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Archival description
RMG 1.724 a · File · 1932-1966
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

1953-1967 in Okahandja, Karibib, then parish office; Correspondence, (1940-1945 from the field), 1932-1966; Curriculum vitae, application, references, 1932; My hometown, (Isingdorf bei Werther), essay, 1933; correspondence with LKA for Julius Baumann's admission to the 1. theological exam, 1949; circulars from Milly Reiser (Baumann's mother-in-law), from Julius and Hanna Baumann, 1956-1965

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.498 a · File · 1903-1946
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

founded in 1814 by Schmelen, David Christian's tribe, outstations: Grootfontein, see also RMG 2,503 a-c, RMG 2,529 a, Farm RMG 2,548, Kuibis Farm s. RMG 2.541; station and annual reports, statistical data; chronological time table for Bethany from 1814 to 1899; visitation reports, 1906 1909 1913

Rhenish Missionary Society
Dr. Hans Leitner (1904-?)

Curriculum vitae, vow of secondment, medical questionnaire, 1933; Polizeiliche Abmeldung, 1933; Korrespondenz, Rundbriefe, Berichte, 1933-1938; "Hausbesuche in Innerafrika von Käthe Leitner (Ehefrau), 1935; "Was ein Schulrat in Afrika erleben kann, 1937; "Missionsarbeit auf den Inseln des Viktoria-Nyanza, 16 p., ms, 1937; "From the parish of Kamachumu, 1938; "Nadel u. Faden in der Schule von Käthe Leitner, 1938; Ärztliche Tesnisse von Familie Leitner bei Wiedereinreise, 1939; Pensionsansprüche von Leitner, 1940; Foto der Familie Leitner, 1941; Correspondenz mit Dr. Leitner im Felde u. in der Kriegsge-fangenschaft, 1939-1947; Correspondenz mit Leitner in der Heimat u. in Nordamerika, 1948-1956

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
RMG 2.499 a · File · 1899-1906
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Remote stations: Tsumamas, Sesfontein, served from Outjo from 1906, see also RMG 2.529, Farm s. RMG 2.544; annual and station reports; annual reports, by Heinrich Riechmann and Heinrich Johann Brockmann 1899-1906, among others about the Battle of Waterberg, 1904; Evangelist Nikodemus and Lieutenant Franke, report, 1902; Minutes of the Court Meeting of Fransfontein, 1901

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.501 a · File · 1908-1935
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Amraal's tribe, abandoned from 1880-1907, Farm Gobabis s. RMG 2.547; annual and conference reports, by missionary Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle and others, 1908-1935; Chronology of Gobabis 1855-1910, pag. 1, ca. 1910; Reports of mission colonist Oskar Emil August Gerlach, 1908-1909; visitation report, picture postcard, 1911; report to OKR in Berlin about work on d. Gobabis district, 1911; Gobabis, report, Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle about his 25 years there, 1931; About Amral Lambert's life, the mission station Wesley Vale and Gobabis and the Mbanderu until about 1896, Jakob Friedrich Johann Irle, 10 p. ms, o. J.

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.506 a · File · 1888-1926
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Zeib's tribe, outstations: Katsus, Khoes, Narubis, Seeheim, Spitzkoppe, Farm Keetmannshoop s. RMG 2.551, Orphanage & School Keetmanshoop s. RMG 2.507, Sister Station Aroab s. RMG 2.496; floor plan and view of the building. Station Keetmanshoop, colored drawing, 1888; travel report by Carl Berger with representation of the circumstances on Woermann ships, 1898; annual, semi-annual and conference reports, by missionary Tobias Fenchel, Wilhelm Niemeier, Christi-an Ludwig Kühhirt, Karl Friedrich Wandres u. Friedrich Hermann Gustav Becker, 1903-1926; Visitationsberichte, 1903, 1906 1913; Remarks to the girl sent to South West Africa by the German Women's Federation, July 1910; Request by the community elders and by Adolf Neuhaus (son-in-law of Tobias Fenchel) for Gustav Becker as successor to Tobias Fenchel, 1910; Report on d. Visit of Prof. Mirbt in Keetmanshoop, 1913; Fr. Hans Siebold to Inspector Johannes Wilhelm Karl Spiecker, due to praise for construction technician Johannes Jürgens, 1914; 50th anniversary of the Protestant Mission Keetmanshoop, 14.4.1916, (Dr.)

