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Archival description
Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel, D 2.2 Homberg · Fonds
Part of Regional Church Archive Kassel

Description: from 1531(1537) 6 large Superintendenturen: Kassel (with Homberg), Rotenburg, Marburg, Alsfeld and St. Goar starting from 1585 office Homberg: forms the Superintendentur Kassel with 16 further offices beside the Superintendenturen (Rotenburg) - Allendorf, Lutherische Superintendentur Marburg, Reformierte Inspektur Hersfeld, Inspektur Hersfeld and from 1686 franz. Inspection from 1610 Convents (parish priests only): probably also Convent Homberg - at the head: Metropolitan from 1780 parish class Homberg (ecclesiastical district), Superintendententur Kassel - at the head: Metropolitan from 1886 Superintendententur Ziegenhain - Homberg with Superintendent in Ziegenhain 13 small Superintendententuren or Diöcesansynodalverbände - at the head: Superintendent with the parish classes: Ziegenhain, Neukirchen, Treysa, Homberg, the ref. communities of Marburg and the ref. Class Frankenberg - at the head of the parish class: Metropolitan from 1923 Church District Homberg - at the head: District Priest from 1945 Church District Homberg (Dean's Office) - at the head: Dean Classen, Wilhelm: Die kirchliche Organisation Alt-Hessens im Mittelalter During the restructuring of the Hessian church under Phillip, the old Catholic order had been completely abandoned and rebuilt on the secular, administrative structure of the country. The six superintendencies created in 1531 by the ecclesiastical ordinance were maintained to the same extent by the second order of 1537 and formed the basis of the entire administration for a long time. These are the following districts of 1st Kassel (Ämter Trendelburg, Sababurg, Grebenstein, Zierenberg, Wolfhagen, Hasungen, Gudensberg, Felsberg, Homberg, Borken, the three Kassel offices); 2. Rotenburg (offices Melsungen, Spangenberg, Lichtenau, Ludwigstein, Allendorf, Eschwege, Wanfried, Rotenburg, Sontra, Friedewald, Vacha, Herleshausen, Gleichen, Schmalkalden and the cities Hersfeld and Waldkappel); 3. Alsfeld (Alsfeld, Romrod, Kirtorf, Homberg-Ohm, Burggemünden, Grünberg, Ziegenhain, Neukirchen, Ulrichstein, Schotten, Nidda, Sturmfels and the cities of Treysa and Schwarzenborn) 5th St. Goar 6th Darmstadt This order remained undisturbed for a long time, initially even after the division of 1567/8 although the superintendencies and partial principalities overlapped. 1574 the first adaptation to the new political conditions took place: the offices of Ziegenhain and Neukirchen.

Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel, E 1 Gemünden 277 · File · 1870 - 1891, 1903 - 1914
Part of Regional Church Archive Kassel

Contains among other things: Leaves of the Westphalian workers' colony Wilhelmsdorf, the Jerusalem Association Berlin, the Gustav-Adolf-Werk, the Oberhessische Bibelgesellschaft, the Evangelischer Missionsverein, the Evangelische Missionsgesellschaft für Deutsch-Ostakfrika, the Deutscher Herbergsverein, the Innere Mission in Hessen and the Deutscher Verein gegen Misbrauch geistiger Getränke; Hauskollekten für das Hessische Diakonissenhaus Kassel; collection of the reformed parish Gemünden for the partly burnt down town Hünfeld (1888); call for the foundation of the Evangelical Federation of 02.10.1889; Excerpt from the founding minutes of the press committee of the diocese Ziegenhain-Homberg of 11.03.1914; training as community nurses in the Diakonissenhaus Kassel

Outer Mission
Landeskirchliches Archiv Kassel, E 1 Kassel-Nordshausen 108 · File · 1920 - 1933
Part of Regional Church Archive Kassel

Contains: Mission film "Yülan, the daughter of the geomancer"; Statutes and communication of the Basel Mission