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Description archivistique
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Generallandesarchiv Karlsruhe, 456 F 9 · Fonds · (1818-) 1879-1918 (-1928)
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. General State Archive Karlsruhe (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: The present holdings include the files of Section IV e of both the General Command and the Deputy General Command of the XIV Bath. Army Corps, as they came together in 1949 from the Army Archives in Stuttgart to the General State Archives in Karlsruhe. These are individual case files on offences that were subject to the military judiciary in times of peace and war and were reported by it to the superior military authority as special cases.beyond the individual case, both the so-called honorary court files of the officers and the criminal and protective custody files of civilians provide a comprehensive insight into the sphere of activity and validity of military justice in the German Empire. Particularly during the First World War, it became clear that military justice had to fulfil political tasks, and what they had to do. With the unrelenting persecution of those persons who were considered to be "unreliable", their legally highly controversial preventive arrest and subsequent deportation to the interior of the Reich, the extraordinary war courts established for this purpose have acquired a dodgy fame. The fact that they destroyed the successes achieved over decades in integrating Alsace-Lorraine into the Wilhelminian Empire within just a few months is one of the tragic episodes in the history of the Reichland between 1871 and 1918. The present holdings were originally catalogued by a tax register compiled in the Army Archives. This did not meet the archive requirements. In the mid-1980s, the new indexing was started and completed in 1990.Karlsruhe, in November 1990Dr. Kurt Hochstuhl Conversion: In 2008, the indexing data for the present finding aid were converted into the new indexing software scopeArchiv within the scope of the project "Conversion of old finding aid data" of the General State Archive Karlsruhe. Guido Fögler was responsible for the technical implementation of the overall project "Conversion of old finding aid data" and Alexander Hoffmann for support. The editorial finishing of the online version was done by the undersigned.Karlsruhe, January 2009Dr. Martin Stingl

Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Staatsarchiv Ludwigsburg, D 44 · Fonds · 1806-1817 (Va ab 1460, Na bis 1834)
Fait partie de State Archives Baden-Württemberg, Dept. State Archives Ludwigsburg (Archivtektonik)

Content and Evaluation The Supreme (Land) Government was founded in 1806 as a collegial authority in the execution of the manifesto of King Frederick I's organization. It seems that the contemporary chancellory lists were uncertain about their correct spelling, at any rate the variants "Oberregierung" and - according to the predecessor authority in Ellwangen - "Oberlandesregierung" were represented almost equally frequently in the written material. The name is also misleading, because the authority was not a government in the current sense, but only a department of the Ministry of the Interior with responsibility for the so-called Regiminal Subject. According to the opinion of the time, this included in particular the safeguarding of the royal sovereignty rights, police matters throughout the country with the exception of the residential cities of Stuttgart and Ludwigsburg, the supervision of all state officials with the exception of the administration of justice, and the confirmation of elections to magistrate and other offices, Issues of subjects' and citizens' rights including emigration (deduction and after-tax), participation in military conscription, matters of prisons, breeding, labour and orphanages, poor institutions, trade, commerce and crafts as well as fire insurance. In 1807 the government college was divided into three subdepartments. In addition to the Department of Criminal Investigation, the Department of Police was established for security and police matters and the Department of Lending for feudal matters. On