Rhenish Missionary Society

Correspondence, also with Clara Weiss, 1912-1967; instructions and service contract, 1913; "One day on the way from Bukoba to Rwanda, 1913; paper on a mission trading branch in Rwanda, c. 1914; "About the beginnings in Shangugu, 1914; annual account of the farm Kawalinda, owner Boos, 1959; death announcement for Matthias Weiss, 1967

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Max Hirsch (1910-1984)

Curriculum vitae and letter of recommendation, 1934; instructions and vows of deputation, 1935; correspondence with Max and Marga Hirsch in Africa, in the field and in captivity as a prisoner of war, 1934-1949; travelogues and travelogues. Freundesbriefe, 1936-1939; "Gedanken zur Schulfrage in Usambara, 1936; "Hier wird gepaudert aus der Schule, 1936; Ärztliches Zeugnis für Familie Hirsch, 1940; correspondence during teaching in Rödlitz (Saxony), Freistatt u. Villigst, 1950-1982; Newsletter to teachers of religion at vocational schools, number 12 by M. Hirsch, December 1959

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa

Letters addressed to Trittelvitz personally, especially from mission members from Africa, 1899-1911; "Kindergabe vom April 1901; Afrika-Reiseberichte von Trittelvitz from 1904-1905; Visitationsbericht, bound in Hohenfriedeberg, 1905; Brief von Friedrich von Bodelschwingh zum Verhältnis der EMDOA - Bethel, 1899; Memorandum Trittelvitz zum Zusammenschluss Bethel u. Barmen, 1903; Statement on the takeover of the mission in Japan, 1905; correspondence from Trittelvitz with the missionaries Ruccius, Gilsdorf, Ostwald, Gleiß, u.a. on questions of music, questions of marriage, Bible translation, 1901-1904; correspondence Trittelvitz - Michaelis, 1904-1905; contract of service Trittelvitz, 1909; correspondence with Held and others. Ronicke, 1908-1948; Information about the fate of missionaries in the field and in internment, 1940-1948; private correspondence with Gustav von Bodelschwingh, 1895-1946; "Father von Bodelschwingh and his work, 70 p. ms, ca. 1945; Obituary for Sister Mathilde Wegener, 1945; Correspondence from the last years of life, death announcement and condolences, 1950-1958; Correspondence Lina Trittelvitz, death announcement, condolences, 1958-1963

Evangelical Missionary Society for German East Africa
Okahandja, farm
RMG 2.553 · File · 1899-1909
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Station see RMG 2.510 a-c; Documents on the Ownership, 1899-1909; Map of Okahandja and surroundings of E. Friedrichs, 1: 500000, 1904; Site plan d. Farm "Friedrichswald", 1: 100000, 1903; ground plan of the farmstead of farmer Ernst Friedrichs zu Katjapja, 1: 100, 1903;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.513 a · File · 1901-1938
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Remote stations: Auben, Honey, Eharui, Kawab, Farm s. RMG 2.555, 1920-1927 operated by Usakos, see also RMG 2.530 a, Sekondere Skool ELK u. Paulinum s. RMG 2,651 a, RMG 3,316 and RMG 3,338 a-c, Hostel see RMG 3,333; annual and conference reports, by Hugo Baumann, Heinrich Johann Brockmann and Ernst Wilhelm Römer, 1901-1938; visitation reports, 1906 1909 1914; Kirchbaurechnung, 1909; transcript d. last letter of Captain Cornelius Goreseb, 1910; petitions of the bourgeois and church community of Windhoek to leave Karl Friedrich Wandres there, 1911

