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Deimling, Berthold von (inventory)
BArch, N 559 · Bestand · 1881-1949
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the Inventory Designer: General of the Infantry Berthold von Deimling Life data 21.03.1853 in Karlsruhe 03.02.1944 in Baden-Baden Career 1873 Promotion to Lieutenant Seconde 1875 Change to Infantry Regiment "Duke of Holstein" (Holsteinic) No. 85 (Rendsburg) 1880 promotion to lieutenant 1879 to 1882 Kriegsakademie Berlin 1882 officer in infantry regiment no. 85 1886 transfer to the Großer Generalstab (railway department) 1888 captain 1891 general staff officer in the 1st division in Königsberg 1893 major 1895 in the general staff of the XVI. Army Corps 1898 Battalion Commander in the infantry regiment "Prince Wilhelm" (4th Baden) No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1900 Lieutenant Colonel and transfer to the Great General Staff (Chief of Operations Division II) 1903 Colonel and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Commander of the 2nd Army Commandant of the German Army (Battalion) No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1903 Colonel and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Commander of the 2nd Army Command No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1904 Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse (Sundgau) 1900 Lieutenant Colon and Commander of the infantry regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1903 Commander of the infantry Regiment No. 112 in Mulhouse 1904 Field Regiment 1905 deputy of the commander-in-chief for the southern region 1905 elevation to hereditary nobility 1906 commander of the Schutztruppe in southwest Africa 1907 major general 1908 return and commander of the Infanterie-Brigade 58 (Mühlhausen) 1910 lieutenant-general and appointment as commander of the 29. Division in Freiburg i. Br. 1913 General of the Infantry and Commanding General of the XV Army Corps (Strasbourg) 1914 War operation in southern Alsace, on the Aisne, off Ypres in Flanders, off Verdun (XV. Army Corps) 1916 Awarded the Pour le Merite (capture of the Fort Vaux) 1916 Assignment to the Somme 1916 Transfer to the Section Commander of the Army Division B (Vosges) 1917 Farewell with simultaneous appointment as Chief of the 1st Under Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 132. Description of the stock: The stock contains life memories, anda. on his activities as commander of the Schutztruppe in South West Africa (1906-1907), the 58th Infantry Brigade in Mulhouse/Alsace (1907-1910) and the 29th Division in Freiburg (1910-1913) and as commander general of the XVth Army Corps in the 2nd Infantry Army Corps in the United Kingdom. Feldartillerieregiments in Südwestafrika 1904-1906 (Herero- und Hottentottenaufständen); further documents from the period of service in Südwestafrika as well as from the 1st World War; correspondence with Ludendorf and Hindenburg as well as from the time after retirement; further newspaper articles and pictorial material. References to other holdings R 1001 Reichskolonialamt (Online-Findmittel) R 1002 Authorities of the former protectorate Deutsch-Südwestafrika (Online-Findmittel) N 14 Ludwig Boell estate N 38 Arnold Lequis estate N 103 Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck estate NL 30 Viktor Franke citation: BArch, N 559/...

Deimling, Berthold von

Contains: 1st Eduard Elben, Stuttgart: Honorary membership of the prince in the Landesverein des Evangelischen Bundes, 1894; 2nd Minister of State Sarwey, Stuttgart: Württembergische Landessynode, 1894; 3rd Minister of Culture Bosse, Berlin: Domherrenstelle für Professor Hespers in Köln, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Bosse, Berlin: Domherrenstelle für Professor Hespers in Köln, 1894; 3rd Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Hespers in Cologne, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Hespers in Cologne, 1894; 4th Minister of Education and Cultural Affairs Bosse, Berlin. Princess Metternich: Letter of thanks for hunting permit for the Marquis de Soys, 1895; 5th letter to Privy Councillor Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Lucanus, Berlin: Reinstatement of the Police President of the Schlumberger State Committee at the Golden Wedding, 1895; 6th letter to the Berlin State Councilor, Berlin. Privy Councillor Lucanus, Berlin: Postponement of an Award for State Secretary von Puttkamer and Undersecretary of State Schraut, 1895; 7th Chancellor Clovis zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfürst (Abschr.): Rejection of Voting Rights for the Representatives of Alsace-Lorraine in the Federal Council, 1895; 8th Emperor Wilhelm II.Telegram for the foundation of fleet associations in Alsace-Lorraine, 1895; 9th unveiling of the Kaiser-Friedrich memorial on the battlefield of Wörth; letter of the speaker General von Mischke (with print of the speech), 1895; 10th general physician Hoffmann, Karlsruhe: sending a letter of Margrave Wilhelm von Baden to bad. General Hoffmann of 22.5.1849, 1895; 11.Ambassador Count Eulenburg, Vienna: Request for intervention for his brother, 1896; 12. Ambassador Count Münster, Paris: Passport Law, 1896; 13. Friedrich Curtius, District Director in Thann: Request for transfer with favourable letter of the Grand Duchess Louise of Baden, 1896; 14. Ambassador Count Saurma, Turkey: Communication on the visit of a priest recommended by the prince, 1896; 15th Duke Adolph von Mecklenburg: Intervention for a Frenchman, 1897; 16th letter to General von Bülow, Karlsruhe: Hunting conditions in Alsace-Lorraine, 1898; 17th Ambassador Count Münster, Paris: Passport regulations. With Concept of the Prince's Answer, 1898; 18th Visit of Prince Albert to Strasbourg, 1899; 19th Baron von Woellwarth, Hohenroden: Railway Questions, 1899; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 21st Visit of Prince Albert to Strasbourg, 1899; 21st Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 21st Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1901; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz: New Year's Greetings, 1899; 20th Bishop Benzler, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz: New Year's Greetings, Metz. Friedrich Curtius, Strasbourg: Request to retain the salary received so far as curator of the University of Strasbourg, 1902; 22nd report of the Vossische Zeitung on the structural condition of the Strasbourg Cathedral, 1902; 23rd request of the hereditary Grand Duchess Maria Anna of Luxembourg for the admission of nuns expelled from France. With Concept of Rejection by the Prince, 1903; 24th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Expansion of Hochkönigsburg, 1904; 26th Cosima Wagner, Bayreuth: Letter of Thanks after Returning from a Visit to Strasbourg, 1905; 27th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Expansion of Hochkönigsburg, 1904; 26th Cosima Wagner, Bayreuth: Letter of Thanks after Returning from a Visit to Strasbourg, 1905; 27th General Colonel von Haeseler, Metz: Letter of Thanks for Congratulations on the Anniversary of Service, 1903; 25th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Letter of Thanks for the Return from a Visit to Strasbourg, 190. Tickets of the singer Agnes Sorma, 1905-1907; 28th Count Posadowsky, Berlin: Information about the absence of the Minister of Agriculture, 1906; 29th Field Marshal von Haeseler: Construction of the Bettsdorf-Merzig railway line. With Concept of the Prince's Answer, 1906; 30. H. Hergesell, Viego Bay: Report of a Research Trip to the Arctic Ocean, 1906; 31. Postcards of members of the Schutztruppe from Southwest Africa, 1906; 32. Minister of State (ret.) von Soden, Vorra: Promotion of the district director Karl von Gemmingen in Strasbourg, 1906; 33rd General von Arnim, Governor of Metz: Nobilitierung ds Moritz Grunelin in Kolbsheim, 1907; 34th congratulatory telegram to Kaiser Wilhelm II on various occasions, 1898-1905.

