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Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, B 733/1 · Fonds · (1709 - 1805) 1806 - 1952 (1953 - )
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

History of the authorities: The territorial reorganization of Germany by Napoleon brought the former margraviate of Baden between 1803 and 1810 almost a doubling of its territory and an enormous expansion of its population, as well as in 1803 the elevation first to electorate and in 1806 finally to grand duchy. This increase in land and people made it imperative to reorganize and standardize the administrative structures of the administratively heterogeneous state. The organizational edicts issued between 1806 and 1809 served the realization of this goal. In addition to the Privy Council and Deputy Minister Johann Nicolaus Friedrich Brauer (1754 - 1813), it was the Baden State and Cabinet Minister Sigismund von Reitzenstein (1766 - 1847) who played a decisive role in the administrative reorganization and modernization of the Grand Duchy. The Grand Duchy of Baden was divided into 66 sovereign and 53 rank sovereign offices by the organisational edict of 26 October 1809. While the latter were gradually abolished again by 1849 at the latest, the total number of state district offices and upper offices was reduced in the course of time by merging and abolishing them. originally, the district offices were purely state authorities and as such primarily responsible for general state administration, but also had to perform tasks of the police and - until the establishment of their own court organisation in 1857 - of the judiciary, in particular civil jurisdiction. As subordinate authorities, they were subordinated to the district directorates as intermediate instances. The upper office created in 1807 and from 1809 the district office Säckingen belonged to the province of the Upper Rhine and was assigned to the directorate of the Wiesenkreis with seat in Lörrach. With the organisational reform of 1832, the originally ten district directorates, named after rivers (exception: Seekreis), were replaced by the district governments of the four districts - Seekreis, Oberrheinkreis, Mittelrheinkreis, Unterheinkreis - and the district office of Säckingen was subordinated to the government of the Oberrheinkreis based in Freiburg. As a link between local and central authorities, the law of 1863 (amended 1865) then installed the four state commissioner districts of Constance, Freiburg, Karlsruhe and Mannheim, each headed by a state commissioner who had his seat and vote in the Grand Ducal Ministry of the Interior. The district office Säckingen was assigned to the Sprengel of the Landeskommissärbezirk Konstanz. Furthermore, in 1864, the Grand Duchy was divided into eleven district associations as local self-governing bodies without state responsibilities, retaining the district offices as state administrative authorities. The district Säckingen formed together with the sprinkles of the district offices Bonndorf, Jestetten (1872 finally abolished), St. Blasien, and Waldshut the district association Waldshut with seat in Waldshut. Finally, the Law on the Organization of Internal Administration of October 5, 1863 abolished the district governments without substitution as the medium instances of state administration and subordinated the district offices directly to the Ministry of Interior. Already in 1924 the name for the executive committee of the district had been changed to Landrat. By the county regulation of 24 June 1939 the 1864 established county federations were abolished and replaced by counties. The district administrations thus became a mixed construction of state administration and local self-administration. In the Nazi dictatorship, however, their formally maintained powers of self-administration were only on paper, since the decision-making and decision-making powers were transferred from the district assembly to the district chairman appointed by the Ministry of the Interior, who was assisted by three to six district councils only in an advisory capacity. In the reorganization of the administration after the end of the war in 1945, the legal supervision of the administrative districts, which continued to perform state tasks but now really also became local self-governing bodies with democratic legitimation, was initially transferred from the state commissioners to the (southern) Baden Ministry of the Interior. Following the formation of the federal state of Baden-Württemberg, the regional council of South Baden replaced it as the central authority for the administrative district of South Baden - since the administrative reform of 1971, the regional council or administrative district of Freiburg. According to the Großherzoglich Badischen