. 124/1: 1 round ebony disc with label "East Africa" (diameter: approx. 19 cm) No. 124/2: 1 round ebony disc, piece (diameter: approx. 19 cm) No. 124/3: 1 oval tree disc (wall decoration), inscription: "Genuine Australian Mulga", slogan by Charles Kingsley (length: approx. 25 cm) No. 124/2: 1 round ebony disc, piece (diameter: approx. 19 cm) 124/4: 1 oval tree disc (wall decoration), inscription: "Genuine Australian Mulga" and flower motif (length: approx. 21 cm) No. 124/5: 1 ornamental bench: 5 waterfowl, Chinese with vessel No. 124/6: 1 decorated comb, New Guinea No. 124/7: 1 narrow wooden part: weaver's ship, New Guinea (length: approx. 22 cm) No. 124/8: 1 narrow wooden part in letter opener form (length: approx. 28 cm); place of storage: magazine Westhafen