Maercker, Georg (inventory)
BArch, N 786 · Bestand · 1874-1940
Teil von Federal Archives (Archivtektonik)

History of the inventor: Born 21 September 1865 in Baldenburg, district of Schlochau, died 31 December 1924 in Dresden. 1874 Admission to the Kulmer Kadettenkorps, then Prussian Hauptkadettenanstalt and in April 1885 entry as lieutenant second in the infantry regiment "von borcke" (4th Pommersches) No. 21 in Thorn. 1887 Transfer to the 2nd Lower Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 137 in September 1888, one year's leave of absence to go to Africa. After a short time working for the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft as an officer in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika. On 18 May 1889 he took part in a battle at Dar-es-Salam as part of the suppression of the so-called Arab uprising. 1890 He rejoins the army. 1891-1904 Education at the Prussian Academy of War; 1895 transfer to the Grand General Staff. In the same year wedding with Luise Lindner. In 1898 he was promoted to captain during his command at the Reichsmarineamt, which from 1898 to 1899 included surveying work in the Kiautschou leasehold. 1900 Return to Germany and activity in the general staff. From 1902 company commander in infantry regiment 41. In 1904 promotion to major and transfer to the general staff of the stage command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. There he participated in the so-called Herero and Hottentot campaigns. During the Nama Uprising, Maercker led the Schutztruppen units in the Battle of Nubib and was wounded. 1910 Farewell to the Schutztruppe and appointment as battalion commander in the infantry regiment "König Ludwig III. von Bayern" (2nd Lower Silesian) No. 47. 1912 promotion lieutenant colonel; 1913 appointment as commander of the North Sea island Borkum. 1914 Promotion to colonel. 1915 and 1916 as regiment commander participation in the position fights at the Kormyn and at the Styr, afterwards at the western front, among others Yser, in the Wyschaete arch as well as at St. Eloi. Wounded in the Battle of the Somme in 1916, then in positional battles on the Aisne. At the end of 1916 he took part in the battles on the Narajowka and Zlota Lipa; from 1917 he was deployed on the western front: Somme, Wytschaete Arc, Yser, Arras, Champagne and Flanders with renewed wounding. Awarded the Pour le Mérite Order on 1 October 1917 and the Pour le Mérite Oak Leaf Order on 3 May 1918. On 18 August 1917 promotion to Major General and appointment as Commander of the 214th Division. In December 1918 Maercker formed the Freikorps "Landesjäger" from parts of his division; deployment of the Freikorps during the suppression of the Spartakus uprising in January 1919 in Berlin, followed by deployments in Weimar, Gotha, Erfurt, Halle, Magdeburg, Braunschweig and Helmstedt. On 2 May the Freikorps was integrated into the Reichswehr as Reichswehrbrigade 16. On 28 April 1920 Maercker was released from active military service. In 1922 he founded the Deutscher Kolonialkriegerbund. Processing note: General Wehrkreis IV (Saxony)? Description of the holdings: Major General, documents, personal letters, training documents, portrait photos, colonial history: General der Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. R e i c h s k o l o n i a l a m t , surveying Tsingtau, commander of the infantry in the First World War in France and Belgium, Wehrkreiskommando IV, Freikorpsführer Geb. 21. September 1865 in Baldenburg, Kreis Schlochau, died 31. December 1924 in Dresden. 1874 Admission to the Kulmer Kadettenkorps, then Prussian Hauptkadettenanstalt and in April 1885 entry as lieutenant second in the infantry regiment "von borcke" (4th Pommersches) No. 21 in Thorn. 1887 Transfer to the 2nd Lower Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 137 in September 1888, one year's leave of absence to go to Africa. After a short time working for the D e u t s c h - O s t a f r i kanische Gesellschaft as an officer in the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Ostafrika. On 18 May 1889 he took part in a battle at Dar-es-Salam as part of the suppression of the so-called Arab uprising. 1890 He rejoins the army. 1891-1904 Education at the Prussian Academy of War; 1895 transfer to the Grand General Staff. In the same year wedding with Luise Lindner. In 1898 he was promoted to captain during his command at the Reichsmarineamt, which from 1898 to 1899 included surveying work in the Kiautschou leasehold. 1900 Return to Germany and activity in the general staff. From 1902 company commander in infantry regiment 41. In 1904 promotion to major and transfer to the general staff of the stage command of the Schutztruppe für Deutsch-Südwestafrika. There he participated in the so-called Herero and Hottentot campaigns. During the Nama Uprising, Maercker led the Schutztruppen units in the Battle of Nubib and was wounded. 1910 Farewell to the Schutztruppe and appointment as battalion commander in the infantry regiment "König Ludwig III. von Bayern" (2nd Lower Silesian) No. 47. 1912 promotion lieutenant colonel; 1913 appointment as commander of the North Sea island Borkum. 1914 Promotion to colonel. 1915 and 1916 as regiment commander participation in the position fights at the Kormyn and at the Styr, afterwards at the western front, among others Yser, in the Wyschaete arch as well as at St. Eloi. Wounded in the Battle of the Somme in 1916, then in positional battles on the Aisne. At the end of 1916 he took part in the battles on the Narajowka and Zlota Lipa; from 1917 he was deployed on the western front: Somme, Wytschaete Arc, Yser, Arras, Champagne and Flanders with renewed wounding. Awarded the Pour le Mérite Order on 1 October 1917 and the Pour le Mérite Oak Leaf Order on 3 May 1918. On 18 August 1917 promotion to Major General and appointment as Commander of the 214th Division. In December 1918 Maercker formed the Freikorps "Landesjäger" from parts of his division; deployment of the Freikorps during the suppression of the Spartakus uprising in January 1919 in Berlin, followed by deployments in Weimar, Gotha, Erfurt, Halle, Magdeburg, Braunschweig and Helmstedt. On 2 May the Freikorps was integrated into the Reichswehr as Reichswehrbrigade 16. On 28 April 1920 Maercker was released from active military service. In 1922 he founded the Deutscher Kolonialkriegerbund. Citation style: BArch, N 786/...