Regierungsblatt of December 9, 1809, the following locations belonged to the district office of Säckingen in addition to the town of Säckingen itself: Rippolingen, Katzenmoos, Harpolingen, Rickenbach, Hennematt, Bergalingen, Jungholz, Egg, Willaringen, Willadingen, von Zweyer'sche Lehenhof, Wickartsmühle and Schweikhof, Atdorf, Hornberg, Hütten, Rütte, Altenschwand, Glassworks, Hottingen, Obergebisbach, Untergebisbach, Herrischried, Herrischrieder Säge, Herrischrieder Rütte, Herrischwand, Schellenberg, Giersbach, Lochhäuser, Wehrhalden, Lindauer Lehenhof, Warmbach, Nollingen, Karsau, Riedmatt. Due to the frequent changes in the layout of the district sprinkles and the dissolution and re-establishment of district offices on the Upper Rhine, the sprinkles of the Säckingen District and District Office were repeatedly changed from their establishment in 1807 to the year 1952. A complete and detailed account of all these administrative changes would go too far here. So here are just a few examples: The official sprinkler received considerable growth when the Kleinlaufenburg district office, which had existed for only a few years, was dissolved. In addition to the city of Kleinlaufenburg itself, 30 towns were added to the district of Säckingen: Hauenstein, Murg, Rüttehof, Rhina, Diggeringen, Binzgen, Hänner, Oberhof, Niederhof, Zechenwihl, Görwihl, Oberwihl, Rüßwihl, Lochmühle, Tiefenstein, Rotzingen, Burg, Hartschwand, Strittmatt, Engelschwand, Hogschür, Lochmatt, Segeten, Hochsal, Rotzel, Luttingen, Grünholz, Stadenhausen, Schachen and Niederwihl. Also the places of the 1813 abolished office Wehr came to the district Säckingen. The administrative district received further growth with the abolition of the Schopfheim district on 1 October 1936 in the course of the reorganisation of the state of Baden, as the municipalities of the abolished district were divided between the two districts of Lörrach and Säckingen. Stock history: Before the beginning of the registration work, the files of the district office / district office Säckingen were distributed to the following stocks:(a) B 689/1; B 718/1; B 726a/1; B 733/1; B 733/2; B 733/3; B 733/4; B 733/5; B 733/6; B 733/7; B 733/8; B 733/9; B 733/10; B 733/11, B 733/12, B 733/13, B 733/14, B 733/15, B 733/16, B 733/17, B 733/18, B 733/19, B 733/21, B 733/22, B 733/23, B 733/24; B 733/25; B 750a/1 as well as B 37/7;b) G 23/1; G 23/2; G 23/3; G 23/4; G 23/5; G 23/6; G 23/7; G 23/8; G 23/9; G 23/11; G 23/13; G 23/16; G 23/17; G 23/18The stocks mentioned under a) were first integrated into the existing stocks B 733/1. The files of the Nollingen, Beuggen, Wehr and Kleinlaufenburg district offices, which had existed for only a short time, were also integrated into this collection. Foreign provenances in all these holdings were taken and either assigned to other holdings of the Freiburg State Archives in accordance with their provenance or transferred to the Karlsruhe General State Archives for reasons of competence. In a second step, the holdings mentioned under b), which had been formed by the segregation of prior provenances from file deliveries of the Säckingen District Office, were transferred to the holdings B 733/1 of the Säckingen District Office, provided that the term of the files did not exceed 1952. In justified exceptional cases, e.g. when the proportion of written material created after 1952 in a file was limited to a few documents, even files with a duration beyond 1952 were included in B 733/1.Notes for use:- Concordances in the paper index show all presignatures of the individual files. The signature last used in the Freiburg State Archives before the new recording is found under Presignature 1 and the signature second to last in the Freiburg State Archives or the signature formerly used in the Karlsruhe General State Archives under Presignature 2. The present holdings were recorded by Solveig Adolph, David Boomers, Joanna Genkova, Corinna Giesin, Edgar Hellwig, Wolfgang Lippke and Annika Scheumann. Dr. Christof Strauß was responsible for the planning, organisation and coordination of the work, final correction and final editing of the finding aid was carried out by the undersigned. The stock B 733/1 now comprises 7361 fascicles and measures 62.75 m. Freiburg, August 2011 Edgar Hellwig

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Freiburg, G 220/1 Nr. 26 · File · 1926-1943
Part of Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Department of State Archives Freiburg (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Teachers for the hearing impaired and speech therapists; kindergarten teachers; youth leaders; vocational school teachers; auxiliary school teachers; teachers at Air Force schools Darin: 1. foreign and colonial school service; 2. special language skills of teachers