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Darin: 1. offer of land for settlement in Mexico, 1883; 2. description of the conditions in the governorate Perak, in Smyrna and in Palestine (Templer), 1883; 3. letter of Lüderitz about his plans in South West Africa, 1883; 4. sending of a poem printed about Fort Tacrana in Guinea on the hereditary prince of Hohenlohe-Ingelfingen (1784) to Prince Hermann, 1884; 5. letter of Lüderitz about his plans in South West Africa, 1883; 4. sending of a poem printed about Fort Tacrana in Guinea to Prince Hermann, 1884; 5. letter of Lüderitz about his plans in South West Africa, 1883; 5. letter of Lüderitz about his plans in South West Africa, 1883; 4. letter of Lüderitz about his plans in Fort Tacrana in Guinea, 1884; 5. letter of Lüderitz about his plans in Fort Tacrana in Guinea Election of Prince Hermann as Non-Resident-Fellow of the Royal Colonial Institute, 1884; 6th sending of a book by Mannheimer, 1884; 7th congratulatory letter of the Presidium to Bismarck on his 70th birthday, 1885; 8th mediation of medical information about tropical diseases by a questionnaire campaign, 1890; 9th invitation to visit the Nordwestdeutsche Gewerbe- und Industrieausstellung in Bremen, 1890.