PrAdK 1254 · Akt(e) · 1897 - 1933
Teil von Archive of the Academy of Arts
  • Minutes of the meetings of the Senate Committee for Exhibition Affairs:<br />15 Dec. 1897 (constituent meeting; participants: Heyden, Koepping, Knaus, Manzel, Otzen, Graf Harrach, Siemering, v. Oettingen): Election of Otzen as chairman, resolution to invite the elected deputies to the meetings; discussion about the participation of the Academy in the conception and financing of the Landeskunstausstellung, about its relationship to the Verein Berliner Künstler, about a redesign of the Große Berliner Kunstausstellung (Bl. 1f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1898: Heyden, Knaus, Koepping, Manzel, Otzen, v. Oettingen, Siemering.<br />23rd Febr. 1898: Report on the Fechner and Schuch brochures on exhibitions; resolution: summary of the discussion including the relevant work by Heyden (Bl. 2). 1898: Exhibition of the works of the member Michetti, withdrawal of the application of Siemering (exhibition of the works of all academy members), recommendation to apply for an exhibition of the works of the architect Wolff to the Architects Association (Bl. 2f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1899: Otzen, Ende, Heyden, Knaus, Koepping, Manzel, v. Oettingen, Siemering, v. Tschudi.<br />30th Jan. 1899: Brochures by Fechner, Schuch and Heyden; discussion about the future design of the Great Berlin Art Exhibitions, question of the jury; establishment of a travel fund to foreign exhibitions for deputies of the academy; proposal: captions instead of exhibition catalogue; division of the exhibition halls and the jury between academy and association of Berlin artists (Bl. 12).<br />24 Febr. 1899: support for an exhibition of works by Paul Meyerheim, Jan./Febr. 1900, unless a secular exhibition is organized; question of the jury [of the Great Berlin Art Exhibitions] (p. 12).<br />30 June 1899: Exhibition of French paintings under the direction of Dramard (President of the Société des Amis des Arts in Paris) in Oct. 1899, review of the selection of works by Koepping (p. 13).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1900: End, Friedrich, Kampf, Manzel, Schwechten, Siemering.<br />14 Nov. 1900 (constituent meeting): Election of Friedrich as chairman; discussion of various proposals for exhibitions: Koner, Chodowiecki, collection of paintings by the banker König, colonial pictures by L. Braun and Petersen; provision of rooms for an exhibition by the Verein der Freunde künstlerischer Photographie (Bl. 13).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1901: End, Friedrich, Kampf, Manzel, Oettingen, Scheurenberg, Schwechten, Siemering, Steinhausen, Renvers.<br />19 Jan. 1901: adjourned (p. 14).<br />23 Jan. 1901: adjourned (p. 14). 1901: Sequence of exhibitions in spring (Kronjubiläum, Koner, Verein Berliner Künstlerinnen, Konkurrenzen); rejection of an exhibition of works by the sculptor Guild; application of the Kunstverein Frankfurt/Main for an organisational merger in exhibition matters; rejection of Fechner's application (request of the imperial court) for the organisation of a portrait exhibition of Bismarck and other famous men of the 19th century. 13 Nov 1901: Re-election of the chairman Friedrichs; rejection of exhibitions of works by Hermione v. Preuschen, Gysis, and the portrait painter Hans Schadow; application for the abolition of the ministerial permit requirement for the exhibition of paintings from foreign collections in the academy; formation of a commission for the design of future academy exhibitions (Ende, Siemering, Kampf, v. Oettingen); on the application of the Vereinigung Berliner Architekten for the conversion of the Landeskunstausstellungsgebäude (Bl. 14f.).<br />16 Dec. 1901: Design of the special exhibitions in the future academy building, financing issues (creation of a separate fund for the exhibitions); rejection of exhibition projects: Association of lithographers, exhibition of the artistic estate of the architect August Orth (page 15).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1902: Steinhausen, Manzel, Oettingen, Scheurenberg, Schwechten, Siemering.<br />19th Apr. 1902: Recommendation for the provision of rooms for exhibitions of the Verein für Deutsches Kunstgewerbe Berlin and the Zentralkomitees für das ärztliche Fortbildungswesen in Preußen (Bl. 15).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1903: End, Calandrelli, Friedrich, Oettingen, Scheurenberg, Schwechten.<br />10th Jan. 1903: Constitution of the committee for 1902/03 and election of Friedrich as chairman; inquiry by A. v. Keller, Munich, for exhibition rooms for the Munich Secession; on the contract of a brewery company for the construction of a restaurant on the exhibition site (p. 40).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1906: Joachim, Otzen, Frenzel, Janensch, Justi, Kampf, Koepping, Lessing, Messel, Meyerheim, Raschdorff, Schwechten, Skarbina, Tuaillon, Baumeister Wendt and Lotter.<br />12 Febr. 1906: Constitution of the committee and election of Kampf as chairman, von Koepping as deputy chairman. Reflections on the exhibition on the occasion of the opening of the new office building at Pariser Platz; Rembrandt exhibition, temporary postponement of a members' exhibition (p. 40).<br />3 March 1906: Debate on the submission of the Leipzig painter Klamroth to Wilhelm II on jury-free exhibitions (p. 40). 41f.).<br />14 March 1906: Decision to open the new office building with an exhibition of works by the members, extension of the committee in preparation for the opening exhibition; appeal to the members to send in works, recommendations for the design of the exhibition rooms (pp. 43f.).<br />21 May 1906: Design of the exhibition rooms; costs of the opening exhibition (p. 45).<br />8 Sept. 1906: constitution of the committee and election of Arthur Kampf as chairman for 1906/07, von Koepping as deputy chairman; design of the exhibition rooms (p. 45).<br />31 Oct. 1906: selection criteria for the architects' objects; duration of the exhibition and catalogue (p. 45).<br />31 Oct. 1906: selection criteria for the architects' objects; duration of the exhibition and catalogue (p. 45).<br />8 Sept. 1906: constitution of the committee and election of Arthur Kampf as chairman for 1906/07, von Koepping as deputy chairman; design of the exhibition rooms (p. 45).<br />31 Oct. 1906: selection criteria for the architects' objects; duration of the exhibition and catalogue (p. 45). 45f.).<br />21 Dec. 1906: Design of the exhibition rooms, catalogue, press conference (p. 46).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1907: Kampf, Frenzel, Friedrich, Gaul, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Janensch, Justi, Koepping, Lessing, Messel, Meyerheim, Otzen, Schwechten, Skarbina, Tuaillon.<br />9 Jan. 1907: Design of the exhibition rooms, invitation cards (p. 47).<br />6 Feb. 1907: Entry regulations for the members of the Verein Berliner Künstler, the Verein der Künstlerinnen, the Secession and for the academy members, conditions of sale (p. 47). 