Rhenish Missionary Society
Otjikango (Great-Barmen)
RMG 2.520 · File · 1899-1903
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

formerly Neu-Barmen, 1853-1856 unoccupied, 1902 abandoned, outstation of Okahandja 1890-1898, see also RMG 2.510 a-c, farm s. RMG 2.560; Chronology of the Otjikango Station from 1841-1899; Conference and Annual Reports, by Karl Alex. Hamann, 1899-1902; Report: "The Purchase of Small-Bars" by Kaufmann Lang, 1902; Sketch d. Mission property in Otjikango and description, 1901; copy of the deed of gift for the mission property, 1901; plan d. Mission house in Otjizeva, 1903;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.536 a · File · 1899-1907
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Annual Report 1921 s. RMG 2,528 a, Farm s. RMG 2,561 a b, Augustineum s. RMG 2,648, Girls' Bible School Work, see RMG 2,652, Paulinum s. RMG 2,651 d, RMG 3,315 and RMG 3,526, ELK Sekondere Skool s. RMG 3,337; quarterly, annual and conference reports, statistics and annual accounts, by Freerk Meyer, Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, Friedrich Heinrich Peter Bernsmann and Wilhelm Emil Jakob Diehl, 1899-1907; sketches of the maps of the German parliament. Eigentumsverhältnissen rund um Otjimbingwe, 1903; Die Ursachen d. Hereroaufstand, Report, Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 11 p. hs., 1904; Petition d. Gemeindeältesten von Otjimbingwe um Verbleib von Johannes Georg Heinrich Olpp, 1905; Visitationsbericht, 1906; Erastus Jahanika an RMG: Dank für Unterricht, d. he enjoys in Otjimbingue, 1907; Report on Herero Orphanage, 1907

Rhenish Missionary Society
Otjozondjupa (Waterberg)
RMG 2.523 · File · 1899-1903
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Outstation: Otjiwarongo, 1878-1891 unoccupied and unoccupied again after 1904, Farm s. RMG 2.563, Reservat Waterberg s. RMG 2.570; copy of the deed of donation of the square Otjozondjupa, the chief Kambazembi of the Christian community, 1899; annual and conference reports by Missionary Wilhelm Eich, 1899-1903; 2 private letters from Wilhelm Eich to Inspector August Schreiber, 1902; annual accounts, 1902;

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.524 a · File · 1906-1922
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Remote stations: Fransfontein, Sesfontein, Otjuro, Fransfontein and Sesfontein before 1906 s. RMG 2,499 a b, Farm Outjo s. RMG 2,560; conference and quarterly reports, by Heinrich Johann Brockmann and Bernhard Ahlrich Trey, 1906-1922; visitation report, 1906; construction matters: Newly built mission house and church, 1907-1910; reports by Nicodemus Kido, evangelist in Sesfontein, 1911 1912

Rhenish Missionary Society
RMG 2.526 a · File · 1901-1937
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Outstation: Hoachanas, Nama u. Bastards, Swartboois Stamm, Farm Rehoboth s. RMG 2.564, Kirchenspaltung s. RMG 2.608 a-c, Station Hoachanas s. a. RMG 2.500 a, RMG 2.504 u. RMG 3.300; annual, conference and semi-annual reports, by Adolf Blecher u. Hermann Schroer, 1901-1937; unconfirmed deed of donation of d. "Sparfeld" (copy), 1906; Visitationsberichte, 1906 1908 1911; Bericht von d. Einweihung d. Kirche, 1908; Baukostenabrechnungen, 1909 1911; Letters from Joh. Beukes and other parishioners to Inspector Rudolf Wegner for disputes in the parish, 1927-1928; Half-yearly reports on sisters' work, by Erna Okolowitz, 1928-1937

Rhenish Missionary Society
Stritter, Henry (1883-1963)
RMG 1.674 · File · 1907-1956
Part of Archive and Museum Foundation of the VEM (Archivtektonik)

Missionary farmer and handicraft teacher at crafts school, 1907-1938 in Gaub, Omaruru, Omburo, Okahandja, Otjimbingue; letters and reports, 1907-1936; instruction for Heinrich Stritter, 1908; Wilhelm Eich: Zur Einstellung Stritters u. Einrichtung d. Farm Ganachams b. Gaub, 1908; obituary for Mrs Johanna Stritter, née Redecker, 1938; correspondence with Heinrich Stritter, 1956;

Rhenish Missionary Society