July 1, 1811, the responsibilities of the Department of Criminal Investigation and the Department of Police were reassigned to the Section of Internal Administration. In 1817 the newly founded district governments finally took over the tasks of this section. The present collection contains the special files of the category 'Princes' from the registry of the Supreme Government or the Section of Internal Administration, which is arranged alphabetically according to categories, although this title is rather misleading. In fact, the written records hardly concern relations with princely houses, and also the possessions of the often feared domestic and foreign class rulers located in Württemberg play at best a subordinate role in the holdings at hand. On the contrary, the contemporary registrars used the term 'princes' as a synonym for 'sovereigns', but they were not completely consistent, as the few files relating to cities or the monastery of St. Wolfgang in Engen show. In the main, the files deal with the interaction with the directly or indirectly neighbouring sovereign states, more than three quarters of the material concern relations with the Empire of France, the Grand Duchy of Baden and the Kingdom of Bavaria. In accordance with the turbulent times, war events, military, police (searches) and security matters play a prominent role, as do disputes over competing claims to sovereignty in the newly acquired former imperial territories and cities, trade blockades and customs harassment, as well as a colourful conglomeration of reciprocal attacks by authorities, officials and ordinary citizens on actual or alleged possessions of the respective neighbours and the retaliatory measures taken by them, but also efforts to achieve a contractual balance (borders, rights, disparities).) are represented. The files prove - particularly impressive in the case of the Landgraviate of Nellenburg, which was first allocated to Württemberg in 1806, the provisional Württemberg offices of Weiltingen and Nördlingen or the areas around Wiesensteig and Geislingen, Tettnang, Ravensburg and Ulm, which were also only briefly owned by Bavaria - the restlessness and often misunderstandings in the Paris treaties of 1810 until the settlement, The situation in the border regions was marked by provocations and acts of violence, the break-up of grown structures (such as parish priests), the abrupt interruption of road connections, the capping of rights, customs and habits by the new borders, and the liquidation of the structures created by the previous owners and the conditions left behind in the towns and regions that had finally become Württemberg after the State Treaty of 1810. D 44 is an almost flawless provenance collection, only in isolated cases do the files originate from predecessor or successor authorities (Bü 112: 'Retardatenkommission'; Bü 441 and 562: Oberlandesregierung Ellwangen; Bü 528: Fürststift Ellwangen). The local or regional assignment of each file follows the use of the registry of the upper government, which has assigned each operation to a particular ruling dynasty, but has not always done so correctly. Therefore, individual title recordings can reflect facts or events that cannot actually be expected from their territorial-dynastic classification, as for example in Bü 159, which contemporary registrars have assigned to the Grand Duchy of Hesse, but which contains mainly correspondence with the government in Karlsruhe due to the former Hanaulichberg places of reference in Baden since 1803. The - also already contemporary - assignment of the Büschel 379 to the Grand Duchy of Baden is not at all comprehensible from a factual point of view, since it is a matter of the request of the court chamber of Hesse and Darmstadt in Arnsberg for extradition of the documents relating to the Teutonic Order commander Mülheim from the archives of the Grand Master government in Mergentheim. Originally, the collection was divided into 59 bundles or federations, the contents of which were reproduced in the Marquart repertory (1912) only in keywords. In the course of the reworking these bundles were dissolved into a total of 673 individually recorded files with a total volume of 4.4 linear metres. The main running time ranges from 1806 to 1817, pre-files (mostly copies) go back to 1460, individual post-files have been added until 1834. Ludwigsburg, November 2010 Dr. Peter Steuer