47).<br />27 March 1907: Reimbursement of transport costs for sculptors, remunerations for office workers at exhibitions, further planned exhibition for autumn, invitation to non-members (e.g. Stuck, Leistikow, Sargent, Lederer, Starck, Hocheder, Bl. 48);<br />22 Apr. 1907: Proposals for non-members to be invited to the autumn exhibition, e.g. Sargent, Kuehl, Leistikow; Gobelin exhibition of the company Sargent, Kuehl, Leistikow; Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin, Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin, Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company Gobelin exhibition of the company. Gerson; Extension of the exhibition commission by members to be elected by the cooperative, proposal to transfer the management of the Academy exhibitions of the Academy to the commission (pp. 48f.).<br />1 Oct. 1907: Constitution of the committee, election of Koepping as chairman; Gussow exhibition (pp. 49).<br />26 Oct. 1907: Equipment of the exhibition rooms, number of works to be submitted, works of L. v. Hofmanns; draft for the organization of the exhibition committee; co-optation of members (Hoffmann, Herrmann, Gaul) into the committee; on the possibility of an exhibition of older English art from the possession of German princely houses (p. 50).<br />11 Nov. 11. 1907: Cancellations by foreign artists (Serow, Besnard) for the exhibition in the Academy; number of works to be submitted; Berlin members; catalogue, poster and admission tickets; sales; for the planned exhibition of English Art (pp. 50f.).<br />11 Dec. 1907: Decision to hold an exhibition of English Art; watercolour exhibition at the suggestion of Wilhelm II. (pp. 51f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1908: Kampf, Friedrich, Gaul, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Janensch, Justi, Koepping, Scheurenberg, Schmidt, Schwechten, Skarbina.<br />16. Jan. 1908: Photogravure edition of the exhibition of English Art; exhibition of the Werdandibund (pp. 51f.); exhibition of the Werdandibund (pp. 52).<br />4 March 1908: Income and expenditure of the exhibition English Art; exhibition Fritz Werner and Louis Jacoby; Marées exhibition at the suggestion of Meier-Graefe; exhibition on the occasion of the birthday of Wilhelm II. in 1909 with works by Schadow and members; plan of a memorial exhibition for the members Thumann und Ende (p. 53).<br />17 March 1908: to participate in the Brussels World Exhibition 1910; decision: Marées exhibition not in the Academy; application of the Association of German Sculptors for free admission; organisation of the exhibition committee; season tickets for the wives of the members (p. 53f).<br />23 Apr. 1908: Exhibition of the artistic estate of Peter Janssen; exhibition of older French art by the Deutsch-Französische Gesellschaft; member exhibition Jan. 1909; watercolour exhibition (pp. 54f.).<br />14 Aug. 1908: Constitution of the committee, election of Koepping as deputy chairman; election of the cooperative members to be co-opted; invitations to non-members (e.g. Slevogt, Orlik, Looschen, Kuehl) to the watercolour exhibition; proposals for the redesign of the exhibition rooms; Schadow exhibition, participation of non-members in the exhibition (pp. 56f.).<br />10 Oct. 1908: Watercolor exhibition (p. 58).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1909: Kampf, Friedrich, Gaul, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Janensch, Justi, Koepping, Lessing, Manzel, Scheurenberg, Schwechten, Skarbina.<br />18th Jan. 1909: Structure of the Schadow exhibition (p. 58).<br />26 Oct. 1909: Re-election of the co-opted cooperative members; resolution: no member exhibition in the winter of 1910/11; exhibition of French art of the 18th century. Reisinger's proposal: exhibition of American art; no Menzel memorial exhibition (pp. 58f.).<br />Dec. 8, 1909: planned exhibitions; design of the exhibition rooms; request for plaster casts of Pigalles Venus and Mercury; exhibition of a painting by Melchior Lechter in the Akademie-Saal (pp. 59f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1910: v. Groszheim, Amersdorffer, Frenzel, Gaul, Herrmann, Kampf, Manzel, Scheurenberg, Schwechten.<br />19. July 1910: composition of the committee 1910/11 (list of names); constitution of the committee and election of Arthur Kampf as chairman; German Arts and Crafts Exhibition in Rio de Janeiro; exhibition of watercolours and plans of the Chicago Commercial Club in the academy at March's suggestion; exhibition of members 1911 (Bl. 60f.).<br />28 Oct. 1910: Non-members to be invited to the members' exhibition (list of names); co-optation of Frenzel (instead of Herrmann) to the committee (pp. 61f.).<br />21 Dec. 1910: Member exhibition in winter 1911, especially exhibition conditions; exhibition of East Asian art 1911; Knaus- and Woldemar-Friedrich memorial exhibition in connection with a Löfftz exhibition; exhibition of the Italian painters Fornara and Breviati (Bl. 62f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1911: v. Groszheim, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Gaul, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Justi, Kampf, Koepping, Manzel, Rüfer, Scheurenberg, Schmidt.<br />16 Jan 1911: Visit of the rooms of the winter exhibition; Bismarck portrait of Knaus; no permission to exhibit the anniversary portfolio of the Verein für Originalradierung; rejection of Eberlein's request for an exhibition of a work; approval of the request of Justi for an exhibition of the new acquisitions of the Nationalgalerie; renunciation of a Löfftz exhibition; support of a memorial exhibition for Knaus and Friedrich (Bl. 64f.).<br />7 Nov. 1911 (together with the Committee for General and Administrative Affairs): Constitution of the Committee and election of Koepping as Chairman; Debate on an exhibition of homage to Wilhelm II by the artists of Berlin (at Manzel's suggestion); Anniversary Medal (pp. 68f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1912: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Kampf, Koepping, Scheurenberg.<br />9 Dec. 1912: Constitution of the committee, co-optation of members of the cooperative; Hertel exhibition; resolution: no sale of photographs in the exhibitions; exhibitions about Wallot and O. Lessing; Anniversary exhibition: rejection of the exhibition of drawings by Kallmorgen (pp. 72f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1913: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Liebermann, Kayser, Koepping, Scheurenberg.<br />22nd Jan. 1913: Anniversary exhibition: concept for the exhibition, renovation of the exhibition halls, Hoffmann's request for his own space within the exhibition, March's opera house design and the possible exhibition of the other opera house designs (Bl. 73f.).<br />21 Oct. 1913: Constitution of the committee, election of Koepping as deputy chairman, co-optation of members of the cooperative; proposals: Exhibition about Leibl and his circle, member exhibition (p. 76).