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Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 12
BArch, R 901/81205 · Akt(e) · Sept. 1900 - Juli 1901
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Regulation of the German postal service in Kiautschou, abolition of a Chinese post office, Chinese sea customs office in Tsingtau, 1900 - 1901 "Denkschrift über die Entwicklung des Kiautschou-Gebietes in der Zeit von Okt. 1899 bis Okt. 1900" (printed, with maps and illustrations, report to the submission in the Reichstag), 1901

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 13
BArch, R 901/81206 · Akt(e) · Aug. 1901 - Nov. 1902
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Heinrich Mootz, German language teaching for Chinese (printed as a draft in Tsingtau), 1901 Geographical distances in the province of Schantung (based on official Chinese calculations, with hand drawing), 1902 The trade of Kiungchow in 1901 (publication of the British Foreign Office), 1902

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 14
BArch, R 901/81207 · Akt(e) · Dez. 1902 - März 1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Steamer connections from Tsingtau to unopened Chinese ports, 1903 participation of German industry in the regulation of the Hsiao-Ching-ho canal and construction of connecting railways, (1903) 1904 "Das deutsche Schutzgebiet Kiautschou (1903) 1904" by A. von Janson (special edition from Deutsche Rundschau, ed. by Julius Rodenberg), 1904

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 15
BArch, R 901/81208 · Akt(e) · Apr. 1904 - Okt. 1904
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Establishment of a direct Tsingtaus steamboat connection with the Yalu estuary for the transport of raw material for silk production from Manchuria (application by the German-Chinese Silk Industry Society), (1903) 1904 Attacks on the German administration in Kiautschou in the Chinese press, 1904 Railway construction projects of the Chinese-German Tschunghsiang Coal Society of Ihsien in Schantung ("Ihsien Society") and question of German concession rights in the province of Schantung, 1904 customs collection procedure in Tsingtau, 1904

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 16
BArch, R 901/81209 · Akt(e) · Sept. 1904 - Apr. 1905
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Financial reports of the Seezollamt Tsingtau Personnel questions of the Seezollamt and question of the use of sea customs revenues for the administration of the protectorate, 1904 - 1905

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 20
BArch, R 901/81213 · Akt(e) · Okt. 1906 - Juni 1907
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Concerns of the Chinese maritime customs authorities against the implementation of the new customs agreement, 1906 - 1907 Construction of petroleum tanks in the Schantung Province by the company Arnold, Karberg u. Co., Tsingtau as agent of Asiatic Petroleum Co., London, 1906

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 21
BArch, R 901/81214 · Akt(e) · Juli 1907 - Feb. 1910
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Support of the German-Chinese Silk Industry Society by granting export bonuses, 1907 Award of a mining concession in the province of Schantung to the company Sietas, Plambeck und Co., Tsingtau, 1908 - 1909 Counter-trials against German concessions in Schantung, danger of boycott measures, 1908 - 1909 Project to set up Chinese railway customs offices at the Schantung Railway to levy transit duties in favour of the province of Schantung, 1909 - 1910

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 22
BArch, R 901/81215 · Akt(e) · März 1910 - Dez. 1910
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Financing of the port of Chifu from income from the Chinese customs surcharge in the province of Schantung, 1910 Project for the construction of a chemical factory in Tsingtau by China Alkali Comp. Ltd., Shanghai (Moritz Koppel), 1910 Establishment of the "Chinese Chamber of Commerce of Tsingtau" (with statutes), 1910

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 23
BArch, R 901/81216 · Akt(e) · Jan. 1911 - Feb. 1913
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Chinese plans to increase customs duties in the province of Schantung and the attitude of the Reichsmarineamt (with numerous memorandums, etc.), 1911 "Xenophobic attitude of the Young Chinese Association for the Study of Railway and Mining Issues in Schantung" in Tsinanfu, 1912 "Report of the Chamber of Commerce of Tsingtau for the Year 1911" (print), 1912

Economic development of Kiautschou: Vol. 25
BArch, R 901/81218 · Akt(e) · Feb. 1914 - 1919
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Project for the establishment of a company for the smelting of zinc, lead, antimony and sulphur in Tsingtau by the "East Asian Study Syndicate" (foundation of the companies Beer, Sondheimer und Co., Frankfurt/M.; Carlowitz und Co., Hamburg; Reimers und Co., Bremen), 1914 contract for the transfer of Tsingtau to the Japanese army (transcript), 1915 "The Chino-Japanese Negotiations. Chinese official Statement with documents and Treaties with Annexures, Beijing 1915 (print) Der Handel Tsingtaus vor und nach dem Kriege (publication of the Japanese military administration, copy), 1916 "Ist die Rückgabe Tsingtaus vom wirtschaftlichen Standpunkt notwendig oder zweckmäßig" (English version of a German memorandum), 1919 "Forderungen Deutschlands wegen Kiautschaos auf der Friedenskonferenz" (elaboration of the Reichsmarineamt, print), 1919

Auswärtiges Amt
Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Abt. Hauptstaatsarchiv Stuttgart, E 40/17 Bü 34 · Akt(e) · 1891-1912
Teil von Landesarchiv Baden-Württemberg, Dept. Main State Archives Stuttgart (Archivtektonik)

Contains among other things: Sales of trade articles in Cameroon; application of customs duties in Kiautschou; establishment of a permanent economic commission of the colonial administration; project of an agricultural bank for D e u t s c h - S ü d w e s t a f r i k a

Landesarchiv NRW Abteilung Ostwestfalen-Lippe, L 80.16 Nr. 651 · Akt(e) · 1896-1931
Teil von Landesarchiv NRW East Westphalia-Lippe Department (Archivtektonik)

Contains: also:Eleventh Deutscher Handlungsgehilfentag, 1909;Handlungsgehilfen-Forderungen zur Verbesserung des Handelsgesetzbuches (Schriften des Deutschnationalen Handlungsgehilfen-Verbands, Bd. 42), Hamburg 1909;Handels- und Gewerbekammer Plauen, Die besondere Revision bei der Gründung von Aktiengesellschaften in der Praxis, Teil I, Dresden 1899;Excerpts from the Commercial Register of the Imperial Court of Kiautschou 1899ff.