State Ministry (inventory)
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 130 b · Fonds · 1876-1945, Vorakten ab 1759, Nachakten bis 1946
Fait partie de Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Preliminary remark: After processing the inventory E 130 a, retired government director Karl Elwert began in 1973 with the indexing of the inventory E 130 b (up to Bü. 1069). After his departure at the end of 1975, the undersigned took over this activity, which could not be completed until August 1990 due to several major interruptions. In accordance with the principles set out in the foreword to the finding aid book for fonds E 130 a, fonds E 130 b combines the files filed in the former partial fonds E 130 II and E 130 IV according to the 1928 registration plan. Documents of the former Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which had been transferred to the registry of the Ministry of State after the abolition of the Ministry, were reintegrated into the original context in accordance with the provenance principle. From the extensive series of the yearly formed inputs (approx. 4.4 shelf meters, Az. J 2) the larger part was collected from the year 1920. The remainder, preserved as a representative cross-section, is grouped by subject to facilitate use. In addition, entries can also be found in the respective fact files. Otherwise, cassations were limited to doubles. This collection mainly comprises documents on the period of the Weimar Republic and National Socialism, and to a lesser extent also on the Empire. In view of the responsibilities of the Ministry of State and in view of the fact that the tradition of the specialised ministries, with the exception of the Ministry of the Interior, has largely been destroyed, the documents of the Ministry of State are of particular importance. However, the documents on parties and the series of cabinet minutes from 1932 onwards have not been preserved; even the secret registry has apparently been destroyed. Old file bundles, which were taken over in 1928 into the newly ordered old registry, are identified by a file transfer plan with the new file numbers. The signatures that are now valid are determined by the concordance. The completion of the finding aid book took place with the help of the EDP on the basis of the program package MIDOSA of the national archive administration Baden-Wuerttemberg between summer 1992 and March 1993. The collection of the data records provided in the way of the administrative assistance Mrs. Hildegard Aufderklamm of the national archives Ludwigsburg, the final editorship in the main national archives made Mrs. Gisela Filipitsch and Dr. Roland Müller. The holdings comprise 4 209 archive units in 115 linear metres. Stuttgart, March 1993 Wilfried Braunn Annex 1: Minutes of meetings of the Reichstag Committee for the Reich Budget: 02.10., 04.10., 07.10.1919Bü. 2064 03.10., 08.10.-, 20.10.-25.10., 27.10., 28.10.1919 Bü. 3906 17.12.-18.12.1919 Bü. 3906 30.03.1920Bü. 3907 15.04.-17.04., 19.04.-21.04.1920Bü. 3907 22.04., 28.04.1920Bü. 3646 23.04., 24.04., 26.04.1920Bü. 1967 20.05.1920Bü. 3907 30.06.1920Bü. 3908 01.07., 02.07., 06.07.-10.07., 26.07., 27.07.1920Bü. 3908 27.07.-29.07.1920 Bü. 3909 30.07., 31.07.1920Bü. 1982 04.02., 25.02.,ü. 3911 01.03., 03.03., 04.03.1921Bü. 3911 02.03.1921Bü. 1970 28.04.1921Bü. 3385 23.06., 24.06., 27.06.1921Bü. 3912 25.05.1922Bü. 3332 06.07., 12.07.1922Bü. 3332 14.07.1922Bü. 3760 19.10.1922Bü. 1972 6.11.-9.11., 11.11.1922 Bü. 3884 01.12.1922Bü. 3916 02.02.1925Bü. 3471 19.06., 25.06.1925Bü. 3926 22.06.1925Bü. 2007 22.06. - 24.06.1925 Bü. 2075 03.07., 04.07., 07.07.1925Bü. 3926 08.07.1925Bü. 2075 09.11. - 11.11., 25.11.1925 Bü. 1976 26.11., 27.11.1925Bü. 3926 17.12., 18.12.1925Bü. 2972 11.12.1925Bü. 3215 21.01., 22.01.1926Bü. 3926 03.02.1926Bü. 3566 15.02.1926Bü. 2629 20.02., 25.02.1926Bü. 3053 26.03.1926Bü. 2992 27.04., 28.04.1926Bü. 2714 07.05.1926Bü. 3053 18.05., 19.05.1926Bü. 3927 12.06.1926Bü. 3042 23.06.1926Bü. 3642 24.06., 25.06.3053 01.07.1926Bü. 2209 09.09.1926Bü. 3132 06.11.1926Bü. 3216 30.03.1927Bü. 1977 20.06., 24.06.1927Bü. 1977 21.06.1927Bü. 2007 23.06.1927Bü. 1983 22.09.1927Bü. 1978 Nov, Dec. 1927 Bü. 1979 02.02.1929Bü. 1980 22.02.1929Bü. 3057 20.03.1929Bü. 2076 26.04.1929Bü. 3057 29.04., 30.04.1929Bü. 2202 06.06.1929Bü. 3629 30.10.1929Bü. 3885 11.11. 