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1914: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Jacob, Janensch, Kampf, Kayser, Klimsch, Liebermann, Schaper, Seeling.<br />17th Febr. 1914: Draft of regulations for the exhibitions of the academy; list of suggestions for the guests of the next member exhibition (e.g. Corinth, Trübner, Kuehl, Sterl, Kolbe, Barlach, Zürcher); proposals for collective exhibitions: Koepping, Anton v. Werner, v. Uhde, v. Bartels; rejection of a memorial exhibition for Friedrich Martersteig; no consent to an international art exhibition of female artists (Bl. 77).<br />Dec. 14, 1914: Constitution of the committee and election of Otto H. Engel as deputy chairman; co-optation of cooperative members; planned academy exhibition (p. 78).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1915: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Hoffmann, Hübner, Jacob, Janensch, Kallmorgen, Kampf, Kayser, Klimsch, Liebermann, Schaper, Schwechten, Seeling.<br />28th Jan. 1915: Preparation of an Anton v.-Werner exhibition; member exhibition (p. 79).<br />15 Febr. 1915: no event of a v.-Werner exhibition on the advice of Wilhelm II; proposals for the members' exhibition, list of guests to be invited, including Corinth, Orlik, Baluschek, Kolbe (pp. 80f.).<br />16 June 1915: constitution of the committee, assumption of the chairmanship by Manzel, co-optation of members of the cooperative; advice on proposals for the purchase of works of art (pp. 80f.); proposal for the purchase of works of art (pp. 80f.). 82).<br />Dec. 9, 1915: Election of Major Schweitzer to the commission as representative of the army for the planned exhibition of war paintings, consultation on the regulations for this exhibition (Bl. 82).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1916: Schwechten, Amersdorffer, Engel, Herrmann, Liebermann.<br />29 Dec. 1916: Constitution of the committee and co-optation of members of the cooperative; proposals for exhibitions in 1917: Alfred-Rethel-, Schwarz-Weiß-, Kriegsbilder- und Türkische Ausstellung (Bl. 84).<br />Participants in meetings in 1917: Schwechten, Amersdorffer, Engel, Herrmann, Hoffmann, Hübner, Janensch, Kallmorgen, Liebermann, Manzel, Major Schweitzer.<br />17 Jan. 1917: Recommendation: renouncement of the planned black-and-white exhibition in favor of a comprehensive Rethel exhibition (p. 84).<br />7 March 1917: postponement of the Rethel exhibition to a point in time after the end of the war; co-optation of Schweitzer to the committee; approval of the regulations for the exhibition of German, Austro-Hungarian, and Bulgarian war pictures (p. 84). 85).<br />Participants in meetings in 1919: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Bestelmeyer, Engel, Franck, Geyger, Kampf, Klimsch, Liebermann, Looschen, Makowsky, Starck.<br />Febr. 1, 1919: Decision to extend the circle of participating artists as far as possible, list of guests to be invited (including Hans Purrmann, Emil R. Weiß, Magnus Zeller, Oskar Kokoschka, Max Pechstein, Emil Orlik, Buno Paul, Paul Mebes, Alfred Breslauer, Peter Behrens; addresses, notes, sheets, etc.). 85f.).<br />14 March 1919: Preparation of the 1919 exhibition: list of guests to be invited, additions to the exhibition commission, proposals for special exhibitions: Tuaillon, Friese, arts and crafts department after consultation with Bruno Paul, for a graphics department possibly with the participation of Käthe Kollwitz, no invitation from architects (pp. 86f.).<br />2 Apr. 1919: Preparation of the exhibition 1919: addition to the guest list, including Heckel, Kirchner, Franz Marc; proposals for special exhibitions: Tuaillon, Friese, Lehmbruck, Dora Hitz, architecture exhibition, determination of studio visits with the intended guests for the selection of the works of art (pp. 87f.).<br />29 Apr. 1919: preparation of the exhibition 1919, invitation of further guests; proposal: portrait exhibition in Nov. 1919 (pp. 88f.).<br />20 Sept. 1919: for the transfer of exhibition rooms to former soldiers; exhibition of portraits; theatre exhibition (pp. 89f.).<br />27 Oct. 1919: exhibition of portraits, including works by Anton Graff from the possession of the Academy as well as works from the possession of Liebermann (pp. 90).<br />Nov. 3, 1919: Cooptation of the director of the portrait department of the National Gallery, Mackowsky, into the exhibition commission; specifications for the exhibition of portraits (p. 91).<br />Nov. 13, 1919: Exhibition of portraits (p. 91f.).<br />Nov. 20, 1919: Exhibition of portraits, et al. Liebermann's suggestion not to exhibit contemporary works (pp. 92f.).<br />December 1, 1919: Definition of the portrait exhibition: no contemporary artists, modern portraits as part of the spring exhibition 1920; new lighting in the exhibition rooms (pp. 92f.). 93).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1920: Manzel, Amersdorffer, Engel, Franck, Geyger, Hoffmann, Kampf, Klimsch, Lederer, Liebermann, Looschen, Mackowsky, Seeck, Starck, Bräuning; Jessen and Freudenberg from the Association of Model Industrialists.<br />11 Febr. 1920: Portrait exhibition (p. 94).<br />24 March 1920: Portrait exhibition; members' exhibition autumn 1920; members' tour of the exhibitions in Düsseldorf, Munich and Dresden (p. 96).<br />21 Febr. 1920: Portrait exhibition (p. 94).<br />21 March 1920: Portrait exhibition; members' exhibition autumn 1920; members' tour of the exhibitions in Düsseldorf, Munich and Dresden (p. 96).<br />21 Febr. 1920: Portrait exhibition (p. 94).<br />21 March 1920: Members' exhibition autumn 1920; members' tour of the exhibitions in Düsseldorf, Munich and Dresden (p. 96).<br />21 Febr />11 Febr />11 />21 Febr />11 />11. June 1920: Member exhibition; visit of various foreign exhibitions; architecture exhibition; black-and-white exhibition spring 1921; theatre exhibition (page 97f.).<br />7 July 1920: guests for the autumn exhibition (list of names); architecture exhibition in spring 1921 (page 99f.).<br />14 July 1920: Liebermann's proposals for the reorganization of the exhibitions in the academy (jury, relationship to modernism, etc.); autumn exhibition, etc: Members of the exhibition commission as jury; Architecture exhibition (pp. 101-103).<br />21 July 1920: Autumn exhibition (press release, programme, admission requirements, schedule; pp. 104).<br />15 Sept. 1920: Exemption from the luxury tax at academic exhibitions; invitations to artists to send out items to the autumn exhibition (including Max Beckmann, Heckel, Hofer, Walser); exhibition 'Farbe und Mode' ('Colour and Fashion') of the Verband der Mode-Industriellen ('Association of Model Industrialists'); request to exhibit works from the estate of Max Klinger (Bl. 105f.).<br />22 Sept. 1920: Approval of the exhibition 'Colour and Fashion', if artistic aspects are decisive; further guests for the autumn exhibition, e.g. Schmidt-Rottluff and Partikel (Bl. 107).<br />7 Oct. 1920: Approval of the exhibition 'Colour and Fashion', if artistic aspects are decisive; further guests for the autumn exhibition, e.g. Schmidt-Rottluff and Partikel (Bl. 107).<br />7 Oct. 1920: Approval of the exhibition 'Colour and Fashion', if artistic aspects are decisive; further guests for the autumn exhibition, e.g. Schmidt-Rottluff and Partikel (Bl. 107).<br />7 Oct. 1920: Approval of the exhibition 'Colour and Fashion', if artistic aspects are decisive; further guests for the autumn exhibition, e.g. Schmidt-Rottluff and Partikel (Bl. 107). 1920: Autumn exhibition, further invitations, exposé (pp. 108f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1921: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Bestelmeyer, Dettmann, Engel, Gaul, Geyger, Franck, Hoffmann, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Lederer, Looschen, Slevogt, Starck.<br />7th Jan. 1921: New constitution of the committee, retirement of Manzel, Bestelmeyer, Jaeckel, election of Gaul, Dettmann, Kollwitz; black-and-white exhibition, programme; suggestion by Slevogt: exhibition of stage designs (p. 110).<br />7th Febr. 1921: Non-members to be invited to the black-and-white exhibition, list of names, separated according to artists who were represented at the autumn exhibition 1920 and other artists, e.g. George Grosz, Paul Klee, de Fiori (pp. 110f.).<br />14 March 1921: Black-and-white exhibition, e.g. of drawings by Max Klinger; list of names of non-members to be invited (Alfred Kubin, Emy Roeder-Garbe, among others); exhibition on architecture in landscape and cityscape (pp. 112f.).<br />30 March 1921: black-and-white exhibition, et al. Drawings by Max Klinger; notes on the participants in the exhibition, rejection of Heckel's participation; no catalogue (pp. 114f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1922: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Hübner, Franck, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Lederer, Looschen, Slevogt, Starck.<br />19th Jan. 1922: Election of Georg Kolbe (for the late August Gaul), co-optation of Eichhorst; spring exhibition: programme, schedule, list of names of non-members to be invited, including Christian Rohlfs, Friedrich Ahlers-Hestermann, Karl Albiker, Renée Sintenis; proposal by Liebermann: memorial exhibition for Gaul (Bl. 115-117).<br />6 March 1922: Memorial exhibition for Gaul in collaboration with Paul Cassirer, autumn 1922; rejection of an application by Eberlein to organize a collective exhibition; spring exhibition, further guests (Bl. 118).<br />Apr. 3, 1922: Spring exhibition (further participants, timetable, catalogue production questionable); Gaul memorial exhibition (pp. 119f.).<br />Dec. 21, 1922: rejection of a Curt-Kroner exhibition; Spring exhibition 1923: timetable, admission requirements (e.g. re-admission of free submissions), exhibition rooms, list of names of non-members to be invited (e.g. Rudolf Levy), programme, selling prices, difficulties in producing a catalogue, exhibition advertising, including the erection of flagpoles (pp. 122f.).<br />Participants in the 1923 meetings: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hofer, Hoffmann, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Lederer, Slevogt, Starck.<br />19 Febr. 1923: Election of Hofer to the commission (instead of the deceased Looschen); Looschen memorial exhibition; sending of the spring exhibition; letter Kallmorgens; exhibition of Berlin art in Nuremberg; academy exhibition in Dresden (Bl. 124).<br />5 March 1923: Spring exhibition (further non-members, e.g. Munch, Dix and Wilhelm Schmid); exhibitions in Nuremberg and Dresden (p. 125).<br />19 March 1923: Spring exhibition (further guests, e.g. Munch, Dix and Wilhelm Schmid).<br />19 March 1923: Spring exhibition (further guests, e.g. Munch, Dix and Wilhelm Schmid).a. Charlotte Berend-Corinth (pp. 125f.).<br />26. March 1923: Spring exhibition (flagpoles, participants; pp. 126).<br />9. Apr. 1923: Spring exhibition (pp. 127).<br />26. June 1923: Reconstruction of the sculpture halls; exhibition in Nuremberg; exhibition of Berlin art in Dresden; exhibition of Italian paintings of the 17th and 18th centuries; black-and-white exhibition; Hungarian exhibition (pp. 128f.).<br />28th Aug. 1923: black-and-white exhibition, with list of names; graphic exhibition in Berlin in connection with artists of the Ruhr area (pp. 131f.).<br />14th Dec. 1923: Kruse's works in the spring exhibition (pp. 132).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1924: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hofer, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kolbe, Kollwitz, Lederer, Pechstein, Starck.<br />10. Jan. 1924: Spring exhibition: Admission of free entries, list of non-members to be invited (Bl. 133f.).<br />8 Febr. 1924: Spring exhibition: spatial distribution of collective exhibitions, to different participants (p. 136).<br />9 Apr. 1924: Spring exhibition: to different participants, evt. No production of catalogues (sheet 136).<br />27 June 1924: Black and white exhibition in autumn 1924, within this exhibition a section with representatives of modern architecture (among others Poelzig, Behrens, Mendelsohn, Mies van der Rohe, Luckhardt), inclusion of watercolours in the black-and-white exhibition, collective exhibitions by Dix, Walser, Albiker, Munch, Zille among others; list of names of artists invited without jury (pp. 137f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1925: Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hofer, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Kraus, Liebermann, Paul, Poelzig, Seeck, Slevogt, Starck, Schüler.<br />12 Jan. 1925: Exhibition of Italian Art; Spring Exhibition, List of Jury-free Invited Artists (Bl. 139f.).<br />13 Febr. 1925: exhibitions of Italian art and American architecture, Christian-Bernhard-Rode exhibition; exhibition of old Dutch paintings from Goudstikker's collection; spring exhibition, etc.a. Proposal by Hofer: Invitation of the November Group (pp. 141f.).<br />6 March 1925: Spring exhibition, including participation of the Munich New Secession, invitation of members of the Berlin Secession Hans Gerson and Josef Oppenheimer; exhibition of old Dutch paintings from Goudstikker's estate; preparation of the Thoma exhibition (pp. 143).<br />7 Aug. 1925: Corinth exhibition, collaboration with Corinth's widow; black-and-white exhibition, and others. List of names of guests to be invited; cancellation of the Goudstikker exhibition; group exhibition of Austrian artists; collection of Munich artists; Swedish exhibition (pp. 144f.).<br />24th Aug. 1925: Corinth exhibition; black and white exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited; exhibition of American architecture; Swedish exhibition (pp. 146f.).<br />15th Dec. 1925: exhibition of New American Architecture, inspiration and compilation of materials by pupils (pp. 148f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1926: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Bertling, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, E. Hancke, Hofer, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kraus, Pechstein, Poelzig, Schüler, Seeck, Starck, Wach.