12.11., 26.11.1929 Bü. 3885 12.12.1929Bü. 3885 24.01., 25.01.1930Bü. 3056 11.07.1930Bü. 2008 14.02., 15.02., 18.02. - 22.02., 24.02. - 27.02.1930 Bü. 2595 18.03.1931Bü. 3041 21.11.1931Bü. 2008 21.01., 22.01.1932Bü. 2008 02.05.1932Bü. 3377 Appendix 2: Minutes of meetings of the Reich Council: 1919Bü. 1900 21.08.1919Bü. 3368 06.11.1919Bü. 2724 1920Bü. 1900 09.01.1920Bü. 2665 10.01.1920Bü. 2724 05.02.1920Bü. 1427 30.03.1920Bü. 3276 21.05.1920Bü. 1919 04.06.1920Bü. 1919 22.06.1920Bü. 1916 03.07.1920Bü. 1919 30.07.1920Bü. 3854 05.08.1920Bü. 2770 05.08.1920Bü. 3853 12.08.1920Bü. 3910 06.10.1920Bü. 1969 06.10, 07.10, 14.10.1920Bü. 3910 21.10.1920Bü. 1840 21.10.1920Bü. 1943 16.11.1920Bü. 2006 27.11.1920Bü. 2606 15.12.1920Bü. 4025 21.12.1920Bu. 3724 22.01.1921Bu. 2148 17.02.1921Bu. 1136 24.02.1921Bu. 3912 03.03.1921Bu. 2947 10.03.1921Bu. 3759 12.03.1921Bu. 3857 22.03.1921Bu. 3024 22.03.1921Bu. 4038 14.04.1921Bu. 1479 21.04.1921Bu. 2733 25.04.1921Bu. 3641 16.06.1921Bu. 3470 23.06.1921Bu. 2000 05.07.1921Bü. 1971 05.07.1921Bü. 3678 18.11.1921Bü. 3913 1922Bü. 1913 02.02.1922Bü. 3185 28.02.1922Bü. 1992 11.04.1922Bü. 3571 27.04.1922Bü. 2736 13.06.1922Bü. 4074 03.07.1922Bü. 1939 06.07.1922Bü. 1959 13.07.1922Bü. 2653 28.09.1922Bü. 4090 23.10.1922Bü. 1837 16.11.1922Bu. 3989 30.11.1922Bu. 3276 18.12.1922Bu. 1973 1923Bu. 1849 11.01.1923Bu. 2616 20.03.1923Bu. 1975 12.04.1923Bu. 4091 26.04.1923Bü. 3318 02.07.1923Bü. 2822 21.07.1923Bü. 4091 28.07.1923Bü. 4087 28.07.1923Bü. 4121 17.08.1923Bü. 3282 18.09.1923Bü. 2737 27.09.1923Bü. 2913 01.10.1923Bü. 3415 11.10.1923Bü. 2913 18.10.1923Bü. 3990 22.10.1923Bü. 3160 08.11.1923Bü. 2238 15.11.1923Bü. 3214 22.11.1923Bü. 2262 22.11.1923Bü. 3214 01.12.1923Bü. 2238 01.12.1923Bü. 2283 18.12.1923Bü. 3403 1924Bü. 1900 07.02.1924Bü. 4067 21.02.1924Bü. 3919 06.03.1924Bü. 1936 08.03.1924Bü. 3642 08.03.1924Bü. 4043 10.03.1924Bü. 3558 13.03.1924Bü. 2012 27.03.1924Bu. 2921 03.04.1924Bu. 3633 12.06.1924Bu. 2242 24.07.1924Bu. 1997 31.07.1924Bu. 2074 21.08.1924Bu. 2589 21.08.1924Bu. 3561 25.08.1924Bü. 2506 13.11.1924Bü. 3178 21.11.1924Bü. 3922 04.12.1924Bü. 2922 18.12.1924Bü. 3416 1925Bü. 1849 1925Bü. 1913 12.02.1925Bu. 2075 19.02.1925Bu. 3368 09.03.1925Bu. 3583 10.03.1925Bu. 1989 10.03.1925Bu. 3990 19.03.1925Bu. 3416 22.04.1925Bu. 3979 22.04.1925Bü. 3991 28.05.1925Bü. 2951 18.06.1925Bü. 4131 25.06.1925Bü. 2018 05.07.1925Bü. 3877 09.07.1925Bü. 3887 15.07.1925Bü. 2201 16.07.1925Bü. 2208 22.07.1925Bü. 3368 30.07.1925Bü. 3416 08.08.1925Bü. 2922 08.08.1925Bü. 3991 13.08.1925Bü. 4132 03.09.1925Bü. 4132 05.09.1925Bü. 2208 21.11., 26.11., 28.11.1925Bü. 2563 03.12.1925Bü. 4029 09.12.1925Bü. 2992 1926Bü. 1849 1926Bü. 1913 16.01.1926Bu. 3215 28.01.1926Bu. 3642 30.01.1926Bu. 3926 04.02.1926Bu. 1644 20.02.1926Bu. 3215 16.02.1926Bu. 3797 03.03.1926Bu. 3979 31.03.1926Bu. 3929 15.04.1926Bu. 3992 22.04.1926Bu. 2263 22.04.1926Bu. 3797 29.04.1926Bu. 3789 06.05.1926Bu. 3497 04.06.1926Bu. 2490 24.06.1926Bü. 3327 01.07.1926Bü. 2209 08.07.1926Bü. 3132 26.07.1926Bü. 4132 12.08.1926Bü. 2423 24.09.1926Bü. 4045 07.10.1926Bü. 1934 28.10.1926Bü. 2861 04.11.1926Bü. 2828 11.11.1926Bü. 1945 18.11.1926Bü. 3230 09.12.1926Bü. 3992 1927Bü. 1849 1927Bü. 1900 05.04.1927Bue. 1940 07.04.1927Bue. 4092 13.04.1927Bue. 2260 05.05.1927Bue. 2716 19.05.1927Bue. 2935 25.05.1927Bue. 3858 02.06.1927Bue. 4092 07.07.1927Bü. 2277 25.08.1927Bü. 2425 22.09.1927Bü. 1920 29.09.1927Bü. 3219 13.10.1927Bü. 1978 14.10.1927Bü. 3690 27.10.1927Bü. 1108 10.11.1927Bü. 2775 09.12.1927Bü. 4030 15.03.1928Bü. 2430 17.03.1928Bü. 3288 12.07.1928Bü. 2657 13.07.1928Bü. 2280 19.07.1928Bü. 4030 23.11.1928Bu. 4021 1929Bu. 1862 17.01.1929Bu. 3153 05.03.1929Bu. 3945 10.05.1929Bu. 3946 20.06.1929Bu. 4108 02.07.1929Bu. 3259 16.09.1929Bü. 3 234 13.12.1929Bü. 2419 29.12.1929Bü. 3009 1930Bü. 1862 13.03.1930Bü. 2280 13.03.1930Bü. 2475 16.04.1930Bü. 3953 02.05.1930Bü. 3970 14.11.1930Bü. 3957 18.12.1930Bü. 3163 1931Bü. 1862 12.11.1931Bü. 2019 1932Bü. 1862 02.08.1932Bü. 1354