<br />4 Jan. 1926: Exhibition of New American Architecture: supporting programme, formation of a working committee, design of the catalogue (p. 150).<br />5 Febr. 1926: Spring exhibition, etc. Liebermann's proposal to present a collection of masterpieces of older painting within the exhibition; Corinth exhibition; exhibition of designs for the Cologne skyscraper project; Picasso exhibition at the Nationalgalerie (pp. 151f.).).<br />12 Febr. 1926: Spring exhibition, list of names of artists to be invited jury-free (pp. 153f.).<br />23 March 1926: Spring exhibition, including the collection of masterpieces from the second half of the 19th century (pp. 155f.).<br />23 Febr. July 1926: Autumn exhibition, list of names of artists to be invited free of jury; decision: reporting to the members on the results of the exhibitions; exhibition of Wrages Dante woodcuts (pp. 157f.).<br />1 Nov. 1, 1926; exhibition of Wrages Dante woodcuts (pp. 157f.). 1926: to the exhibition of Thoma-Graphik; rejection of an exhibition of Dutch graphics; black-and-white exhibition (pp. 159f.).<br />11 Dec. 1926: Liebermann exhibition, oil paintings and sketches, list of proposed works (pp. 161).<br />17 Dec. 1926: Approval of the list of works for the Liebermann exhibition (sheet 162).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1927: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hancke, Hofer, Hoffmann, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Kraus, Pechstein, Starck, Feilchenfeldt, Krecker, Schomann.<br />6. Jan. 1927: Thoma-Graphik-Ausstellung (Bl. 163).<br />27. Jan. 1927: Spring exhibition, lists of artists to be invited jury-free and non-jury-free, further invitations, e.g. L. Ury, Nolde (pp. 163-165).<br />11 March 1927: Preparation of the Liebermann exhibition, difficulties with lenders; spring exhibition (pp. 166f.).<br />2 Apr. 1927: on the inclusion of Hugo Vogel's portrait of the President of the Reich Court Simons in the exhibition (pp. 166f.). 168).<br />Apr. 7, 1927: Rejection of the exhibition of Hugo Vogel's portrait of the President of the Reich Court Simons (p. 169).<br />May 16, 1927: Liebermann exhibition; honors to Liebermann's 80th birthday Birthday, exhibitions of Liebermann's pastels by Bruno Cassirer, of Liebermann's drawings and graphics by Paul Cassirer (pp. 170f.).<br />8 July 1927: Renovation of the exhibition rooms, determination of the materials and colours to be used, outline sketch for the installation of the doors (pp. 172).<br />27 July 1927: Autumn exhibition, including a collective exhibition by Käthe Kollwitz, debate with Liebermann about Nolde's invitation, list of names of guests to be invited; structural changes: Relocation of the doors in the exhibition halls (pp. 173-176).<br />23 Aug. 1927: Renovation of the exhibition halls; change of the admission requirements for exhibitions: in future only distinction between academy members and guests, renunciation of the designation 'jury-free', correspondence on the rejection of Vogel's portrait of Simons; autumn exhibition, various applications for the organisation of collective exhibitions, addition to the guest list, including Schrimpf (pp. 177f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1928: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Bruno Cassirer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kraus, Pechstein, Starck, Solmssen, Jung.<br />11 Jan. 1928: Correspondence on the rejection of H. Vogel's portrait of Simons; co-optation of Georg Kolbe into the commission; Austrian graphics exhibition; spring exhibition, including proposals for collective exhibitions by Hagemeister, Zille, inclusion of competition works for the State Prize, foundation of prizes for painters and sculptors at the academy exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited (Bl. 179-181).<br />8 Febr. 1928: Schönleber exhibition; Albrecht-Dürer exhibition; spring exhibition; Kolbe rejects cooperation in the commission (pp. 182f.).<br />5 March 1928: spring exhibition, et al. State awards granted for the exhibition, medals awarded; exhibition of Swedish 18th century painting; Meurer exhibition; promotion of the academy exhibitions by a financially strong circle of friends; foundation of prizes for private exhibitions (sheet 184f.).<br />30. Apr. 1928: Advice on the participants in the spring exhibition, report on the donated prizes; debate on the provision of academy rooms for an exhibition of Bavarian art by the Munich Secession (Bl. 186f.).<br />23. May 1928: Proposals for award winners of private foundations in the spring exhibition (George Grosz, Erich Waske, Alfred Partikel, Otto Freytag, Hans Joachim Lau, Max Neumann, Ernst Wilhelm Nay); founding of a society for the promotion of art at the suggestion of Max Liebermann (Bl. 188f.).<br />19 July 1928: Cooptation of Bruno Cassirer into the exhibition commission; Slevogt exhibition (pp. 190f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1929: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Engel, Franck, Hoffmann, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kraus, Pechstein, Starck, Director Drescher, Kommerzienrat Gugenheim.<br />30 Jan 1929: Exhibition of Chinese Art; Life and Knaus Exhibition; Collective Exhibitions within the Spring Exhibition, List of Names of Guests to Invite; Poelzig Exhibition (Bl. 192-194).<br />3 Apr. 1929: Leibl exhibition, definition; Poelzig exhibition; spring exhibition, list of further guests to be invited; exhibition of the State Collection for German Ethnology at the Academy; Knaus exhibition; spring exhibition 1930; Schmutzer exhibition; erection of flagpoles in front of the Academy (sheet 196-198).<br />3 May 1929: Spring Exhibition; Lighting in the Exhibition Rooms (pp. 199f.).<br />28 June 1929: Laureates of Private Foundations at the Spring Exhibition (E. L. Kirchner and Xaver Fuhr, Erich Geiseler and Richard Martin Werner; pp. 201f.).<br />2 Aug. 1929: Ludwig Knaus Memorial Exhibition; Graf Kalckreuth Exhibition; Poelzig Exhibition; Rembrandt Exhibition; State Prize Exhibition; Autumn Exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited without jury (pp. 203f.).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1930: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Breslauer, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hoffmann, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Kraus, Pechstein, Seeck, Starck.<br />10th Jan. 1930: Spring exhibition 1930, list of names of guests to be invited without jury, applications for collective exhibitions, e.g. Klimsch, Ludwig Cauer; exhibition of Philipp Franck's watercolours; exhibition of Pechstein's glass paintings for a bathing establishment built by Tessenow; exhibition of the Max Böhm Collection; exhibition of Seché's graphic works (Bl. 205-210).<br />21 March 1930: Spring exhibition; exhibition of the Max Böhm Collection; Daumier exhibition; exhibition on Orlik and his school; participation of the Academy in the exhibition 'Altes Berlin. Foundations of the Metropolis'; Poelzig exhibition; exhibition of modern Japanese painting 1931; international exhibition of the Carnegie Institute; Goethe exhibition (Kippenberg Collection, Leipzig; pp. 211-213).<br />11 Nov. 1930: Debate on the proposal to organise an architecture exhibition 1931; debate on the artists to be invited to the spring exhibition 1931, and on the artists to be invited to the spring exhibition 1931.a. Munch, Hofer, Kolbe, Belling; discussion with the art dealer Flechtheim (pp. 214-216).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1931: Liebermann, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Franck, Hübner, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Kraus, Pechstein, Slevogt, Starck.<br />20 Febr. 1931: Spring exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited without jury, collective exhibitions, including Emil Orlik exhibition, Poelzig exhibition; architecture exhibition; German-Danish exhibition; Frank Lloyd Wright exhibition; Erna Frank memorial exhibition (pp. 217-221).<br />11 March 1931: Spring exhibition, collective exhibitions, list of names of invited guests, including Marcks (pp. 222-224).<br />18 Apr. 1931: Laureates of private foundations at the spring exhibition (Meyboden, Wieschebrink, Peiffer Watenphul, Schade and Jenny Wiegmann Mucchi (pp. 225).<br />24 July 1931: Autumn exhibition, lists of names of guests to be invited (pp. 226-228).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1932: Franck, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Engel, Kampf, Klimsch, Kollwitz, Starck.<br />15 June 1932: Autumn exhibition, u.a. Kollektivausstellung Ulrich Hübner, Namensliste des Einladungden Gäste; rejection of the application for an exhibition of modern school sign teaching in the Academy (pp. 229-233).<br />5th Sept. 1932: Autumn exhibition, Hübner collective exhibition, opening speech by Liebermann, fixing of admission prices; title of the spring exhibition (pp. 234-236).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1933: Franck, Amersdorffer, Dettmann, Eichhorst, Engel, Klimsch, Kollwitz (until 9th century). Febr. 1933), Kraus, Pechstein, Starck.<br />9 Febr. 1933: Spring and autumn exhibition, including Slevogt memorial exhibition, list of names of guests to be invited for the spring exhibition (pp. 237-240).<br />27 March 1933: Spring exhibition, determination: Exclusion of Jewish artists from the exhibition, communication to Büttner, Großmann, Levy, Meidner, Tappert, Wollheim, Josef Steiner, Jankel Adler, Klee, Schroetter, Feibusch, Radziwill, Isenstein, Moissej Kogan, Sopher, from sending in their works; no exhibitions of works by the architect Kreis and landscape sketches by Steinhausen (Bl. 241f.).<br />24 Apr. 1933: Resignation of Philipp Franck as chairman of the exhibition commission and chairman of the department for the fine arts; co-optation of further commission members instead of Franck, Hübner and Kollwitz); spring exhibition (Bl. 243).<br />4. May 1933: Inquiry for 'Aryan descent' at senders for the spring exhibition (sheet 244).<br />8. Aug. 1933: Exhibition of cartons by Peter v. Cornelius instead of the autumn exhibition (sheet 245).<br />Enth. et al: Provisions for the Standing Committees of the Royal Academy of Arts, List of Members 1910/11 (pp. 23f., 29f.), 1911/12 (pp. 32f., 36f., 66f.), 1912/13 (pp. 70f., 75), 1913/14, 1915/16 (pp. 16-18), 1916/17 (pp. 83), 1920 (pp. 95). Regulations for the exhibition of the Akademie der Künste, each spring 1923, 1924, 1928, 1929, 1930, 1931 (pp. 121, 135, 183, 195, 210, 221); program for the black and white exhibition of the Akademie der Künste zu Berlin 1923, 1927, 1931, 1932 (pp. 130, 176, 228, 233). Outline sketch of the exhibition halls 3 to 7 of the Academy, 1927 (pp. 172).<br />Enth. also: Letter from Schadow to Minister v. Altenstein, 9 June 1832 (transcript), on the establishment of a department for musical composition (pp. 4-11).<br />Protocols of the meetings of the Committee for Awards:<br />Participants in the meetings in 1910: Kampf, v. Groszheim, Amersdorffer, Friedrich, Gernsheim, H. Herrmann, Humperdinck, Janensch, Kayser, Mohn, Skarbina.<br />25 Febr. 1910: Consultation on the awarding of the professor's title to Feddersen, Jessen, W. Kuhnert, the professor and Baurat title to the architect Schaedler; decree of 7 Dec. 1909 (p. 19).<br />26 Apr. 1910: Rejection of the award of the title of professor to Klein-Chevalier, endorsement of Carl Ludwig Jessen (p. 20).<br />23. May 1910: Advocating the award of the title of professor of the King of Württemberg to the sculptor Bredow (p. 21).<br />1 June 1910: Rejection of the award of the title of professor to Albert Manthe (p. 21).<br />29 June 1910: Rejection of the award of the title of professor to the Berlin painters Willi Döring and Mattschaß (p. 22).<br />28 Oct. 1910: Members of the committee 1910/11, constitution of the committee and election of the chairman; no endorsement of the award of the title of professor to Adolf Hering, advice on an award for Georg Noack, Berlin, no endorsement of the award of the title of professor to the painter Hugo Ulbrich and the architect Paul Mebes (Berlin); adjournment of the advice on a proposal for a knight of the order Pour le mérite für Wissenschaften und Künste as successor to the musician Auguste Gevaert (Bl. 25-27).<br />Participants in the meetings in 1911: Kampf, Amersdorffer, Janensch, Kiesel, Manzel, Schwechten.<br />10 May 1911: Award of the royal Saxon professorial title to the painter Woldemar v. Reichenbach, no endorsement of the award of the professorial title to the painter Langer as well as to the sculptors Nikolaus Friedrich and Rusche (pp. 28f.).<br />20. Sept. 1911: Constitution of the committee, election of Manzel as chairman; no endorsement of the award of the title of professor to the sculptors Menter and Richter; no endorsement of the award of the title of professor to the painter Jüttner; no decision for the architect Laur (p. 34).<br />Protocols of the meetings of the committee for elections:<br />19 Oct. 1910 (v. Groszheim, Amersdorffer, Janensch, Scheurenberg, Schwechten): Members of the committee 1910/11, constitution of the committee and election of Scheurenberg as chairman; proposals for the elections of the eight members and three deputies for the Landeskunstkommission; successors for the deceased members Skarbina and Friedrich in the committees for general affairs and academic exhibitions (Bl. 31, 35).<br />8 July 1911 (Scheurenberg, Janensch, Koepping, G. Koch, Kampf): Proposals for substitute elections for the standing committees 1911/12 (p. 35).<br />10. June 1912 (Kampf, Janensch): Proposals for replacement elections for the standing committees 1912/13 (p. 38).<br />27 June 1913 (Manzel, Meyerheim, Schaper, Rüfer, Amersdorffer): Proposals for new elections for the standing committees (p. 39).